Originally Posted by Y O U Lo Se
ppl start talking about rank elitism, which doesnt excist, ALL players had a hard time getting their r3, but we all got it because we were motivated. Elitism isnt the problem, new players attitude is.
That's the biggest load of Dolyak poop I have ever read. Rank elitism is all you ever see in PvP, hell, PvPers that happen to be in a PvE environment even try to play the " I'm Rank 6 so therefore I am better than you !! " card all the time. This, by the way, isn't some gripe from some PvP noob who hopes one day to be able to flash a Bambi.
PvP !! Been there !! Done that & all I got was Tiger, well that and an utter distain for PvP, HA and the continuous pampering that Anet gives to the PvP cry-baby community.
I used to play with some fairly big names in HA PvP until I got bored of it all, I mean lets face it just how exciting is the same half dozen maps against the same dozen teams doing the same handful of builds every day for several months. How many times did I ever see a R9 team take a non R9 player into the team ?? Never !! Hell even if you were R8 you would be dissed and dismissed as " Not as leet as them !! "
HA is a joke and not because of rank elitism nor because of the 6v6 thing that has since been implimented. I went back to HA after getting so utterly bored in Factions ( which by the way was pretty much only a thinly veiled poor excuse from Anet to allow PvP players to make more money ). Where was everyone ?? The American districts were empty, everyone was in the international districts. Okay fighting in HA was supposed to be about winning favor of the Gods for the American, European, Korean districts etc etc. There should have never been an International district in HA it makes the whole favor system a complete joke as unless you are in a guild group ( and even then not always ) who you are fighting for favor for is now simply pot-luck not that PvPers do or ever have given a toss about favor.
As I had been out of PvP for a while I decided to drop my rank title and get in on the ground floor so to speak so I could learn what the new builds where and what changes had been made to the pre-existing builds. After several days of standing about trying to even get into one group and not even managing that because I had no title shown I reconsidered that idea. Getting flamed in local by R1 groups because they thought I didn't have any rank at all for several days leaves a somewhat bitter taste in your mouth but I was not ready to quit yet.
So a quick tick of a box and a /rank later and hey-presto I'm suddenly not a R0 noob except now I'm expected to know every build, every skill bar and every attribute spread with eidetic memory. There was no way for me to win, no one would take the time to give me skill bars or explain what changes had taken place, to them I may as well have been a zero fame noob, even the people who I had previously played on a daily basis with treated me with distain and refused to add me to the group simply because they were all a single rank higher by that point than I was.
PvP is all about elitism, it always has been.
I for one am sick of the PvP cry-baby attitude, I'm sick of Anet nerfing PvE just to balance out PvP all the fraking time. PvPers get everything handed to them on a platter and still all they do is moan and cry like little girls. If you are not happy with the game then frak off and go play WoW and leave us in peace.
When Anet gives the PvE community a way of winning thousands of dollars in a regular event then you have the right to come and complain about the fairness of the game, til then STFU !!