prices for greens




Join Date: Dec 2005

In the woods

Elite Crew


That's the problem, other players are obviously asshats. Look at this thread. People are complaining because they can only sell items for 10-30k instead of 70-100+k. They need to permanently increase the drop rates of greens tocap the insane economy since they refuse to add any sort of cross-continent, cross-server trading system like an auction house that might help put a lid on it.

well mr t you proved that your the only asshat here (whatever that means)

If you look at the definition of the item color system. it goes like this..

Grape (purple)
Rare (gold)
Uniqe (green)

Greens are thought of as uniqe items. now they are just merchant fodder 90% of the time.. you say also that people complain cause they can only sell greens now for 10-30k...

the only greens worth more than 10k now are rotscales bow (maybee) and the urgoz stuff..

other than that its all merchant fodder in my opinion..

and unlike your poor ass.. most of us would rather go have fun then sit and try to squeez 2-5k out of a hard to sell green in town...

so stop being mean in all your posts

besides i hear the real mr T is actually nice in real life.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

...deep within the sylvan splendor...

Order of the Migrating Coconuts [ALBA]

There ARE good people in this game. A friend and I were chatting ingame and she asked me if I'd gotten my greens. I told her no but that was ok...did she happen to have a certain collector's drop (I didn't have quite enough for the staff I was looking at). Next thing I know, she *gives* me a Stonereaper AND a Ghials .... just because she won't use them and was lucky over the weekend on her *one* run for greens!


(Yes, she is a superb person both ingame and out)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


I personally enjoyed the fact that greens dropped in price, but the worst thing about this event is the people crying about not being able to sell their greens for high prices. Someone actually posted saying that they should have sold their Ghials for 50k before the weekend which honestly made me laugh since there has always been at least 3 people in Kaineng d1 spamming "WTS Ghial's Staff 30k! Best MM Staff in Game!". I bought mine for 25k a month ago with minimal haggling and had 3 whispers after one post of WTB.

I do however hope that there arises some form of non-UW/SF farming that becomes profitable someday that is not solo since some of my most enjoyable moments were 5-man farming greens in SF when it opened up.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

Canyon, Texas

United Jedi


Originally Posted by Soccer55
I believe this was exactly the intent. Look at the timing of the event: 2 weeks before Nightfall goes live. This weekend allowed people to have a better chance of getting the greens that they've wanted since Factions was released, but were unable to get thus far. Then when Nightfall goes live, all of the people whining about not being able to take tens of platinum from the poor will have a new set of greens to farm up and sell to other players for outrageous prices (through spamming their ad in the all channel of course).

I have to agree with you. Its all part of the plan by Anet to make greens common in factions and to get players to purchase Nightfall and hustle so you can farm those, and make back your money.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Was there this event in Prophecies? No. Did people rush to farm greens in Factions anyway because they were new? Yes. Nuff said.

Tetris L

Tetris L

Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Servants of Fortuna

It's funny, really. Greedy farmers and traders got busted.

Before, when Gaile Gray asked for ideas for a Double Fun Weekend, all the farmers were asking for a double green drop weekend. The more, the merrier.

Afterwards, when they got what they wanted, the same farmers now complain that the prices dropped.

LOL, what were you expecting?? A license to print money? It's supply and demand. Look it up.

There's a saying in German: "Wash me, but don't make me wet!" Doesn't work.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
If you look at the definition of the item color system. it goes like this..

Grape (purple)
Rare (gold)
Uniqe (green)

Greens are thought of as uniqe items.
The problem with your list is that you imply a ranking order that doesn't exist in GW. Uniques are the same level as golds - but they are predefined in skin and properties, kind of a standard quality. They are the benchmark.
Rares don't have these standards, but may reach or surpass the same quality and can be individualy modded and offer different skins, so the perfect rare may well beat the pants off any unique...

Phoenix Ex

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Pfft....unsalvagable, unmoddable, undyable weapons should never be that expensive in the first place. I mean WTF, some green weapons were more expensive than some GOLD weapons out there .

Prices for green would definately rebound after this event, because it is ridiculously hard to farm the green at the old drop rate. Farm sskai twice, no drop, and the third time, Anti-farm code kicks in already. All the newer players coming in are going to demand those greens and the price will probably rise to reflect that. (Althought definately NOT as much, and that's as it should be).

Now...hopefully the same won't happen to gold weapons .


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Tetris L
It's funny, really. Greedy farmers and traders got busted.

Before, when Gaile Gray asked for ideas for a Double Fun Weekend, all the farmers were asking for a double green drop weekend. The more, the merrier.

Afterwards, when they got what they wanted, the same farmers now complain that the prices dropped.

LOL, what were you expecting?? A license to print money? It's supply and demand. Look it up.

There's a saying in German: "Wash me, but don't make me wet!" Doesn't work.
I solo farm quite a bit. It's how I make my money, so you could call me a farmer. I dont recall asking for double green drop weekend, let alone triple. The thing is, troll farming outside of Droks has become more profitable than farming most of the greens in Cantha, which I find absolutely absurd. Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? Greens aren't meant for anyone specifically. They're simply a reward for playing the game.

Phoenix Ex

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by JimmyDean
Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? Greens aren't meant for anyone specifically. They're simply a reward for playing the game.
Which is why they should increase the drop rate to 10x and keep it permanently that way....that is assuming they are going to keep gold weapon as rare as it is now....


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
Pfft....unsalvagable, unmoddable, undyable weapons should never be that expensive in the first place. I mean WTF, some green weapons were more expensive than some GOLD weapons out there .

Prices for green would definately rebound after this event, because it is ridiculously hard to farm the green at the old drop rate. Farm sskai twice, no drop, and the third time, Anti-farm code kicks in already. All the newer players coming in are going to demand those greens and the price will probably rise to reflect that. (Althought definately NOT as much, and that's as it should be).

Now...hopefully the same won't happen to gold weapons .
And that is why greens demand such high prices in some cases. They are highly sought after, and supply is limited.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Phoenix Ex
Which is why they should increase the drop rate to 10x and keep it permanently that way....that is assuming they are going to keep gold weapon as rare as it is now....
If you just want a max weapon or shield to use on your pve char, just pick up a collector item for 500g-1k in items, and add 1 point from perfect mods. It costs alot less, and will function almost exactly the same as a perfect item.
Don't whine that you cant afford x, y, or z. Get the money or farm it.

Perfect weapons for pvp isn't a valid argument, since you can just make a pvp character and have all perfect items anyways.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Summit of Human Evolution


Originally Posted by led-zep
just because some fool says 'sunreach shield is worth 15k' doesnt mean you have to sell it to him for it as more often or not he's scamming and will then sell it on for a profit.
How in the world is that a scam? It's basic economics. Buy low, sell high.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Hells Last Survivor
How in the world is that a scam? It's basic economics. Buy low, sell high.
Most people don't understand this simple concept. One of my guildies was selling gold dye he mixed up for 700g or so. Another guy came up and told him he was a scammer because the dye only cost around 300g to make.

There are alot of stupid people playing Guild Wars.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by JimmyDean
I solo farm quite a bit. It's how I make my money, so you could call me a farmer. I dont recall asking for double green drop weekend, let alone triple. The thing is, troll farming outside of Droks has become more profitable than farming most of the greens in Cantha, which I find absolutely absurd. Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? Greens aren't meant for anyone specifically. They're simply a reward for playing the game.
"Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? "

Rare/unique skin - Most greens don't have "rare/unique" skins, and the ones that do fall right into my original statement that the game allows for SOME greens to have more than basic usage.

Perfect mods - Anet's mission statement is balance among the game, Giving the poorer players the same "perfect" choices for mods as the people that can afford to pay 60k+ for a fortitude mod is right in line with that statement.

extremely difficult to procure - They are not extremely difficult to get. Look at a green by its market value, not how many times you have to kill a boss to get it. If a green takes 50 times killing a boss to get, but I can farm something easy like trolls a few times and just buy it - It is still Easy to get by the masses.

Anyway, this whole post seems to have the same attitude of "Why shouldn't they have to pay 100k+ for these items" that most farmers are blindly throwing around >_>


How in the world is that a scam? It's basic economics. Buy low, sell high.
I think he was refering not to the price he was asking, but to the WAY he went about it.

Example: From a moral standpoint theres a HUGE difference between selling a junky car for alot and calling it good luck/profit, and LYING to a person saying the car is good just SO they'll buy it for that higher price (decieving them), when it is really junk.

Eitherway, you are right on this point, since his example was bad...sunreach really is around 15k which makes the rest of the post a mute point..


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
"Why gives these items a rare/unique skin, perfect mods, and make some of them extremely difficult to procure if theyre meant to be for poor players? "

Rare/unique skin - Most greens don't have "rare/unique" skins, and the ones that do fall right into my original statement that the game allows for SOME greens to have more than basic usage.

Perfect mods - Anet's mission statement is balance among the game, Giving the poorer players the same "perfect" choices for mods as the people that can afford to pay 60k+ for a fortitude mod is right in line with that statement.

extremely difficult to procure - They are not extremely difficult to get. Look at a green by its market value, not how many times you have to kill a boss to get it. If a green takes 50 times killing a boss to get, but I can farm something easy like trolls a few times and just buy it - It is still Easy to get by the masses.

Anyway, this whole post seems to have the same attitude of "Why shouldn't they have to pay 100k+ for these items" that most farmers are blindly throwing around >_>
"Perfect mods - Anet's mission statement is balance among the game, Giving the poorer players the same "perfect" choices for mods as the people that can afford to pay 60k+ for a fortitude mod is right in line with that statement. "

This is what collectors and crafters are for.

"Rare/unique skin - Most greens don't have "rare/unique" skins, and the ones that do fall right into my original statement that the game allows for SOME greens to have more than basic usage."

All the greens that are worth anything have a rare/unique skin, or are very hard to farm. Kanaxai, Urgoz, Kaolin, Sunreach, Kunvie, Rajazan and others have unique/rare skins with nice mods. These could bring in a decent profit.

"extremely difficult to procure - They are not extremely difficult to get. Look at a green by its market value, not how many times you have to kill a boss to get it. If a green takes 50 times killing a boss to get, but I can farm something easy like trolls a few times and just buy it - It is still Easy to get by the masses."

I should have been more clear. By procure I meant kill the monster and get the item, not go to kaineng-1 and buy it. By that reasoning a req 8 15^50 20/20 +30 crystalline should be easy to procure; just go buy it.

"Anyway, this whole post seems to have the same attitude of "Why shouldn't they have to pay 100k+ for these items" that most farmers are blindly throwing around >_>"

I'm not interested in selling items above thier value. I mainly farmed sunreach and the Kaolin items, and sold them at the low value on the gwg price check for a quick sell. The generic "Farmers are evil because they wont give me items for free" argument is getting old. Generalizing like that makes you look like a fool, especially when what youre saying isn't true in most cases.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Former Ruling


I think he was refering not to the price he was asking, but to the WAY he went about it.

Example: From a moral standpoint theres a HUGE difference between selling a junky car for alot and calling it good luck/profit, and LYING to a person saying the car is good just SO they'll buy it for that higher price (decieving them), when it is really junk.

Eitherway, you are right on this point, since his example was bad...sunreach really is around 15k which makes the rest of the post a moot point..
You can't hide the stats of an item. What you see is what you get, so your argument doesn't really apply.

some guy

some guy

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2006


We Speed Clear H O H [ HsC]

Originally Posted by Soccer55
I believe this was exactly the intent. Look at the timing of the event: 2 weeks before Nightfall goes live. This weekend allowed people to have a better chance of getting the greens that they've wanted since Factions was released, but were unable to get thus far. Then when Nightfall goes live, all of the people whining about not being able to take tens of platinum from the poor will have a new set of greens to farm up and sell to other players for outrageous prices (through spamming their ad in the all channel of course).

I agree with you.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

I was surprised how many people still tried to sell their veras for 30-50k... at least 80% of GW population doesn't get the basics of economy, apparently.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by JimmyDean
If you just want a max weapon or shield to use on your pve char, just pick up a collector item for 500g-1k in items, and add 1 point from perfect mods. It costs alot less, and will function almost exactly the same as a perfect item.
Don't whine that you cant afford x, y, or z. Get the money or farm it.

Perfect weapons for pvp isn't a valid argument, since you can just make a pvp character and have all perfect items anyways.

the day pvp toons can carry four full weapon sets and change runes+ armour this will be a valid point, mkay?




Join Date: Jun 2005

Follow the rainbow, make a left and voila



This constant complaining about anything and everything, baffles me. ANET seems to never get it right, huh? No matter what they do, people complain, throw little hissy fits, and cry cry cry. How sad is this???

This is a game people, have fun with it!!! I was personally thrilled with the weekend event. I personally didn't need any greens for my characters, but got some for my heroes, and I thank ANET for providing this opportunity.

The complainers that throw little tantrums are those that would love to continue ripping off as many as posible selling these greens, or wish to have an *elite* status for owning them. Come on, factions has been out long enough. Most people had what they wanted, and those that didn 't... well NOW they do!!! Even with a triple rate drop, do you think for one second that everybody owns every green?? Of course not. That you don't want to spend time selling a low profit item? tough, go do something else then. I am thrilled some of these greens are now available to more players.

It's really sad the extend of the greediness of some people.

ANET thanks for the great weekend!!! Ignore these cry babies, because no matter what you do, they will always whine.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Tainek
the day pvp toons can carry four full weapon sets and change runes+ armour this will be a valid point, mkay?
The day that a person that can afford four full weapon sets and change runes+ armour cant afford a Sunreach or Kaolin staff will be the day that this is a valid point, mkay?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Dont Mess WithMe
This constant complaining about anything and everything, baffles me. ANET seems to never get it right, huh? No matter what they do, people complain, throw little hissy fits, and cry cry cry. How sad is this???

This is a game people, have fun with it!!! I was personally thrilled with the weekend event. I personally didn't need any greens for my characters, but got some for my heroes, and I thank ANET for providing this opportunity.

The complainers that throw little tantrums are those that would love to continue ripping off as many as posible selling these greens, or wish to have an *elite* status for owning them. Come on, factions has been out long enough. Most people had what they wanted, and those that didn 't... well NOW they do!!! Even with a triple rate drop, do you think for one second that everybody owns every green?? Of course not. That you don't want to spend time selling a low profit item? tough, go do something else then. I am thrilled some of these greens are now available to more players.

It's really sad the extend of the greediness of some people.

ANET thanks for the great weekend!!! Ignore these cry babies, because no matter what you do, they will always whine.
As we all know, farmers sell ALL items, regardless of value, at at least a 500% increase in price, usually 100+xx. And while a few may sell items at their actual value, it is better to make all items worthless, just to be sure. We certainly don't want anyone here to have to do any work or have any sense of achievement. Yup. That's exactly what we want.


The only people that can't afford previuosly high end greens are the level 13's in the monastery. By the time you get off the beginner island you can buy the majority of greens that are avaliable.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


You realize that this is just a taste of things to come when inscriptions come out in Nightfall?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Jetdoc
You realize that this is just a taste of things to come when inscriptions come out in Nightfall?
Certainly. I'm kinda excited about the inscriptions, but they will totally bomb the gold market.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

Farmers got what they deserved for spamming All Chat IMO.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by JimmyDean
The day that a person that can afford four full weapon sets and change runes+ armour cant afford a Sunreach or Kaolin staff will be the day that this is a valid point, mkay?

So instead of paying 100K (2 armour sets, rune swaps, and 4 weapon sets) to be pvp ready, a player should have to pay 2 or 3 times as much Per character? for me thats not a problem, for 95% of the population, thats an outrageous sum of money

to make 10 pvp ready characters at 100K each is 1 Million all ready, your saying we should have to pay enough to buy almost Three sets of FoW?

this hurt less than one percent of the population, and benifitted the rest significantly

get a clue

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by trankle
(emphasis mine)

Perhaps you can find consolation is the fact that, had the weekend event not happened, you may not have even found those items.

nope, i've found them before the event. the problem was just finding a group before the event started. but now that the green event is on tons of people are soloing and 4 man farming sunreach, jayne, the scar eater, ironwing, and other bosses.

maybe all of the greens will run out one night in cantha.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Tainek
So instead of paying 100K (2 armour sets, rune swaps, and 4 weapon sets) to be pvp ready, a player should have to pay 2 or 3 times as much Per character? for me thats not a problem, for 95% of the population, thats an outrageous sum of money

to make 10 pvp ready characters at 100K each is 1 Million all ready, (1) your saying we should have to pay enough to buy almost Three sets of FoW?

(2) this hurt less than one percent of the population, and benifitted the rest significantly

(3) get a clue


I didn't say that you need to pay an additional 50k per item set per character, maybe you could help me understand where you are getting these numbers by telling me some of the weapons that you use on your characters that make a difference of 200k per character. I find that value to be absurd.

Have you ever tried to kill Sunreach Warmaker, or any of the more powerful bosses like kunvie or snapjaw? They're insane. It's not worth my time to farm him till his shield finally drops so i can sell it for 15k, when I could even kill undead in the Gates to Kryta and make more money with less work.

I'm also speaking strictly of solo farming. You can forget ANY profit you would make if you're in a group.


Less than one percent of the population farms greens? That's news to me.


Read more carefully, more facts, and less bullshit please.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Wow. I can't even pretend to be surprised that another thread about the economy in Guild Wars turned into a flamefest full of people making up whatever facts and percentages they felt like to support their points. And if that wasn't enough to cause a flamefest, somebody had to throw inscriptions in here too.
