I can honestly say that there is no more waiting within a group for the Monk to show up or waiting within a group for just that right character with one particular skill so a mission can be beat for this ole Ranger.

Shyft the Pyro
Originally Posted by Vandal2k6
Apart from with friends I hate doing missions with humans. You always get one that thinks he knows it all and says "ffs, noob" every 2 minutes. One that ain't got a clue and agros everything you tell him not too and one that goes afk to piggyback the mission. Oh, and let's not forget the leaver because he dies once and can't be doing with any kind of DP.
Koss and co are reliable and hard working so I'll stick with those thanks. However, I still prefer mission groups with people I know so I can have a laugh and a chat whilst playing. |
Kais Unduli
Riken Chrono
exiled mat
Omega X
Axe Addict
Originally Posted by Omega X
ITs about time PuGs got some competition. For too long, we had to suffer the idiocy of ignorant PuGGers. The AI completely outperforms them in many areas.
Thanks to Heroes, I never have to suffer that torture ever again. Guildies/Heroes ftw. |
Axe Addict
Originally Posted by harshateja
I love when people bash PuGs as if they are a separate entity of inferior players, independent of the 1337 players. Here's a hint buddy, PuGs are made up of people like you and me. If 99% of this forum is bashing PuGs, you have to wonder - at least 50% of them are actually bashing themselves (like you).
Count to Potato
Amity and Truth
Guardian of the Light
Kern Wolf
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
PuGs will always exist so long that people want to socialize in GW.
The fact that their disappearing tells you something..... |
Omega X
Originally Posted by harshateja
I love when people bash PuGs as if they are a separate entity of inferior players, independent of the 1337 players. Here's a hint buddy, PuGs are made up of people like you and me. If 99% of this forum is bashing PuGs, you have to wonder - at least 50% of them are actually bashing themselves (like you).
Originally Posted by Kern Wolf
I dont think PUGs are dead--IMO, PUGS are scarcely seen because the GW populace is pretty spread out between the three chapters. I know that in the main mission areas, I still see people looking for groups; they may be in the minority now that the experienced players have grasped hero/hench control, and dont feeel like waiting for groups to form.
I 'm about 1/2 through NF, and havent come up against a mission that I couldnt do with just Hero's/Henches, versus forming a group with human players. Would we call that experience, or (at this point in the game), really easy missions? I've read some of the posts that talked about the "really hard" missions near the end of the game; it could be that, towards the end, you might see more PUGs forming (any players who finished NF, please let us know if that's the case)... |
Kotetsu Rain
Originally Posted by malevolence
OMG -A noob question- What PUGs means ? PM me with the answer please. Thanks.