Lumo the Mime problem (Nightfall)



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

ranger ~~ take whirling defense, troll ungent

Made it thru first time with ranger



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


ugh... I rather hate that mission. I spent 6ish months playing Party builds only to have to switch back to a Solo build. Rather upset me.

But yes, what quickmonty says is basically the way I beat that mission. That, and Apply Poison.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006

Gelderland Knights


Found this at the GuildWiki site. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks very helpful.

/beg (He falls to his knees.)
/breath and /catchbreath (He bows forward, breathing heavily.)
/roar (He stretches one fist in the air.)
/cheer (He stretches both arms in the air.)
/dance (He does the male ranger "breakdance".)
/doubletake (He thrusts his head towards the player twice.)
/drum /flute /guitar /violin (He plays the respective "air" instrument.)
/flex (He does a classic greek pose with one arm towards the ground and one behind his head.)
/laugh (You can see his chest shaking.)
/wave (He waves with his left arm.)
/taunt (He waves both hands beside his face and shakes his head.)
/shoo (He waves both hands in front of his chest, towards the player.)
/boo (He raises both hands abruptly and thrusts his head forward, towards the player.)
/point (He points towards the player with one arm.)
/pickme (He points towards himself with both arms.)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Angelic demoness
I guess I must be the wimpiest level 20 toon in the game, because half the times I've tried this mission I don't even make it past the actor in the re-enactment duel. And when I do make it, it's only so the harpies can kill me...I'm a ranger/mesmer, is there any way to finish this mission when I am not able to heal myself? Tips would be appreciated, I am so sick of this....
You do know R/Me was once considered the strongest solo character in this game?
Try the following
Kindle Arrows
Poison Arrow
Troll Uguent
Distortion/physical resistance
Savage Shot
Distracting Shot
not sure about the other 2

Fury Incarnate

Fury Incarnate

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2006

Connecticut, USA


No. When you get the feather, you talk to the person who gives you the quest and receive an Ancient Vase. In order to win the favor of one of the princes, you need to give him a gift. If you give him the vase instead of gold, it completes the 5th game.

Feminist Terrorist

Feminist Terrorist

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Oh Noes! The 'burbs!

Drinking game-once the timer starts, run around to the nobles nearest you, click on them, and I think there will be an option to steal their drink. Not sure if there's an option of if you automatically steal their drink. It's been a little bit since I've been that way. It's pretty funny since your character will get drunk and it will get harder to see where you're going. It's not difficult to win that one.

As for the one that no one seems to be able to find-there's a woman standing by herself to the right of the main staircase that you enter from. She will have a choice of whether to steal something from the prince or to kill her. I killed her, and that satisfied the final bonus requirement.

The above is to the best of my recollection, and your mileage may vary.