Chapter 4 Lore speculation
- Chapter 4's name was recently discovered to be "Utopia". Using this as the first clue...
- There were discussion on GWOnline about Saul D'Alessio's experience, stating that he found a city that is so glorious that it resembles a "Utopia". This city is known as Janthir, city of the Mursaat.
- The Istan scarb plague that happened over 200 years ago had many people fled. It is possible that these people had established an Utopian society somewhere else. This type of story is very typical.
- It is possible that these people are touched by some kind of power, as clued in by Bahltek, and transformed them into Mursaats
Perhaps the biggest clue to Chapter 4's lore lies with Bahlek's conversation.
- There were discussion on GWOnline about Saul D'Alessio's experience, stating that he found a city that is so glorious that it resembles a "Utopia". This city is known as Janthir, city of the Mursaat.
- The Istan scarb plague that happened over 200 years ago had many people fled. It is possible that these people had established an Utopian society somewhere else. This type of story is very typical.
- It is possible that these people are touched by some kind of power, as clued in by Bahltek, and transformed them into Mursaats
Perhaps the biggest clue to Chapter 4's lore lies with Bahlek's conversation.
Free Runner
If that really is to be the name.
My bets are that the story would be something about someone looking for a Utopia rather than being set in one.
Wasnt the Mursaats city said to be inside the Magumma Jungle? speculated to be behind the Ullen River?
It would be interesting to see more of the Mursaat.
I'm suprised a thread like this has not popped up already. The name Guild Wars: Utopia was found like a month ago
My bets are that the story would be something about someone looking for a Utopia rather than being set in one.
Wasnt the Mursaats city said to be inside the Magumma Jungle? speculated to be behind the Ullen River?
It would be interesting to see more of the Mursaat.
I'm suprised a thread like this has not popped up already. The name Guild Wars: Utopia was found like a month ago

I think Bahltek's chat brings up the possibility that future chapters might not even be set on the same planet as the current 3. Totally different worlds and such.
Maria Moon
hmm, well apparently there will be lilttle to no involvement of nightfall or factions, but prophecies will always have something to do with the story line, hmm that does sound interesting foxbat, you think anet will creat another 1 of those portals to another realm, or just stick to the boat theme, hmm maybe a distant land bearly touched by civiliazation which the gods had kept hidden away from the world until now.. woops enough before i get flamed
Free Runner
I want to see something along the lines of Shangri-La 
I suppose if it was to be set in another world through the mists it would be very likely we do meet the mursaat again. It being set in another world would also solve my question of how do Anet keep the biggest spoiler in Nightfall (Kormir) out of the next chapter?.

I suppose if it was to be set in another world through the mists it would be very likely we do meet the mursaat again. It being set in another world would also solve my question of how do Anet keep the biggest spoiler in Nightfall (Kormir) out of the next chapter?.
Feme Assassin
its utopia we know that and if it has to do with mursaat than we are going to see a greek theme.A lot of mursaat bosses have greek names
Argyris The Scoundrel(Argyris from argyros which means silver)
Chrysos The Magnetic(Chrysos me chryso which means gold)
Kratos The Foul(Kratos in ancient greece meant power)
Demetrios The Endring(Demetrios from dimitra the goddess of earth)
Feodor The Banefull(Feodot from theodor which means theodorws ''divine gift''
so i hope we will see a greek theme
Argyris The Scoundrel(Argyris from argyros which means silver)
Chrysos The Magnetic(Chrysos me chryso which means gold)
Kratos The Foul(Kratos in ancient greece meant power)
Demetrios The Endring(Demetrios from dimitra the goddess of earth)
Feodor The Banefull(Feodot from theodor which means theodorws ''divine gift''
so i hope we will see a greek theme
Tide to Go
why would the ystart another website?
i told you already, the deminsions........the part of the tyria desert to the far left where the guesses of orrs remains are......deminsions......undead......orr scepter....ahh well who knows.....kormir learns stuff........glint has a wanted bounty....
i told you already, the deminsions........the part of the tyria desert to the far left where the guesses of orrs remains are......deminsions......undead......orr scepter....ahh well who knows.....kormir learns stuff........glint has a wanted bounty....
I agree with Maria, the new chapter sounds like it will be seperate from Tyria and Cantha (we find out that Elona is actualy a part of Tyria in that it is on the same continent). Bringing that NC-SAoft will probably keep the baots as a main means of travel throught the world. Also as much as I would like to take the credit for finding the new site I got my info on it from someone else from another forum.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Tide to Go
why would the ystart another website?
Every chapter has an alt link to the official site using its chapter name.Factions and Nightfall are both registered but only the Factions link works.
I am still thinking it will not be set in a Utopia. It could be someone trying to find a Utopia and causing trouble whilst doing so.
- Chapter 4's name was recently discovered to be "Utopia". Using this as the first clue... - There were discussion on GWOnline about Saul D'Alessio's experience, stating that he found a city that is so glorious that it resembles a "Utopia". This city is known as Janthir, city of the Mursaat. - The Istan scarb plague that happened over 200 years ago had many people fled. It is possible that these people had established an Utopian society somewhere else. This type of story is very typical. - It is possible that these people are touched by some kind of power, as clued in by Bahltek, and transformed them into Mursaats Perhaps the biggest clue to Chapter 4's lore lies with Bahlek's conversation. |
-It was mentioned in the manual about what Saul saw that the "architecture was astounding" and "a city of massive towers reaching into the heavens." This doesn't state that this city is "Utopia."
-A history about plagues or pandemics in real life is that these things happens. Throughout the years, many people just begin to die while others live. The survivors of a plague have an inherited gene that makes them immune to a plague. Our latest pandemic is AIDS and there are a very few who are immune to it.
Anyway the point is this, the history of the plague hasn't been solved if you've read the quest regarding the Istan Plague. Many of the Istan people that became survivors fled to the mainland (most likely Kourna). The scarab plague was probably an explaination for the Tomb of the Primeval Kings, but being buried all the way in Tyria is a mystery, though it might have to do something with the Rifts and Hall of Heroes.
-As for Bahtek, I'm not sure where you got your information about people transforming? I'm sure it's not the Mursaat. But I think the information that Bahtek was talking about was Lord Ordan and his trips to the Rift. Primeval Kings and their history. And a ghost ship spotted most likely an Undead Orr Ship since Orr is just Northwest of Elona.
Different worlds have been done in this game, such as Underworld, Fissure of Woe, and Realm of Torment.
I doubt we would see a greek theme since GW: Prophecies is greek/roman themed. It explains the Mursaats name, the Gladiator armor, towering structures, arenas, etc.
Omega X
Originally Posted by gilgameshx
-I don't know who made up the idea of Utopia as the 4th Chapter. It must've been some crazy dude who registered the website and decided to create rumors about it. This doesn't make any sense since every Guild Wars chapter is shown on their official website. Why make a new one? Where is the proof that Ch.4 will be called Utopia?
-It was mentioned in the manual about what Saul saw that the "architecture was astounding" and "a city of massive towers reaching into the heavens." This doesn't state that this city is "Utopia." |
- the history of the plague hasn't been solved if you've read the quest regarding the Istan Plague. Many of the Istan people that became survivors fled to the mainland (most likely Kourna). The scarab plague was probably an explaination for the Tomb of the Primeval Kings, but being buried all the way in Tyria is a mystery, though it might have to do something with the Rifts and Hall of Heroes. |
- I think the information that Bahtek was talking about was Lord Ordan and his trips to the Rift. Primeval Kings and their history. And a ghost ship spotted most likely an Undead Orr Ship since Orr is just Northwest of Elona. |
Orr was completely destroyed. The center of that was pulled into the Realm of Torment. Along with that was the temple of the gods. Though people still claim Orr.
Different worlds have been done in this game, such as Underworld, Fissure of Woe, and Realm of Torment. |
I doubt we would see a greek theme since GW: Prophecies is greek/roman themed. It explains the Mursaats name, the Gladiator armor, towering structures, arenas, etc. |
Kryta might be greek, but people seem to agree that Prophecies is more fantasy -ish. My thinking agrees with what foxbat said. I'd say that they're either they would expand on the holes in gw
, or they would go to another world entirely.

Not sure about the "other world" thing, but this we do know. Several NPC's talk about trade with a northern land. What this land is or may be is still up in the air, but from the looks of things and seeing as how there is still a lot of area to explore and incomplete Lore, it would be more than reasonalbe that NC-Soft go north now instead of into a "new world".
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Sophitia Leafblade
Prophecies was European based it contained elements from several sources, including the Greek/Norse/Roman storywise, the Middleage Western Europeans Armour and people wise. and places were taken from various European based places. (with the exception of Magumma Jungle)
Chances are that the next chapter will be Jungle (South America), Frozen lands (antartica), Island Chains (Australasia) or new land forging (North America) so that gives us a 1 in 4 chance to be right.
Chances are that the next chapter will be Jungle (South America), Frozen lands (antartica), Island Chains (Australasia) or new land forging (North America) so that gives us a 1 in 4 chance to be right.
Any speculations about an Atlantis theme mixed with mayan /aztec/ inca civilizations?
Giga Strike
okay, CH4 isnt called utopia. ignoring that rumor, what will the theme be?
Tide to Go
Originally Posted by MegaMouse
Not sure about the "other world" thing, but this we do know. Several NPC's talk about trade with a northern land. What this land is or may be is still up in the air, but from the looks of things and seeing as how there is still a lot of area to explore and incomplete Lore, it would be more than reasonalbe that NC-Soft go north now instead of into a "new world".
Mega Mouse |
People often refer to the universe of Star Trek as a "utopia," and also I guess the teleporters in the Crystal Desert do seem somewhat out of place, but if we start using spaceships and warp drives and communicators I'm outta here!
Magic, huge invasions, portals to different dimensions, gods run amok ftw.
Magic, huge invasions, portals to different dimensions, gods run amok ftw.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Tide to Go
I think that your talking about the Elona time line, at the buttom it says that elonians descover trade with the north, but do you know whats north of elona?????
ITS TYRIA!!!!! |
"Cantha begins trading with Tyria,Elona and the northern areas"
As you can see it refers to Northern Areas seperate from Tyria.
Perhaps the evil of the fourth one will be trying to establish a utopia. The ideals might look good to some while others think it would destroy independant thought. Might be fun to actually choose a side and play to that ending. One ending you set up a utopia and think happy happy thoughts til the end of time. The other ending being you prevent the utopia from occuring and maintain the balance of not to good not to bad.
Guild Wars Guy
Well on youtube one day I saw a Cutscene and there was a canyon and a blond girl with long ears jumping across it with two knives and then it said
Guild Wars Calvery so yeah they might introduce elves or for warriors Duel swords/Axes
And also If abaddon is dead then... the idea of nightfall of the fallen god could be true about Grenith's preceeder which he defeated...Maybe The frozen wasteland is least likley because what are we going to see Giant Mutant Penguins South america is possible. Crystal desert and Elona are connected so .... "Utopia" and Maguma Jungle could be connected
None of this is Offical just my thoughs
Guild Wars Calvery so yeah they might introduce elves or for warriors Duel swords/Axes
And also If abaddon is dead then... the idea of nightfall of the fallen god could be true about Grenith's preceeder which he defeated...Maybe The frozen wasteland is least likley because what are we going to see Giant Mutant Penguins South america is possible. Crystal desert and Elona are connected so .... "Utopia" and Maguma Jungle could be connected
None of this is Offical just my thoughs
Guild Wars Guy
sorry for dbl posting but. This is from the Guild Wars Prophicies game book. Saul Wondered through a dense forrest (Magumma Jungle) For several days ,Surviving on roots and berries. On the Fourth day, Delirious with hunger,Saul Ererged from the treees to see what he thought was a hallucination - a city of massive towers reaching into the heavens. The architecture was astounding and the creatures who lived here were unlike any he had ever seen.Walking down into their city, Saul got a closer look at the denzins of this place. They were tall and thin with strange wing-like appendages that waved about in the slightest breeze. When they walked their weet seemed not to touch the ground , and when they spoke it was the most melodious sound he had ever heard....This has to be the Mursat if not a relative of them because it sure sounds like them. and the story has to do with the invisable gods. Or you are a mursat and you join with the humans to defeat a evil god/demon/Being
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Guild Wars Guy
Well on youtube one day I saw a Cutscene and there was a canyon and a blond girl with long ears jumping across it with two knives and then it said
Guild Wars Calvery so yeah they might introduce elves or for warriors Duel swords/Axes And also If abaddon is dead then... the idea of nightfall of the fallen god could be true about Grenith's preceeder which he defeated...Maybe The frozen wasteland is least likley because what are we going to see Giant Mutant Penguins South america is possible. Crystal desert and Elona are connected so .... "Utopia" and Maguma Jungle could be connected None of this is Offical just my thoughs |
And that was the Mursaat that Saul saw no question about it.
Originally Posted by Guild Wars Guy
sorry for dbl posting but. This is from the Guild Wars Prophicies game book. Saul Wondered through a dense forrest (Magumma Jungle) For several days ,Surviving on roots and berries. On the Fourth day, Delirious with hunger,Saul Ererged from the treees to see what he thought was a hallucination - a city of massive towers reaching into the heavens. The architecture was astounding and the creatures who lived here were unlike any he had ever seen.Walking down into their city, Saul got a closer look at the denzins of this place. They were tall and thin with strange wing-like appendages that waved about in the slightest breeze. When they walked their weet seemed not to touch the ground , and when they spoke it was the most melodious sound he had ever heard....This has to be the Mursat if not a relative of them because it sure sounds like them. and the story has to do with the invisable gods. Or you are a mursat and you join with the humans to defeat a evil god/demon/Being
I don't think GW will allow us to play any other races, it defeats the purpose of balanced skill play. I can't really explain it but a lot of the builds are base on skill, we can't just end up having elves, dwarves, mursaat, corsairs, etc. and start throwing them in Heroes Ascent. You are looking at an MMORPG fantasy type game since GW is an CORPG.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by gilgameshx
If you ever played Prophecies, it is already known that the "Unseen Ones" are the Mursaat.
I don't think GW will allow us to play any other races, it defeats the purpose of balanced skill play. I can't really explain it but a lot of the builds are base on skill, we can't just end up having elves, dwarves, mursaat, corsairs, etc. and start throwing them in Heroes Ascent. You are looking at an MMORPG fantasy type game since GW is an CORPG. |
And when they ever do create other races i am willing to bet the Tengu are up first. They must have quite abit of lore behind them.
Guild Wars Guy
tengu dervish*shudder*
Tide to Go
Originally Posted by gilgameshx
If you ever played Prophecies, it is already known that the "Unseen Ones" are the Mursaat.
I don't think GW will allow us to play any other races, it defeats the purpose of balanced skill play. I can't really explain it but a lot of the builds are base on skill, we can't just end up having elves, dwarves, mursaat, corsairs, etc. and start throwing them in Heroes Ascent. You are looking at an MMORPG fantasy type game since GW is an CORPG. |

We already have confirmation from a community rep from Anet Germany that "Guild Wars:Utopia" is not the name of the next chapter. It is "the project name for an unannonced project".
Companies will often give little "code names" to a project while a movie, game, or other product is still in development. They do this to prevent the REAL name from leaking out. So while Guild Wars: Utopia is NOT the name of the next GW chapter, it is very likely it is the Project Name for the next chapter.
We can still use this to guess at what the plot may be.
Companies will often give little "code names" to a project while a movie, game, or other product is still in development. They do this to prevent the REAL name from leaking out. So while Guild Wars: Utopia is NOT the name of the next GW chapter, it is very likely it is the Project Name for the next chapter.
We can still use this to guess at what the plot may be.
I dont think Prophecies had any consistant them.
Ascalon -> 1500's Europe
Shiverpeaks -> Purely Fantasy.
Kryta -> South American, kinda.
Maguuma -> Yet to think of any place like it.
Crystal D -> Any random Desert with a touch of Fantasy.
Ring of Fire -> Yet to think of any place like it.
You can hardly say that Maguuma, the Shiverpeaks, the Crystal Desert or..
No infact i dont see any Greek at all.
Ascalon -> 1500's Europe
Shiverpeaks -> Purely Fantasy.
Kryta -> South American, kinda.
Maguuma -> Yet to think of any place like it.
Crystal D -> Any random Desert with a touch of Fantasy.
Ring of Fire -> Yet to think of any place like it.
You can hardly say that Maguuma, the Shiverpeaks, the Crystal Desert or..
No infact i dont see any Greek at all.
Ring of Fire -> Yet to think of any place like it. |
and the amazing coincidence is that it has "volcanic activity" and have you ever seen the Hawaiian islands?
Mr. Mystica
hmmmm.... interesting...i was kindof thinking of a viking or pirate theme
Tide to Go
Originally Posted by thezed
We already have confirmation from a community rep from Anet Germany that "Guild Wars:Utopia" is not the name of the next chapter. It is "the project name for an unannonced project".
Companies will often give little "code names" to a project while a movie, game, or other product is still in development. They do this to prevent the REAL name from leaking out. So while Guild Wars: Utopia is NOT the name of the next GW chapter, it is very likely it is the Project Name for the next chapter. We can still use this to guess at what the plot may be. |
Zhelon reach-campaign 4
Silly Warrior
Originally Posted by Tide to Go
Elona reach-campaign 3
Zhelon reach-campaign 4 ahhhhhhh!!!! |

But sadly your not, so I don't think you'll ever see it.
On topic:
The next chapter suggested to be in the northern lands. Northern lands might also refer to charr, as they had an area called that in the same way right?
But I'm guessing northern lands means north of tyria, beyond the shiverpeaks, who knows whats up there?
We have no leads besides Saul and *cough* I just hope they announce the game soon

Free Runner
Originally Posted by Tide to Go
Elona reach-campaign 3
Zhelon reach-campaign 4 ahhhhhhh!!!! |
I personally hope they return to a more medieval theme. As despite the fact that says that Prophecies was European, it included many other cultures. As it was, Prophecies was more of a western European, what about an Eastern European theme such as Russia, Hungaria, and Byzantine.
Tide to Go
Originally Posted by Free Runner
Just going to note that no chapter was ever named Guild Wars: Elona so even if it had the smallest chance of it being Zhelon the name would still be unknown. Plus Zhelon has no relations to any other civilisations crossing through like Elona Reach.

Durik Lakmor
Drascir will make an apperance, I'd almost bet on it.
"The city of Drascir, former capital of Ascalon, lies far beyond the protection of The Great Northern Wall, due north of Surmia. It fell into the hands of the invading Charr years ago."
"The city of Drascir, former capital of Ascalon, lies far beyond the protection of The Great Northern Wall, due north of Surmia. It fell into the hands of the invading Charr years ago."
Free Runner
Originally Posted by Tide to Go
i ment the continent but....o well, always get people confused, ofcource it doesent have any relation, they starting a new game that could possibly be on a diffrent world?!?!and still need to look up if zhelon means anything, ill get right on it....might lead to the title
![]() |
What i was trying to say is that Elona Reach plays a major role in the game whereas Zehlon does not seem to have anything special about it other than having "Reach" in its name.
Originally Posted by Durik Lakmor
Drascir will make an apperance, I'd almost bet on it. "The city of Drascir, former capital of Ascalon, lies far beyond the protection of The Great Northern Wall, due north of Surmia. It fell into the hands of the invading Charr years ago." |

You, my friend, have said what I was going to say, but I didnt know if anyone would really catch that (Not really that super genius but it was a little out there)
Anyway yeah, I think it will have to do with:
-The Mursaat Homeland/Seer Homeland
-Drascir and the Charr's homeland
-A place with many different climates like Prophecies, only slightly colder.
*A large forest that extends out of the maguuma
*A southern Canada like area above Ascalon (Not really super cold but getting there)
*The place above Kryta
*The furthest extent of the shiverpeaks
I hope Anet doesnt rush this one, PLEASE use the entire team like you did with prophecies, I can wait a year, especially because the campaigns are being over-rushed and lack depth. We also need sometime to get bored of Nightfall and rush back to Factions and Prophecies (which were both solid games btw.)
Tide to Go
I have never herd of that place, anyone else besides these two????? anyways, it has to be part of the game, mybe not a major role but atleast a mission town....
everyone remember we got alot more games, this one game dosent have to cover all of the questions still un answered.
everyone remember we got alot more games, this one game dosent have to cover all of the questions still un answered.