Originally Posted by Kalki
When people say they'll waste thousands and thousands of minutes losing if they don't leave a bad group, either they are exagerating a lot, or it's time to just give Guild Wars one last /ragequit and uninstall the game.
Time to clean up the arenas.
Noobs --- you too were once a noob, get over yourself and be helpful instead of quitting. I have started doing randoms lately and I am a noob and I tell the people on my team that I am. I also ask between games that we win what should I be doing differently. The response? Not one thing. But they sure are quick to spam things like noob after we lose. Seems funny to me that 0% of the people ever offer anything constructive but about 60% are quick to tell you you suck.
Quitters --- should be banned from randoms for 1 hour from the time of rage quit and after some # (say 100) rage quits then their acct should be banned. I am not talking about quitting after a win or loss to get back to town faster or go eat or whatever just those that quit before game is won or lost. Also a side note, most of the times people quit is because they suck and for them to ever get a streak they have to have a great monk and rt on thier team. They think "I am great and not wasting my time with no monk" but in reality the very few glad points I have most were gained with no monk. So in short these leet quitters just suck too bad to play without an advantage over the other random team.
New pve players --- Don't know how to beat a mission? Check wiki if you can't figure it out after that ask in town, there are still a few of us that enjoy helping others get thru a tough mission. (I have completed all 3 games with all my characters with prot title on most of them) I still go do the missions with pugs because so many are new to the game and do not know or understand what needs to be done...if they get discouraged enough then they stop buying new games and GW goes away and I am then forced to find another game that I like and start all over from the beginning..helping others have a good time is also helping me have a good time. I bet I have done gates of madness 100 times and not because it is fun, but I sure do have a large friends list and not ppl that are in my guild, but ppl that I helped and said that they were adding me to their list and that if I ever needed their help just ask them and they would try to return the favor.
Titles -- they mean nothing to some but for some they are the reason for being in the game. I get thru these games fast and then have 5 1/2 months to wait for the next one so titles are all that is left for me to do. If I have to spend a whole night to get one glad point because 7/10 randoms I enter have rage quits then they should be penalized for wasting my time. If must have the perfect team before you will play then go to TA and build the team you want. RA is a place for people to learn not for the "pro's" to get "easy" glad points by quitting until they get a monk, rit, and whatever on their team.
Have I ever just quit in a random? -- yes but only after seeing a guy do it on my team and opposing team several times, then I got on a team with a great monk and a warrior (i was ranger) the quitter (another ranger but different setup than me) got in our team and finally stayed, I whispered the other 2 players and we made a deal, got to 8 consecutive wins then we all just stood there and watched him die, then rez him and watch again...then we whispered him and told him that is what he gets for quitting all the time...one of the funniest moments I have had in the game.
Flame away rage quitters but I still say you should be banned from ra's at least an hour and then if you still do it enough then banned for life or months or whatever.
Quitters --- should be banned from randoms for 1 hour from the time of rage quit and after some # (say 100) rage quits then their acct should be banned. I am not talking about quitting after a win or loss to get back to town faster or go eat or whatever just those that quit before game is won or lost. Also a side note, most of the times people quit is because they suck and for them to ever get a streak they have to have a great monk and rt on thier team. They think "I am great and not wasting my time with no monk" but in reality the very few glad points I have most were gained with no monk. So in short these leet quitters just suck too bad to play without an advantage over the other random team.
New pve players --- Don't know how to beat a mission? Check wiki if you can't figure it out after that ask in town, there are still a few of us that enjoy helping others get thru a tough mission. (I have completed all 3 games with all my characters with prot title on most of them) I still go do the missions with pugs because so many are new to the game and do not know or understand what needs to be done...if they get discouraged enough then they stop buying new games and GW goes away and I am then forced to find another game that I like and start all over from the beginning..helping others have a good time is also helping me have a good time. I bet I have done gates of madness 100 times and not because it is fun, but I sure do have a large friends list and not ppl that are in my guild, but ppl that I helped and said that they were adding me to their list and that if I ever needed their help just ask them and they would try to return the favor.
Titles -- they mean nothing to some but for some they are the reason for being in the game. I get thru these games fast and then have 5 1/2 months to wait for the next one so titles are all that is left for me to do. If I have to spend a whole night to get one glad point because 7/10 randoms I enter have rage quits then they should be penalized for wasting my time. If must have the perfect team before you will play then go to TA and build the team you want. RA is a place for people to learn not for the "pro's" to get "easy" glad points by quitting until they get a monk, rit, and whatever on their team.
Have I ever just quit in a random? -- yes but only after seeing a guy do it on my team and opposing team several times, then I got on a team with a great monk and a warrior (i was ranger) the quitter (another ranger but different setup than me) got in our team and finally stayed, I whispered the other 2 players and we made a deal, got to 8 consecutive wins then we all just stood there and watched him die, then rez him and watch again...then we whispered him and told him that is what he gets for quitting all the time...one of the funniest moments I have had in the game.
Flame away rage quitters but I still say you should be banned from ra's at least an hour and then if you still do it enough then banned for life or months or whatever.
Originally Posted by lacasner
It really infuriates me, especially when they are the ones causing the most detriment to the team. God, they act so big and bad but if they weren't hiding behind the big doors of the internet I bet you they wouldn't be so tough. Do you guys ever meet people like this?
Frau Braten
I think quitters are the lowest type of people in the game. I agree with what Hell said, you are there to support your teammates through thick and thin.
You get on a team with a bunch of noobs, and know you are goingto lose, and quit. Now its 3/4 and the 3 start looking at the odds and quit too, when it gets to 0/4 and the winning team hasn't gotten 5 packages yet, the game ends, and they get nothing for their time. So, when you quit, you can potentially waste 7 other people's time, but that's OK because your time is so much more important then theirs.
When you join a RA snowball fight, you commit to appx 5 mins of working as a team. If you cant make that commitment, you have no right to click the button.
Ive been in many games where there were 2 and 3 quitters, I just sit down on the river, tell the other team to finish quickly, and dont kill me
You get on a team with a bunch of noobs, and know you are goingto lose, and quit. Now its 3/4 and the 3 start looking at the odds and quit too, when it gets to 0/4 and the winning team hasn't gotten 5 packages yet, the game ends, and they get nothing for their time. So, when you quit, you can potentially waste 7 other people's time, but that's OK because your time is so much more important then theirs.
When you join a RA snowball fight, you commit to appx 5 mins of working as a team. If you cant make that commitment, you have no right to click the button.
Ive been in many games where there were 2 and 3 quitters, I just sit down on the river, tell the other team to finish quickly, and dont kill me
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Ensign
I don't understand how I am wasting anyone's time if I quit out on a team with zero chance to win 30 seconds into the match. The clearly dominant team will win a bit more quickly, getting them their points faster and more quickly moving them to a match that might be against a team with some potential. My own teammates lose nothing because they were going to lose anyway. I am saving myself a lot of time by not wasting 4 minutes watching my teammates act retarded.
Maybe I have a misplaced sense of fun, but I do not have any fun losing blowout matches because my teammates are a bunch of baboons. Having to constantly re-enter the arena trying to find a group of people who know how to play Guild Wars, so that I can have fun, is the most frustrating thing about random formats. If you don't want me quitting out on your groups, suck less. Peace, -CxE |
As others have said, if you can't stand bad players then don't play in any sort of random formats. Unless these people are hurling abuses at you or others there's no reason to quit. When you went into these arenas, you knew damn well that the quality of players would be low and quitting is a form of griefing.
I can't stand these types of random formats anymore so I dont play them anymore. But I think it's pretty damn crappy to go in there with your attitude and that's one reason of many why the RA's are the cesspool of GW. So in addition to griefers, crappy players, trash talkers, you're just adding in the element of constant quitters.
Originally Posted by Hell Marauder
You don't abandon your comrades no matter how noobish they're. It has something to do with code of honor, which is within each of us to behold. Quitters who abandon their teammates in time of need, for whatever reasons, belong to the same category with hated leechers, no matter how skillful they think they are. As the old saying goes: it's better to die honorably in battle than to run in the face of enemy and live.
![]() |
I couldn't agree more!!!
Just a side note...if no one takes the "noobs" aside and shows them how to play they will never get any better and multiply. Remember you didn't walk into this game a God!
Originally Posted by Avarre
I wasn't aware the definition of fun included playing with people who not only are incapable of understanding how to play the game, but also refuse to learn. Winning is fun. Wasting thousands of minutes losing due to factors beyond your control is not, especially after the novelty of the arenas wears off (in about 10 minutes).
__________________ Less crying tends to be key. |
I love how all the ragequitters have their huge complicated explanations for why they ragequit. Fact is they suck, pure and simple. So caught up in the race for your gay little title, I laugh when I see one, cause I know how they got it. Its a cheap two bit title, and will never be anything more in my eyes, gamer points LOL.
Basically I can go thru the forum and pik out the ragequitters, they are ussually the 'leet' players, you know the ones who think they are better than anyone else, and the rest of the gaming population is basically there for the amusement and entertaiment of such individuals. See the long winded drawn out excuses for what they are, poor excuses.
We all know the true warriors among us dont leave till the match is over, damn the score, damn all their weak ass excuses. Anything else is unacceptable..
People are leaving in a few seconds of entering for crappy reasons. I just lost a game against a team of three thanks to leavers, who left in the spawn because they said that rangers arent good, so we lost.
Originally Posted by upier
maybe you should consider a different arena then? maybe something that isnt RANDOM? or is that concept lost on you?
If we're going to throw concepts around, I got one for you. Ensign is a 'spike'. A 'spike' is a psychological gamerprofile. The group gets his enjoyment out of winning. So by asking him to stay, you basically ask him to not have fun.
The other teammembers however, will be of a different psychological gamerprofile, either Johnny or Timmy. Since those 2 groups get their enjoyment in the game through other things then winning, I don't see how a Spike leaving would ruin the enjoyment of non-spikes, since their enjoyment is already comes from other things.
I guess nobody likes to lose, and that is the only valid argument I can see that can be put forward. But as Ensign already said: the battle was already lost. To a 'spike' it can be very quickly clear which team will win, since he observes the behavior of his teammates. A spike can see if there is a chance in hell they will win, or if the team is so terrible they wouldn't win even if they had 5 players.
So the question is: in what way is the team really hurt by a Spike that leaves prematurely? What is your goal you want to accomplish when playing the game? And does a leaver prevent you from obtaining that?
Originally Posted by Sonya of Red
The problem here is the mind set. In the above example, Ephekt assumes that the other team is full of highly skilled pvp players while his team is filled with noobs. I would argue that while that certainly is the case in some situations in many situations the teams are fairly even. Take me for example. Like many people who are in the snow fights I am not a pvper but wanted to try this winter pvp thing out. I'm sure that there are many regular pver's like me who are joining in on the fun. The problem is that we really are pvp newbs. For people who pvp frequently you have certain skills that you have developed over time - for example body blocking that us newbs have no clue about. Sure it can be frustrating for you but you chose a random areana - sorry. Its not perfect but it can still be fun. Heck instead of rage quitting or giving up you could step up to a leadership role. give some guidance heck maybe even make a friend or two. Because, and again I may be wrong, but I bet that is the whole point of the holiday festivities, to put aside the your typical hardcore playing rules and just have some fun.
Just my three cents - I may be wrong. |
B Ephekt
Originally Posted by Sonya of Red
The problem here is the mind set. In the above example, Ephekt assumes that the other team is full of highly skilled pvp players while his team is filled with noobs. I would argue that while that certainly is the case in some situations in many situations the teams are fairly even. Take me for example. Like many people who are in the snow fights I am not a pvper but wanted to try this winter pvp thing out. I'm sure that there are many regular pver's like me who are joining in on the fun. The problem is that we really are pvp newbs. For people who pvp frequently you have certain skills that you have developed over time - for example body blocking that us newbs have no clue about. Sure it can be frustrating for you but you chose a random areana - sorry. Its not perfect but it can still be fun. Heck instead of rage quitting or giving up you could step up to a leadership role. give some guidance heck maybe even make a friend or two. Because, and again I may be wrong, but I bet that is the whole point of the holiday festivities, to put aside the your typical hardcore playing rules and just have some fun.
Just my three cents - I may be wrong. |
Additionally, if the fun some people are getting out of the arena is derived from simply throwing snowballs at the opposing team, I don't really see how my leaving is taking away from their fun. But at the same time, I don't feel obligated to stay in a match that I'm not having fun in.
Originally Posted by Grais
Its a cheap two bit title, and will never be anything more in my eyes, gamer points LOL.
Originally Posted by Makkert
The other teammembers however, will be of a different psychological gamerprofile, either Johnny or Timmy. Since those 2 groups get their enjoyment in the game through other things then winning, I don't see how a Spike leaving would ruin the enjoyment of non-spikes, since their enjoyment is already comes from other things.
I can imagine that for the majority of players, losing games isn't a problem. (I've personally enjoyed many 4-5 losses much more than many 5-0 wins.) But losing games because someone thought so little of their skills and their worth as human beings as to not consider it worth their effort to work together for five lousy minutes? That might be a problem.
Originally Posted by Yandawar
I don't know how valid these "profiles" are, but regardless of that, things aren't black and white. Everyone will have a bit of everything in them, and thus to use your words, the "spike" part of the remaining players will have had their fun ruined for them.
I can imagine that for the majority of players, losing games isn't a problem. (I've personally enjoyed many 4-5 losses much more than many 5-0 wins.) But losing games because someone thought so little of their skills and their worth as human beings as to not consider it worth their effort to work together for five lousy minutes? That might be a problem. |
Skill doesn't equal personality. Some of the most skillfull players are real asses, and vice versa.
My apologies, that characterization might indeed have been out of line. Although it's not a big step to that from, for example, Ensign's "I do not have any fun losing blowout matches because my teammates are a bunch of baboons".
Originally Posted by Makkert
Skill doesn't equal personality. Some of the most skillfull players are reall asses, and vice versa.
Well, I have the same story as the OP. I thought: Let's have some fun in the snowball arena, but every game you join you either have one or two leavers or one or two people AFK.
Some people think they're not doing anything wrong, but I can assure you that at the moment you're not doing anything at all (or just leave), you're wasting other people's time and not to mention angry them. I agree than the snowball arena's are meant to be fun, and you can have fun. But most of the times you're just getting annoyed by people leaving, leaving you and another player against 4 opponents...
Since most people join the arena's for title purposes, like the skill show-offs ( (-; ), then there are a few possibilities on which I might agree upon:
* Ban of 15-30 minutes form the arena if the person involved:
- does not touch a key for 1 minute after the actual fight has started.
- leaves 2 fights in-a-row before the game is finished.
* Next to that, there should be a title-subtractor giving -20 points to each of the above conditions, with ofcourse 0 as endpoint, else people would love to go -1.000 or so.
Bottomline: How is it meant to be fun if there are other people that spoil the fun for you? From my point of view, a small punishment should be in order. For all I care, call in a punishment vote system, where at least half of the people have to agree for the player to be punished (to enable ban). Plenty of suggestions, but in the end we all want that people start to play with each other, and that no person should feel better than any other one.
Just my two eurocents...
Some people think they're not doing anything wrong, but I can assure you that at the moment you're not doing anything at all (or just leave), you're wasting other people's time and not to mention angry them. I agree than the snowball arena's are meant to be fun, and you can have fun. But most of the times you're just getting annoyed by people leaving, leaving you and another player against 4 opponents...
Since most people join the arena's for title purposes, like the skill show-offs ( (-; ), then there are a few possibilities on which I might agree upon:
* Ban of 15-30 minutes form the arena if the person involved:
- does not touch a key for 1 minute after the actual fight has started.
- leaves 2 fights in-a-row before the game is finished.
* Next to that, there should be a title-subtractor giving -20 points to each of the above conditions, with ofcourse 0 as endpoint, else people would love to go -1.000 or so.
Bottomline: How is it meant to be fun if there are other people that spoil the fun for you? From my point of view, a small punishment should be in order. For all I care, call in a punishment vote system, where at least half of the people have to agree for the player to be punished (to enable ban). Plenty of suggestions, but in the end we all want that people start to play with each other, and that no person should feel better than any other one.
Just my two eurocents...
Originally Posted by Threepwood
Since most people join the arena's for title purposes, like the skill show-offs ( (-; ), then there are a few possibilities on which I might agree upon:
* Ban of 15-30 minutes form the arena if the person involved: - does not touch a key for 1 minute after the actual fight has started. - leaves 2 fights in-a-row before the game is finished. * Next to that, there should be a title-subtractor giving -20 points to each of the above conditions, with ofcourse 0 as endpoint, else people would love to go -1.000 or so. |
Or in other words: Bad Idea.
Originally Posted by Grais
You said it Avarre, its your signature. Yet there you are crying your little heart out, I need my gamer points .
I love how all the ragequitters have their huge complicated explanations for why they ragequit. Fact is they suck, pure and simple. So caught up in the race for your gay little title, I laugh when I see one, cause I know how they got it. Its a cheap two bit title, and will never be anything more in my eyes, gamer points LOL. |
Your own rhetoric righteousness is the only thing crying its heart out.
Back to the actual topic at hand;
Originally Posted by B Ephekt
The title increases your faction cap by 5k, which is a notable reward for pvpers. I could personally care less about the title itself, I just wanted a higher faction cap (shooting for 70k soon).
I agree with Makkert over the punishment issue - if random arenas are meant to be just for fun, then that seems contrary to the spirit. Ragers will find other ways to get around it, and the problems will not be removed. Changing policy doesn't generally change people.
I can confirm that snowball titles up to r2 give NO increase to balth cap. I know for a fact that I had a cap of 28k before I started snowballing, and it's still at exactly that, with my r2 title.
I can't speak for "Numchuck" and beyond, however.
I can't speak for "Numchuck" and beyond, however.
Originally Posted by lacasner
Well, I recently went to RA to play a little bit for fun, and to accumulate some faction. Ok, my first five matches at LEAST one person on my team left, and not only that but I found out something else. 2 of these 5 matches I had the same player leave, and I will not mention the players name, even though I really want to.
Me: Dude, why did you just leave wtf? Him: I am teh bestest, i iz not playn wit u nubs. (yes, he did say it like this I am not kidding lol) Me: Dude, you suck ass you bitch (Ya, I was angry which doesn't justify this reaction but still his reaction infuriated me.) Him: U iz teh nubbest losr evar, stfu nooob. He ignored me after that, but apparently he does that all day to piss people off. The community can't be changed, there are people like this, and I don't really care. I just want the system to somehow be changed to even out the teams if one has less players than another. This game has so much balance anyway, I don't know why Anet won't just complete their balancing job all over the game instead of just sections. |

Anyway, l dont have much problems in snowball arena with rage quitters, since l dont have the time to get fustrated over scum like them.
Originally Posted by Ensign
If you don't want me quitting out on your groups, suck less.
On the one hand, you go into the Snowball Arena and note that someone on your side has already left the match. Problem, but not insurmountable, you press on. Then you notice that the other 2 members or your party are AFK. Oh great, you're alone. In this case, I'd leave and have no regrets. I stand 0 chance of winning and I'd just be wasting my time by even trying.
On the other hand, I enter and have a full party. In All chat, one of my team members starts to ask "HOW 2 PLAY???", while others charge the opposing group but avoid the presents. To me, I know I'm going to lose, but I also consider my fellow team mates. They can't possibly be having fun as they have an absolute 0 chance of success due to their lack of knowledge on the subject. In this case, I'd most likely try to explain to them (quickly) how to play that format, since it could very well be their first time. I wouldn't get bent out of shape about it, some people don't know and most arn't willing to help them out. If I help them, and they become better at the game, then they will most likely be more helpful to any OTHER players they get paired with, making the game better on the whole. So, I spend 5 minutes losing. Big deal, I helped out some newbies that don't suck anymore. In theory, of course.
I won't quit because my team mates in the Random format don't know how to play, but I will quit if they're directly exploiting the game or if there is simply no chance at all.
Taking away the losers prize now makes the snowball arena much less fun, since you have to keep hoping not to get a team with rangers/assasins/grenth/instaleavers. Kinda takes the fun out of the festivities.
Originally Posted by VGJustice
I won't quit because my team mates in the Random format don't know how to play, but I will quit if they're directly exploiting the game or if there is simply no chance at all.
When I monk in RA, I often leave a team after the first match. If their overall damage and disruption ability is really low, then I do not want more 5+ minute matches where my teammates stand around doing nothing useful while I try to handle the pressure being thrown at our team. If my team has a useless E/D earth "tank", then I will leave after the first match. If my team has a virulence sword warrior, then I will leave after the first match because nothing in RA pisses me off more as a monk than someone on my own team spreading disease back onto us. After match one, I always leave in time for the team to get a replacement for me but I know they will fail within the next one to three matches. The idea is to cycle quicker to teams with better players running better builds...players that actually deserve the privelege of having me monk for them.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Snowball arena should have been made a team arena. I believe Ensign is taking the correct approach given that a-net screwed up and made the snowball arena a random arena.
The arena is fine. The 'noob' players are fine. It is the title and the hyper-inflated egos it attracts that are both horribly and sadly broken.
Originally Posted by Divineshadows
Snowball arena should have been made a team arena.
After match one, I always leave in time for the team to get a replacement for me but I know they will fail within the next one to three matches. |
I've left teams in RA after a match, or during a match that drags on past 10 minutes. If I'm monking and our team has 2 monks and not enough dps I'll politely volunteer to leave so they have a chance to get another dps class for the next round.
...players that actually deserve the privelege of having me monk for them. |
You don't get to kick anyone off your team, it's random arena. You can, however, leave the team yourself if you feel that the monk on your random arena team, while good, knows he's good and says so, and that rubs you the wrong way. Your loss IMO.
Originally Posted by Kalki
Do you really think you'd play in Snowball arenas if it was so unbearably competitive you'd only win half the games, and it took 10 minutes to form a team and discuss strategy?.
Originally Posted by Kalki
Just admit it. You like pwning nubs in Random Arenas, when you get on a good team. Be careful what you wish for. If Anet doesn't make the Dragon Arena random I'm gonna laugh my butt off, when the place is a ghost town, and people are complaining it wasn't random.
I'm going to agree with what someone up there said.
He said that the title is the cause of the problem, and I find that to be 100% correct. People aren't playing the snowball fights for fun, or to enjoy the festival, but they are instead obsessed with gaining points toward their title. I don't mind playing with inexperienced players, because they should be having fun doing something new to the game, but instead their experience is made worse with jerks harassing them, and leaving the games, or afk players entering matches. Don't get me wrong I'm no snowball fight master, but I understand how the game works, and it requires alot of teamwork and coordination. I usually play my warrior, and run all the gifts myself while my team tries to kill everthing that moves. Sometimes I play my monk so I can help out the other present runner (if there is one to protect).
I snowball for the candy cane shards, because competing for presents in towns is very slow, boring, and frustrating. All the spawn spots are covered, and a present will only land you 1 shard (and I know about the LA NPC winter gift, and its still not worth the trouble). I try to farm low level monsters for shards, but it doesn't net me as many canes as the occasional 3 shard win in RA snowball matches. I actually got a black dye this way which I am happy for, but I still am not getting any shards this way. So whats left to do for candy cane shards? Snowball fights of course!
At first I was ok with losing because I got eggnog, but that was quickly removed. While it does stink that the eggnog was removed I understand why they did that, but even with no reward there are still tons of afk players who repetedly enter matches. I just don't understand why people put so much effort to ruin other peoples experiences.
There are just too many factors participating in the overall dissatisfaction felt in this event.
The only event I've ever been able to catch was this years Halloween, and I loved it. I was able to catch the King twice netting me both the Lions hat and the Kamadan hat. I also got quite a bit of items from the Mad King. I'm waiting until the finale to make my final decision about this event, but as of now the event is somewhat disapointing. I appreciate A-Net for even doing these events, but I wish they were more enjoyable for the players that just sign on to enjoy themselves.
Sorry for the long read but I had alot to get out of my head. Also, I'm not blaming A-Net for the events' failure, but the players are responsible for the failure of this event. Sure there are things they could do to help the situation, but in the end I'm sure they will find that it wont be worth the effort. Some people will never be satisfied.
He said that the title is the cause of the problem, and I find that to be 100% correct. People aren't playing the snowball fights for fun, or to enjoy the festival, but they are instead obsessed with gaining points toward their title. I don't mind playing with inexperienced players, because they should be having fun doing something new to the game, but instead their experience is made worse with jerks harassing them, and leaving the games, or afk players entering matches. Don't get me wrong I'm no snowball fight master, but I understand how the game works, and it requires alot of teamwork and coordination. I usually play my warrior, and run all the gifts myself while my team tries to kill everthing that moves. Sometimes I play my monk so I can help out the other present runner (if there is one to protect).
I snowball for the candy cane shards, because competing for presents in towns is very slow, boring, and frustrating. All the spawn spots are covered, and a present will only land you 1 shard (and I know about the LA NPC winter gift, and its still not worth the trouble). I try to farm low level monsters for shards, but it doesn't net me as many canes as the occasional 3 shard win in RA snowball matches. I actually got a black dye this way which I am happy for, but I still am not getting any shards this way. So whats left to do for candy cane shards? Snowball fights of course!
At first I was ok with losing because I got eggnog, but that was quickly removed. While it does stink that the eggnog was removed I understand why they did that, but even with no reward there are still tons of afk players who repetedly enter matches. I just don't understand why people put so much effort to ruin other peoples experiences.
There are just too many factors participating in the overall dissatisfaction felt in this event.
The only event I've ever been able to catch was this years Halloween, and I loved it. I was able to catch the King twice netting me both the Lions hat and the Kamadan hat. I also got quite a bit of items from the Mad King. I'm waiting until the finale to make my final decision about this event, but as of now the event is somewhat disapointing. I appreciate A-Net for even doing these events, but I wish they were more enjoyable for the players that just sign on to enjoy themselves.
Sorry for the long read but I had alot to get out of my head. Also, I'm not blaming A-Net for the events' failure, but the players are responsible for the failure of this event. Sure there are things they could do to help the situation, but in the end I'm sure they will find that it wont be worth the effort. Some people will never be satisfied.
Originally Posted by Kalki
Do you really think you'd play in Snowball arenas if it was so unbearably competitive you'd only win half the games, and it took 10 minutes to form a team and discuss strategy?
Originally Posted by Kalki
When you click "enter mission" in a random arena you should commit at least 5 minutes of you time to playing with that team.
Originally Posted by Kalki
LOL? I hope you're joking.
Originally Posted by Ensign
I enjoyed the first several of those matches that I played, until I realized that the winner of any truly competitive match was determined by which team happened to end up on the Dwayna side. After that realization I've pretty much given up on the format.
Also, what you do with your time is completely your decision. Who is to say that you HAVE to finish each match? I left a game because one person was afk, and one left. I leave if someone else does. Heck I left one time because I was the only one picking up gifts, and 4 in a row were fake, and we were 0-3. It isn't nice I know, but what is the point? I'm Grenth about 75% of time, and I have had more afkers SINCE they removed the eggnog. As Grenth and one man down are you going to win? Or two men down? I do think it is rude to leave before the gates even open. Or before you get an idea of how well you team will work together. At least give them a reason. I usually say sorry guys but were one man(two men) down, and on Grenths side 0-3 I'm leaving. I also noticed how quiet teams are. True there is little time to type a full message during play, but at least ping if you need assistance, or call a target or something.
Originally Posted by Keithark
get over yourself and be helpful instead of quitting.
Originally Posted by The Ernada
Unless these people are hurling abuses at you or others there's no reason to quit.
Originally Posted by Yandawar
But losing games because someone thought so little of their skills and their worth as human beings as to not consider it worth their effort to work together for five lousy minutes? That might be a problem.
You are given plenty of information in the first 30 seconds of a match - what people do before the gates open (how many teammates walk up to the gate or put up Hidden Rock / Yellow Snow?), how people position themselves before the first present drops (do they spread out to react quickly to the first present spawn, or charge the other team like morons?), how they react to the first present drop (do they go to pick it up or fight over it, to cover or contest a cap, or do they continue to stand around doing nothing?) With just a little bit of combat, you can identify the players who know what's up on both teams, you can identify the players on the other team who are actually dangerous, and from that determination plus an appraisement of your own ability figure out your chances of winning. When that number is artificially close to zero, it's time to find a new match.
Again, this is not any appraisement of someone's worth as a human being, and I'd honestly pity anyone who did feel that way (because I'm a big softie like that and they must have serious ego problems). It is merely an assessment of their ability to win at a game of Snowball Arena, and how useful they are to my goal of winning.
Originally Posted by Yandawar
My apologies, that characterization might indeed have been out of line. Although it's not a big step to that from, for example, Ensign's "I do not have any fun losing blowout matches because my teammates are a bunch of baboons".
Originally Posted by Threepwood
Well, I have the same story as the OP. I thought: Let's have some fun in the snowball arena, but every game you join you either have one or two leavers or one or two people AFK.
Also - from your perspective, what about players who are so bad that they might as well be AFK?
Originally Posted by atkafighter
I forgot to talk about this in my post, but yeah while it is unbalanced a bit in terms of Dwayna, and Grenth skills I have won with Grenth, and lost with Dwayna. Some players don't even use their Avalance, or Hidden Rock.
Basically, it doesn't matter in the scrubby matches, but in the really good matches (between streaking teams) the team with Dwayna will win, and when the high point of the gametype is the really competitive matches it's a bummer that those aren't settled on the field, but on the coinflip.
Originally Posted by Etrik
Tough luck. I haven't had issues in the Snowball Arena. None. Maybe it was your fault..
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
Originally Posted by lacasner
I also hate it how noobs act like they now everything. They are so ignorant it infuriates me, and any build thats not completely cookie cutter will get you this response:
"Dood WTF u suakc go bakc to PvE fr N00bs, wid ur n00b FoW! Go farm UW stfu, lern2play losr and nevar com bakc!" It really infuriates me, especially when they are the ones causing the most detriment to the team. God, they act so big and bad but if they weren't hiding behind the big doors of the internet I bet you they wouldn't be so tough. Do you guys ever meet people like this? |
Originally Posted by Avarre
I wasn't aware the definition of fun included playing with people who not only are incapable of understanding how to play the game, but also refuse to learn. Winning is fun. Wasting thousands of minutes losing due to factors beyond your control is not, especially after the novelty of the arenas wears off (in about 10 minutes).
Telcontar of Gondor
Originally Posted by LagunaCid
Unless you are a sadistic nut, leaving 3 other players to sure loss isnt exactly my definition of FUN.
Originally Posted by Ensign
The only length of time that I'll commit to an individual is the amount of time it takes for me to assess whether or not they have any clue what they are doing, or if they're the kind of person who could hurt themselves riding a tricycle. Once I've made that assessment there's no longer any reason for me to commit time to them if they are not useful.
Originally Posted by Ensign
My team being incapable of winning is a perfectly good reason to quit.
It is that attitude many, including myself, find so utterly loathsome, that all that matters is you winning, everything else, including basic manners and sports(wo)manship be damned.
(Edit : Spelling)
Originally Posted by Ensign
My team being incapable of winning is a perfectly good reason to quit. I see no reason to stick around during garbage time in a lost game just to accomplish...well, I don't know what that accomplishes. Basically, it doesn't matter in the scrubby matches, but in the really good matches (between streaking teams) the team with Dwayna will win, and when the high point of the gametype is the really competitive matches it's a bummer that those aren't settled on the field, but on the coinflip. |
If your only concern is winning and are so insecure about losing then I suggest you buy a deck of cards and take up solitaire. Whatever happened to the concept of sportsmanship? You know, "its not whether you win or lose its how you play the game". The players on this thread trying to defend quitting on their teammates are displaying an amazing lack of maturity.
Finally if you believe that the coinflip is the determining factor in who wins between two evenly matched teams in snow ball arenas then you are sorely lacking a true competitive spirit. So what if one side has an edge. Chalk it up as an extra challenge and see what happens. If you do win then the victory is even sweeter and if you lose no big deal since you know you gave it your best shot and played a good game.
The true winners in life are those than can handle and deal with losses. Those that refuse to face loss or come up with excuses to avoid it are not fooling the rest of the population as to who they really are.
Originally Posted by Quozz
A true competitive person is not concerned with the outcome of a game. Its the play of the game itself that is important. So what if you might lose.
having a strong desire to compete or to succeed
Originally Posted by Quozz
The best battles are not those between two equal teams but are those where you have to overcome handicaps to prevail. Even if its 4 on 2, the challenge is in seeing if maybe you can still manage to run a present or two.
Originally Posted by Telcontar of Gondor
Unless you are a masochistic nut, staying with 3 other players that don't have a chance of winning with or without you isn't exactly my definition of fun.
It might be of some use for me.
There should be an mild dis-incentive against leaving. Like you can't join a new game for 5 minutes.
Clinically Proven
Originally Posted by Ensign
Maybe I have a misplaced sense of fun, but I do not have any fun losing blowout matches because my teammates are a bunch of baboons. Having to constantly re-enter the arena trying to find a group of people who know how to play Guild Wars, so that I can have fun, is the most frustrating thing about random formats.
If you don't want me quitting out on your groups, suck less. |
1. It's really just a nicer way of saying: 'OMG lrn 2play, you guys r teh suck!!!11!! I'm da rockz0r!!!'.
I'm sure you won't enjoy the comparison, Ensign, but it's exactly the same mindset.
As random arenas are the stepping stone into PvP and has an unstructured format, wouldn't you expect that the skill level (and builds in Random Arena) employed by a significant proportion of the participants wouldn't be of a particularly high level?
Assuming the above is true; why would you enter a random arena and be mentally unprepared to play with and/or against papio?
2. I don't believe that the idea of a random arena is to continually leave and re-enter to get a decent team, be that either by skill or composition, rather it is to do the best you can with the teammates randomly assigned to you.
Surely, if you derive enjoyment from organised teams with some semblence of skill them your time would be much better spent in an arena which supports the same rather than further handicapping the less gifted by leaving their team short a player.