11 Dec 2006 at 10:58 - 70
Well I suspect these examples I am about to give are related to this perma-aggro problem or AI changes in the last few months, though I cannot say for certain. Hopefully someone will either be able to slap me upside the head and tell me why I'm failing so miserably or that they can at least help to track down if there is any issue or whether we need to "suck it up" because it's as expected.
I have all three chapters and I am currently trying to take my Factions Ele through Prophs (as a break from her NF journey). I've noticed the chase-for-miles-until-dead issue and the aggro-from-several-bubbles-away issue in several places:
Maguuma Jungle
1) Bloodstone Fen (mission), while doing the bonus, by the (?)devourers before vine plant and meeting area for the druids.
2) Kessex Peak (explorable), where Fog Nightmares wouldn't break aggro.
3) Sanctum Cay (mission), where undead (particularly horsemen) chase you from one end of the map to the other (and also in explorable areas such as Cursed Lands).
Crystal Desert
1) Sand Elementals in Vulture Drifts (explorable) which will approach you from several (2-3) aggro bubbles away, mainly if you've retreated but also occasionally before you have even attacked.
2) Forgotton and Enchanted mobs in Elona Reach (mission) and Dunes of Despair (mission) will chase you and will charge you if you retreat after a partial wipeout of the team even while out of the aggro bubble.
3) Losaru Centaurs in the north of Skyward Reach (explorable) between the portals from Salt Flats (explorable) and Destiny's Gorge (outpost) will approach from several aggro bubbles away if you retreat.
Although this may be only semi-related (if that) I feel I should comment upon the Dunes of Despair mission. It has actually got to the point, with the changes in AI, that I have become frustrated enough to have to stop playing my Ele trying to do the Dunes of Despair mission at the moment. The changes in AI mean that - in my experience, at least - it is pretty much impossible to outheal the damage in the 10 minute "defend" section. Once the seige wurms start pounding the Ghostly Hero, on top of the last waves of incoming mobs, two monks simply cannot keep up with the damage (especially not hench). The wurms no longer lose aggro and constantly attack the Ghost/platform (making the bonus damn nigh impossible because you can't leave him) and leaving a hench/hero healer simply results in dead healer, dead ghost and failed mission. Trying to get two human monks in a six person team is difficult, taking three results in it taking forever to kill anything, and you get swamped. Currently if you stay in the middle of the mission area, you are pounded by wurms constantly and if you step out of the AoE your ghost will die within a minute without healing.
I know that I am not the most 1337 player in the world, to say the least, (before anyone tells me how much I suck!) but the last time I saw this mission, it was very very different. The mission was doable even with just hench, the bonus was more than possible if you had a good team and the wurms were bearable. Now, with their crazy AC and hex/condition resistance alongside the recently increased range and maintained aggro, the mission is much harder than it used to be. I admit it's been a little while since I last went through there - my flatmate was surprised that I had unsuccessfully worked through a dozen different team layouts, various real player/hero/hench combos, trying to be able to balance damage and healing to finish this mission, as he also remembered it as being one of the easier ones. That was, until he sat down and watched the "new and improved" results. I know I'm not the most uber player in GW but I'm starting to feel really rather gimpy!
Question: Is this change in behaviour in the Dunes of Despair mission intended or was it an unexpected change as a result of modifications to mob AI?
ETA: I've also seen the issues with flag ignoring (though I have to admit, that was actually a first for me - perhaps I've just been lucky thus far that my heros have always actually listened) as well as utterly confused heroes that ping-ponged between the "main" flag and their own flag, or who would not run to my bloody corpse to heal/res me when I cancelled the flag holding them back to manage aggro while I (failed to) pull. Both of these occurred while attempting the bonus of the Bloodstone Fen mission and IMO that doesn't appear to be intended behaviour, but just buggy. A couple of times, they've also refused to return to me after cancelling a flag after a battle is finished, and I've had to set and cancel it again to get them to run over to me or follow me again.
I've seen the groups of mobs come running when a minion attacked a spirit that was at least 2.5 or 3 aggro bubbles away from them, and promptly pound the MM into the ground although he was on the other side of the radar at the time. While I could perhaps accept that they run to the spirit's prior spot and attack anything there (after all, I notice when a spirit drops) I find it hard to swallow that they now, automatically, that the spirit has been hit one time when they are half a radar away and hidden behind a hill/cliff - let alone that they know who hit/insta-killed it.
I must admit that I really dislike seeing constant complaints about GW on the whole - most of the time, I'm very happy with it, I love playing it and while I can think of changes I might like to see to make it even better, none of them (before now) have been this frustrating. I think, really, I've just been lucky so far, in that I've avoided most of the AI issues that most people have seen (generally I play ranged/casting profs, so I don't tend to Benny Hill) and my heros/hench have behaved impeccably when I've flagged them. But this weekend, it seems, my luck has run out. Either that, or I've only truly noticed the changes in the AI as a result of replaying older content again after mainly playing in NF since release.
I still love GW, don't get me wrong. I have no intention of stopping playing (though I may avoid ascending for a bit) but I really hope that this can be reproduced and fixed/tweaked where necessary. I used to work in QA and believe me it used to drive me up the wall when either we couldn't replicate issues customers reported, or when the devs couldn't reproduce issues that QA found. The phrase "But it works on my system..." was not a popular one - even if there's very little way to trace (let alone fix) an issue if you can't reproduce it in a test setting. I know it doesn't help me a whole lot when I'm stuck in the stupid desert, and probably doesn't help most people but if Gaile is reporting the complaints to the devs, and if the QA team are monitoring the relevant threads on various forums and seeing the same issues day after day, without being able to reproduce it, it's probably safe to say they're a bit fed up about it too (I know that I would be, if I were in their position).
Thank you, Gaile, for being on these forums and trying to do the best for everyone. I know most of what you hear is complaints, issues or bugs (including my very own post) and that can get wearing after a while - but people generally don't post so much when they're not having issues so often the positives get missed along the way.