Hero Feature - Information, Pictures and More [7 Threads Merged!!!]
His gnarled fingers clearly point to him being a necro. And there are 12 heroes listed in the pc gamer story, meaning one is left out on the website. That 12th hero, is more than likely a paragon.
"Morgahn - A former general in the service of the Kourna, Morgahn is betrayed by his allies and seeks vindication with your aid."
oh and yes, its been discussed before.
"Morgahn - A former general in the service of the Kourna, Morgahn is betrayed by his allies and seeks vindication with your aid."
oh and yes, its been discussed before.
By the look of him, I think he's a Necromancer.
Lord Aro
Think he's Shiro in disguise... ok maybe not.
What I hope for is a */*. You can change his primary and secondary. His armor will automatically become the base for the new primary. That way he can be used as a future expansion class.
What I hope for is a */*. You can change his primary and secondary. His armor will automatically become the base for the new primary. That way he can be used as a future expansion class.
Former Ruling
In the Gameplay Trailer 2 he was a Necromancer.
His little "control your hero" window was up (where you can use their skills for them), and he was Necromancer with all Necromancer skills.
His little "control your hero" window was up (where you can use their skills for them), and he was Necromancer with all Necromancer skills.
My guess is that you can make him any character combination you want. This solves the problem where you may have picked incorrectly between other mutually exclusive heroes early on.
Rex the Unloving
Originally Posted by Lord Aro
Think he's Shiro in disguise... ok maybe not.
What I hope for is a */*. You can change his primary and secondary. His armor will automatically become the base for the new primary. That way he can be used as a future expansion class. |
Polgara Darshiva
He stands like a necro and in the second in game cinematic available on guildwars.com he uses necromancer skills and is set to a primary necro with no secondary.
isamu kurosawa
Originally Posted by Polgara Darshiva
He stands like a necro and in the second in game cinematic available on guildwars.com he uses necromancer skills and is set to a primary necro with no secondary.
http://guildwars.systemshock.co.za/i...rofwhisper.jpg |
I don't think Masters of Whispers will have a clean template, like you can choose which primary and secondary profession he has.
It will take a lot of time creating a build, giving him other weapons and changing his armour that match his new primary. Also, you'll waste any runes you attached to his armour when you change his primary.
Personally, from what I've seen of 'evidence' I think MoW is a necro.
It will take a lot of time creating a build, giving him other weapons and changing his armour that match his new primary. Also, you'll waste any runes you attached to his armour when you change his primary.
Personally, from what I've seen of 'evidence' I think MoW is a necro.
Originally Posted by Sli Ander
(such as a new class from a future campaign or something inspired by a concept class)
Polgara Darshiva
View the screenshot

Originally Posted by Tact
I don't think Masters of Whispers will have a clean template, like you can choose which primary and secondary profession he has.
Master of whispers is a touch ranger, :P
The confirmed necro's name is "Olias"
No Paragon or Rt listed so far.
There is however Razah, a hero on which the players can change the primary profession.
the master of whispers could be something similar, or he might just be a plot element with special powers, hence two elites, Sugarfree coke spike items, celestial wand of tenguslaying etc.
Those able to read German find the list containing 14 heroes here:
notice how the Author is credited as NCSoft. This is not something the wartower conjured from their celestial behinds.
No Paragon or Rt listed so far.
There is however Razah, a hero on which the players can change the primary profession.
the master of whispers could be something similar, or he might just be a plot element with special powers, hence two elites, Sugarfree coke spike items, celestial wand of tenguslaying etc.
Those able to read German find the list containing 14 heroes here:
notice how the Author is credited as NCSoft. This is not something the wartower conjured from their celestial behinds.
Nightfalls answer to gwen, perhaps?
Amity and Truth
The Master of Whispers is imho the ritualist.
Seeking ghosts and dealing with demons? Check. :P
Communing is some sort of Ghostwhispering and that doesn't have to collide with the spy rumor about him. He could be using the spirits to spy on others.
By the way:
Whispering Ritual Lord...
But we can just guess anyways.
Seeking ghosts and dealing with demons? Check. :P
Communing is some sort of Ghostwhispering and that doesn't have to collide with the spy rumor about him. He could be using the spirits to spy on others.
By the way:
Whispering Ritual Lord...
But we can just guess anyways.
Former Ruling
Theres so much inconslusiveness with Heros is hard to say HARD SOLID that any of them are confirmed.
Though the rumor that master of whispers might be just a plot part, and not a hero you can take around and such seems like a good argument, given the mysterious storyline they have for him, and his unusual skill set in the trailer.
That skill bar could be just a product of testing though, testing how the skills interact with other skills - So there are instances 2 elites would be tested for necromancer.
Different Sites and magazines list off different heros (Even the Guildwars.com has two seperate articles showing heros, and there are differences between them).
Though the rumor that master of whispers might be just a plot part, and not a hero you can take around and such seems like a good argument, given the mysterious storyline they have for him, and his unusual skill set in the trailer.
That skill bar could be just a product of testing though, testing how the skills interact with other skills - So there are instances 2 elites would be tested for necromancer.
Different Sites and magazines list off different heros (Even the Guildwars.com has two seperate articles showing heros, and there are differences between them).
I think he will be like a special hero, where at a moment in the game you can choose his primary profession.
Neo Nugget
He has 2 elites in screenshot......mabey that cuz he capped one?Mabey there will be a gwen hero lol.jk.But yeah in the bio of him it says he travels to other lands.Is he the only one able to?
falling demon
if he really is allowed 2 elites, that would get major exploited.. dual attunes/ether prod AND lightning surge, Glyph of Renewal + (any elite that provides immunity to something, with a long recharge, e.g. Shadow Form, or Spell Breaker, or Mist Form etc.).. theres tons.. you could just tell him to use glyph then shadow form, and watch him unleash a massive combo.. then glyph and use shadow form again.. invinci-MoW
he could be a rit though, seeing as in the german version they DO have a necro and assassin, and even a variable one, *rubs hands* hey, no need to reroll mate, my hero will replace you
edit: haha, read the description on goren..
stick mending, healing hands and sprint on him, sounds just like a leeroy jenkins! he'd better be a normal warrior, and not like the description says
wouldn't it be funny to have 2 whammos (koss + goren) and the master of whispers configured to be a whammo, so we have 3 whammos with mending, HH, sprint, and the sword combo, carrying restore life!
he could be a rit though, seeing as in the german version they DO have a necro and assassin, and even a variable one, *rubs hands* hey, no need to reroll mate, my hero will replace you
edit: haha, read the description on goren..
Goren is big. Goren is strong. Goren is really, really good at sprinting into battle. Unfortunately, Goren isn't exactly the sharpest blade in the armory. |

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Also, considering necro is the only core profession that doesn't have a confirmed hero...

as i just posted:
Warrior: Koss, Goren
Elementalist: Zhed, Acolyte Sousuke
Monk: Tahlkora, Dunkoro
Ranger: Acolyte Jin, Margrid
Mesmer: Norgu (Actor)
Necromancer: Attoron
Derwish: Melonni
Paragon: Morgahn
Master of Whispers - (profession unknown, but seen acting as necro)
Kerak - probably Kerak = Acolyte Jin (from some recent pics i saw)

not that it really needed a lot...
So Olias is a Necro, Zenmai an Assassin, we're still missing a Ritualist (which, quite frankly, sounds like a done deal if unidentified yet with an Assassin in tow), we have an 'unknown' Master of Whispers guy with debate, and we have Razah, who *screams* the variability everyone is talking about and sounds like a must and quite frankly, is probably someone - or something - you get near the end of the game.
So hey Master of Whispers is someone to figure out, seems like Necro or Ritualist are reigning champs.
But boy check out Razah through babelfish - that's the one I'm interested in
And quite frankly with such abilities and access to skills, Razah >> anything your characters could ever hope to be. But as mentioned, it remains to be seen how that'll work with armor, runes, equipment... at the very least you'll be money-sinking a bit with this guy to leverage his flexibility and power.
Here's the babel of it:
So Olias is a Necro, Zenmai an Assassin, we're still missing a Ritualist (which, quite frankly, sounds like a done deal if unidentified yet with an Assassin in tow), we have an 'unknown' Master of Whispers guy with debate, and we have Razah, who *screams* the variability everyone is talking about and sounds like a must and quite frankly, is probably someone - or something - you get near the end of the game.
So hey Master of Whispers is someone to figure out, seems like Necro or Ritualist are reigning champs.
But boy check out Razah through babelfish - that's the one I'm interested in
And quite frankly with such abilities and access to skills, Razah >> anything your characters could ever hope to be. But as mentioned, it remains to be seen how that'll work with armor, runes, equipment... at the very least you'll be money-sinking a bit with this guy to leverage his flexibility and power.
Here's the babel of it:
Razah Informal hero "I live to serve over." Origin: The nebulas Older: Not applicably Class: Variable The Protomaterie, of which the nebulas consist, strives for creation and brings thereby often daemonisches life out in nightmareful shapes. However all creatures from the nebulas are not daemonisch. If the nebulas come into contact with a suitable human template, they can copy for example the shape of this humans and a feelingable nature with a humanoiden exterior as well as an almost human spirit to create. Razah is such a creature. The nature manifested itself directly in shape of attained full growth humans. It had the knowledge and the abilities of humans, has however no human understanding. As consequence of it Razah places strange questions over human feelings, thinks about human motives and tries to copy human characteristics. Razah is a contradiction in itself: in certain way more humanly than humans, in other way more in an inhuman way. It needs an identity, a personality and a purpose. Hopefully Razah finds its purpose in co-operation with a hero. Otherwise the creature could monstroesen to likewise and degenerate to inhuman Scheusal, as there is its daemonischen brothers. |
He may be able to be any profession and his attributes and armor changes accordingly. He could be a N/Mo one minute and a W/N the next. I'd really like to see that.
stick mending, healing hands and sprint on him, sounds just like a leeroy jenkins! he'd better be a normal warrior, and not like the description says wouldn't it be funny to have 2 whammos (koss + goren) and the master of whispers configured to be a whammo, so we have 3 whammos with mending, HH, sprint, and the sword combo, carrying restore life! |
ok who actually invented that warrior because I remember it was a pvp template :P.
think the combo was sever artery gash galgarath slash, final thrust, sprint, healing hands, mending ,restorel ife
Guildmaster Cain
On Razah: babelfish translation isnt that accurate. I would have translated Nebulas as the Mists. And ofcourse Deamonish would be Demon. And I think Scheusal would be translated as Ogre, but could aslo be Beast, Monster or Zombie. Maybe he has a special skill to transform into something that attacks anything that is around him, foes and party members alike...
Amity and Truth
Meh, you could just ask a german for a more accurate translation of Razah :P
My personal thoughts on this one:
I guess he will copy a character. Sort of like a Doppelganger. You wouldn't need to buy armor this way, he would just copy yours. You wouldn't have to assign skills, he'd copy yours.
Razah Formless Hero "I live to serve" Origin: The Mists Age: Not applicable Class: Variable The protomatter out of which the mists consist, strive for creation and often enough it springs demonic life in nightmarish shapes. However not all creatures from the mists are demonic. If the mists get in contact with a suitable human template, they can copy the appearance of that human and create a being capable of empathy and with a humanoid appearace as well as an almost human mind. Razah is such a creature. The creature directly manifested into the shape of an adult human. It posseses the knowledge an the skills of a human, but lacks the human mind. This is why Razah asks strange Questions about human emotions or ponders about human motives and trys to imitate them. Razah is a contradiction in itself: One way, he is more human than a human, otherwise, he is more unhuman. It needs an identity, a personality - a purpose. Hopefully Razah will find such a purpose in the collaboration with a hero. Otherwise the creature could degenerate into a monstrous and unhuman abomination, just like his brothers are. |
My personal thoughts on this one:
I guess he will copy a character. Sort of like a Doppelganger. You wouldn't need to buy armor this way, he would just copy yours. You wouldn't have to assign skills, he'd copy yours.
Merged yet another thread... how many threads do people need to post in order to dicuss the Master of Whispers!!! 

Ok well duh babel fish has its limitations, I was focusing on it's really looking like we're getting a character with class choice x/y rather than a set primary.
Point being everyone is getting in a bunch over Master of Whispers where Razah screams 'any' functionality. If that doesn't excite you, so be it
Point being everyone is getting in a bunch over Master of Whispers where Razah screams 'any' functionality. If that doesn't excite you, so be it
Where did you get the quotes on Razah? And is there one for the assassin as well? If its only in German then can you please translate the Assassin one, and if it has pics can I have a link?
I checked on GW.com and couldn't find it.
I checked on GW.com and couldn't find it.

Amity and Truth
They're from wartower.de (german) and sorry no images included. Anyways, here is the translation for the missing two:
Olias Obsessed Necromancer "Grenth lives! You however must die!" Origin: Tyria (Lion's Arch) Age: 31 Class: Necromancer Back a while Olias got his Orders from the White mantle but today he is walking his own paths. An encounter at the Temple of Ages convinced Olias that he has a special mission: He now serves as Grenths personal "Hand of Justice" and executes that what he regards as the will of his god. He is living a by basic principle. From those that die and return to life, grenth expects that they live their life good. If they don't do that Olias himself will take care that they will return to the cold embrace of the lord of death. Mysterious occurances in Elona are now forcing him to take action in the name of Grenth. The disquietness in the country is a sign for Olias that the gods themselves are at danger and that even the dead get restless in their sleep. He made a vow to Grenth that he will find the cause of the strange disease and eliminate it. Well and if grenth gets a few new servants, the more the better! Olias enjoys Death and Murder. He still likes to talk about other things once in a while but the conversation will ultimately return to Death and Murder sooner or later. |
Zenmai Apostate Assassin "I know this scent. It's the scent of death!" Origin: Cantha Age: 23 Class: Assassin Zenmai learned the ways of silent assassination as a member of the Am Fah in Cantha. She broke with the criminal group as the members of that organisation accepted the canthan Plague as a "Gift of the Gods". Now, she is Mo Zing - an errant Sword, an abondoned Assassin that sells her services to the ones bidding the most. She is suffering from a sense of guilt due to the disease that afflicted her former brothers and sisters but change is the only constant thing in her life. As the darkness grows she is feeling that an well known old Power returns and works behind the scenes. Who or whatever the cause for the plague may be: She wants to confront It. That, which devastated her country with this plague. |
gabrial heart
So I've heard 12, seen 11, then heard 14... So how many are there?
11 that a-net is showing us... 12 as mentioned in gamespot or 14 that are mentioned in ign's article. So is that 14 +2 if you own both previous campaigns? or 12 + 2? or is it 11+2? ahhhhh I'm so confused!
11 that a-net is showing us... 12 as mentioned in gamespot or 14 that are mentioned in ign's article. So is that 14 +2 if you own both previous campaigns? or 12 + 2? or is it 11+2? ahhhhh I'm so confused!
Lord Sarevok
Let's just say 14. No need to get confused. It's not out yet and you won't have them all for awhile. Why worry about it.
Horseman Of War
OK dealing with the number of Heros- Are we so sure that our Old characters will have access to all the heros from nightfall? I mean logically, everyone assumes that we will all have Koss- being the first one you recieve (skipping the tutorial puts Koss in your party even) in the preview...
How do I know my old characters will get Koss, since they will not do the tutorial at all when they boat on over..?
Granted at the completion of the story we get access to all of them (despite our Decide Quests), so ive read, so for my Canthan and Tyrian characters- can i expect to get Koss LAST?
does this make sense?
How do I know my old characters will get Koss, since they will not do the tutorial at all when they boat on over..?
Granted at the completion of the story we get access to all of them (despite our Decide Quests), so ive read, so for my Canthan and Tyrian characters- can i expect to get Koss LAST?
does this make sense?
SourceTodays Gamespot Article:
That said, I would imagine that there are 14 heroes. The 12 from the standard nightfall campaign and the 2 extras if you are merging accounts.
Of course, that is to say that the info is correct (considering A-net is linking the story at guildwars.com, i'm assuming yes). The bigger news would be confirming that you can take your heroes to other campaigns.
Meanwhile, there are 12 heroes in the game, and they're tightly woven into the story. Some missions require the presence of certain heroes, and other heroes will be available at the completion of other missions. In fact, you may have to choose between two different heroes to accompany you, which means the one that you don't choose won't be available until you beat the story and unlock everything in the game. ... (On a cool note, while you don't need to own Guild Wars or Guild Wars Factions to play Nightfall, there is a neat reward if you do. There's a unique hero based on each of those two campaigns, and you can travel back to Tyria and Cantha and unlock them. Not only that, but you can also adventure around the original campaign settings with your heroes.) |
Of course, that is to say that the info is correct (considering A-net is linking the story at guildwars.com, i'm assuming yes). The bigger news would be confirming that you can take your heroes to other campaigns.
Originally Posted by Horseman Of War
OK dealing with the number of Heros- Are we so sure that our Old characters will have access to all the heros from nightfall? I mean logically, everyone assumes that we will all have Koss- being the first one you recieve (skipping the tutorial puts Koss in your party even) in the preview...
How do I know my old characters will get Koss, since they will not do the tutorial at all when they boat on over..? Granted at the completion of the story we get access to all of them (despite our Decide Quests), so ive read, so for my Canthan and Tyrian characters- can i expect to get Koss LAST? does this make sense? |
Lord Palidore
The bigger news would be confirming that you can take your heroes to other campaigns. |
Altogether, I do believe we have 14 heroes then.
On the "Meet the Heroes" article, we are introduced to all the Nightfall heroes except General Morgahn (Who has already been confirmed in many Nightfall articles, as well as the Nightfall FAQ page on the main website).
In Factions, the hero we will have access to is apperantly Zenmai (confirmed in the second Nightfall trailer).
In Prophecies, according to super-fan contest winners, the Tyrian hero is a necromancer.
So 14 in all..cant wait

Apparently theres 17 14 + the two bonus ones from other campaigns and then the one thats from the mist and can change his primary and secondary proffesion.
Originally Posted by Cloudpiercer
Apparently theres 17 14 + the two bonus ones from other campaigns and then the one thats from the mist and can change his primary and secondary proffesion.
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Hero |
I'm pretty sure there will be two of every profession.
Originally Posted by sindex
Yeah that’s a bit puzzling isn’t? That’s what I was wondering about, since if you think about it, I thought there was 14 heroes in Nightfall plus 2 from the other campaigns which makes 16. GW Wiki stated that two of the necromancer might be one in the same though. Either it’s got its facts wrong or I smell something fishy from certain un-creditable journalism.