Originally Posted by gene terrodon
The correct relation is...
Tyria is to Elona as Europe is to Asia
Yes that's right.
I'm not comparing them in size, I'm comparing them in the sense that Tyria and Elona are on the same chunk of land, but are still seperate "continents"
Originally Posted by prism2525
what's east of ascalon then? (chap 4 maybe??)
what's north of ascalon then? (chap 5 hopefully - charr stuff again)
Chapter 4 will be (for lack of a better term at this point) "The Northlands" which may very well be a comeback against the Charr, but there is no info on that part yet, all we know is it will be situated north. (I believe Cantha is situated Northwest as well, I've found another map relation but I'm a little unsure). So if my info is correct, Chap4 geographically will be north of Tyria and East of Cantha, and nowhere near Elona.
Chapter 5: We have absolutely no leads on. I'd like to see more jungle and forest areas. There aren't enough closed-in forests.