Originally Posted by Former Ruling
"Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? "
Rare/unique skin - Most greens don't have "rare/unique" skins, and the ones that do fall right into my original statement that the game allows for SOME greens to have more than basic usage.
Perfect mods - Anet's mission statement is balance among the game, Giving the poorer players the same "perfect" choices for mods as the people that can afford to pay 60k+ for a fortitude mod is right in line with that statement.
extremely difficult to procure - They are not extremely difficult to get. Look at a green by its market value, not how many times you have to kill a boss to get it. If a green takes 50 times killing a boss to get, but I can farm something easy like trolls a few times and just buy it - It is still Easy to get by the masses.
Anyway, this whole post seems to have the same attitude of "Why shouldn't they have to pay 100k+ for these items" that most farmers are blindly throwing around >_>
"Perfect mods - Anet's mission statement is balance among the game, Giving the poorer players the same "perfect" choices for mods as the people that can afford to pay 60k+ for a fortitude mod is right in line with that statement. "
This is what collectors and crafters are for.
"Rare/unique skin - Most greens don't have "rare/unique" skins, and the ones that do fall right into my original statement that the game allows for SOME greens to have more than basic usage."
All the greens that are worth anything have a rare/unique skin, or are very hard to farm. Kanaxai, Urgoz, Kaolin, Sunreach, Kunvie, Rajazan and others have unique/rare skins with nice mods. These could bring in a decent profit.
"extremely difficult to procure - They are not extremely difficult to get. Look at a green by its market value, not how many times you have to kill a boss to get it. If a green takes 50 times killing a boss to get, but I can farm something easy like trolls a few times and just buy it - It is still Easy to get by the masses."
I should have been more clear. By procure I meant kill the monster and get the item, not go to kaineng-1 and buy it. By that reasoning a req 8 15^50 20/20 +30 crystalline should be easy to procure; just go buy it.
"Anyway, this whole post seems to have the same attitude of "Why shouldn't they have to pay 100k+ for these items" that most farmers are blindly throwing around >_>"
I'm not interested in selling items above thier value. I mainly farmed sunreach and the Kaolin items, and sold them at the low value on the gwg price check for a quick sell. The generic "Farmers are evil because they wont give me items for free" argument is getting old. Generalizing like that makes you look like a fool, especially when what youre saying isn't true in most cases.