Petition: Give us a Rit Hero!
I know there are a **** load of people out there than would really enjoy using a Ritualist Hero...why Anet didn't add one is beyond me.
Half of you will say it's because Rit's are too over-powered, the other half will say it's because Rit's suck. Either way, they're a class in the game and currently the only class you can't Hero up in your party.
Please /sign if you think Anet should give us a Ritualist Hero!
Half of you will say it's because Rit's are too over-powered, the other half will say it's because Rit's suck. Either way, they're a class in the game and currently the only class you can't Hero up in your party.
Please /sign if you think Anet should give us a Ritualist Hero!
Legendary Battousai
Delays gameplay
Gordon Ecker
You'll probably be able to make Razah a primary ritualist. But I still think they should add a ritualist hero and a second mesmer hero. It seems wierd that 3 of the 4 non-core professions have heroes and 5 of the 6 core professions have 2 heroes.
/Signed ,,,,, Rits ftw

You'll be able to turn Razah into a Ritualist. No need to add one then.
I would like one anyway, yes.
Tiny Biscuit
Just went Rt with a few friends of me in AB, and we could handle 2 4-man teams easily. With a good build ritualist can really rock!
Just went Rt with a few friends of me in AB, and we could handle 2 4-man teams easily. With a good build ritualist can really rock!
Marth Reynolds
/signed, just feels empty without one

Sir fredman
Originally Posted by X Earth X
You'll be able to turn Razah into a Ritualist. No need to add one then.
Princess Blades
yes it might be added with the new elite mission.. apparently he can be any.. but that also means he wont have a cool ritualist specific armor.
I suppose at the very latest they could added it along with other heroes in a future campaign.
I suppose at the very latest they could added it along with other heroes in a future campaign.
/Signed. You'll be able to turn Razah into one, but I want 2 rits.
Second mesmer would also be nice.
Second mesmer would also be nice.
Signed for this, and a 2nd mesmer. Then Razah.
So 2x of each core prof, 1x of each chapter prof (A, Rt, D, P) and 1x Razah. Would be very nice.
So 2x of each core prof, 1x of each chapter prof (A, Rt, D, P) and 1x Razah. Would be very nice.
and 2nd mes and then razah pls
and 2nd mes and then razah pls
Shrouded Waffle
/signed +2nd mes
Guardian of the Light
O ya and make it a female Rit hero
O ya and make it a female Rit hero

Will W.
A Ritualist hero is definately needed, whether Razah can be one or not. Just because he can be a Rit doesn't mean they should still add a Rit hero! That's like saying get rid of Warrior or Monk heroes because Razah can be them too.
A Ritualist hero is definately needed, whether Razah can be one or not. Just because he can be a Rit doesn't mean they should still add a Rit hero! That's like saying get rid of Warrior or Monk heroes because Razah can be them too.
hell, why not
Mercury Angel
Ultimately, I think they decided against adding a Ritualist hero because of AI issues. The only way to play a ritualist (through secondary profession) from what I've tested is to micromanage everything.
They set their spirits down immediately as soon as they recharge without you disabling them and doing it for them.
They REFUSE to drop offensive Item Spells, and I haven't tried the defensive ones. I shudder to think how they'll manage with it.
They don't really understand the importance of meeting the conditional requirements on spells, and cast them at reduced efficiency freely, especially nasty when some of them are supposed to help manage energy. (Soothing Memories and Essence Strike, for example)
And oh the hilarity if people remember when having 2 ritualist heroes = back and forth Spirit Light-ing, if that still happens. (Haven't tested that.)
Weapon Spells are as troublesome as most proactive enchantments tend to be, because they can't make judgments/predictions about the future as humans can. Instead, they just throw them around kind of wildly.
But meh, players aren't idiots; If a hero can't handle a build, most people will try something else, until they can find something that works. If even just one hero Ritualist build works effectively, then it's more options, and more options are always nice.
So /signed.
They set their spirits down immediately as soon as they recharge without you disabling them and doing it for them.
They REFUSE to drop offensive Item Spells, and I haven't tried the defensive ones. I shudder to think how they'll manage with it.
They don't really understand the importance of meeting the conditional requirements on spells, and cast them at reduced efficiency freely, especially nasty when some of them are supposed to help manage energy. (Soothing Memories and Essence Strike, for example)
And oh the hilarity if people remember when having 2 ritualist heroes = back and forth Spirit Light-ing, if that still happens. (Haven't tested that.)
Weapon Spells are as troublesome as most proactive enchantments tend to be, because they can't make judgments/predictions about the future as humans can. Instead, they just throw them around kind of wildly.
But meh, players aren't idiots; If a hero can't handle a build, most people will try something else, until they can find something that works. If even just one hero Ritualist build works effectively, then it's more options, and more options are always nice.
So /signed.
but i agree with another poster who said they should be female.
And not have Koss hair style.
~the Hairless Rat~
but i agree with another poster who said they should be female.
And not have Koss hair style.
~the Hairless Rat~
Yeah, whether Razah can be a Ritualist or not doesn't change the fact that I want a separate plain old Ritualist Hero.
I'll be your Ritualist hero , just um... join the 5 Month waiting list and i'll get around to you.

I not only thought about this, I even suggested it before, here:
There's a reason everyone involved in organised pvp hates ritualists. /notsigned.
Dj Tano
i really dont get why they didnt add one
i really dont get why they didnt add one
They added every profession in the game, theres no reason why they shouldn't add the rit. Even though I would use him/her, /signed.
Loki Seiguro
/sign for 2nd mesmer and rit hero
Shinto Sharingan
Well first of all...Razah will be able to be a ritualist. And second, I guess it's not fair to Ritualist-lovers :P It's already an anomily profession among the heros...meh why not!