It depends what side of GW you look at as to whether it is dying or not.
From a PvE point of view, no, not at all. As has been mentioned, there seems to be a steady influx of newbies coming in which is quite healthy.
From a PvP point of view, yes it IS very much dying(very close to dead). A massive proportion of good pvp players have left GW for other games. Players that previously populated the top 50 now populate the top 10. Players that used to play top 200 now play top 50. The bad news is that unlike PvE, PvP in GW is very hard to get access to, so it is unlikely that it will see many new skilled players.
Stop suggesting GWs is dying and scare-mongering.
Brother Andicus
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Ofcourse this game will eventually have less players in it and eventually Anet will close the servers. But that wont be for a while because there is always a constant influx of new noob players.So stop worrying.
big papi
i think gw will die a lot faster then ppl think if they keep releasing new chapter after new chapter. 1st three chapters really havnt been all that different.
some new changes would be nice i say bring on GW2
some new changes would be nice i say bring on GW2

You just got tomahawked
Your my hero for posting this forum.
Citadel Runner
The problem is that ArenaNet and PlayNC just don't care about their paying customers. The $49.95 in their pocket is worth more than building a relationship with their customer and having a satisfied customer base. Once they have your money, they are done with you and they couldnt care less. They just can't grab the business concept of satisfied, happy customers who live for the game. Many people are banned indiscriminately, with no response from PlayNC. The thought that these people will rebuy the game is a poor business strategy, as most just leave forever, disgusted with being ripped off. If you read the Eula carefully, they basically tell you "you wasted your money when you bought this game, because you have no rights and nothing of value, and we can and will dump you at any time".
Also, the game is radically changed too often, then changed back after they see their mistakes. Its like we are all unpaid PlayNC and Arenanet employees beta testing the game, but actually paying our good money to work for Anet and PlayNC for free. The game is completely different from what someone purchased a year ago, guides and skills are simply "wrong" now from what they were originally. The game changes so radically so often, that unless you play every day, you dont even know what your playing week to week.
This all comes from a player who we more into PVE than PVP, so I cannot speak for PVP. I think that a lot of constant radical changes might be good for PVP, but I really can't say.
Its a shame, because I have played the game for about 18 months and my remaining accounts just sit lifeless. I really did enjoy the game though but just can't take the politics anymore.
Also, the game is radically changed too often, then changed back after they see their mistakes. Its like we are all unpaid PlayNC and Arenanet employees beta testing the game, but actually paying our good money to work for Anet and PlayNC for free. The game is completely different from what someone purchased a year ago, guides and skills are simply "wrong" now from what they were originally. The game changes so radically so often, that unless you play every day, you dont even know what your playing week to week.
This all comes from a player who we more into PVE than PVP, so I cannot speak for PVP. I think that a lot of constant radical changes might be good for PVP, but I really can't say.
Its a shame, because I have played the game for about 18 months and my remaining accounts just sit lifeless. I really did enjoy the game though but just can't take the politics anymore.
Malice Black
You live in a fantasy world if you think this game isn't going down the pan.
This thread is kind of complaining about complainers, which is lame, and also about Guild Wars dying.
First, if you don't like complaints, don't make it worse by flaming those people. Second, that's one of those pure speculation threads where everyone claims to have the inside track on what "everybody" is doing, be it ragequitting or buying 189,382,355 copies. Both are pointless. Closed.
First, if you don't like complaints, don't make it worse by flaming those people. Second, that's one of those pure speculation threads where everyone claims to have the inside track on what "everybody" is doing, be it ragequitting or buying 189,382,355 copies. Both are pointless. Closed.