Do you feel pressure to finish Nightfall quickly?
I personally neevr cared and most likely never willa bout finishing the game fast. also i really can't since i'm basicly restricted to weekends cause of school workload unless i somehow find at most an hour during the week. I rather take my time and do everything so that i don't get bored and still have somethign to look forward to.
Two April Mornings
I wil work on cartography as I go through nightfall, so not too much of a rush there.
Originally Posted by Captain Arne Is PRO
No, because as is I barely have enough space for gold. I have 100k on each of my eight characters [2 free slots] and 970k in storage.
Too much gold. :[ |

Chilly Ress
No, really, I am going to have to rush my ele through it to keep it PvP ready, after that--making a derv, gonna get all titles, and say hello to everyone and their mother.
No, really, I am going to have to rush my ele through it to keep it PvP ready, after that--making a derv, gonna get all titles, and say hello to everyone and their mother.
Not really. The only rushing I'll be doing is to get to my new sin armor and my new warrior leggings (which may be aquireable at the first city for Canthan/Tyrian characters, so no rush really).
Although there will be economic opportunities, I'll already be cashing in by selling my thousands of stockpiled materials.
Although there will be economic opportunities, I'll already be cashing in by selling my thousands of stockpiled materials.
I wish I didn't but to be honest I do. I have to get to the end as fast as I can. I don't know why but the first time I always rush through.. after that I go back and take my time. But yes I rushed through Factions in two or three days and I was one of the people buying Amber for like 5 or 6k. So yeah.. that's my story.
Yes, I do.
I know I should take it slow and enjoy it... but still do feel the pressure... and I am not even preordering yet!
I know I should take it slow and enjoy it... but still do feel the pressure... and I am not even preordering yet!
I'm going to take it easy as if I'm starting GW for the first time. I love how the game felt at the beginning. I won't even touch my storage so that my new paragon/dervish will have to make it on his/her own, not like in factions, (although money in factions is no trouble at all for new chars) rushing to level 20 in a few hours. I want my dervish/paragon's lvl 20 to be more meaningful than that of my canthan buddies. THEN i'll take my ele to blast the whole game up 
Sure, I'm not a noob anymore, so I'm not going around with a lvl 6 E/Me elementalist with skills from 7 attributes...
Sure, I'm not a noob anymore, so I'm not going around with a lvl 6 E/Me elementalist with skills from 7 attributes...
No, I don't feel pressure to finish quickly but I want to anyway, for personal reasons. I want to know what happens in the storyline, see all the new armors and weapons and visit the towns while they're still deserted!
Originally Posted by VitisVinifera
a bit of self-imposed pressure to get my farming characters (ss necro, war) through, unlock all the towns, and scout for farming targets
I'm not feeling pressure due to economical reasons. However, being the leader of my guild always pushes me to stay ahead of the curve so that I can help guildies as they come up behind me.
The Factions economy came with bad as well as good for the early rushers, e.g. minuscule Faction rewards. Doing Befriend the Kurzicks took forever if you didn't have a character capable of trapping the Duels quest, and forget about 15K gear unless you walked into Factions already a millionaire.
And let's not forget that early adopter premium on crafting materials, runes and dyes! Unless you've stocked up on cloth already rushing through the game is going to cost you.
And let's not forget that early adopter premium on crafting materials, runes and dyes! Unless you've stocked up on cloth already rushing through the game is going to cost you.
Knightsaber Sith
I got my 15k kurzick armor about three days after Factions went live. It ended up costing like 300k.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I got my 15k kurzick armor about three days after Factions went live. It ended up costing like 300k.
I'll be honest. I want to get my main farming characters, my warrior and monk, through the game as fast as I can. Look for farming spots, nice skins, and greens. I'll take my time with the others.
Divinus Stella
Rushing thru factions was great fun, definately gonna do the same with Nigtfall, factions was much easier to rush aswel, as all the good players were rushing, when i had to do the game on a second character it was a lot harder as about a week into factions all the noobs managed to get to the later missions, so instead of decent groups forming you would just have random assassins and wammos.
Well as I do a lot of pvp I feel pressured to rush just to get back into HA etc. with new skills and builds and play them before they get nerfed. But I did that with factions and I must say I did get totally bored with factions after completing it in 3 days.
Also now i have 0gp on my acount I will have to take it slowly just so I make money for armour.
Also now i have 0gp on my acount I will have to take it slowly just so I make money for armour.
At first, I figured it'd be best to get the jump on the economy. But now I realize its not worth it. In Factions I beat it with an Assassin in a total of 2 days, and within the first week I accumilated over 150k from selling amber and Shiro's Blades. Back then I only had 50k in my storage, now I have 800k. I ruined the game, I didn't enjoy it very much; It was more like a job then fun. I feel much less pressure to become rich, because I already am. There for I'm gunna take it slow, get some titles along the way, and let the market settle before I go in.
Kurzick and Luxon 1.5k armor would run you about 100k, 15k would run you over 200k during the first weeks of faction. Its definitly a waste to rush for end game equipment, if it requires a specialty material. Everything will be over priced at first, and some people will become platinumares over night. But what does it matter? The economy has its ups, then it'll go back down.
Kurzick and Luxon 1.5k armor would run you about 100k, 15k would run you over 200k during the first weeks of faction. Its definitly a waste to rush for end game equipment, if it requires a specialty material. Everything will be over priced at first, and some people will become platinumares over night. But what does it matter? The economy has its ups, then it'll go back down.
Shadow Dragon
pressure no. lack of time yes. with nightfall i will have 10 characters to get through. this includes the new professions.
I am in a dilema. Im not sure what to do, I rushed through factions with my tyrian ele and completed it within the first week. I was there when they unlocked the Luxon Scavenger was unlocked (and obviously the Kurz Bereaucrat but i was luxon) and I had my 10k faction already. Watching jadeite hit extortianate prices was good. Made it worthwhile not doing gyala hatchery because I had max faction. Sellin ssyns staff for a nice 60k and my amulet of the mists for about the same, helped me get that last bit of cash required for my FoW armor. All sounds good, but i still kinda regret it. All the side quests i missed that i now just cba going back to do. In a way it ruined the game. I would like to play it more like when i first played prophecies, exploring and following quests, learning new things (although it is somewhat unlikely as i now know the game dynamics too well).
So do I take my ele to elona and complete it quick, or make a new one and follow the game? (Which if going by the FPE and the great dialogue from most chars will be great). I could even make another char that im not all that experienced at playing. One thing i do know tho, I'm not making a P or a D for a long time.
So do I take my ele to elona and complete it quick, or make a new one and follow the game? (Which if going by the FPE and the great dialogue from most chars will be great). I could even make another char that im not all that experienced at playing. One thing i do know tho, I'm not making a P or a D for a long time.
Effendi Westland
Gonna take this slow, not going to have 5 chars completed the game in 2 weeks this time round.
Not the slightest amount of pressure,in fact,im quite sure that i will be the last person to get a lvl 20 Nightfall character,and im happy with that,since il also be the one spending the most time exploring and discovering new things in Nightfall,il be one of those having the most fun with it.
No... I take it as slow as I want. Speeding through the game ruins the fun and excitement. Sure you could go slow the second time through but by than you already know the basics of the entire plot... no fun at all

Nope, I'd like to be rich, sure, but to be honest i'm not bothered. When i joined factions 2 weeks after release i got plenty of drops and so on, so i'm sure that if i join nightfall on launch day things will just be fine as it is.
I want to rush for the same reasons as Redly, but at the same time I worry that those skins will likely become even more valuable after a couple of weeks than they will in the first one. It's a double edged sword imo.
Pressure? Not really. But I am sure that I will be glued to my seat for the first week of nightfall none-the-less and that should be enough to beat the game. Oh and I still remember getting insane amounts of money for my amber: Thanks to that I never had to farm for money and still unlocked all factions skills in PvE. Not that I had to push myself to do the quests, but spending a bit more time in the first week and not having to farm anytime after sounds like a good deal to me.
- Xeeron
- Xeeron
Originally Posted by Esprit
Do you feel pressured to get through the game quickly?
Not pressure but urge to finish this during the release weekend
I really hope the game arrives in mail before 27th. With my luck there is problems with shippings though
I really hope the game arrives in mail before 27th. With my luck there is problems with shippings though

Not for me. I'm a casual explorer, wanting to have fun with the game and not try to do everything so quickly.
Electric Sky
feeling the pressure because of other people is rather..........pathetic IMO
Anyone that is planning to rush through Nightfall in the first few days is setting themselves up for extreme disappointment.
What else are you going to do in Guild Wars for the next six months? Beat the game again with every other character? The law of diminishing returns will set in very quickly.
I personally won't purchase Nightfall until about a month after its release. That way (1) they can get the kinks worked out and (2) any sort of "pressure" is relieved, as most people playing the game have already beaten it once or twice, so the pace of the game is much more "relaxed".
What else are you going to do in Guild Wars for the next six months? Beat the game again with every other character? The law of diminishing returns will set in very quickly.
I personally won't purchase Nightfall until about a month after its release. That way (1) they can get the kinks worked out and (2) any sort of "pressure" is relieved, as most people playing the game have already beaten it once or twice, so the pace of the game is much more "relaxed".
Originally Posted by milias
No, not really. I don't get that much time to play GW nowadays. I'd happy if I beat it before the next expansion comes out.
Originally Posted by Esprit
Do you feel like there is economical pressure to rush through the game?
As I've said before, the need to accumulate any sort of wealth in Guild Wars will likely go by the wayside, unless you are targeting one of the most rare items in the game.
As a result, why rush through it? To see 1 million gold sitting in your account that you can't spend?
The Omniscient
I am, just so that I can sell stuff at its highest.
Not me. I prefere to FULLY experiance the game. I will be doing every quest I find and exploring everywhere I can. Gold really has never been of big importance in GW, at least not from my experiance.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
I beat Factions with my first character about a month I'm right there with you. And I can personally say that (1) I enjoyed every second of it, unlike many players who claimed it was "too short" and (2) because of that, I squeezed every cent I paid for Factions out of the game.

I am looking forward to Nightfall, though, since the missions are going to be timed, and I can do them at my own pace, with heroes at my side, no less

No since i'm not even buying Nightfall

I have 3 chars from Prof (Ele, Nec, Monk) that have finished Prof and Factions, 3 Factions chars (Ranger, Assasin and Rit) that need to do Profs, and 2 new faction chars (Warrior and Mesmer) who haven't left the starting Island.
I will probably rush through the Ele, Monk and Nec, then do the paragon and dervish.
Then take the Dervisha and Paragon through factions with the warrior and mesmer and then take all the faction and nightfall chars through Profs.
Should only take a few hours lol.
At this point Chapter 4 should be released lol.
I will probably rush through the Ele, Monk and Nec, then do the paragon and dervish.
Then take the Dervisha and Paragon through factions with the warrior and mesmer and then take all the faction and nightfall chars through Profs.
Should only take a few hours lol.
At this point Chapter 4 should be released lol.
Originally Posted by WLlama
I'm not feeling pressure due to economical reasons. However, being the leader of my guild always pushes me to stay ahead of the curve so that I can help guildies as they come up behind me.
I’ve been bored with Factions for almost 4 months now, I can’t wait nightfall will give me something to do.