Originally Posted by Master_Gorilla_Man
I am no troll. My reasoning for creating this topic was to seek understanding from fellow guild wars players I had hoped more people would have similar thinking. How ever you do nothing mre than say I am wrong rather than think about what is being said. Right and wrong are words that have no meaning to me since they are such personal terms. Do you wish to know what I am? I think for myself. I want humanity to think as well. But the ways things are people will simply keep with the herd mentality. Regardless if the herd is going off a cliff. No one cares and I am saddened by it. All I ask is to question, to not simply do as you are told to do. You say I am a bad person I am not. As I have stated before, I know how the world works. You either walk on others to get where you need to be or someone will walk on you, simple.
Don't worry, you'll grow out of it.