Onyx Gemstone
Shantel Span
I snagged this at the rare material trader a couple days ago for 1.5k...I've never seen one, never heard of one. I searched Wiki and found one reference to it, in an art update a long time ago.
What the heck do i use it for, if anything? >.> Worth much?
What the heck do i use it for, if anything? >.> Worth much?
What in the name of hell? never seen, heard, or found one before. Maybe used in the elite mission which might be getting released? ;o
Is there a spot for it in your material storage tab?
Phoenix Arrows
Weird...nice snag. I want one just to say I have one : );
Terra Xin
If you could be a dear for us and see if that rare material can fit into your matrials tab in storage^^? If it doesnt it's gonna wind up being like those darned Brick of Clay that noone can get to.
Tookis Elite
crystalline shard anyone?
i dont believe it till i see it ingame

He checked earlier and there isnt a spot for it in the material tab, dunno if he tried to put it in anyways. I've seen it in game, and if anyone else wants to, he's willing to show it.
Shantel Span
Heh, thanks Dyeane. I just showed it to Tookis and no, there is no spot for it in the Materials storage.
Tookis Elite
k srry for not believing u
not a good pic but it was indeed an onyx gemstone
not a good pic but it was indeed an onyx gemstone
Shantel Span
I expected people to think this was a hoax...but if it's a hoax, it's a dang good one, and it's one the Devs are playing around with me too >.>
Phoenix Arrows
I wonder who sold it to the Rare Material Trader...we should ask that person.
Wow thats pretty nice. Hopefully it wont be like Mud or Clay or a Brick of Clay when GW first came out. that was just stupid and there are still some traders that accept them. If thats not the case then you have someting similar to a diamond (a new rare material)
Former Ruling
I vote that its (if real, though I'll just assume it is) for the new area at the Statue of Dormir, or something related to that. Sort of the "Ecto" and "Shard" of that area.
It'd be funny though if it went the way of the Brick of Mud and Clay Brick
(Materials that were going to be in the game, but were scraped from the game, but they STILL haven't removed them from some Crafter's lists in Chapter 1)
I vote that its (if real, though I'll just assume it is) for the new area at the Statue of Dormir, or something related to that. Sort of the "Ecto" and "Shard" of that area.
It'd be funny though if it went the way of the Brick of Mud and Clay Brick

Neo Nugget
wow.So many things that are unexlained.Wasnt there a daimond tab added in material storage?
L|S >+>+G+<+<
Yes there is a space for diamonds but wth...I've been checking the rare trader since NF came out & he hasn't had a single one to sell :O
Maybe wherever you get them from has yet to be discovered by the elite among us o.O
Maybe wherever you get them from has yet to be discovered by the elite among us o.O
Shantel Span
You can get Rubies, Sapphires, and Diamonds in exchage for 7 Trade Contracts in the vabbian Bazaar.
I'm gonna try taking it to that statue once we get favor and see what happens...
I'm gonna try taking it to that statue once we get favor and see what happens...
Tookis Elite
that'd be cool if those were like the token for gettin into it.
like he said sumthing like
"omg i luv those gimme gimme! i let u into my 1337 mission!"
and bam ur in
like he said sumthing like
"omg i luv those gimme gimme! i let u into my 1337 mission!"
and bam ur in
Terra Xin
stupid diamonds arent even worth that much either. They're at their 250g base price now.
For something that almost never shows up, the last thing you should do is to sell it to a rare materials trader because you'll get close to nothing for it.
For something that almost never shows up, the last thing you should do is to sell it to a rare materials trader because you'll get close to nothing for it.
Maybe the new obsidian armour material?
Moist Muffin
Yes that is interesting, the first thought that came to mind was what if the new elite mission armorer needed onyx and diamonds. If there is not a place for it in storage than I doubt it.
Tseng Shinra
My first thoughts were armor in the elite mission as well (which will be implimented later it seems).
Interesting that the buying price is 1.5k, isnt the initial buying price of rare crafting materials 250g or 500g? So there must be some more floating around there.
Interesting that the buying price is 1.5k, isnt the initial buying price of rare crafting materials 250g or 500g? So there must be some more floating around there.
If there were more, though, one would think that it would have come up before. Odd that it hasn't..
Well, if he bought it from the rare material trader... and the only known use for materials is to craft weapons and armor..... and we know in some elite areas you can craft very expensive sets of armor.... and a new elite area is coming out soon....
Damn, lost my train of thought.
Beats me.... I'd give it to the next person you see. Where are you, again?
Damn, lost my train of thought.
Beats me.... I'd give it to the next person you see. Where are you, again?
I dont know why but I recognise the image for it. Ive never heard of an Onyx Gemstone but I believe ive seen the icon before..
Lupus Brock
November 23, 2006
Order of Whispers Scouts Hidden Region
As I mentioned in last week's missive, the Order of Whispers has been investigating a rumor concerning a portion of the Realm of Torment previously unknown to Elonians. Through diligent interrogation of the only known soul to escape the forsaken region, members of the Order of Whispers have located an entrance to the region, and have begun sending in scouts to assess the risks associated with allowing Elonians to enter this land of unimaginable pain and suffering.
The Order is currently refusing admittance to any who are not long-standing and respected members of their organization. They are declining to share even the location of the entrance with any—including myself—who do not serve their brotherhood until such time they deem the information safe for public consumption. While the Order is remaining rather tight-lipped about this investigation, I was able to persuade a guard to share some information. This fellow—who, for the record, was conspicuously talkative for a member of an organization that values secrecy so highly—shared the fact that many of their scouts have encountered Forgotten in this realm. Apparently, the Forgotten are as concerned and curious about this new area as the Order of Whispers and many Elonians.
As for the gems my intoxicated friend mentioned in last week's interview, the Order's scouts report they have seen four different types in this new area. Please do not mistake these gems for the sapphires, rubies, and diamonds used in armor crafting. These are entirely different. And, while their use and purpose is not clear, many amongst the Order suspect them to be some sort of magical artifacts, perhaps used for a ritual or spell. Those in charge of the investigation hope the questions surrounding these gems—as well as the numerous other questions arising about this new area—will be answered upon further investigation. I will continue to share any information as I come across it, and may the Five Gods protect us from whatever evils may be waiting inside this ominous locale.
Order of Whispers Scouts Hidden Region
As I mentioned in last week's missive, the Order of Whispers has been investigating a rumor concerning a portion of the Realm of Torment previously unknown to Elonians. Through diligent interrogation of the only known soul to escape the forsaken region, members of the Order of Whispers have located an entrance to the region, and have begun sending in scouts to assess the risks associated with allowing Elonians to enter this land of unimaginable pain and suffering.
The Order is currently refusing admittance to any who are not long-standing and respected members of their organization. They are declining to share even the location of the entrance with any—including myself—who do not serve their brotherhood until such time they deem the information safe for public consumption. While the Order is remaining rather tight-lipped about this investigation, I was able to persuade a guard to share some information. This fellow—who, for the record, was conspicuously talkative for a member of an organization that values secrecy so highly—shared the fact that many of their scouts have encountered Forgotten in this realm. Apparently, the Forgotten are as concerned and curious about this new area as the Order of Whispers and many Elonians.
As for the gems my intoxicated friend mentioned in last week's interview, the Order's scouts report they have seen four different types in this new area. Please do not mistake these gems for the sapphires, rubies, and diamonds used in armor crafting. These are entirely different. And, while their use and purpose is not clear, many amongst the Order suspect them to be some sort of magical artifacts, perhaps used for a ritual or spell. Those in charge of the investigation hope the questions surrounding these gems—as well as the numerous other questions arising about this new area—will be answered upon further investigation. I will continue to share any information as I come across it, and may the Five Gods protect us from whatever evils may be waiting inside this ominous locale.
edwinna elbert
The artwork is the old icon for obsidian shards. Art for both was updated in that 2005 update.
Originally Posted by edwinna elbert
The artwork is the old icon for obsidian shards. Art for both was updated in that 2005 update.
I know i have seen the icon somewhere before though..
Shantel Span
If anyone has some new light to shed on this, it would be helpful...I've also just submitted a support ticket to Anet (should have done this earlier) so we may find something out.
Originally Posted by Shantel Span
If anyone has some new light to shed on this, it would be helpful...I've also just submitted a support ticket to Anet (should have done this earlier) so we may find something out.
But Onyx Gemstones aren't part of the [wiki]Anguish Gemstone[/wiki] set.
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
my judgement, Onyx Gemstones=mystery that will be solved in a couple chapters, like Rubies and Sapphires, sooo farm em while ye can.
odd o_O never heard of this or seen it before.
Shantel Span
Response (GM Mevric) 12/09/2006 10:28 PM Hello, We have received your question about Guild Wars gameplay. We are not able to respond to individual gameplay questions. We do, however, offer an extensive gameplay section (http://www.guildwars.com/gameplay/) that provides answers to questions about how to play the game and about how the various facets of the game function. This document changes periodically and grows to better serve your needs. We would also like to suggest that you ask questions of a gameplay nature on one of our many excellent fansite forums, listed on this link: http://www.guildwars.com/community/fansites/. The fans playing Guild Wars are usually more than happy to answer questions and provide other players with gameplay suggestions and advice, and many of them are active in one or more of the forums listed. And, during gameplay, you may find that the fastest means to an answer is to ask the question in the game itself. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team Customer (***********) 12/09/2006 10:03 PM I found and bought a rare crafting material called an Onyx Gemstone at a trader a couple months ago. Since then I've done some research and no one knows anything about it or has even heard of it. The trader will still buy it back. Is it for the Domain of Anguish? What is it for? |
GM Mevric is a moron.
Mentalist Ellie
Originally Posted by Shantel Span
GM Mevric is a moron.
Shantel Span
The sarcasm part...nothing's better than an automated response.
It looks like they have been in the game in some capacity since the onset of Prophecies.
While looking through archived update notes, I found this on June 29, 2005
"Added new artwork for Onyx, Obsidian, Parchment, Vellum, Vials of Ink, Spiritwood Planks, Spiderwebs, Half-Eaten Masses, and Mursaat Tokens."
If they were changing the artwork in June, it is pretty certain it was in the game's launch in April.
Not sure why so few are ever seen though!
While looking through archived update notes, I found this on June 29, 2005
"Added new artwork for Onyx, Obsidian, Parchment, Vellum, Vials of Ink, Spiritwood Planks, Spiderwebs, Half-Eaten Masses, and Mursaat Tokens."
If they were changing the artwork in June, it is pretty certain it was in the game's launch in April.
Not sure why so few are ever seen though!
Dark Divinor
Looking at that scribe post further up the page, Anet definatly intends them to be something. But when they will reveal their use...well, remains a mystery for the time being.
The Abbott
Originally Posted by Lupus Brock
November 23, 2006
Order of Whispers Scouts Hidden Region As I mentioned in last week's missive, the Order of Whispers has been investigating a rumor concerning a portion of the Realm of Torment previously unknown to Elonians. Through diligent interrogation of the only known soul to escape the forsaken region, members of the Order of Whispers have located an entrance to the region, and have begun sending in scouts to assess the risks associated with allowing Elonians to enter this land of unimaginable pain and suffering. The Order is currently refusing admittance to any who are not long-standing and respected members of their organization. They are declining to share even the location of the entrance with any—including myself—who do not serve their brotherhood until such time they deem the information safe for public consumption. While the Order is remaining rather tight-lipped about this investigation, I was able to persuade a guard to share some information. This fellow—who, for the record, was conspicuously talkative for a member of an organization that values secrecy so highly—shared the fact that many of their scouts have encountered Forgotten in this realm. Apparently, the Forgotten are as concerned and curious about this new area as the Order of Whispers and many Elonians. As for the gems my intoxicated friend mentioned in last week's interview, the Order's scouts report they have seen four different types in this new area. Please do not mistake these gems for the sapphires, rubies, and diamonds used in armor crafting. These are entirely different. And, while their use and purpose is not clear, many amongst the Order suspect them to be some sort of magical artifacts, perhaps used for a ritual or spell. Those in charge of the investigation hope the questions surrounding these gems—as well as the numerous other questions arising about this new area—will be answered upon further investigation. I will continue to share any information as I come across it, and may the Five Gods protect us from whatever evils may be waiting inside this ominous locale. |
I believe I have heard the gem mentioned before while Gaile was on. In fact, I think she responded to it. The conversation had something to do with the fact that there is no storage space for it - and the confirmation that there seems to be no intended use for it at the moment. Lets not forget, however, that rubies and sapphires have been around since prophecies and it took 2 campaigns before they had a purpose. Although they still sold at the merchant for around 1k (I believe). Anyways, I believe the conversation with Gaile took place around the beginning of Wintersday 2006 in Kamadan. I am too lazy to look it up in the logs - but it may be there.
Shantel Span
Yeah, that was my buddy Godstill who asked because I was stuck in ID2 at the time. If I coudl have gotten into ID1 I would have showed her it, but we made do with my buddy asking her about it. No info, though. Didn't even sound like she had heard of it before.