Lumo the Mime problem (Nightfall)
im not sure if this is right place to post this, but still...
can someone help me with this mission (Tihark Orchard). i have done 4/5 parts for bonus, just need to beat Lumo the Mime. Does anyone knows what Emotes is he using, or is there any pattern....
pls i need this standing there and trying to beat him....but cant
can someone help me with this mission (Tihark Orchard). i have done 4/5 parts for bonus, just need to beat Lumo the Mime. Does anyone knows what Emotes is he using, or is there any pattern....
pls i need this standing there and trying to beat him....but cant
ja sam to igro pol sata 
nema...igraj vise puta dok ne naučiš sve komande...ili pronades lol ponavlja 10-ak istih

nema...igraj vise puta dok ne naučiš sve komande...ili pronades lol ponavlja 10-ak istih
još nisam došao do tamo

Very nice! 
I would like to know too .... if you guys don't mind.

I would like to know too .... if you guys don't mind.


i know that he is using next emotes: laugh, violin, beg, dance, wave, cheer, shoo
if you find some other emotes that he is using type them
if you find some other emotes that he is using type them
Knightsaber Sith
I seen him use taunt dance wave point roar and catchbreath
I've seen him use flute, point, roar, laugh, dance, beg..
Sounds to me like he just uses any random emotes.
Sounds to me like he just uses any random emotes.
i dot think its random...i think he is around 10 emotes and mix them...just need to figure out what are all emotes that he is using
thnx guys
thnx guys
bad person
I've seen fistshake, pickme and boo
it is utterly random, I pulled out the quick guide with the game, tried out every emote then just went at it for 20 minutes until I can now recollect every emote in the dam game!!!

lol same here
Bram Stoker
This might seem stupid, but what ARE the 5 festivities? I can only figure 4:
the dancing kids
Lumo the mime
Zilo the drunkard
Duel renactment
5 is ... ?
Tho I notice that zilo the drunk stays with an ! over his had even after I've beaten him. Do I have to get drunk twice?
the dancing kids
Lumo the mime
Zilo the drunkard
Duel renactment
5 is ... ?
Tho I notice that zilo the drunk stays with an ! over his had even after I've beaten him. Do I have to get drunk twice?
I had no problem with lumo the mime, personally, and I loved the "quest accept" buttion which read:
"You're going down, silent clown!"
Utter brilliance.
My question is how the hell do you win the drinking game? Do you have to take drinks in with you? I tried talking to some of the waitresses and they told me to p*** off, in no uncertain terms!
The fifth is you have to kill a guard to get his golden feather. You speak to some woman near the mime and select the "I'll go get your golden phoenix feather" thing...then go kill the only hostile in the place (until the harpies arrive, of course) - he is a guard who drops a feather when you kill him - not sure exactly how it is considered a "festival game" but... "meh"...what do I know?
"You're going down, silent clown!"
Utter brilliance.
My question is how the hell do you win the drinking game? Do you have to take drinks in with you? I tried talking to some of the waitresses and they told me to p*** off, in no uncertain terms!
Originally Posted by Bram Stoker
5 is ... ?
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
My question is how the hell do you win the drinking game?

Of course it took me like half of the timer to understand, so I did not manage to beat him

bad person
Originally Posted by Suuk
You just have to run around and talk to everyone with a green exclamation mark above their head. That's all
![]() |
Originally Posted by Suuk
You just have to run around and talk to everyone with a green exclamation mark above their head. That's all
![]() Of course it took me like half of the timer to understand, so I did not manage to beat him ![]() |

Please explain further...?
Edit: i just realised you may have not have been referring to what I first thought...I mean how do you win the drinking game once you have spoken to the drunken man? There was the number "12" on my screen but I could find no way of beating him...
Captain Arne Is PRO
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
Still confused...How does talking to people win you the game? Is this anyone? or just nobles? Because the only people I saw with exclamation marks above their heads were people with festival games and the princes...
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Please explain further...? Edit: i just realised you may have not have been referring to what I first thought...I mean how do you win the drinking game once you have spoken to the drunken man? There was the number "12" on my screen but I could find no way of beating him... |
Once you get the quest, hurry up to the little landing where the princes are and talk to EVERYBODY. There are between 13 and 15 people on the landing, and 12 of them have drinks which you steal.
Former Ruling
Yall all seem confused about the Drinking game - Only "NOBLES" will give you drinks, not waitresses, not people with personalized names, etc. (Notice in his dialogue he tells you to ask the nobles for their drinks).
There are alteast 15 nobles all around him easiest festival game. >_>
There are alteast 15 nobles all around him easiest festival game. >_>
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Yall all seem confused about the Drinking game - Only "NOBLES" will give you drinks, not waitresses, not people with personalized names, etc. (Notice in his dialogue he tells you to ask the nobles for their drinks).
There are alteast 15 nobles all around him easiest festival game. >_> |
Originally Posted by Celestial Beaver
The fifth is you have to kill a guard to get his golden feather. You speak to some woman near the mime and select the "I'll go get your golden phoenix feather" thing...then go kill the only hostile in the place (until the harpies arrive, of course) - he is a guard who drops a feather when you kill him - not sure exactly how it is considered a "festival game" but... "meh"...what do I know?
Knightsaber Sith
get the little boy to dance
the mime thing
reinact the battle
drinking contest
feather thing(only get this one when you actually give the guy the vase)
the mime thing
reinact the battle
drinking contest
feather thing(only get this one when you actually give the guy the vase)
5th one is you gotta buy a present, which is a vase, that will cost you 4k. Then you give it to one of the guys where all the princes are (he'll have an exclamation) Just go to wiki if you still can't figure this out..........
Anyways I got to this mission last night, and it took me a few tries with the mime, as there were some emotes I simply didn't recognize.
As for the drinking one, just go talk to everyone and you'll get all the drinks in plenty of time
Anyways I got to this mission last night, and it took me a few tries with the mime, as there were some emotes I simply didn't recognize.
As for the drinking one, just go talk to everyone and you'll get all the drinks in plenty of time
Knightsaber Sith
In all honesty; you've got to be a bit of a sucker to pay for the vase. You can just walk down the hall, kill the guard, give the feather to the girl and get the vase for free.
You need to take the feather back to get the vase, and then give the vase to the finance minister. It'd doesn't register the feather task till you given the vase to the minister., just getting the feather isn't enough.
By the way, one of the reasons I love Nightfall, the humour.
I mean the mime (and the evil mime on the istan island quest) and drinking and such (love you man) just cracks me up. And its good variety.
I mean, doing little stuff like this for masters, not just every masters kill within a time limit and such. The quest and mission writers deserve a big masters badge for coming up with this stuff
I mean the mime (and the evil mime on the istan island quest) and drinking and such (love you man) just cracks me up. And its good variety.
I mean, doing little stuff like this for masters, not just every masters kill within a time limit and such. The quest and mission writers deserve a big masters badge for coming up with this stuff

Looks like they give you a few different ways to get the 5 bonuses.
For the 'gift' you need to give you can either just flat out pay for it (mine asked for 5k) or kill the lady that's holding it (that's how I got it), or kill the guard to get a feather to trade.
Dance with the kid.
Do the battle.
Beat the mime. Can be a bit trickier than it sounds. Some emotes are different depending on gender, so I didn't readily recognize them. Best thing, you can just keep on trying.
Drinking - just click on the 'nobles' that are walking/standing all over. No marks over their heads. You take their drinks when you click on them ("You going to drink that?" LOL)
Be patient serching out those harpies, too. Just run around the grounds and you'll find the last few.
It's one of the neatest lil missions they have - "I love you, man!"
For the 'gift' you need to give you can either just flat out pay for it (mine asked for 5k) or kill the lady that's holding it (that's how I got it), or kill the guard to get a feather to trade.
Dance with the kid.
Do the battle.
Beat the mime. Can be a bit trickier than it sounds. Some emotes are different depending on gender, so I didn't readily recognize them. Best thing, you can just keep on trying.
Drinking - just click on the 'nobles' that are walking/standing all over. No marks over their heads. You take their drinks when you click on them ("You going to drink that?" LOL)
Be patient serching out those harpies, too. Just run around the grounds and you'll find the last few.
It's one of the neatest lil missions they have - "I love you, man!"
for 5K you can buy an other gift for one of the high guests(dont know his name) i got the message 6/5 bonus items cleared. it cost me an other 5K for that other present.
could you please find out from who did you buy that present...i cant pass mime so i need that 6/5 to get 5/5 if you get me
Swinging Fists
Forget about the feather. Just kill the NPC and take the vase.
I was getting drinks from the Vabbi peasants too. Not just the nobles. Of course, there weren't very many peasants at that chichi party.
And Jejumba is the NPC w/ the rare elonian vase you have to give to the Royal Finance Minister Oloda as a bribe, and she's just north of Lumo the Mime. There shouldn't be any guilt about just killing her for the vase either. If you read the dialog under the option asking how does she know so much about Prince Bokka, she admits she steals from him... in so many words. *grin*
So... how many times did YOU fail before you finally killed all those harpies? I lost count. And in the process of trying over and over I got to memorize a lot of Lumo's emotes... /laugh /dance /breath (or /catchbreath... same thing) /drum /flute /violin /guitar /pickme /taunt /cheer /roar /flex /beg /boo /shoo /point (trying to remember his emotes is almost worse than trying to remember the seven dwarves
) /wave
And Jejumba is the NPC w/ the rare elonian vase you have to give to the Royal Finance Minister Oloda as a bribe, and she's just north of Lumo the Mime. There shouldn't be any guilt about just killing her for the vase either. If you read the dialog under the option asking how does she know so much about Prince Bokka, she admits she steals from him... in so many words. *grin*
So... how many times did YOU fail before you finally killed all those harpies? I lost count. And in the process of trying over and over I got to memorize a lot of Lumo's emotes... /laugh /dance /breath (or /catchbreath... same thing) /drum /flute /violin /guitar /pickme /taunt /cheer /roar /flex /beg /boo /shoo /point (trying to remember his emotes is almost worse than trying to remember the seven dwarves

Originally Posted by tmarosi
im not sure if this is right place to post this, but still...
can someone help me with this mission (Tihark Orchard). i have done 4/5 parts for bonus, just need to beat Lumo the Mime. Does anyone knows what Emotes is he using, or is there any pattern.... pls i need this standing there and trying to beat him....but cant thnx |
I just memorized them and did it.
It gets easy after the 1st time you beat him.
After having read through the thread I've noticed that some people mentioned they failed the drinking contest and that they'd try harder next time... When I failed on my first time through I just spoke to him again - the drinking game is repeatable until you win. Also, from what I saw almost anyone can give you a drink, just run up to them, nick the drink and move on.
On that note, the mime is repeatable too (I'll kill that friggin mime).
Going back on topic again, when i tried the first several times I swear that Lumo used an emote that doesn't exist... I even stood there running through all the emotes on the card but couldn't find a match. Took about 5 attempts till he didn't use it >.<
On that note, the mime is repeatable too (I'll kill that friggin mime).
Going back on topic again, when i tried the first several times I swear that Lumo used an emote that doesn't exist... I even stood there running through all the emotes on the card but couldn't find a match. Took about 5 attempts till he didn't use it >.<
Cow Tale
same as above post, there was one when he points at himself or something that i couldnt figure out, but finaly i he didnt use that one and i passed, i think it took me more like 10 or more tries.
/pickme ? Took me a while to get that one as well.
Ditto on kill the girl and grab the vase, she's not getting 5 plat off me.
I had plenty of hassle with the harpies and my squishy ele, till I just hung around a bit and waited for the Vabbi guards to get their asses in gear, cast Aura of Restoration and Troll Ungent and finished them off.
Mimes.. bah. Twas funny but a tad frustrating.
Ditto on kill the girl and grab the vase, she's not getting 5 plat off me.

I had plenty of hassle with the harpies and my squishy ele, till I just hung around a bit and waited for the Vabbi guards to get their asses in gear, cast Aura of Restoration and Troll Ungent and finished them off.
Mimes.. bah. Twas funny but a tad frustrating.
hi, new here, 2 things, 1-u dont need 2 get the feather 2 get the vase, just kill the girl; 2-the easiest way 2 win the drinking game is 1st run 2 the the playwriter guy & talk 2 him & the guy next 2 him that u fight in the reenactment, now run 2 the platform that the princes r on & talk 2 EVERY! there, easy15 drinks quick

Yeah it's not just nobles drinks you can steal, peasants and also the bonus people, like the mime, have drinks you can steal.
Anyhoo, I can't beat the mime, he is using the one someone else mentioned where he like points to himself, but I did /pickme and it didn't work. I'm not familiar with the male ranger emotes. But he does say I must copy him exactly, and the /pickme for my warrior is much different than whatever one he is using. Does anyone know if I have to just keep trying til he doesnt use this one? I've tried a bunch of times already - or is it a different emote than /pickme ?
thanks in advance.
edited: it was /pickme, I must have typed it wrong last time. I just beat his creepy lil self. lol
Anyhoo, I can't beat the mime, he is using the one someone else mentioned where he like points to himself, but I did /pickme and it didn't work. I'm not familiar with the male ranger emotes. But he does say I must copy him exactly, and the /pickme for my warrior is much different than whatever one he is using. Does anyone know if I have to just keep trying til he doesnt use this one? I've tried a bunch of times already - or is it a different emote than /pickme ?
thanks in advance.
edited: it was /pickme, I must have typed it wrong last time. I just beat his creepy lil self. lol
I didn't get the feather. Just killed the NPC and took the urn to give as a gift. That, and the other four mentioned got me Masters.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
I didn't get the feather. Just killed the NPC and took the urn to give as a gift. That, and the other four mentioned got me Masters.

Didn't pay either.

Originally Posted by Cow Tale
same as above post, there was one when he points at himself or something that i couldnt figure out, but finaly i he didnt use that one and i passed, i think it took me more like 10 or more tries.
The next couple characters I had to keep starting over until he did NOT do that one emote you're talking about. It's not /pickme or anything else in the little GW cheat sheet.
What he does exactly, is steps one foot forward, nods a little, makes fists and points with both thumbs at himself. As if he's saying "Aah yeah, I'm da man" or something. (/i'mdaman doesn't work lol)
Is anyone certain which emote this is? It's the silliest dang thing that keeps me from finishing that mission in 3 minutes!

Angelic demoness
I guess I must be the wimpiest level 20 toon in the game, because half the times I've tried this mission I don't even make it past the actor in the re-enactment duel. And when I do make it, it's only so the harpies can kill me...I'm a ranger/mesmer, is there any way to finish this mission when I am not able to heal myself? Tips would be appreciated, I am so sick of this....