/signed for the idea of a lesser cap sig
/notsigned for limiting how many you can use at once
It's not just the money, it's about more reason to hunt your skills in PvE rather than just buying them all. It's getting back closer to the idea of skill quests. In fact, I'd like this idea even more if the sig-of-lesser-cap was something you could earn from quests or from collectors. Let us play PvE to get our PvE skills!
I doubt there's much need to worry over abuse or farming the caps (or whatever collector bit you use to get the cap) for selling. They'd have very little market, as the skills can still just be bought for 1k from trainers if you'd rather not hunt them down yourself.
And why should we care if people can capture some skills from "easy" bosses? They still have to go out and get it themselves.
As for the argument that everyone would fill their skill bars with them in pugs, that's easy enough to solve - once everyone has said ready, have people cntl-click their skillbars before you enter mission. Kick people sporting what you feel are too many sigs, and don't leave a lot of time for changes after the call.
Don't put a limit on how many you can use at once - that's unnecessary. Maybe you're very familiar with an area and know your heroes/henchies can carry you to the boss. Maybe you're with friends that know you plan to cap a lot and don't mind.
Do you need every skill in the game? No, not any more than you need elite armors and uber-rare gold weapons. But some of us like having all the skill options in PvE.
To the people that'll complain it takes away a gold sink - 1k per skill is hardly much of a gold sink to the rich people that need gold sinks. 1k per skill seems like a lot to people without much money that would rather test things in PvE than PvP.
In Elona, some of the new skills aren't immediately available from the skill trainer in Kamadan
(TY ANet! IMO, way more interesting than Factions and KC.) You could find lots of those skills on bosses long before your character got to the skill trainer that had them. The same was true of Prophecies, but there were more skill quests along the way.
So I was using cap sigs for non-elites when I found one I wanted in Elona. And capping non-elites
does not give you any xp the way capping elites does.
If you doubt me, try it or read the skill description on a cap sig closer.
Me? I'd like to see more reasons to hunt bosses besides the boring green things.