Guild Wars & Politics. Would they ever mix?
Do you think the developers at Anet would ever introduce real world politics into Guild Wars.
Imagine an anti-bush or anti-blaire compain in LA with pickets or a sit in.
Imagine they put suttle messages into the messages of NPCs around the game, making bold statements against illegal-wars or animal rights, poverty or global warming.
But imagine all those things being twisted to have a Guild Wars perspective, so as not to be so blatent. Names being changed for legal issues, but it still being obvious who they mean. Blaire being changed to something else and Bush being changed to something else, but the message still existing.
I dont see why it would be impossible. Countless other games introduce strong political views. Expressing an opinion was and is never a bad thing, aslong as it hurts no one.
But I wouldnt suggest a pro-longed political statement or message. Just something over a weekend of a day. Nothing which would detract from Guild Wars being a game and about exscaping the real world.
Imagine an old 70s style hippy standing in the center of LA, asking us all to go to a collector to get a picket sign, and to then sit around him while he makes a statement. With LA guards around us in a circle, ready incase we get violent.
With periodic riots kicking off and you have to kill the guards before they can get to the hippy. If you win, we keeps chanting. If he looses, you have to wait for him to return, which he only does if you all sit at a certain spot for 30 minutes.
Then he casually stroles over, lights a role of <insert none taboo name> and puffs away and starts making his statement. If you sit and listen the whole time, you get a role of <insert none taboo name> which makes you trip and counts towards the drunk title.
So are we all ready and wanting some political stands in GWs? or is it something best left to the real world? or is it too risky?
It would certainly get media attention, and thats not always a bad thing. And I bet alot of people at Anet have some strong views on certain things.
I realise a few of those examples of a bit tooo politically risky, but you get the idea. But I thought the hippy thing was just cool.
Imagine an anti-bush or anti-blaire compain in LA with pickets or a sit in.
Imagine they put suttle messages into the messages of NPCs around the game, making bold statements against illegal-wars or animal rights, poverty or global warming.
But imagine all those things being twisted to have a Guild Wars perspective, so as not to be so blatent. Names being changed for legal issues, but it still being obvious who they mean. Blaire being changed to something else and Bush being changed to something else, but the message still existing.
I dont see why it would be impossible. Countless other games introduce strong political views. Expressing an opinion was and is never a bad thing, aslong as it hurts no one.
But I wouldnt suggest a pro-longed political statement or message. Just something over a weekend of a day. Nothing which would detract from Guild Wars being a game and about exscaping the real world.
Imagine an old 70s style hippy standing in the center of LA, asking us all to go to a collector to get a picket sign, and to then sit around him while he makes a statement. With LA guards around us in a circle, ready incase we get violent.
With periodic riots kicking off and you have to kill the guards before they can get to the hippy. If you win, we keeps chanting. If he looses, you have to wait for him to return, which he only does if you all sit at a certain spot for 30 minutes.
Then he casually stroles over, lights a role of <insert none taboo name> and puffs away and starts making his statement. If you sit and listen the whole time, you get a role of <insert none taboo name> which makes you trip and counts towards the drunk title.
So are we all ready and wanting some political stands in GWs? or is it something best left to the real world? or is it too risky?
It would certainly get media attention, and thats not always a bad thing. And I bet alot of people at Anet have some strong views on certain things.
I realise a few of those examples of a bit tooo politically risky, but you get the idea. But I thought the hippy thing was just cool.
well Nightfall introduced some quests with strong moral desitions, but failed to carry them to conscecuences, as far as political involvement why? where is the benefit in-game of such things? I fail to see them, mock outside world? thats just tacky IMO
Let's also do the following:
- Anti-semitic protest (of course, disguised as anti Tyrian protest)
- Ku Klux Klan meeting (grentchies wearing white hats)
- Pro abortion protests (gwen gets repeatedly killed)
- Pro-Hamas movement (pick a packet, and blow someone up)
- Communist party party (everyone gets the same look and same ammount of money)
- Group supporting adoption of children into same sex marriages (...something)
Hey, this could be fun.
Now close this before too many problems arise.
- Anti-semitic protest (of course, disguised as anti Tyrian protest)
- Ku Klux Klan meeting (grentchies wearing white hats)
- Pro abortion protests (gwen gets repeatedly killed)
- Pro-Hamas movement (pick a packet, and blow someone up)
- Communist party party (everyone gets the same look and same ammount of money)
- Group supporting adoption of children into same sex marriages (...something)
Hey, this could be fun.
Now close this before too many problems arise.
You have something against gays Antheus? It saddens me that you cite same sex marriages in the same list as Ku Klux Klan and Anti Semitic. The godfather of my child is gay and Im certainly not worried about it.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Do you think the developers at Anet would ever introduce real world politics into Guild Wars.
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO no.Theres enough Idiocy in GuildWars as is.
And don't mock the Communists. The idea of a fantasy game is to get away from real life, which would be ruined by adding politics etc.
Free Runner
I play Guild Wars. Not Politic Wars.
People already take the whole Luxon vs Kurzick thing way too serious and they are just fictional factions. Think about what real life politics would do....
People already take the whole Luxon vs Kurzick thing way too serious and they are just fictional factions. Think about what real life politics would do....
Originally Posted by Antheus
Hey, this could be fun.
Now close this before too many problems arise. |
Originally Posted by BSSuperman
You have something against gays Antheus? It saddens me that you cite same sex marriages in the same list as Ku Klux Klan and Anti Semitic. The godfather of my child is gay and Im certainly not worried about it.
Why was me quoting this wrong? Why does it matter if it's in the same list? They are all issues which occur daily. Why shouldn't they be discussed? What if someone's opinions do differ? What if those opinions make them willing to sacrifice their life for them? What if someone is a believing christian and gay is cardinal sin to them? Do you realize that this statement alone is a grave insult in that context?
How about child porn. Absolutely taboo in Western world, and thriving in Japan in form of Hentai or even worse forms.
Come on Anth, a bit of intelligent debate never hurt anyone. I think it will be informative to see what opinions come out this thread. It should weed out the childish if they cant even manage a friendly discussion about politics in GWs. |
These aren't funny things, and they aren't something you mock about.
Originally Posted by Antheus
And here's the reason why this is forbidden by default. People have different opinions. And these are serious issues which cost people lives. This is why they are strictly forbidden from most public media.
Why was me quoting this wrong? Why does it matter if it's in the same list? They are all issues which occur daily. Why shouldn't they be discussed? What if someone's opinions do differ? What if those opinions make them willing to sacrifice their life for them? What if someone is a believing christian and gay is cardinal sin to them? Do you realize that this statement alone is a grave insult in that context? How about child porn. Absolutely taboo in Western world, and thriving in Japan in form of Hentai or even worse forms. Do you honestly believe that people start political movements because they need something to do on Sunday afternoon? It's childish to quote serious issues which affect lives, and of course deaths of millions daily in scope of a game. Yea, level 20 guards to make fun out of something that may destroy your retirement plan or the regime you live in. These aren't funny things, and they aren't something you mock about. |
I dont appreciate you suggesting I was.
But hey, if people are incapable of simply talking and debating issues such as these without loosing their rag, then please can someone close this thread which I only just made.
It seems Anth has proven his own point by already going over the top about this.
I apologise for trying to inject some intelligent conversation into the website.
Dougal Kronik
This would be the worst the GW could ever imagine to do.
No reason for discussion, no need to debate.
Keep the fantasy separate from reality.
If Anet is smart enough to keep pet Pandas from the game, they are surely smart enough to go nowhere near this idea.
This would be the worst the GW could ever imagine to do.
No reason for discussion, no need to debate.
Keep the fantasy separate from reality.
If Anet is smart enough to keep pet Pandas from the game, they are surely smart enough to go nowhere near this idea.
Surely if you want to bring politics into it you'd need to do it in a way that was in-keeping with the game... Like with the festivals. You can't call it is Winterval. So any festival would have to be non-religious OR named after an in-game GW god. Like Festival of Lyssa or something. Same goes for politics...problem is...this is where it gets boring. Yea...let's all vote for a new Emperor of Cantha...Thing is...all the emperor does it get targetted by lunatic bodyguards who want some royal's not like they take taxes... "Politics" in GW would be more like Monks going on strike or demanding money for helping in missions...just don't go there.
Is this a joke? Of course games can, as you put it "introduce strong political views." There's nothing wrong with NPC groups in the game expressing political ideology as part of the storyline--the Stone Summit, for example, are blatantly xenophobic. If players want to discuss government and politics from real life in chat, there's nothing wrong with that either. As a politics junkie, I would be glad to join in.
But what you suggest is completely different. What you suggest would do nothing but trivialize weighty real world events by subverting them into "fun and games" and making a mockery of political issues in the process.
Please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me "Blaire" is a joke too. Or have I missed out on a new and important personage in the political sphere? And fyi, by the 70's, the hippie movement in America was in decline. Hippies flourished the most as part of the counterculture of the 1960s.
But what you suggest is completely different. What you suggest would do nothing but trivialize weighty real world events by subverting them into "fun and games" and making a mockery of political issues in the process.
Please tell me this is a joke. Please tell me "Blaire" is a joke too. Or have I missed out on a new and important personage in the political sphere? And fyi, by the 70's, the hippie movement in America was in decline. Hippies flourished the most as part of the counterculture of the 1960s.
If we also have the choice to help the guards and kill the hippy, I'm in. 
EDIT: Forgot the "we."

EDIT: Forgot the "we."
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
So are we all ready and wanting some political stands in GWs?
Hell no,
Absolutely NO.
As I strongly suspect is the case for most people, I play GW to relax and have fun, not to listen to some idiot's mental diarrhea passed off as real-world political discourse.
I play GW to get away from the annoyances of Real Life crap like Politics
I play GW to get away from the annoyances of Real Life crap like Politics
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I never suggested the situations going on in this world are funny. Im thinking calm down. I was suggesting an intelligent, light hearted debate. Not to pick fun at those less fortunate. I suggested these protests to allow Anet the chance to enlighten the younger amoung us to the issues going on in the world. As education. Not fun picking.
I dont appreciate you suggesting I was. But hey, if people are incapable of simply talking and debating issues such as these without loosing their rag, then please can someone close this thread which I only just made. It seems Anth has proven his own point by already going over the top about this. I apologise for trying to inject some intelligent conversation into the website. |
Oh, and thanks for insulting people when they get upset about real world concerns, no matter what forum they are engaged in. Just because you can have a good time and be flippant about what some people consider grave concerns, thats fine. Just don't get all uppity when we don't want to play along.
Originally Posted by Ninna
I play GW to get away from the annoyances of Real Life crap like Politics |
nine xtra
This is a really weird thread. That being said, all I can reply to it is: No.
bamm bamm bamm
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Imagine they put suttle messages into the messages of NPCs around the game, making bold statements against illegal-wars or animal rights, poverty or global warming.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I never suggested the situations going on in this world are funny. Im thinking calm down. I was suggesting an intelligent, light hearted debate. Not to pick fun at those less fortunate. I suggested these protests to allow Anet the chance to enlighten the younger amoung us to the issues going on in the world. As education. Not fun picking.
I dont appreciate you suggesting I was. But hey, if people are incapable of simply talking and debating issues such as these without loosing their rag, then please can someone close this thread which I only just made. It seems Anth has proven his own point by already going over the top about this. I apologise for trying to inject some intelligent conversation into the website. |
From the examples you gave, I'm pretty sure you consider "intelligent debate" to mean "supporting anything I agree with."
This is a game. It is meant to escape from the real world. If you're so insecure in your political views that you think Anet should be organizing things like this, you should probably rethink your own politics (because I know you'd be the first to get all indignant if it wasn't something you supported).
I'll just borrow from Gen[M]ay here:
S**t thread, lock and ban.
"Politics," whether you like it or not, can be found anywhere and it's not just in Guild Wars. Politics is what drives the conflicts...
To Say Politics is a "No go" is like saying Bye Bye To Guild Wars.
To Elaborate more, This is a Guild vs. Guild, Country Vs. Country kind of Deal.... You have the Kurzicks vs. Luxons, Istan Vs. Kourna (With the addition trying to "Politically" convenince the Vabbi to Assist).
In other words, with conflict comes Politically moves.... You can deny, whine, and cry about how games should not have politics. But the GOOD games always have a conflict between 2,3,4 w/e (Country,Faction, w/e)....
Politics = Conflict = Wars = Guild Wars
P.S. Read up on History You'll see how FUN our past is....
To Say Politics is a "No go" is like saying Bye Bye To Guild Wars.
To Elaborate more, This is a Guild vs. Guild, Country Vs. Country kind of Deal.... You have the Kurzicks vs. Luxons, Istan Vs. Kourna (With the addition trying to "Politically" convenince the Vabbi to Assist).
In other words, with conflict comes Politically moves.... You can deny, whine, and cry about how games should not have politics. But the GOOD games always have a conflict between 2,3,4 w/e (Country,Faction, w/e)....
Politics = Conflict = Wars = Guild Wars
P.S. Read up on History You'll see how FUN our past is....

Originally Posted by BSSuperman
You have something against gays Antheus? It saddens me that you cite same sex marriages in the same list as Ku Klux Klan and Anti Semitic. The godfather of my child is gay and Im certainly not worried about it.
My real-life opinions should not matter in a fantasy game, and should stay out of the game.
Besides if you (OP) were around in the sixties and seventies you wouldn't wish for seventies styled protests.
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Express2022
"Politics," whether you like it or not, can be found anywhere and it's not just in Guild Wars. Politics is what drives the conflicts...
To Say Politics is a "No go" is like saying Bye Bye To Guild Wars. To Elaborate more, This is a Guild vs. Guild, Country Vs. Country kind of Deal.... You have the Kurzicks vs. Luxons, Istan Vs. Kourna (With the addition trying to "Politically" convenince the Vabbi to Assist). In other words, with conflict comes Politically moves.... You can deny, whine, and cry about how games should not have politics. But the GOOD games always have a conflict between 2,3,4 w/e (Country,Faction, w/e).... Politics = Conflict = Wars = Guild Wars P.S. Read up on History You'll see how FUN our past is.... ![]() |
The OP was indicating real world politics include in "subtle" yet "bold" messages in game. Not the fictional Luxon/Kurzick conflict, Ascalon/Kryta mutual mistrust, or the Kournan/Elonan war.
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
I never suggested the situations going on in this world are funny. Im thinking calm down. I was suggesting an intelligent, light hearted debate. Not to pick fun at those less fortunate. I suggested these protests to allow Anet the chance to enlighten the younger amoung us to the issues going on in the world. As education. Not fun picking.
I dont appreciate you suggesting I was. But hey, if people are incapable of simply talking and debating issues such as these without loosing their rag, then please can someone close this thread which I only just made. It seems Anth has proven his own point by already going over the top about this. I apologise for trying to inject some intelligent conversation into the website. |
Imagine an anti-bush or anti-blaire compain in LA with pickets or a sit in. Imagine they put suttle messages into the messages of NPCs around the game, making bold statements against illegal-wars or animal rights, poverty or global warming. Imagine an old 70s style hippy standing in the center of LA, asking us all to go to a collector to get a picket sign, and to then sit around him while he makes a statement. With LA guards around us in a circle, ready incase we get violent. With periodic riots kicking off and you have to kill the guards before they can get to the hippy. If you win, we keeps chanting. If he looses, you have to wait for him to return, which he only does if you all sit at a certain spot for 30 minutes. Then he casually stroles over, lights a role of <insert none taboo name> and puffs away and starts making his statement. If you sit and listen the whole time, you get a role of <insert none taboo name> which makes you trip and counts towards the drunk title. |
If you're talking about the whining in Random Arena, TOB.... Then get over it. That's there opinions and if you don't like it Use the IGNORE list

GW is already political, it's kinda red/socialistic
. We don't like grinding or unfair advantages :P

Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Imagine an anti-bush or anti-blaire compain in LA with pickets or a sit in.
[/i] |
Originally Posted by capitalist
Imagine that some GW players aren't liberals...
Originally Posted by capitalist
Imagine that some GW players aren't liberals...

problem is that loons generally think everyone else shares their loony views

I've got 100k on the guards since I'll be helping them subdue the hippie uprising

Originally Posted by capitalist
Imagine that some GW players aren't liberals...
This sounds less like a discussion and more like the OP wanted to tell everyone that he disagrees with Bush and wants a way to do so in game as well.
This is a useless thread.
I would prefer that Politics stay out of them game as we don't need it not as we don't already here it enough in chat.I certianly do and i would perfer not do.There is a place for it on this board and that is where it should be but in game I would like stay away.I really don't see though what bringing it into game would do or achieve.
I was protesting the other day in agury rock against the dude who nerfed the necros(damn i cant farm any more).
If i wanted to protest against blair id watch "V For Vendetta" and try to blow up parliament.
Buy a Michael Moore dvd dont get that shit in GW.
Yours truly Me
If i wanted to protest against blair id watch "V For Vendetta" and try to blow up parliament.
Buy a Michael Moore dvd dont get that shit in GW.
Yours truly Me
I don't think it would be a particularly good idea to get real-world politics in place in guild wars. Unless people agreed on everything (which would make the entire thing pointless, by the way), it would just lead to pointless conflict and complaints. And it wouldn't even have a purpose really. If you feel like annoying everyone and actually doing a pointless protest, waste your time and do it outside an office or in a city centre or something, where someone might give a damn.
And don't be one of the idiots who says "OMG! Politics is everywhere! You can't escape from politics! It affects everything you do!". Of course it does. Everyone knows that. That's not what pretty much anyone means when they say "politics".
And don't be one of the idiots who says "OMG! Politics is everywhere! You can't escape from politics! It affects everything you do!". Of course it does. Everyone knows that. That's not what pretty much anyone means when they say "politics".
Originally Posted by capitalist
Imagine that some GW players aren't liberals...
I play GW in part to get away from the political crap that bombards us on a daily basis. I usually have local chat turned off so I don't have to deal with the biased opinions of others in game. This is my "escape" and if RL political bullshit starts turning up in game ..... I'm outa here.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
I play GW in part to get away from the political crap that bombards us on a daily basis. I usually have local chat turned off so I don't have to deal with the biased opinions of others in game. This is my "escape" and if RL political bullshit starts turning up in game ..... I'm outa here.
Originally Posted by Deleet
It's already there, as mentioned in above examples. Like Stone Summit dwarves being xenophobic, there are numerous other examples of situations who happen often in real life.
Originally Posted by quickmonty
I'm sorry, but it's not the same to me. Xenophobic dwarves are just not the same as Dems bashing Rep and vice versa, and the media just spewing it all out 24 hours a day. How many dwarves have been accused of unethical behavior and forced to leave office? Where is there controversy over gay marriage in GW? And, so far, I have seen no mention of stem cell research in GW. GW is fantasy. Let's keep it that way please.
OK, maybe not enough said? Well, "stem cell research" is an example of a questionable and controversial moral issue. In-game we have the Mursaat, best known for their controversial handling of keeping Titans locked away by slaughtering innocents.