Perhaps this is the best time to buff bows/bow skills?
chicks boy
WTH is up with Rangers using Hammers and staffs? And worst of all i saw a R/E ranger using shield and a sword..... >< Rangers uses bows to kill motherEekers. I understand Touch rangers (Becuz they Pwnz) but an R/E using swords???? WTH???? Anet could just another bow.. called Crossbow? IDK, i dont understand. Rangers do a lot of dmg with bows at 16 markmanship. Esp with Burning arrow average dmg on monks and eles/casters are 150-75 dmg. Is 15-28 Not good enough? Lol.
Just not enough people out there who know how to use them..i dont think they need a buff tbh.
Thumper is often more effective, not only based on damage, but also the knockdowns. Nerf hammers!

Ok, a a build makes use of expertise to bring down the energy costs of skills....and that somehow means bows are underpowered? Name me a bow knockdown skill. Thar we go! There's a reason why Thumpers exist.
Well bows are a bit annoying to play with sometimes... The opponent can dodge arrows quite easy, the target can be obstructed, and the bow doesn't do alot of damage...
Hammers do more damage, staves give an energy bonus...
Bows are just like axes, but then much weaker, cause you miss more often, the further you are away from your opponent, the longer it takes for an arrow to hit, and most bow skills aren't great either ^^
I use my ranger for trapping, and I'm happy with a staff
Hammers do more damage, staves give an energy bonus...
Bows are just like axes, but then much weaker, cause you miss more often, the further you are away from your opponent, the longer it takes for an arrow to hit, and most bow skills aren't great either ^^
I use my ranger for trapping, and I'm happy with a staff

You use staves when trapping, nothing is wrong with that. Bunny Thumpers are great at pressuring casters as well as anyone on the team. I've seen R/W use swords, axes, hammers, and recently I've been using a R/P Spear Throwing/Pet Build for fun. And surprisingly, the build works really well. Rangers are the most diverse profession, imo.
Because idiots make R/E's with swords obviously means bows and their skills need buffing. The only thing that needs buffing is the user's intelligence in that regard.
Where did you get the idea that rangers are a primarily damage-dealing profession in the first place? (Barrage is an exception, not a rule)
Leave the raw power to warriors. Rangers excel at disruption, survival, condition pressure and some other utility.
Leave the raw power to warriors. Rangers excel at disruption, survival, condition pressure and some other utility.
Neo Nugget
rangers are very good at alot of different things, expertise is used for touch rangers and stuff like that.
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OMFG, Practiced Stance + Choking Gas.
uh this is guildwars.... your supposed to use your 2ndary to your advantage??
i dont wanna be pissy about it, but its just whats popular now i guess?? wherever you are anyway. real rangers are not in need of a buff, people like change, you know how some builds can get old?
i dont wanna be pissy about it, but its just whats popular now i guess?? wherever you are anyway. real rangers are not in need of a buff, people like change, you know how some builds can get old?
Hell Marauder
I feel bows do need some slight buff, in the range department. It just makes little sense for a short bow to have same range as a throwing spear. I would like to see some significant range increase for all bows, while stats can stay the same.
variety is the spice of life :P
and bows don't need a buff, they do more then enough damage.
and bows don't need a buff, they do more then enough damage.
Touch rangers aren't as great as you say they are. So let's get this straight.
You don't want a thumper build because you can't understand it.
You don't want a trapper to use a staff, for yet again, you can't understand why.
But it's ok for you NOT to use a bow if you're a touch ranger, yet everything else must use a bow?
Bows don't need powered up. You need to understand what's going on.
You don't want a thumper build because you can't understand it.
You don't want a trapper to use a staff, for yet again, you can't understand why.
But it's ok for you NOT to use a bow if you're a touch ranger, yet everything else must use a bow?
Bows don't need powered up. You need to understand what's going on.
Former Ruling
You see ranger's using skills from other professions because Expertise is one of the hottest primary attributes, and sometimes is worth losing runes and such for.
Ranger's use bows most of the time when they are using real ranger stuff (except Trapping of course).
Burning Arrow rangers are in gvg alot now, CripShots were standard a few seasons ago, etc. Ranger's aren't near as excluded as some classes >_>
Ranger's use bows most of the time when they are using real ranger stuff (except Trapping of course).
Burning Arrow rangers are in gvg alot now, CripShots were standard a few seasons ago, etc. Ranger's aren't near as excluded as some classes >_>
Kijik Oni Hanryuu
...if anything, Expertise needs to be nerfed to ranger only skills.. sorry, but that's just the way I see it..
I agree, something needs to be done to make rangers want to carry bows again. I'd like to see some skills buffed, but I really think having accuracy increased a tad on all bows and getting the damn skill fizzles and bogus obstruction problems fixed would be the best update.
Giving focused shot a 1 second recharge would be nice too.
Giving focused shot a 1 second recharge would be nice too.
The Ernada
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
...if anything, Expertise needs to be nerfed to ranger only skills.. sorry, but that's just the way I see it..
Bows are good. Bows are versatile. We can condition like noone else (except for DW...), while dealing nice damage, AND we can interrupt.
problems are with the noobs that only damage abour sheer brute damage.
problems are with the noobs that only damage abour sheer brute damage.
The Hand Of Death
Rangers main function is as some sort of support unit, rather is be as a condition spammer or interupter. These days though, monking has become so good that condition spamming has become uneffective, just as hex spamming has become uneffective. Thumpers are used because in order to take out characters you need to bypass the stronger monk healing abilities with brute damage rather than the slow damaging of conditions. The thumper is born! Thumpers are prefered because they put more taxation on the monks rather than condition spamming. While being pounded on by a thumper they need to be more on their toes. The monk gets hit by a poison arrow and leaves it up to the other monk to remove it. Bows dont need to be buffed, if anything monking abilities need to be nerfed. But....... that won't happen
Should sheer damage not be an option with bows as well? Just for thought, rangers are the only melee/ranged class that can't apply a deep wound with their class weapon.
Originally Posted by LagunaCid
Bows are good. Bows are versatile. We can condition like noone else (except for DW...), while dealing nice damage, AND we can interrupt.
problems are with the noobs that only damage abour sheer brute damage. |
Plus rangers have the range advantage. They can cripple and whittle down people before they can get into spell range. Even more so if the ranger uses the environment effectively.
Rangers are more strategy than brute force. Builds have been made to allow rangers to play in a brute force style and that's quite okay as a lot of professions can use their secondary to create that playstyle.
Rangers are more strategy than brute force. Builds have been made to allow rangers to play in a brute force style and that's quite okay as a lot of professions can use their secondary to create that playstyle.
Originally Posted by chicks boy
WTH is up with Rangers using Hammers and staffs?
Originally Posted by chicks boy
And worst of all i saw a R/E ranger using shield and a sword..... >< Rangers uses bows to kill motherEekers.
Originally Posted by chicks boy
I understand Touch rangers (Becuz they Pwnz) but an R/E using swords???? WTH????
Yes experimentation is great .. just not when it is a random pug. Had a r/mes in a mission group I was a mesmer. Couldn't figure out why my degens were so short ... TADA!!!!!!! The r/mes was playing his secondary as a primary>.<
If Anet is going to do anything to a bow .. any chance we will EVER have a visible string?
If Anet is going to do anything to a bow .. any chance we will EVER have a visible string?
Malice Black
I loved touch rangers because they caused so much outrage..I laughed and laughed as people got hotter and hotter under the collar...
Originally Posted by chicks boy
WTH is up with Rangers using Hammers
Originally Posted by chicks boy
I understand Touch rangers (Becuz they Pwnz)... Rangers do a lot of dmg with bows at 16 markmanship. Esp with Burning arrow average dmg on monks and eles/casters are 150-75 dmg. Is 15-28 Not good enough? Lol.
nerf spears...and expertise. Kthx anet for making bows useless.
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
...if anything, Expertise needs to be nerfed to ranger only skills.. sorry, but that's just the way I see it..
Nightfall gave us some of the best bow attacks yet (Burning Arrow, Screaming Shot, Forked Arrow, Crossfire, Prepared Shot). I don't even B/P anymore unless I'm in Cantha (where AoE is king) because these skills are so much better in comparison when you need to deal with fewer but stronger targets.
Originally Posted by Cymmina
So in other words, you want it to be the *only* primary attribute that *only* works on the primary profession's skills?

Rangers with bows are still used in PvP, but mainly as skirmishers. The disruption/pressure available with a thumper is significantly more, unless you were running a heavy condition build.
- Gobby -
Bows totally arnt useless.... I have a Warrior which is up close melee, I have a Rituralist which is a caster and i have a ranger which is long range....why would i wana use a hammer for my ranger wen i have a Warrior already?
Originally Posted by - Gobby -
Bows totally arnt useless.... I have a Warrior which is up close melee, I have a Rituralist which is a caster and i have a ranger which is long range....why would i wana use a hammer for my ranger wen i have a Warrior already?
Pevil Lihatuh
Nothing wrong with a ranger not using a bow. I always use a bow personally (unless I'm using my BM build, then its the staff all the way) but many people don't want to use a bow. In fact I'm sure I remember way back before Factions that people wanted daggers added for Rangers to use. If Rangers *must* always use a bow, then we should tell people off for using bows on other classes for pulling purposes, or for using swords on touch-eles or anything else like that.
I'm not good with builds, I make mine up and get by but have no outstanding ones, but some of the best come from trying random weird things. If the player can play the build, it doesn't matter what weapon they use.
I'm not good with builds, I make mine up and get by but have no outstanding ones, but some of the best come from trying random weird things. If the player can play the build, it doesn't matter what weapon they use.
Am I the only one here that PvP's with an R/A using Expertise and Daggers?
Please say no.
Nerfing expertise would hurt my feelings. A lot.
Please say no.

Nerfing expertise would hurt my feelings. A lot.
Chris Blackstar
the only reason rangers are used for anything other then being a ranger is based on armor and the bonus it gives them against elemental damage, lastly epertise gives them both energy reduction and good evaiding against attacks
they are rangers, not archer
You want to bash power ranger for using giant robot too??
(and todays ranger carry a gun
we have mes using sword and axe for IW, monk use axe for that 20% enchantment, assassin using crit+barrage....why limit ranger with bows??
People think from an unusual direction, that is why we have all this fun possibilities

You want to bash power ranger for using giant robot too??

(and todays ranger carry a gun

we have mes using sword and axe for IW, monk use axe for that 20% enchantment, assassin using crit+barrage....why limit ranger with bows??
People think from an unusual direction, that is why we have all this fun possibilities
I don't want to see rangers limited to bows, but FFS it's their primary weapon, so they should be the most powerful for a ranger to wield. There is similar problem with warriors and scythes. They haven't become that popular yet, but there are warrior scythe builds (think Warrior's Endurance + strength & scythe attack skills) that output more raw damage than the warrior's own class weapons, and you get the benefit of multiple target strikes with the scythe. I sure as heck don't want to see this build get nerfed, but there's something just not right when a class is more effective weilding another class' weapon.
It's a shame you can't do A/D. I think Crit Strikes + Scythe Mastery would be the win.
Originally Posted by Kijik Oni Hanryuu
...if anything, Expertise needs to be nerfed to ranger only skills.. sorry, but that's just the way I see it..
Sarevok Thordin
When rangers lose the "range" aspect, they become suspect to things that affect warriors/sins/Dervs.
I mean things like Weakness, Cripple, Slowdown hexes, element of suprise (Because thumper builds are extremely predicable)
I mean things like Weakness, Cripple, Slowdown hexes, element of suprise (Because thumper builds are extremely predicable)