Originally Posted by fog_of_redoubt
I assume you beleive for some reason that those technical issues mysteriously disapear for holiday items?
The Wintersday Update does not bring about a strict hat storage addition. The system is different. So, no, no one is suggesting that the parameters, limitations, or timeline regarding storage have changed in any sense.
Originally Posted by take_me
Yes, sounds like an armor storage. That would be great.
Sorry, but in fact it doesn't sound at all like armor storage. If it does sound like that to anyone, please read again, and if it still sounds like that, then I apologize because the Wintersday feature involves hats, only, and that's how it was intended. (I know, I wrote it.
) I really want to make sure that we keep realistic and not go into excesses of what we desire suddenly becoming what we expect or even--heaven forbid!--what we think we were "promised." (This from the person who gets accused of promises she does not make
allll the time.
Originally Posted by generik
I doubt it is that simple. Considering Anet does not own their servers (NCSoft does), the problem might be more complicated than just... making the storage space larger.
It is
much more complicated than throwing up a few rows in the storage bin, and not all the complications are related to servers, not at all. I'm sorry, unless you have source code, please don't make speculative statements about how it would work or what it would take. And don't presume to say what we do and do not want to do. Please, it's wrong and it's rude.
Originally Posted by The Ernada
This is like how people were screaming at ANET for being lazy and uncaring for not implementing reconnects. It simply wasnt an easy thing to implement. People's ignorance led to them throwing tantrums and dishing out abuse. Again, I say just because you don't like it doesnt mean it's crap or half- assed. Come on, show some patience and some manners.
I don't usually quote heated posts like this. However, what you've said contains a lot of truth and I admire the spirit in which it was made. Here are some thoughts I put together on this:
I'm seeing a bit of commentary in the community saying, "
Only reconnects?
Only party search?" (Which we all know happened to be two of the most-requested features
ever!) Yet I do believe I've seen, "Only those? Why not chocolate-covered candies delivered personally by members of the Dev Team?"
Now, of course I'm teasing there, but the fact is, there will always be things that are wanted, there will always be things that we want to bring you as much as you want to have them. But it is impossible for us to do all of them in the here and now. We can only do what we can do, and cannot do "all that and a cherry on top." We will always try to please and even surprise you, and I think all players will admit this mysterious "hat thingie" does come as a surprise.
Perhaps in the future changes to storage will be made. For the here and now, this is a gift, something wanted, something cool, but not something required to play the game. I saw how the designers took extra hours of their own time to work on this; I saw the programmer chomp into that code and work hard to bring this to be. Between you and me, I was told it was only 30% likely we could get it into the Wintersday Update, because there is so much in the update and time was running short. "30%?" I thought to myself. "Aw heck, it would have been so cool, especially for the way in which it works, which I think is charming." And when they told me a couple of days later, "It's a go!" I was excited, for my girls, for your characters, for everyone.
I hope that in the spirit of the season, everyone will see this as the fun and delightful gift that it is.