Originally Posted by Azrael Blackthorne
KoaBD is a very nice titles yes, "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" shows your pure devotion to GW and how much time youve put into it, but why in gods name do you need an emote to prove that?
You can also ask against this:
But why in Gods name do PvP'ers need an emote to prove something, when they have the PvP-Titles they can show and have as motivation for High End pvp, that you can win money and item prizes by playing high end pvp with your guild.
Wherefore deserve PvP'ers the right to have special emotes being only gainable through playing high end pvp, when PvE'ers theoretically have also the same right to gain these emotes by an own way playing high end PvE ....
To reach KoaBD max, so to max those 30 titles, a pve'er has nearly the same time effort, as a player has to play PvP to reach R12+ through playing pvp... and if it realy should take lesser time to reach the best emote by PvE, than over PvP-Way, Anet can't easily increase the requirements for PvE#s by combining the title requirements more with the hall of Monuments,, lika that the HoM muss be completely filled ...
That will add to the time effort of the PvE-way again a huge chunk of time needed, lots of grind to get all elite armors, all heroes equiped with elite armors, all 11 destroyer items, 25 minipets.
Anet could also combine it with the elite-areas, that players have to get those statues from all elite areas to increase the pve tiem effort for the emotes...
The only Anti-Arguement I can personally understand is the E Peen-Arguement, the fear about people spamming it in towns 24/7
Then god damn it - should be the usage of this emote be restricted to PvP-Areas and for PvE in Explorable Areas.
Then you will never see in Towns E Peen-Kiddies ,which spam the emote all night long to provoke others...
But to speak the truth: Even if the emote would be usable in town and e peen-kddies spam the emote around ...
god ,really no one cares also too of peopel with huge e-peen behavior in the chat, when they spam, what for titles they all have or so...people just ignore them.
Enjoy more the Game - ignore the e peen-idiots, such people will automatically stop, when everyone ignores them, because that is everything what such people want to reach with their provocations - get other peoples attention...
When they get no attention, they will get bored and stop their stupid childish behavior and when not > REPORT finish !!
I don't let me destroy my enjoy of the game by spamming e peeners, which have to grow up
Everythign around this silly problem is all about mentality only and how you treat others.
People which provoke others by spammign emotes are just kiddies, which get in RL not enough attention and try to get in ingame, through going other peoples on the nerves and those which spam it not for attention are just arrogant assholes, which think, they are something better than others.
Hmm, to make my post short:
I think to get rid of this silly problem, there should be maybe just an option in the menu, that allows players to deactivate the special emote to see from others.
When, when you activate this option, than can people type in so much /emote as they want, you won't see the emotes then...
and due to the fact, that the game gives no message, when usign the emote, like for all the other normal emotes, that chat gets also not spamming by those messages, you can can still keep it activated to see, when someone uses normal emotes, but you will simple not see the special emote and the player can decide for hisself, when he7she wants to see the emote ...
you are in a town and x peopel start now spaming the special emote, then you go in your menu under options, click 1 button and BAM.. you won't see anymore any deers, wolfs, ect. pop up, when someone uses /emote
problem solved about the E Peen-Problem ^^