I have been hacked

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


I went to log in today,Wednesday 15th November. I logged in succesfully but was unfortunately faced with ALL my Characters being deleted,I had 8 slots and 5 PvE Characters,my Ranger,Warrior,Monk,Dervish and Assassin all deleted,My ranger had Obsidian Armor and I had spent a lot of time to get it also all my other characters,apart from the Dervish had 15k armor,so,what am I meant to do now. I have e-mailed Anet and waiting for a response,my password wasnt the easiest to guess,as it had many numbers and letters in and my e-mail hasnt been shown to anyone.Whoever hacked me should be shot on site,hackers are nothing but sad pathetic scum, of which will amount to nothing but the self satisfaction of being a geek. So what am I meant to do now?,start again?,quit forever?,is it possible to get my characters back?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Prefer Unlight Beer [PuB]

Man, I feel for you, and no, I don't think you can get them back. >.< At least you had cash in your storage.. Right?

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


no,I have nothing,nothing at all.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

By Any Other Name [Rose]


Ouch. I hope you're able to get everything back. I read another similar thread posted by Black Guinevere last month. Her primary char got deleted. A-net wouldn't do anything. Sorry man.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


to be honest,im pissed off,but not that pissed off as much as I thought,this guild wars hack could mean another door opening? maybe now I can spend more time with mates,unlike I used to,maybe I can extend my basketball talent,or maybe im babbling on because im trying to find the positives.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


*runs off to change password again*
Everytime i read this I have a need to recreate my password, and make it more complex.

I doubt Anet will do anything Im sorry this happened to you.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


wow,today isnt my day,my MSN account wont work,if there could be the most unluckiest person in the world in one time,that would be me..



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Have you done some serious scans of your computers? If you are as careful as you say with your email/password then it sounds like you have a keylogger on your computer.

Try some adware scans, virus scans and most importanly run HiJackThis to see what it finds.

I feel bad for you buddy.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Jay Shrine
wow,today isnt my day,my MSN account wont work,if there could be the most unluckiest person in the world in one time,that would be me..
Could be the same person. If he managed to get the email address you use for your username (if you use that) and its password, he can reset your GW account password as well.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Usually when people hack into an account, they either keep the account or loot it, not just delete everything. If they are looting it, they get the platinum, the other big valuables, maybe delete a toon just to be an ass, then leave the rest alone. I wonder if your account isn't simply bugged.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by support.plaync.com
Can you replace my deleted character?

We regret that we are not able to replace or reset characters if they are deleted from your game account. Some data associated with a deleted character is kept on file, but we cannot recreate a character using that limited amount of data. We encourage you to be very careful when you make character deletions. In instances where you are unsure how a character was removed, you should consider running a check for trojans or key loggers on your system, and consider resetting your password to prevent anyone who may have learned your password from accessing your account again.
I suspect that you have some type of key logger on your system, since you said you have a complex password. It is too late to do much about it now. If you do not remove the key logger from your system, it will not matter if you change your password. You need to clean your system before you proceed further.
  • The extreme method would be to reformat your system and do a clean install (this is were a Ghost image is very useful)
  • Another method you should try first is use a few Anti-Spyware applications such as SpyBot Search and Destroy and Ad-Aware. Additionally, scan your system with an AV program may not be enough ... most key loggers are in the form of a Trojan so another good application is Trojan Remover.

The most common way for people to get your password is by retrieving it using the Account Management tools on the PlayNC website (https://secure.plaync.com/cgi-bin/plaync_manage.pl). If you share your e-mail account with someone and use that e-mail account on your game account, it is possible that they could retrieve your password if they know your account name. (A similar thing can happen if you use certain instant messenger programs and share your account with someone…they could easily get access to the free e-mail account that you get with IM programs.)

Another way for computer criminals to get a password is to go through a list of all possible passwords, given they know an account name. This might seem tedious, but hackers do it with the help of computer programs that quickly cycle through all potential letter and number combinations. Should this happen (while unlikely, it does happen), the infiltrator needs your account name next. You should guard your account name if you can; avoid making your user name something that is readily accessible or easily guessed. For instance, don't use the name of your main character as your account name.

Remember, if someone has remote access to your system, it is very possible that they will be able to get your password if you have the password saved on your computer. There are two things you can do to prevent this from happening: never leave a save password box checked and keep your system cleared of viruses, particularly Trojans (which are discussed later in this document). Leaving a save password box checked means the password will be stored somewhere on your local drive. While this makes logging into websites or games easier, it also gives crooks a head start in getting your passwords.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Helis galonia bataillon québec


omg... same thing happenned to my friend yesterday! I was checking out my friends list, and I saw him connected. I tried to pm him but he wouldnt even reply... He was changing characters frequently, i pmed again, then he(the haxxor) replied and told me I was annoying(my friend is a frenchie) and kicked me from the guild and logged out.

this morning at school my friend was pissed and I asked him why he kicked me out, of course he had learned his accout got hacked(maybe because of the presence of 8 empty char slots...)

I would appreciate it if we could send something to Anet, but problem is... i dont know how... ^^ Now I am POSITIVE that anet can know what types of transactions the deleted characters did before being deleted. It could lead to a type of investigation. I firmly beleive THAT IT WAS THE SAME PERSON



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

South Shields, England

The Psycho Titans


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Usually when people hack into an account, they either keep the account or loot it, not just delete everything. If they are looting it, they get the platinum, the other big valuables, maybe delete a toon just to be an ass, then leave the rest alone. I wonder if your account isn't simply bugged.
This happened to me. I hadn't used my second account for a few months and when i logged in. 3 of my chars were naked and all their weapons, runes, gold and stuff was gone.

They did leave me my 55hp monk alone though. That was nice of them.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Helis galonia bataillon québec


Ramma77, read my reply, I SPOKE TO THE GUY who was hacking...


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
*runs off to change password again*
Everytime i read this I have a need to recreate my password, and make it more complex...
Ok, I've changed my password in the game using edit account before. Now it is telling me to go to PlayNC and change my password. My password for PlayNC is different than the game password. Why would I change my game password in my PlayNC account? And there isn't a place that I found to change my game password. Am I blind? Any help appreciated.

Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


^You have to click edit or whatever next to where it lists GW in the plaync master account game list

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Thanks for the snappy responses,its much appreciated,I have downloaded the trial of Trojan Remover and I have Spy Sweeper on this computor,but what do I do? do I scan the whole computor? just the drive? and whats a keylogger,Ive heard of them but never understood their true meaning.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


if this doesnt work,your help was much appreciated and anyway,isnt a door being shut better than it being locked? maybe I can start again with a necromancer,ive always wanted to make one

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Keylogger is spyware which basically records and reports your keystrokes.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Originally Posted by Jay Shrine
Thanks for the snappy responses,its much appreciated,I have downloaded the trial of Trojan Remover and I have Spy Sweeper on this computor,but what do I do? do I scan the whole computor? just the drive? and whats a keylogger,Ive heard of them but never understood their true meaning.
1. Scan you entire computer.
2. a keylogger is just like is sounds, it logs the keystrokes that you make and saves them into a file somewhere and sends it back to the hacker. That's why your not protected until you remove it. Every time you try to change your password, they will see it in the keylogger.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Keylogger is spyware which basically records and reports your keystrokes.

Fiendz Bane

Fiendz Bane

Academy Page

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The Netherlands

Wee Free Men [凸〇一〇]


Originally Posted by Jay Shrine
Thanks for the snappy responses,its much appreciated,I have downloaded the trial of Trojan Remover and I have Spy Sweeper on this computor,but what do I do? do I scan the whole computor? just the drive? and whats a keylogger,Ive heard of them but never understood their true meaning.
Yep, scan your whole pc and a keylogger, as the word says, logs your keys so if you type in your password it somehow stores it and someone else can easily get acces to it.

Sorry to hear these kind of things happen so much hope i never fall victim to it.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
^You have to click edit or whatever next to where it lists GW in the plaync master account game list
Yes I did. It only offers the option to reset the password.

Bad terminology, reset is misleading. I tried the reset and it does change the password.

Wrath Of Dragons

Wrath Of Dragons

Burninate Stuff

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Mexico


Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Usually when people hack into an account, they either keep the account or loot it, not just delete everything. If they are looting it, they get the platinum, the other big valuables, maybe delete a toon just to be an ass, then leave the rest alone. I wonder if your account isn't simply bugged.
Actually, most instances where i have seen someone hacked, the "hacker" actually does get rid of everything, just to be an .....edited myself there....

In games where the characters can be deleted, they are, and in games where the characters cant be deletes, all items, including worthless ones are dropped, as well as a clearing of the friendlist.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


I tryed to create a new password on PlayNC,but it didnt work I entered in my Serial Code for Prophocies and it said:

"That serial code is apparently already in use. Please verify that it was entered correctly, and contact customer service if you still have a problem."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

San Francisco, UC Berkeley

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Man if theres any anet empolyees reading this, i hope u implement a feature similar to that of Gunbound. It has a feature that scans ur file for hax and/or key logs that are associated witht he program before u can even play the game (or something to that extent). Please use a version of this to prevent anymore hax.



Join Date: Nov 2006


Well Anet will NOT replace any lost items, characters ect... ect...

So you have two options really.

1) Start over from scratch.

2) Quit.

It's up to you, but you will never see your characters or items again, the sooner you accept that the better.

As far as why a "hacker" would delete your stuff... it's just adding insult to injury. Hacker's are malicious by nature, and really what they get enjoyment from is destroying your hard work. It's not so much about the plat, but more so about just being cruel.

Why do you think people deface websites when they get no personal gain from it? They simply enjoy destroying other people's stuff.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Spy Sweeper detected one virus:
Tribalfusion cookie - Tribalfusion cookie that is a cookie that may track the unique visitors to a website, as well as their personal preferences.
Is this the one? ive opened guild wars,everything is still gone.

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


Originally Posted by Contempt
Well Anet will NOT replace any lost items, characters ect... ect...

So you have two options really.

1) Start over from scratch.

2) Quit.

It's up to you, but you will never see your characters or items again, the sooner you accept that the better.

As far as why a "hacker" would delete your stuff... it's just adding insult to injury. Hacker's are malicious by nature, and really what they get enjoyment from is destroying your hard work. It's not so much about the plat, but more so about just being cruel.

Why do you think people deface websites when they get no personal gain from it? They simply enjoy destroying other people's stuff.
As I said,the door is closed for my 5 characthers,but it isnt locked,I shall continue playing,Necromancer style,thanks for ur support



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

"Pre-nerf" is incorrect. It's pre-buff.

Requirement Begins With R [notQ]


There should be an option when you log in to your account that you can check/uncheck box which associates your account with your PC. That would mean that your account would only be accessible from your own PC and could not be accessed remotely.

Is that a plausible idea?

@Jay. Sorry for the loss, it must be infuriating



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


i just want to ask if you downloaded anything or went to any suspicous websites before logging on?

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


^ no,not really,go on this site and guildwiki sometimes,when it works



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


hmm very mind boggiling and i am very sorry for you. i hate those damn hackers

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


can someone tell me if spy sweeper caught the right thing?

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


a word of advice never buy accounts online even plaync accounts. NEVER simple as that. and change your password every 2 weeks at minimum any thing after that it free game for any hacker out there. also use words and nukmbers and try not to use a phrase i used to use buttcheeks lol dont ask why ijust thought no one would use it :P to my amasment some one hacked my account or tried to while i was playing befcuase i got logged off saying someone else is trying to access your account and i quickly looged back on and changed by pass word to the minimal requirment before the hacker could get on again.

- if you get hacked while playing then log back on and switch passwords the the first thing that comnes to mind dont sit their and think or you will be hacked again and they will change your password so they can steal in peace.

other then that ive been hacked only one more time when i was offline at school and the gu7y was nicer than some of yours as he only took 50k off my accoun and left all my chars with their 15k armors untouched and their perfect weapons and greens :/ what a nice bad guy

Jay Shrine

Jay Shrine

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


^hmm good advice,thanks,I dont know how to change my password though,its so confusing.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Tribalfusion cookie - Tribalfusion cookie that is a cookie that may track the unique visitors to a website, as well as their personal preferences.
It doesn't sound like a keylogger, so no it probably isn't what you are looking for.

Do you only play GW on one PC? Have you ever played on a public PC or a friends? The hackers have to have 2 things to hack an account. 1. the account name 2. the password So either someone guessed at your name and password or someone knew the account name and hacked it.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

I dont know how to change my password though,its so confusing.
Log into your account, select Edit Account on bottom left and follow the directions there.

If you have have a PlayNC account, log into the PlayNC account, select Guild Wars and then reset password.

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


yeah and thats why i say no plaync accounts becuase sometimes as we all know sometimes go really slow so while you are w8ing for the site to load you might have to do a log battle with the hacker (logging in constantly so that the hacker cant do anything )



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

i think all that tribalfusion cookie does is see what websites you go to so they get an idea as to what kinds of pop-up and banner ads might actually get u to buy something