Originally Posted by rohara
if you want to play a strategy game, play an RTS. "strategy" in an MMO is little to none in comparison to real strategy games. GW is all about your build. the most strategy involved is anticipating what your opponents will be doing and setting yourself up to counter them, and maybe a bit of kiting. the rest is just spamming your skills at the right times. pvp players like to think they're gods for using the same cookie-cutter builds everyone else is using, but are so quick to criticize pve'ers of only using one skillbar  which is an absurd, elitist assumption, btw.
Lol! Honestly, do you know there is such thing as GvG? Have you ever watched the championship (btw there is $100,000 on the line for the winner). There is
definitely strategy. Also, the ones winning GvG at high levels aren't running cookie cutter builds - they are running very innovative builds that are so balanced that they are rarely able to be defeated by some scrub FoTM. Please, go back to RA, AB, or whatever scrub hole you came from because you obviously don't know what you are talking about.
i don't even mind the changes, and i'm not even complaining about them. i don't think anet balances the game properly. also, i just think they are unnecessary when there are much bigger things that need fixing in the game - even in the pvp area. leechers, anyone? bots? how about pve...an auction house and new storage solutions are two of the most sought-after features people would sell their mothers for.
Leechers? Who leeches HA or GvG? Thats what balance in PvP world is intended for. I have no concern about Leechers. By the way - take a couple of screen shots and submit then to ANet - thanks!
Also, I think some of the skill changes are aimed at reducing the amount of botting. Additionally, ANet is constantly banning botters. However, there is only so much they can do. Please, feel free to give them the solution. I'm sure they are all awaiting your supreme guidance.
Hmmm... auction house and storage > skill balance? Lol! Yes, they would be nice, but they have made some changes - but I am sure that is not their top priority. Making money by developing new chapters > auction houses.
and i most certainly didn't fail in balancing other games, nice elitist assumption there too concering something you know absolutely nothing about and thanks for putting "GW should have uber nukes!" in my mouth as well. searing flames is not THAT overpowered. if yr just going to stand there and LET an ele do that, its yr own fault.
The "uber nukes" comment was not in reference to SF - it was however in reference to you failed attempt to make a logical statement by saying "isn't pwning the crap out of things the point in GW?". If that was the case then, yes, my point is a good critique of how absurd that statement is when followed through with. If YOU need to pwn things all the time without using any skill and just smashing buttons - if YOU think that is what makes a game fun - then please go WoW or some other place that is grossly underbalanced and quit speaking here about things you obviously have no clue about.
PS. True, searing flames is not that overpowered - but it did need to see a bit of the nerf bat. In fact it barely got touched at all, and I think Anet did the right thing by nerfing GG which was why SF was able to be spammed almost indefinitely.
Again skill > build - or at least it needs to be...
Thanks, come again!