Player event: Saint Patrick’s Day
Chieftain Heavyhand
Hi all
Like a great majority of you I collected up enough booze for a drunkard title during Wintersday.
My plan all along was to save up all of the alcohol I've gained from Wintersday and Halloween for Saint Patrick's Day.
I'm thinking Lions Arch or the Greater Temple of Balthazar would be a good place to throw a Saint Patrick's Day celebration in. Since there is no official Guild Wars event for Saint Patrick’s Day, I though we as a community should throw one.
What will the goal be? To just hang out playing games, dancing, and sit around getting drunk and earn the Drunkard title or Booze hound title on Saint Patrick’s Day.
Saint Patrick's Day Event News:
Greater Temple of Balthazar, International District
Gain points toward Drunken or Booze Hound Titles
Drunken Random Arena or GvG
Drunken Mosh Pit Dance Party
The Drunken Generals
Lucky's Charms
AA Meetings
Wearing of the Green Parade (Drunken Congo Line)
Drunken Emote Master
Drunken Rock/ Paper/ Scissors
Red Rover
Hide and Speak
(other suggestions welcome)
More Event Info Here:
So come one come all.
Like a great majority of you I collected up enough booze for a drunkard title during Wintersday.
My plan all along was to save up all of the alcohol I've gained from Wintersday and Halloween for Saint Patrick's Day.
I'm thinking Lions Arch or the Greater Temple of Balthazar would be a good place to throw a Saint Patrick's Day celebration in. Since there is no official Guild Wars event for Saint Patrick’s Day, I though we as a community should throw one.
What will the goal be? To just hang out playing games, dancing, and sit around getting drunk and earn the Drunkard title or Booze hound title on Saint Patrick’s Day.
Saint Patrick's Day Event News:
Greater Temple of Balthazar, International District
Gain points toward Drunken or Booze Hound Titles
Drunken Random Arena or GvG
Drunken Mosh Pit Dance Party
The Drunken Generals
Lucky's Charms
AA Meetings
Wearing of the Green Parade (Drunken Congo Line)
Drunken Emote Master
Drunken Rock/ Paper/ Scissors
Red Rover
Hide and Speak
(other suggestions welcome)
More Event Info Here:
So come one come all.
If I had the booze to drink till I was dead, I would join you. But I dont, so I cant.
Guinness NPC FTW
There is not an official GW event for St. P day yet, but there could be.
Factions was released after the last Sait Patricks day. They could add a celebration to Cantha. I doubt they will though...but it would be something to push for.
Factions was released after the last Sait Patricks day. They could add a celebration to Cantha. I doubt they will though...but it would be something to push for.
Never happen from Anet. St. Patrick's day is actually a religous holiday outside the united states. It is only the drunken orgy here in the usa. If they can't mention Christmas due to religion they sure can't celebrate the bringing of Christianity to the pagans of Ireland.
Njaiguni Blaze
Saint Patricks day? Isn't that an Irish holiday only? I never knew what it is. Still don't. Something with elves and four-leaf-clovers (spelling?). Meh, let's add Sinterklaas too! And Bevrijdingsdag, and Prinsjesdag and, and... See what I mean?
Chieftain Heavyhand
That's exactly why I posted it as a player event.
For players by players. If A-net will not throw a Saint Patrick's Day Event why cant we as a community throw one?
All I'm saying is that on Saint Patrick's Day we all meet up at the Greater Temple of Balthazar and have a online Saint Patrick’s Day party.
Saint Patrick's Day is on a Saturday so the party can start at Midnight Eastern time and run to Midnight Western Time, for those of you on the west coast.
I know it is kind of early to start planning this but the more time to get the word out the better.
Just something to do for fun, I mean how boring will it be to set around getting a drunk title without some people to yuck it up with. Wear your green and drink to your hearts content. I'm thinking a town full of drunken elves / leprechauns would look pretty cool.
For players by players. If A-net will not throw a Saint Patrick's Day Event why cant we as a community throw one?
All I'm saying is that on Saint Patrick's Day we all meet up at the Greater Temple of Balthazar and have a online Saint Patrick’s Day party.
Saint Patrick's Day is on a Saturday so the party can start at Midnight Eastern time and run to Midnight Western Time, for those of you on the west coast.
I know it is kind of early to start planning this but the more time to get the word out the better.
Just something to do for fun, I mean how boring will it be to set around getting a drunk title without some people to yuck it up with. Wear your green and drink to your hearts content. I'm thinking a town full of drunken elves / leprechauns would look pretty cool.
Njaiguni Blaze
Sorry, I read the post too fast -_o
Go celebrate it
Go celebrate it

Can we also have a monthly GW AA meeting too?
Sli Ander
Lol, I actually had a discussion while waiting for the Avatars about who was better: the scottish or the irish. It involved many jokes about why God invented beer and whiskey(to stop them both from taking over the world). In the end we decided Scotch-irish people were most to be feared.
If you really do want to make this happen, may I suggest designating a number of districts in LA to the task?
If you really do want to make this happen, may I suggest designating a number of districts in LA to the task?
This has got to be the coolest idea i've heard in a long time. I can see it now, 150 people gathered around in each district yelling at passerby that they are talking to lowd and that the world is spinning.
You'll need to come up with some games... Standing around for hours on end while drunk is not really fun.
Like 1v1 contests on who says "I'm the king of the world" first. Maybe bet each other an ale.
Like 1v1 contests on who says "I'm the king of the world" first. Maybe bet each other an ale.
Omega X
Originally Posted by leprekan
Never happen from Anet. St. Patrick's day is actually a religous holiday outside the united states. It is only the drunken orgy here in the usa. If they can't mention Christmas due to religion they sure can't celebrate the bringing of Christianity to the pagans of Ireland.
They won't do religious events. They could make up something else in its place like they did with Christmas though.
Game Ideas:
Conga Lines: A district chooses one person to take the lead. That person gobbles down some sweets to gain a sugar rush and then prances around LA while drunk. Others follow suit.
Red Rover: Everyone in selected district attempts to body-block NPCs. The goal is to inhibit their movement completely. After success, dancing ensues.
Existential Quandaries: Why are we here? In Lion's Arch? Why did you make that worthless Monk/Necromancer that does 1 damage to the gargoyles outside Ascalon City, even though you're level 20? Why is Gaile Gray a Ranger/Monk? The community responds...
Mosh Parties: Community in selected district click on Lionguard Figo. Once everyone is cramped together on the dock, dancing and random emotes ensue. Warning: make sure your White Mantle Health Insurance and/or Sunspear Medica Insurance covers Mosh Parties before partaking of events.
Hide and Speak: Everyone gathers around the Canthan Ambassador [Guild Halls] and chills. When a new person enters the district and asks where everyone is, community Private Messages victim informing them that they have gone crazy and are hearing voices.
St. Patrick Day pwns all. Count me in.
Conga Lines: A district chooses one person to take the lead. That person gobbles down some sweets to gain a sugar rush and then prances around LA while drunk. Others follow suit.
Red Rover: Everyone in selected district attempts to body-block NPCs. The goal is to inhibit their movement completely. After success, dancing ensues.
Existential Quandaries: Why are we here? In Lion's Arch? Why did you make that worthless Monk/Necromancer that does 1 damage to the gargoyles outside Ascalon City, even though you're level 20? Why is Gaile Gray a Ranger/Monk? The community responds...
Mosh Parties: Community in selected district click on Lionguard Figo. Once everyone is cramped together on the dock, dancing and random emotes ensue. Warning: make sure your White Mantle Health Insurance and/or Sunspear Medica Insurance covers Mosh Parties before partaking of events.
Hide and Speak: Everyone gathers around the Canthan Ambassador [Guild Halls] and chills. When a new person enters the district and asks where everyone is, community Private Messages victim informing them that they have gone crazy and are hearing voices.
St. Patrick Day pwns all. Count me in.
Up The South!
Northern Irelanders aren't real Irish!
I love my Irish heritage, but the drunkard title isn't for me... I'd still probably come and join though.
What if someone was to *lend* their TeamSpeak or Vent server for the event, so that players could communicate even better? I personally don't have one at the ready, but I"m sure someone out there does ^_^
Northern Irelanders aren't real Irish!
I love my Irish heritage, but the drunkard title isn't for me... I'd still probably come and join though.
What if someone was to *lend* their TeamSpeak or Vent server for the event, so that players could communicate even better? I personally don't have one at the ready, but I"m sure someone out there does ^_^
my idea Call it Drunk Fest
for that day there will be DRUNKER AREANA and all booze will last twice as long
Skills include:
Arena affected by- Beer Googles-You health becomes 500 and your energy becomes 40 with 4 regen
Drunken Punch-Target foe takes 50 damage
Bottle over head-(3 adren) target foe takes 100 danage and is knocked down
Vomit-For 10 seconds adjacent suffer from poison
Blackout-for 15 seconds you become blind but your next drunken punch knocks down target foe
I, love you man(shout)- all nearby allys are healed for 300 health
Everyone Stop Shouting(shout)-all foes in the area can't use shouts
Its' spinning(shout)- all nearby foes suffers from dazed for 10 seconds
O, no not again- you are healed for 400 health but all skills are disabled for 10 seconds
for that day there will be DRUNKER AREANA and all booze will last twice as long
Skills include:
Arena affected by- Beer Googles-You health becomes 500 and your energy becomes 40 with 4 regen
Drunken Punch-Target foe takes 50 damage
Bottle over head-(3 adren) target foe takes 100 danage and is knocked down
Vomit-For 10 seconds adjacent suffer from poison
Blackout-for 15 seconds you become blind but your next drunken punch knocks down target foe
I, love you man(shout)- all nearby allys are healed for 300 health
Everyone Stop Shouting(shout)-all foes in the area can't use shouts
Its' spinning(shout)- all nearby foes suffers from dazed for 10 seconds
O, no not again- you are healed for 400 health but all skills are disabled for 10 seconds
It would never happen through A-Net. I can't see them setting up an event that advocated getting rat-arsed. Coz of the kids that play etc. Community one would be good tho.
Servant of Kali
/notsigned, because getting drunk is mildly said nothing to be proud of. I hear tons of people glorifying drunkedness; i dont care if you get drunk ingame or IRL but i as hell am not going to join the parade. Nor want the game i play to celebrate drunkedness.
Dude, Halloween is pagan holiday. And even if you say it's not, it's christian holiday with pagan origin and symbols. Which means religious.
It's only xmas which is discriminate. Im not even christian and i think that's really lame, and ANet is kissing **** to sell more accounts.
Originally Posted by leprekan
If they can't mention Christmas due to religion they sure can't celebrate the bringing of Christianity to the pagans of Ireland.
It's only xmas which is discriminate. Im not even christian and i think that's really lame, and ANet is kissing **** to sell more accounts.
Chieftain Heavyhand
No offense but your talking about the guys that give away booze for every event.
My intent was not to get A-net involved, but to have a player event. If A-net will not celebrate a holiday why not get as many people together as you can and celebrate it your selves. Or in this case ourselves.
This is a celebration were the object is not to get drunk but to work toward a Drunk title.
Just my way to give a shout out to all of those who have been working toward the Drunk or Booze hound titles that on Saint Patrick's Day at the Greater Temple of Balthazar there is a party going on, so bring your friends, wear some thing green and BYOB.
Note to A-net if at all possible could you dye all the water in game green for Saint Patrick's Day?
My intent was not to get A-net involved, but to have a player event. If A-net will not celebrate a holiday why not get as many people together as you can and celebrate it your selves. Or in this case ourselves.
This is a celebration were the object is not to get drunk but to work toward a Drunk title.
Just my way to give a shout out to all of those who have been working toward the Drunk or Booze hound titles that on Saint Patrick's Day at the Greater Temple of Balthazar there is a party going on, so bring your friends, wear some thing green and BYOB.
Note to A-net if at all possible could you dye all the water in game green for Saint Patrick's Day?
sure, but organise it in an international district.
Curse You
Originally Posted by FelixCarter
Why did you make that worthless Monk/Necromancer that does 1 damage to the gargoyles outside Ascalon City, even though you're level 20?

Curse You
Originally Posted by FelixCarter
Why did you make that worthless Monk/Necromancer that does 1 damage to the gargoyles outside Ascalon City, even though you're level 20?

Engel the Fallen
ANET should make more events on religious holidays. I mean they screw pagans over every Samhain [Halloween] with the logic only people who are present deserve hats, so why not start effecting others with this logic?
Originally Posted by Chieftain Heavyhand
Just something to do for fun, I mean how boring will it be to set around getting a drunk title without some people to yuck it up with. Wear your green and drink to your hearts content. I'm thinking a town full of drunken elves / leprechauns would look pretty cool.

Originally Posted by FelixCarter
Game Ideas:
Conga Lines: A district chooses one person to take the lead. That person gobbles down some sweets to gain a sugar rush and then prances around LA while drunk. Others follow suit. Red Rover: Everyone in selected district attempts to body-block NPCs. The goal is to inhibit their movement completely. After success, dancing ensues. Existential Quandaries: Why are we here? In Lion's Arch? Why did you make that worthless Monk/Necromancer that does 1 damage to the gargoyles outside Ascalon City, even though you're level 20? Why is Gaile Gray a Ranger/Monk? The community responds... Mosh Parties: Community in selected district click on Lionguard Figo. Once everyone is cramped together on the dock, dancing and random emotes ensue. Warning: make sure your White Mantle Health Insurance and/or Sunspear Medica Insurance covers Mosh Parties before partaking of events. Hide and Speak: Everyone gathers around the Canthan Ambassador [Guild Halls] and chills. When a new person enters the district and asks where everyone is, community Private Messages victim informing them that they have gone crazy and are hearing voices. St. Patrick Day pwns all. Count me in. |
Originally Posted by Vandal2k6
It would never happen through A-Net. I can't see them setting up an event that advocated getting rat-arsed. Coz of the kids that play etc. Community one would be good tho.
I think gamer planned events like, independent of Anet and any programming, are pretty cool. If word gets around enough about this one, I'll be happy to join.
Parson Brown
Great idea! Too bad the "drunk" screen gives me an instant headache (oh, the irony) so I sold all my booze.
Chieftain Heavyhand
As of right now we are in the planning stage. We being me and any who want to join in.
I have been getting in contact with my guild and other guilds about the Saint Patrick's Day Party. I encourage others who would like to join in to do the same.
We will be in the international district.
I checked the date and Saint Pat's is on Saturday this year so the party can start at midnight and run till midnight. 24 hours of drunken Tom foolery.
I have gotten some flack for supporting drinking. I would like to set the record straight. This is for fun I in no way think being a drunk is cool or fun. The saddest people I have ever met in my life were drunks and to be one is a sad and sorry state.
However this is a game. This is not real life and if I can get some kids or adults to set around on a computer playing a game instead of partying and drinking in real life then I feel like I did a good thing. This celebration is all in fun to work toward getting a title nothing more nothing less. If you want to join in fine send ideas and get the word out. If you think it is a horrible idea fine just don't get on a soap box and preach to me or anyone else who wants to join in about how drinking is bad. I know it is and I am not doing this to glorify drinking.
I am doing this for fun. I think we as a community should hold celebrations without A-net having to come up with some off the wall event that resembles the holiday.
For example: Why couldn't those of you that wanted Christmas throw a Christmas party and exchange gifts, sing carols, play game, or what ever else you want to do. On the Forth of July why can’t we Americans throw an Independence Day party (saving my fire works for that)? I want to throw a Saint Patrick's Day party, and later this year I'm planning an October Fest party (more drunken fun).
Why? Because I think more interaction between players is needed in the game. We as an online community need to lighten up and have fun from time to time. I had fun during the past A-net events, but I did more work than I did play.
So lets kick back and have fun on Saint Pat's and get together at Lion's Arch to work toward the Drunken or Booze Hound title together.
Edit: Since it is early and nothing is nailed down I would like to move the Event to the Greater Temple of Balthazar because it is the one place no mater which chapter everyone owns we can all get to.
I have been getting in contact with my guild and other guilds about the Saint Patrick's Day Party. I encourage others who would like to join in to do the same.
We will be in the international district.
I checked the date and Saint Pat's is on Saturday this year so the party can start at midnight and run till midnight. 24 hours of drunken Tom foolery.
I have gotten some flack for supporting drinking. I would like to set the record straight. This is for fun I in no way think being a drunk is cool or fun. The saddest people I have ever met in my life were drunks and to be one is a sad and sorry state.
However this is a game. This is not real life and if I can get some kids or adults to set around on a computer playing a game instead of partying and drinking in real life then I feel like I did a good thing. This celebration is all in fun to work toward getting a title nothing more nothing less. If you want to join in fine send ideas and get the word out. If you think it is a horrible idea fine just don't get on a soap box and preach to me or anyone else who wants to join in about how drinking is bad. I know it is and I am not doing this to glorify drinking.
I am doing this for fun. I think we as a community should hold celebrations without A-net having to come up with some off the wall event that resembles the holiday.
For example: Why couldn't those of you that wanted Christmas throw a Christmas party and exchange gifts, sing carols, play game, or what ever else you want to do. On the Forth of July why can’t we Americans throw an Independence Day party (saving my fire works for that)? I want to throw a Saint Patrick's Day party, and later this year I'm planning an October Fest party (more drunken fun).
Why? Because I think more interaction between players is needed in the game. We as an online community need to lighten up and have fun from time to time. I had fun during the past A-net events, but I did more work than I did play.
So lets kick back and have fun on Saint Pat's and get together at Lion's Arch to work toward the Drunken or Booze Hound title together.
Edit: Since it is early and nothing is nailed down I would like to move the Event to the Greater Temple of Balthazar because it is the one place no mater which chapter everyone owns we can all get to.
If they did make an event like this, you can be sure it wouldn't be called "St. Patrick's day", something more like "alcohol day". Calling it SPD would just recieve so many complaints/criticism.
Engel the Fallen
Again I fail to see why though. Halloween is a religious holiday for some, and it received no backlash. However the lack of options for hats for people who will not be on that day due to religious commitments is very upsetting.
Hey, I'm Irish so you can count me in.
Anger Problems
I'm also Irish, and this offends me. Why should we be associated with alcohol? No, we don't all get drunk on St Patrick's Day. And no, there aren't any leprechauns. Just an American stereotype.
Offensive police!!
I'm offended that you are offended... How about make the event the day before St. patricks day, that way we won't hear all this crying...
St. patricks day is like Halloween, it lost its meaning ages ago, probably in pre-searing... Now it's green guiness and dyeing rivers green.
I'm offended that you are offended... How about make the event the day before St. patricks day, that way we won't hear all this crying...
St. patricks day is like Halloween, it lost its meaning ages ago, probably in pre-searing... Now it's green guiness and dyeing rivers green.
edit: Sorry for flaming, just don't like feminised society..
Originally Posted by Chieftain Heavyhand
I am doing this for fun. I think we as a community should hold celebrations without A-net having to come up with some off the wall event that resembles the holiday.
... Why? Because I think more interaction between players is needed in the game. We as an online community need to lighten up and have fun from time to time. I had fun during the past two A-net events, but I did more work than I did play. So lets kick back and have fun on Saint Pat's and get together at Lion's Arch to work toward the Drunken or Booze Hound title together. |
Anyway, you're very right, player run events can be loads of fun, and I've seen far too few of them in this game. Count me in!
Originally Posted by leprekan
Never happen from Anet. St. Patrick's day is actually a religous holiday outside the united states. It is only the drunken orgy here in the usa. If they can't mention Christmas due to religion they sure can't celebrate the bringing of Christianity to the pagans of Ireland.
Drunken orgy IS far more civilized

Tide to Go
so christmas is religous, or whatever the event is called, wintersday? anyways dont tell me its not they have candy canes...witch is very very religous.....I mean atleast the event dident talk about gods or anything why couldent we have that event? We all only go to wintersday because its fun....we all go to halloween because its fun, this event wouldent be the biggest...but i bet it would be fun... a little lepercon tunic or something(lol) a really fat like 1 ton mystical fat guy that sells all kinds of fun drinks but collects stuff for them....and maybe a game that deals with who can be drunk the longest...not a caged in game because people would get tired of waiting and if you won you could win prizes, also a drinking cap(lol) maybe a clover hat too....Could also have some drunk guys running around lions arch....a weapon that lets you make people drunk. This would be fun who wouldent like that???
im seroiuce...ill go to the drawing board draw that really really fat guy out.....and the hats BRING IT ON ANET!!!!!
im seroiuce...ill go to the drawing board draw that really really fat guy out.....and the hats BRING IT ON ANET!!!!!
I should do this, I probably have enough Eggnog, Spiked Eggnog, and Sake to get a good number of hours in Drunkard.
Tide to Go
Originally Posted by Chieftain Heavyhand
As of right now we are in the planning stage. We being me and any who want to join in.
I have been getting in contact with my guild and other guilds about the Saint Patrick's Day Party. I encourage others who would like to join in to do the same. We will not be in the international district but start in District 1. My hope is that there are so many people that it will generate at least 10 districts. I checked the date and Saint Pat's is on Saturday this year so the party can start at midnight and run till midnight. 24 hours of drunken Tom foolery. I have gotten some flack for supporting drinking. I would like to set the record straight. This is for fun I in no way think being a drunk is cool or fun. The saddest people I have ever met in my life were drunks and to be one is a sad and sorry state. However this is a game. This is not real life and if I can get some kids or adults to set around on a computer playing a game instead of partying and drinking in real life then I feel like I did a good thing. This celebration is all in fun to work toward getting a title nothing more nothing less. If you want to join in fine send ideas and get the word out. If you think it is a horrible idea fine just don't get on a soap box and preach to me or anyone else who wants to join in about how drinking is bad. I know it is and I am not doing this to glorify drinking. I am doing this for fun. I think we as a community should hold celebrations without A-net having to come up with some off the wall event that resembles the holiday. For example: Why couldn't those of you that wanted Christmas throw a Christmas party and exchange gifts, sing carols, play game, or what ever else you want to do. On the Forth of July why can’t we Americans throw an Independence Day party? I want to throw a Saint Patrick's Day party, and later this year I'm planning an October Fest party. Why? Because I think more interaction between players is needed in the game. We as an online community need to lighten up and have fun from time to time. I had fun during the past two A-net events, but I did more work than I did play. So lets kick back and have fun on Saint Pat's and get together at Lion's Arch to work toward the Drunken or Booze Hound title together. |

I don't think the alcohol aspect of this idea should be a problem. It's in an online game. Being drunk in the game is something on the side, not an important part of the game. Drunkenness and drinking aren't emphasized and certainly not glorified in the game. If anyone still has any personal issues with anything that resembles drinking, this event is simply not for them. If so, just let it be and don't try to interfere and try to stop it or make it look bad.
ANet should then drop alcohol prices in LA to redicilous price of like, 10g but that bottle should last only till end of that event. After it it should disappear oif not drank.