emotes and recognition of pve related titles are good as it is with the title alone. skill vs grinding, pvp vs pve, grinding through pve shouldn't be recognized to teh point near a bambie or wolf or any sorts. only pvp should have such recognitions b/c it actually involves a great amount of skills. not ebay gold and buy unid items, drinks, sugars, bot at aspenwood and donate faction should be considered to be worthy of a emote. |
I do understand the point that KoBD is easier to attain now, but if an emote were placed it wouldn't have to be at the first tier, but rather could be at the second or third (or higher if more are added).
Personally I don't see why it shouldn't be added. PvPers shouldn't be offended or "jealous" that PvE players gain an emote. It wouldn't take anything away from /rank because it would be distinctly different.
A good solution would be to allow /rank only to be used in PvP outposts, and the PvE emote in PvE outposts. This way neither side would have to deal with "jealousy" of the other's emote.
If one is never added PvEr's might just have to get R3. It might be the easiest solution if one wants an emote that badly.