im defintely not here to start a flame fest, but why the hell is everyone saying "remove pvp, remove ha, remove fame"
this that and the other thing
but some of these posts are funny
Originally Posted by Spike
Remove PVP and replace Sins with a GOOD class
Or at the very least complete the on-going seperation from PVE. So they can nerf the pvp side as much as they like but LEAVE the pve side alone.
Remove PvP, great idea, so GW loses over half of its hardcore player base.
Replace sins? actually have you ever watched EviL's use of sins, in the GWFC season, shows perfect use of them, and there abilities in combat
also i think sins have become the pre-nightfall ele.
They have lots of utility skills that are great on alot of diffrent bars, and one or two builds that are actually viable...
Originally Posted by generik
Abolish PvP.
Introduce real weapons without the notion of "max damage"
great idea, no max damage? you do know that this is a video game, and the amount of realism your asking for wouldnt work in an mmorpg
Originally Posted by Dougal Kronik
Ranger weapons (not necessarily bows) that have requirements for Beast Mastery, Wilderness Survival, and Expertise.
that would probably be a game breaker right there imo.
Originally Posted by garethporlest18
Yeah making everything accessible takes a lot of out of the game for me. I'd have nothing to work for after I beat the game.
the good thing about making everything accesiable is it turns the game in turn as you can only work on improving your skill, and not worrying about having the leetest weapon or skills available
anyways i probably shouldnt be so critical on everyone, it is what they want, so w/e , its your thoughts
but what i want:
Hero Battles (no not HA) to have some sort of reward other then faction
a better GvG match making system that would somehow reduce the amount of top 10 players i have to play in gvgpugs, smurfs, and other guilds that they arent apart of
make PvE more difficult, or just provide other areas like UW
Fix These:
Rampage as One
Searing Flames
Motivation Paragons
Spoil Victor
Remove These:
Heros in PvP (obviously not Hero Battles
titles in my opionion, i think you should limit titles or make them alot harder to show, i.e having higher requirements, having a title really doesnt mean much because most titles u can show in less then a weekends worth of a work
Add These:
Better LFG System
More gameplay situations that would encourage elite PvE and elite PvP to come together, hold hands, and sing happy songs about how we finally all get along