Why only eight skills in bar?Why not at least nine?
My question is simple...why we are allowed to use only eight skills in bar
and not more?
I think that a greater number of possible skills used in bar would be better
and would bring to the game a right balance. In fact,in my opinion,the game
is still too difficult and it is too easy dying in it.
I suggest that at least nine skills and not only eight skills should be available
for RPG game and also for PVP game.
Does anybody know who I could write to suggest this my opinion?
Thank you
and not more?
I think that a greater number of possible skills used in bar would be better
and would bring to the game a right balance. In fact,in my opinion,the game
is still too difficult and it is too easy dying in it.
I suggest that at least nine skills and not only eight skills should be available
for RPG game and also for PVP game.
Does anybody know who I could write to suggest this my opinion?
Thank you
Suggestions are posted in the Sardelac forum.
And for the topic I can only say that it is what ANet decided on and will not change.
They had the number of skills set to 8 for a reason and I think it is balanced enough.
If I was able to pack two or even one extra skill it would be too easy imo
And for the topic I can only say that it is what ANet decided on and will not change.
They had the number of skills set to 8 for a reason and I think it is balanced enough.
If I was able to pack two or even one extra skill it would be too easy imo
Becoz this is the way it has always been
Ok beta had a nineth slot but 8 is just right.
Ok beta had a nineth slot but 8 is just right.
I read somewhere that the original concept of 8 skills is derived from the 8 fingers people used to wear signet rings on (excluding the thumbs), thus the idea is players use skills by activating each representing signet rings they brought along. I could be just dreaming though, since I have no idea how signet rings used to be worn.
Back on topic, no, I think 8 skills works just fine, could have been 9 or 10 but then the environment would have to be tweaked accordingly, resulting in no change in difficulty. If you're finding it difficult to survive, try changing skill combinations.
Back on topic, no, I think 8 skills works just fine, could have been 9 or 10 but then the environment would have to be tweaked accordingly, resulting in no change in difficulty. If you're finding it difficult to survive, try changing skill combinations.
Kerus Tel Veren
Where did you read about the signet rings? I thought it was an abstract, not intended to have a physical analogue
Come to think of it, I was sort of wondering the other day if there was any conceptual backstory for the 'classes' and 'skills'
There's a pretty solid amount of thought into most aspects of GW, but I can't remember reading anything about the skills/spells/classes directly (or ever seeing anything about Signets really being rings or similar)
Come to think of it, I was sort of wondering the other day if there was any conceptual backstory for the 'classes' and 'skills'
There's a pretty solid amount of thought into most aspects of GW, but I can't remember reading anything about the skills/spells/classes directly (or ever seeing anything about Signets really being rings or similar)
I like the limited skill set to empathize skill vs the grind concept.
Not sure why the choose 8 but it seems right to me and the game mechanics are so entrenched with 8 that I think it would be very hard change and re-balance all 3 games.
Not sure why the choose 8 but it seems right to me and the game mechanics are so entrenched with 8 that I think it would be very hard change and re-balance all 3 games.
8 skills makes you think, makes you design, makes you be creative.
You have to pick eight skills that work together to destroy your enemy - not just put 8 random skills in.
Of course, we could be like WoW where you have access to all your skills... that makes for GREAT variety and tactics... there are dozens of ways to play each class!
You have to pick eight skills that work together to destroy your enemy - not just put 8 random skills in.
Of course, we could be like WoW where you have access to all your skills... that makes for GREAT variety and tactics... there are dozens of ways to play each class!
Alex Weekes
Originally Posted by electrofish
I read somewhere that the original concept of 8 skills is derived from the 8 fingers people used to wear signet rings on (excluding the thumbs), thus the idea is players use skills by activating each representing signet rings they brought along. I could be just dreaming though, since I have no idea how signet rings used to be worn.

If we would have 9 skills we would be so overpowered so noone would bother to play gw because it would be too easy^^
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons.
Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of
game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this
seems strange,odd to anyone?
I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better.
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons.
Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of
game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this
seems strange,odd to anyone?
I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better.
Metsa Pille
Wouldn't you think that if other people are allowed to use 9 skills also, then they would still kill you as often as they do now? Unless...you want the 9 skill skillbar solely for yourself...
Originally Posted by devonemilio
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons. Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this seems strange,odd to anyone? I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better. Bye |
And this is because you suck, several million people manage fine every day
repeat yourself all day long, and still nobody will care
Tetris L
Originally Posted by devonemilio
Why not at least nine?

Originally Posted by devonemilio
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons. Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this seems strange,odd to anyone? I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better. Bye |
one thing in common with games i shall now call *RAT BASHER* games is this. they have high level caps which keep going u and as someone said nwn2 had a major cap increase to make it worht playing. this appeals most to poor to mediocre players who dont have skill at all. every level they go up gives them some more health mana (energy) strength all the other stats they come up to a level 5 boss and being level 5 themselves (after bashing 1000 rats) they figure they will have no problem and when easily beaten instead of thinking of a new approach go back and kill 1000 more rats so they are a bigger better stronger level 6..........which gets beaten again. 2000 additional rats and level 7........get beaten 3000 additional rats and level 8........get beaten 6000 additional rats and level 9........get beaten 12000 additional rats and level 10......get beaten 18000 additional rats and level 11......get beaten 24000 additional rats and level 12......get beaten 30000 additional rats and level 13......get beaten 40000 additional rats and level 14......get beaten 50000 additional rats and level 15......get beaten about 200,000 rats more when he has a level 15 character 3 x as strong, 3x the health, 3x the mana he beats the level 5 boss and goes look at my success. these are brute force games that only need grinding levels to eventually get to the top of the heap so you can look down at all your lower level inferiors rat basher games no skill needed |
Kuldebar Valiturus
It's not that 8 skill slots is any better than 9 or 7. But, it's the starting point the developers chose. And now everything is centered on that decision.
Things are balanced around 8 skills, if it had been 9 slots, things would have been balanced around 9.
But, at a certain point too many skill slots becomes something that can't be balanced. Having 40+ abilities at ready takes all the tactics, strategy and challenge from what ANet desired to be the core of their game.
Things are balanced around 8 skills, if it had been 9 slots, things would have been balanced around 9.
But, at a certain point too many skill slots becomes something that can't be balanced. Having 40+ abilities at ready takes all the tactics, strategy and challenge from what ANet desired to be the core of their game.
Why do you think 9? Because of the number of keys on the keyboard? If so that has nothing to do with balance of skills. Maybe they only planned on 7 and someone suggested 8 for balance and thus it became.
They could pt 16 skills and someone would ask for 20, even you said it... at least 9.
They could pt 16 skills and someone would ask for 20, even you said it... at least 9.
Originally Posted by devonemilio
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons. Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this seems strange,odd to anyone? I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better. Bye |
Trust me, if you play this game long enough, it will get too easy for you. I've actually gotten pretty bored at how easily I can beat the first game now.
Originally Posted by devonemilio
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons. Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this seems strange,odd to anyone? I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better. Bye |
What is this magical 9th skill you would put on your bar to keep you from dying?
Honestly the game is not that hard. If you are dying that much, perhaps you should be asking for advice on how to play your charcter/which skills to use to not die as much. There are way too many factors involved in how much you live or die, the content of your skillbar is one of them and much more important than the number of skills on your skill bar.
Honestly the game is not that hard. If you are dying that much, perhaps you should be asking for advice on how to play your charcter/which skills to use to not die as much. There are way too many factors involved in how much you live or die, the content of your skillbar is one of them and much more important than the number of skills on your skill bar.
with the number of skills uve now got across 3 games, 8 is a rather small percentage.
really focuses you on your build etc.
you could have 10 skills, 10th being avalible on for a res
10 skills would pve more easy, pvp probably just the same really.
ofcourse there are arguements for and against extra skills..
really focuses you on your build etc.
you could have 10 skills, 10th being avalible on for a res

10 skills would pve more easy, pvp probably just the same really.
ofcourse there are arguements for and against extra skills..
Kuldebar Valiturus
To the OP:
There is a definite learning curve.
Other MMO's (WoW, DAoC, etc.) kind of teach peeps bad habits when it comes to Guild Wars. Generally, you don't bulldoze your way through this game. Sure there are some situations where you can clear many mobs fast, but those are more the exception than the rule.
Guild Wars isn't inflationary like other games. The level cap and skill bar limits keep the escalation down and serves even the playing field.
I like the fact that even "lowbie" areas can be dangerous. Hordes of low level Charr can still kill a brazen level 20.
"One hitting" or being "one hit" is not a very common occurrence at least from what I have seen in GW.
I am constantly amazed how one or 2 skill choices can turn a series of failed attempts into a victory. If you are failing a lot/dying a lot...question your strategy. (Skill set, attribute points/attack approach/party makeup/pulling techniques/crowd control/interrupts, etc)
There is a definite learning curve.
Other MMO's (WoW, DAoC, etc.) kind of teach peeps bad habits when it comes to Guild Wars. Generally, you don't bulldoze your way through this game. Sure there are some situations where you can clear many mobs fast, but those are more the exception than the rule.
Guild Wars isn't inflationary like other games. The level cap and skill bar limits keep the escalation down and serves even the playing field.
I like the fact that even "lowbie" areas can be dangerous. Hordes of low level Charr can still kill a brazen level 20.
"One hitting" or being "one hit" is not a very common occurrence at least from what I have seen in GW.
I am constantly amazed how one or 2 skill choices can turn a series of failed attempts into a victory. If you are failing a lot/dying a lot...question your strategy. (Skill set, attribute points/attack approach/party makeup/pulling techniques/crowd control/interrupts, etc)
Ive watched my son play WOW on his PC. All he seems to do is click practically eveything there without any thought of energy management. The interface looks untidy having loads of skills available.
Thats what you want? I dont understand why you feel GW is a problem in this respect. The idea is to manage what you have and make the best use of it.
I would suggest stop telling the world how poor you play and look up some builds for your character that work and perhaps change tactics. You cant just rush in and expect to survive against higher level enemy mobs without a bit of thought. Thats what having only this amount of slots makes you do.
Thats what you want? I dont understand why you feel GW is a problem in this respect. The idea is to manage what you have and make the best use of it.
I would suggest stop telling the world how poor you play and look up some builds for your character that work and perhaps change tactics. You cant just rush in and expect to survive against higher level enemy mobs without a bit of thought. Thats what having only this amount of slots makes you do.
The Muffen Man
Well Ive always said this isnt a game of 8 skills, not for pvp anyway its a game of 7 skills and rez.
Ive always said this and Ill say it again we need 8 skill slots SKILL and Im not counting rez signet as a skill and then a slot for rez, because you always have to bring a rez into pvp
Ive always said this and Ill say it again we need 8 skill slots SKILL and Im not counting rez signet as a skill and then a slot for rez, because you always have to bring a rez into pvp

Warrior Of The Toon
What I want to know is that if you claim to have been playing for 14 months, how come you do not understand the very basis of the gameplay? The 8 skill slots are there to make you think and plan ahead, most of what has come next has been covered here.
But what I truely want to know is how you are so bad at a game after 14 months of playing? Even after a month or two most people grasp the basic survival skills needed. Buto ne of the good things about GW is that you need not fear death (unless you're a survivor), all it is is a nuisance, not something which wipes out half of your xp and drops all your items...
But what I truely want to know is how you are so bad at a game after 14 months of playing? Even after a month or two most people grasp the basic survival skills needed. Buto ne of the good things about GW is that you need not fear death (unless you're a survivor), all it is is a nuisance, not something which wipes out half of your xp and drops all your items...
It's funny how everyone seems to think there are 8 skill slots when there is in fact only 7 slots (with the notable exception of solo farming).
7 skill slots + a rez.
Here's what I would be in favor of....
Increase the number of usable skill slots from 7 to 8, and create a rez-only 9th slot, where only a rez spell/signet could be inserted. That way, by default, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) would have a rez skill on their bar.
This would be the only change I would accept to the current formula.
Since this change is extremely unlikely, I say just leave it the way it is.
7 skill slots + a rez.
Here's what I would be in favor of....
Increase the number of usable skill slots from 7 to 8, and create a rez-only 9th slot, where only a rez spell/signet could be inserted. That way, by default, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) would have a rez skill on their bar.
This would be the only change I would accept to the current formula.
Since this change is extremely unlikely, I say just leave it the way it is.

Xenex Xclame
Originally Posted by Tetris L
If there were nine you'd ask for ten. That's why.
![]() |
I think 8 is enough, sometimes too much in some cases.......
I mean look at the lvl 28 bosses, you would think they would have 8 skills, but naaah, they only have what, like 4-5??
I mean look at the lvl 28 bosses, you would think they would have 8 skills, but naaah, they only have what, like 4-5??
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by devonemilio
Thank for replying...by the way...I still say that Guildwars is too difficult, it is
too easy to die for the most stupid reasons. Now reason about this...I have died more in guildwars in only 14 months of game...than in ten years of playing others RPG FANTASY GAMES...now this seems strange,odd to anyone? I repeat 9 skills in bar would be better. Bye |
Maybe you should just stick with Mario.
Kuldebar Valiturus
8 skill slots is what you have.
Word games aside, a Rez Signet is a skill that you can choose to place on your skill bar.
Contrary to popular belief, there may actually be reasons NOT to have Rez Signet on your bar, but that's the cool thing about the game: your choices matter.
Word games aside, a Rez Signet is a skill that you can choose to place on your skill bar.
Contrary to popular belief, there may actually be reasons NOT to have Rez Signet on your bar, but that's the cool thing about the game: your choices matter.
I'm fine with 8 but if they do make more skill spots available i'm fine with that too.
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
8 skill slots is what you have.
Word games aside, a Rez Signet is a skill that you can choose to place on your skill bar. Contrary to popular belief, there may actually be reasons NOT to have Rez Signet on your bar, but that's the cool thing about the game: your choices matter. |
If you had 9 skill slots, The game'd be balanced to be a little more difficult, to compensate for that extra skill. Then, the complaint would just be "The game is too hard, we need 10 skill slots! It's a nice even number!". Just like if the level cap were 25, we'd have people clamoring for 30.
The whole point of GW is: You Play Better, the Numbers Stay the Same.
I know its not really explained anyplace where the skills actually come from in game, and that is a shame. We who played the betas know that the skill charms are inserted into skill rings and thus 8 became the number. The 9th skill was from a pendant, which allowed for trading of skills from other professions on a temporary basis. in any case. after playing around with the different options, ultimately the most balance in builds was attained with only 2 profession mixes of skills and only 8 skills.
The ring, pendent, advanced pendant, & skill charm portion of the game was abandoned for what we now have.
I know some are saying wait we have 10 fingers. Sorry they never had thumb rings that I remember. lol
The ring, pendent, advanced pendant, & skill charm portion of the game was abandoned for what we now have.
I know some are saying wait we have 10 fingers. Sorry they never had thumb rings that I remember. lol
In any case... thumb rings are duh

your posting ability isn't a skill either.
Core idea of Gw will stagnate without such changes. The only real contribution (at this rate) from each expansion is new skills. And even then, the new skills either simply fill a void in certain types of skills, or are overshadowed by other skills. This also works in retro, turning once decent skills into the brown stuff you hate stepping in.
Change is good.
And yes, factions & NF are expansions, not stand-alone.
Change is good.
And yes, factions & NF are expansions, not stand-alone.
God Apprentice
8 skills is fine. It makes it a "thinking mans game". Instead of a million skills you need to plan out what you want to do prior to doing w/e you are going to do.
I personally think its great the way it is, eight being my favoriteNumber, and It makes it so you focus more on what you use.
Killian Godsblade
Okay, I'm gonna throw this one out there because I think I figured out what the OPs problem is.
Only warriors can tank, nobody else (with a few exceptions). Build yourself a Wammo and go play.
On topic though. 8 is perfect. No need to make a special skill slot just for a rez. Part of the fun is creating a build that will work with the given amount of space. At least for me.
Only warriors can tank, nobody else (with a few exceptions). Build yourself a Wammo and go play.
On topic though. 8 is perfect. No need to make a special skill slot just for a rez. Part of the fun is creating a build that will work with the given amount of space. At least for me.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Praetor
Core idea of Gw will stagnate without such changes. The only real contribution (at this rate) from each expansion is new skills. And even then, the new skills either simply fill a void in certain types of skills, or are overshadowed by other skills. This also works in retro, turning once decent skills into the brown stuff you hate stepping in.
Change is good. |
A governing philosophy is not a fashion trend or a college fad, it's the foundation of what you have built. Start timkering around too much and boom, all it comes down.
Every other MMO game on the market ends up going hyper-inflationary on every thing.
They super-size it, they raise the cap, they add more hurdles and then: they become irrelevant. Because at some point during all that "non-stagnation" they lost their "core" customers.
See, ANet can update their graphics engine, they can add more skills, they can add another planet to tavel to, they can add new races, time travel, and pet rocks...but they can't rip out the heart of the game and still expect it to beat.
When you play Volley Ball, you don't ask for more nets to be added, or more balls, for that matter, lol.

9 skills would mean overpower. and more skills will get nerfed in that way.
btw if you die a lot that is your own mistake, maybe GW is not a game for you.
btw if you die a lot that is your own mistake, maybe GW is not a game for you.