The addition of a new track has not be mentioned in the updates, but how often do they miss stuff out?

Originally Posted by Queen Christie
I just found this pic on the page:
Awsome! |
Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
No hoax ref my screen shots, and easy to prove yourself, just go to pre and do the quests until lv 8 then go over the wall until lv 12 when the title progression will show. It only takes 1 day and then you will see it for yourself
Two April Mornings
King's Spectre
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Clone
Seems a bit suspicious to me too. Can we get an official word from Anet on this title?
Swinging Fists
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
I don't see why Anet would implement a title like this and then make it impossible to get.
Originally Posted by God Apprentice
It's not impossible. The "old method" that Anti used to hit 20 is no longer possible because of the AOE last year. The new method is really slow, but still possible.
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
It's been stated in this thread that, since monsters no longer gain levels from killing players, that you cannot get past level 16 in presearing. I'm not going to argue the veracity of either claim, I'm just saying that I do know for a fact that pets no longer level by killing you, and I do know that if all the quests total 10k xp that isn't not enough to get you to level 20 after you can no longer gain experience from killing the Charr.
However you can feel free to enlighten us all as to what the "new method" is for obtaining level 20 in presear ![]() |
Originally Posted by Eviance
capable pets can still gain levels, most are using the moa bird outside Ashford
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
It's been stated in this thread that, since monsters no longer gain levels from killing players, that you cannot get past level 16 in presearing. I'm not going to argue the veracity of either claim, I'm just saying that I do know for a fact that pets no longer level by killing you, and I do know that if all the quests total 10k xp that isn't not enough to get you to level 20 after you can no longer gain experience from killing the Charr.
However you can feel free to enlighten us all as to what the "new method" is for obtaining level 20 in presear ![]() |
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
That's interesting, I seriously did let the crab kill me at LEAST a few dozen times before I gave up hope of leveling it that way. I was level 20 and it was level 5, I left the crab killing me with my 1hp (After the initial death, with 5 superiors) and low end armor, for at least 15 minutes and probably more like half an hour while I read up on capturing high level pets and realized I could just go get my crab from Boreas Seabed.
Originally Posted by Swinging Fists
Why would ANet tell you in Pre-Searing what is coming ? Now, obviously, we all know about the searing, but it doesn't seem right that ANet would show that on a pre-searing character.
Originally Posted by MMSDome
the people that go for this title deserve it, it proves they truly have no life and therefor should get their own special title. What is the point of being level 20 in pre sear???
Hand of Shiva
God Apprentice
Originally Posted by Clawdius_Talonious
It's been stated in this thread that, since monsters no longer gain levels from killing players, that you cannot get past level 16 in presearing. I'm not going to argue the veracity of either claim, I'm just saying that I do know for a fact that pets no longer level by killing you, and I do know that if all the quests total 10k xp that isn't not enough to get you to level 20 after you can no longer gain experience from killing the Charr.
However you can feel free to enlighten us all as to what the "new method" is for obtaining level 20 in presear ![]() |
Originally Posted by Narutoscryed
You just answerd your own question.. they have no life..
Originally Posted by holyjew888
very good discussion guys and thnx for the info, i have started the character (ju is leet) so keep an eye out for him, he is a male mesmer and will one day be lvl 20 in presearing, so far he is lvl 4!
thnx again -ju |
Originally Posted by Rathcail
I guess you never did read the manual that came with Prophecies, as it did mention many times how Ascalon was destroyed in the searing.
I knew about it even before I started playing. |
Originally Posted by Elbereth_Tiniquetil
At lv 13 the bird will level up after your first 2 deaths, then 5 deaths, the number will go up as the bird levels much the same as you do with other npc kills.At one time some high lv players helped people get a lv 20 pet, took them 2hr to lv the pets up I beleave.