Smart Armor System v3.0~Change AL,Skins,Insignias,Runes while in towns/outposts
This shouldve been implemented the first place.
Anet believes in balance and fairness in the game right?
Whats so fair about having to pay 4k a piece for making Energy clothes? (each time you want to change too gaaah)
Anet believes in balance and fairness in the game right?
Whats so fair about having to pay 4k a piece for making Energy clothes? (each time you want to change too gaaah)
/signed. Spending 1k per rune or buying a whole new armor set just to change builds isnt fun.
Beautiful idea. Nothing but good would come from this.
/signed x100 ^_^
/signed x100 ^_^
Logged in just to sign this.
I like this even if helmets couldnt be included (holding multiple helmets better than multiple full sets).
Also would like to see this on a per char only (not account).
Tbh I would likely collect all the runes ect... so that my char has a full set open to him (possible gold sink? anet seems to like these) even if I didnt use most of them at all, I just like collecting stuff lol... much like having all the skills that you dont use.
A few sets of armour just eats up to much space > this is a great solution.
Logged in just to sign this.
I like this even if helmets couldnt be included (holding multiple helmets better than multiple full sets).
Also would like to see this on a per char only (not account).
Tbh I would likely collect all the runes ect... so that my char has a full set open to him (possible gold sink? anet seems to like these) even if I didnt use most of them at all, I just like collecting stuff lol... much like having all the skills that you dont use.
A few sets of armour just eats up to much space > this is a great solution.
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Updated the signatures, added MrTwsited's comments in the original post of this topic of discussion.
Keep 'em feedbacks rollin' in!
Keep 'em feedbacks rollin' in!
/signed like the last time I saw your Essence Armor idea. Just make it so you can switch in PvE explorable areas like armor switching allows now and I think it would be perfect.
being able to change stats of current fow/ascended armors would be very very nice
/signed 100%
/super signed ^_^
What I'm putting in here may be alittle off-topic but may work in-tandem with the armor system. Instead of currently buying insignias for each part of the armor, do you guys think we should have Infusion NPCs that can infuse certain magical properties (insignia) into your armor. By infusion, I mean that all parts of the armor would be infused with the desire property. Rune Trader NPCs are currently a mess. :P
Just a thought since we're trying to make things more efficient here. With or without, I support your idea.
What I'm putting in here may be alittle off-topic but may work in-tandem with the armor system. Instead of currently buying insignias for each part of the armor, do you guys think we should have Infusion NPCs that can infuse certain magical properties (insignia) into your armor. By infusion, I mean that all parts of the armor would be infused with the desire property. Rune Trader NPCs are currently a mess. :P
Just a thought since we're trying to make things more efficient here. With or without, I support your idea.
/signed infinity squared
why this is a good idea.
saves on grind (dont have to make 5 armors)
saves on space in storage (dont have 5 armors)
makes the armor system more maeliable (spelling?) which makes it more useful
~the I cant freaking sign this one enough Rat~
why this is a good idea.
saves on grind (dont have to make 5 armors)
saves on space in storage (dont have 5 armors)
makes the armor system more maeliable (spelling?) which makes it more useful
~the I cant freaking sign this one enough Rat~
I thought I'd see you back one day with this idea, and with the change to armor in NF, it looks as feasible as ever. I'm just going to go ahead and...
bamm bamm bamm
My original post on the idea may have come across as rather negative, but I just want to make it clear that I think it's a great idea.
Bryant Again
What a petition! Nearly 100% signed now, ja?
/Signed completely.
/Signed completely.
This idea would be great if it works for skins too.
I have many armors because I love different skins, and that takes many rooms.
What about the possibility to merge a skin from an armor we bought into this "Essence Armor", and then have the possibility to choose different skins for this armor ?
I have many armors because I love different skins, and that takes many rooms.
What about the possibility to merge a skin from an armor we bought into this "Essence Armor", and then have the possibility to choose different skins for this armor ?
That's a great idea. Would save me a lot of $ to look good in PvP
That's a great idea. Would save me a lot of $ to look good in PvP

/signed.. pure and simple
You just got tomahawked
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Updated original post in this topic of discussion to include recent signatures, added a few suggestions of the posters for discussion with the community.
Keep 'em feedback comin!
Keep 'em feedback comin!
Signed, for sure. Would also save inventory space in that you could stack all the useful armor bonuses on one set, then change the bonuses at will in town. No more needing 5 sets to cover all the bonuses

No need for an NPC.
Remember the tiny icon in headgear and cloacks?
Put another in the other side for all the armor parts, then you click on it and you can choose with insignia will be active for that armor.
Put another one under this and you can now switch runes...
Each byte of data will allow and armor piece to remember 8 absorved insignia.
0000 0000 -> FF
With 6 bytes you'll be able to store more than the current total of 45 insignia.
- Non equiped armor will accept modifiers, they will show the last modifier added.
- Once an armor piece have 'absorved', as you say, one insignia or rune, you just need to click on the tiny icons and choose the modifier.
- Only equiped armor would be altereble, thought.
Armors will have another line:
x/y runes
n/m insignia
But this is quite... well... a headhache for programers...
sefull, but not very probable.
I'd Like to see it, thought.
Remember the tiny icon in headgear and cloacks?
Put another in the other side for all the armor parts, then you click on it and you can choose with insignia will be active for that armor.
Put another one under this and you can now switch runes...
Each byte of data will allow and armor piece to remember 8 absorved insignia.
0000 0000 -> FF
With 6 bytes you'll be able to store more than the current total of 45 insignia.
- Non equiped armor will accept modifiers, they will show the last modifier added.
- Once an armor piece have 'absorved', as you say, one insignia or rune, you just need to click on the tiny icons and choose the modifier.
- Only equiped armor would be altereble, thought.
Armors will have another line:
x/y runes
n/m insignia
But this is quite... well... a headhache for programers...
sefull, but not very probable.
I'd Like to see it, thought.
Sir Mad
... but couldn't we use a pannel simillar to the equipement pannel of PvP chars to do that? Think about it: applying an insignia on an armor would have no effect but unlocking this insignia for the piece of armor, and letting you eventually choose this insignia for this piece of armor among the other insignias you have unlocked.
... but couldn't we use a pannel simillar to the equipement pannel of PvP chars to do that? Think about it: applying an insignia on an armor would have no effect but unlocking this insignia for the piece of armor, and letting you eventually choose this insignia for this piece of armor among the other insignias you have unlocked.
At the very least this has to be done with Heroes. That alone would be a huge space-saver!
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Updated original post in this topic of discussion to include recent signatures.
Keep 'em feedback comin!
Keep 'em feedback comin!
Wonderfull idea
Wonderfull idea

Niku Kune
Elemental Cotton
I have no knowledge of programming, but I have a feeling this kind of thing would be a headache for the programmers.
But that idea is wonderful, I never really had this kind of problem before, but I'm sure it'd help the others out a lot with armor storage and money.
But that idea is wonderful, I never really had this kind of problem before, but I'm sure it'd help the others out a lot with armor storage and money.
Great idea! We can add to it though:
Not only that but lets make armor sets stack so a full Glads set would take up one space in my bag. Now its not great, its Ingenious.
Not only that but lets make armor sets stack so a full Glads set would take up one space in my bag. Now its not great, its Ingenious.
What about people that want to have different styles and colors of armor? I think storage for customized gear would be more useful and accomplish a similar task.
Quid Pro Quo
Nexus Icon
/signed, but not for being able to change insignias in explorable areas.
I'm quite surprised that this is getting such widespread support as I'm sure a lot of people make a lot of money playing the rune market, and once this sort of thing is implemented, the rune market will just shrivel up and die.
I'm also surprised you haven't had the usual "OMG, U R TEH SUCK @ GW!!1!1 U JUST WANT EZ LIEF!1!!! U R TEH LAYZEE!!1!" crowd coming out and condemning this idea...
I'm quite surprised that this is getting such widespread support as I'm sure a lot of people make a lot of money playing the rune market, and once this sort of thing is implemented, the rune market will just shrivel up and die.
I'm also surprised you haven't had the usual "OMG, U R TEH SUCK @ GW!!1!1 U JUST WANT EZ LIEF!1!!! U R TEH LAYZEE!!1!" crowd coming out and condemning this idea...
/signed !
Originally Posted by Nexus Icon
the rune market will just shrivel up and die.
probably not that often because buying and selling runes to make a profit is marginal at best. im sure people who find valuable runes [ie. sup vig, major vig, sup death, etc] would rather sell them to the rune trader then spam in game chat for countless hours to add a measly 1-2k profit.
/signed, but only if you have to pay a sizable sum to be able to do so, otherwise i can see people massing runes on their armours
sizable amount = 10k rough
After a minutes thought, mabye a quest to be able to do it? Like Infusion basically.
sizable amount = 10k rough
After a minutes thought, mabye a quest to be able to do it? Like Infusion basically.
/signed for "smart armour"