[In comparison, Factions really shines : fun, short and action packed missions (bring back the dual-teams missions), _attractive_ landscapes.
You may be done (too) quickly with the game but at least it's still enjoyable to go through it over and over (missions like Vizunah, Raisu or Gyala Hatchery are adrenaline-fillling)
you have got to be kidding... i never want to see Vizunah (foreign quater) again
factions sucked, and theyve done little to make it better heres some examples
1. nightfall gives u access to a elite mission once u beat the game, factions doesnt (though they promised they would like 6 months ago

) u either have to own the town or wait for hours for a ferry, and now those elite missions are practically abandoned
2. TOO MUCH MHENLO IN FACTIONS, im through half og NF and i havent seen a single cutscene with mhenlo
3. Factions has better weapon/sheild skins ZODIAC SWORD/SHEILD FTW

, while there are only a few really desirable skins in NF like the elemental sword imo (others may disaagree)
4. factions had only one useful new class the ritualist, and dont u assassin lovers dare argue with me on this, u r the mosted hated upon group for all things PvP (cept AB) and half of PVE

meanwhile NF introduced two classes which are very useful in both
5. NF armor pawns all 3 campaigns armor (u cant count fissure armor as its available to all) sunspear elite 15k FTW
6. Factions felt rushed and got boring fast and shiro was a pathetic boss, (comeon how it doesnt feel right to beat the final mission in less then a minute, its supposed to be epic like the fight to the lich) not only that it felt like a filler game, something to tide us over
7. the story in prophecies and nightfall was by far superior to factions
8. NF has heros factions doesnt
so all in all factions is the worst game (DISPUTE THAT

Prophecies and nightfall tie while factions is last