How do you choose your ingame names?
As the title says I am wondering how each of us came up with the names we have ingame. I have been using mine since I got it while driving Trucks. I was called the Mouse due to the fact that I could squeeze a tractor trailor into some of the smallest holes out there. And to this day I still am known as Mouse online.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
I used to do A LOT of online Forum roleplaying and names were always something I was good at. A couple of interesting stories though. My warrior continues a tradition of melee characters I've had since the old D2 days where I had a zealadin named Balin Godhand and so when I went melee with my warrior I made him Jareth Godhand. My dervish name is actually named for a little old Saudi guy that used to clean the embassy grounds while I was stationed there. His name was Hassam and so I named my Dervish Hassam Ibn Halah. Unfortunately rednecks and idiots love to call me a terrorist in game now. LoL. Nevermind that I was a Marine but you can't change stupid.
I name mine after economic theories and concepts...
Yes it's random.
Yes it's random.
Well, I used to play Dark Age of Camelot. When I was creating the name for my Troll Warrior on there, I was on the phone with my friend. He said that trolls kind of look like dinosaurs. I named my Troll Warrior Ecksor. Now I use Ecks in all of my names.
I've been playing RPG's so long that I just start rolling names around in my head like a tumbler, and keep going until something I like falls out. :\
Mitchel is my real name (yes with 1 L that is). So its usually Mitchel The (insert cheap proffesion ) or (insert cheap proffesion name), except for my Mesmer who was called Mesmer Mitchel.
When I created my first character I named her 'Myria Winddancer' -- 'Myria' being my name and 'Winddancer' being an old /nick from CI$ days. I didn't really have a plan for future character names at the time, and it would have made more sense if Winddancer had been an Ele rather than a Necro, but when I created my second character I decided to stick with the 'dancer' theme. So far I have --
Myria Winddancer
Myria Cryptdancer
Myria Bonedancer
Myria Flamedancer
Myria Stormdancer
Myria Swordancer
Myria Spiritdancer
Myria Bladedancer
Myria Speardancer
Not the most original method for coming up with names, but it works for me and has the advantage of there being almost zero chance of any name I might come up with having already been taken.
Myria Winddancer
Myria Cryptdancer
Myria Bonedancer
Myria Flamedancer
Myria Stormdancer
Myria Swordancer
Myria Spiritdancer
Myria Bladedancer
Myria Speardancer
Not the most original method for coming up with names, but it works for me and has the advantage of there being almost zero chance of any name I might come up with having already been taken.
Anyone who watches anime should recognize my name. I just like the sound of it. No, I'm not one of those fanboys that starts shouting random stuff in local chat.
My original name (Tanamoril osfameron) is a character from a book.
My original name (Tanamoril osfameron) is a character from a book.
Feme Assassin
huge fun of lord of the rings so my first char wouldnt be anyone else but
Dark Lord Sauron
and Sauron W my second
Dark Lord Sauron
Coloneh is Cherokee for "the raven", I started using it after i stumbled across some translator thing. I had been using Raven as my name since I first played Armored Core(best series ever). I thought Coloneh was a little less cliche.
The Last Anthem
Most of mine came from the song I was currently listening to or the first thing that came to mind

Commander Ryker
I took names of characters from books, movies and tv for mine.
Commander Ryker - Ele - STNG (spelled wrong because someone already had the correct one)
Christopher Snow Sr - Ra - Dean Koontz book, Fear Nothing. I had to add the Sr because once again, someone had it. In the book, Christopher had a dog named Orson, so I named my ranger's lynx Orson.
Dr Ben Casey - Monk - From an old tv show of the 60's.
Haka Lue Gie - Necro - One I just found on the internet. I made him in factions, so I went looking for a oriental name that sounded funny.
Lucas Davenport - Warrior - 2nd Account He is the star of a lot of John Sandford books. A perfect name for my warrior.
Commander Ryker - Ele - STNG (spelled wrong because someone already had the correct one)
Christopher Snow Sr - Ra - Dean Koontz book, Fear Nothing. I had to add the Sr because once again, someone had it. In the book, Christopher had a dog named Orson, so I named my ranger's lynx Orson.
Dr Ben Casey - Monk - From an old tv show of the 60's.
Haka Lue Gie - Necro - One I just found on the internet. I made him in factions, so I went looking for a oriental name that sounded funny.
Lucas Davenport - Warrior - 2nd Account He is the star of a lot of John Sandford books. A perfect name for my warrior.
Top Gun made my childhood complete.
Jeff Highwind
PvE: I try for original names hoping that they have not been taken. Unfortunately, I am starting to follow stereotypes and giving characters titles in their name. -__-
Right now my sin Cid Nocturne has the best name I ever thought of.
PvP: Character is always named "Makai (unit)" Based on the NiS gaming line. Right now I just have Makai Witch and Makai Kunoichi.
Right now my sin Cid Nocturne has the best name I ever thought of.
PvP: Character is always named "Makai (unit)" Based on the NiS gaming line. Right now I just have Makai Witch and Makai Kunoichi.
hmm depends.. i just think of a name.. or like my last 2 creations.. the google translator is my friend 
Bleu lefeu (Rit)
Sitzende ende(maybe ente.. i forget) (my monk)
Sharia beni parlune (assasin)
my monks name means sitting duck in german and my assasins is sharia (name) blessed by the moon.. or something, as for my rit, if you split it to blue le feu it's supposed to mean blue flame. As for my dervish his name is a play on turai ossa (kralla torosa) The rest.. i made of the top of my head or based it on my online name noir0/orion/0rion/orionexus.

Bleu lefeu (Rit)
Sitzende ende(maybe ente.. i forget) (my monk)
Sharia beni parlune (assasin)
my monks name means sitting duck in german and my assasins is sharia (name) blessed by the moon.. or something, as for my rit, if you split it to blue le feu it's supposed to mean blue flame. As for my dervish his name is a play on turai ossa (kralla torosa) The rest.. i made of the top of my head or based it on my online name noir0/orion/0rion/orionexus.
Neverwinter Nights 1 random name generator named my sorcerer Aruine. I liked the name and named my first GW char Aruine (ele = sorcerer), but GW names have to be two words, so I went with Aruine Atreides.
From there on, I used the same last name and made-up first names:
Alleji Atreides
Lynn Atreides
Aurelia Atreides
From there on, I used the same last name and made-up first names:
Alleji Atreides
Lynn Atreides
Aurelia Atreides
A Leprechaun
Mesmer - A Leprachaun
Necro - A Leprechaun
Warrior - A Lepracorn
Ranger - Lady Leprechaun
Other names used for PvP chars
- Mr A Leprechaun
- Miss A Leprechaun
- A Leprechaunette
- Lady Leprechaunette
etc, etc....
~A Lerpechaun~
Necro - A Leprechaun
Warrior - A Lepracorn
Ranger - Lady Leprechaun
Other names used for PvP chars
- Mr A Leprechaun
- Miss A Leprechaun
- A Leprechaunette
- Lady Leprechaunette
etc, etc....
~A Lerpechaun~
Anarion Silverhand
Anarion Silverhand - Tolkien mythology with a random last name.
Scipius Africanus - I would have gone Scipio, but that was already taken, curse whoever to to it first. He was a successful roman general.
+ a floating pvp char named Your A Wizard Harry
Scipius Africanus - I would have gone Scipio, but that was already taken, curse whoever to to it first. He was a successful roman general.
+ a floating pvp char named Your A Wizard Harry
Mine are a mixture of reading material and online handles. All share the surname Belacqua.
Ele - Saraphim Belacqua (online name in a few places + the surname of Lyra from His Dark Materials)
Paragon - Marisa Belacqua (HDM again)
Assassin - Ruta Belacqua (HDM)
Necro - Serafina Belacqua (oops.. HDM yet again)
Warrior - Luthien Belacqua (The Silmarillion)
Dervish - Katina Belacqua (Strangers in Paradise comic book)
Ranger - Tara Belacqua (no idea where that came from)
The exception to the rule is my mule, called Muffing the Mule. Unsurprisingly someone had already got Muffin the Mule, so I misspelt it, unfortunately she now sounds kinda dubious...
Ele - Saraphim Belacqua (online name in a few places + the surname of Lyra from His Dark Materials)
Paragon - Marisa Belacqua (HDM again)
Assassin - Ruta Belacqua (HDM)
Necro - Serafina Belacqua (oops.. HDM yet again)
Warrior - Luthien Belacqua (The Silmarillion)
Dervish - Katina Belacqua (Strangers in Paradise comic book)
Ranger - Tara Belacqua (no idea where that came from)
The exception to the rule is my mule, called Muffing the Mule. Unsurprisingly someone had already got Muffin the Mule, so I misspelt it, unfortunately she now sounds kinda dubious...

Inspiration from books and a bit of creative thought. Though my first name created was what my internet alias is, Esprit Dumort (Espritdumort on the net).
mine are all japanese names (with some twists).
Yuki is snow and my monk wears white tats he is the snow man
haru means spring
mimi is hear or listen
mei is a popular girls name in japan (I lived there and taught jhs and had many girls name mei), ai is another popular girls name in japan as well as mamiko (had a student with that name thought it was pretty so I named my monk after her)
tsu is a harbor or port of somekind (a city I lived near)
shinin is a corpse--death
ko is usually just used to denote a female or young (inu is dog so koinu is puppy)
hime means princess
fuyu is winter
kinno is golden
hanabi is fireworks
seishin is spirit
shinno is prince
taiyouko is sunlight or sunny
I have combined them into names too
I was doing the seasons for a bit, but I think I was too slow and they already exist. Many of mine are hime or shinno....princes or princesses.
now you know where they come please leave me a few names for the next chapter ok?
and I think someone did a thread like this a while back.....
Yuki is snow and my monk wears white tats he is the snow man
haru means spring
mimi is hear or listen
mei is a popular girls name in japan (I lived there and taught jhs and had many girls name mei), ai is another popular girls name in japan as well as mamiko (had a student with that name thought it was pretty so I named my monk after her)
tsu is a harbor or port of somekind (a city I lived near)
shinin is a corpse--death
ko is usually just used to denote a female or young (inu is dog so koinu is puppy)
hime means princess
fuyu is winter
kinno is golden
hanabi is fireworks
seishin is spirit
shinno is prince
taiyouko is sunlight or sunny
I have combined them into names too
I was doing the seasons for a bit, but I think I was too slow and they already exist. Many of mine are hime or shinno....princes or princesses.
now you know where they come please leave me a few names for the next chapter ok?

and I think someone did a thread like this a while back.....
Mostly obscure pop culture references or some quick creativity:
Rhona the Salubri : Mo/N Based on an obscure WOD vampire bloodline that uses blood to heal people.And everyone wants them dead too.
Fingers Rico:Me/W Fingers = magician from Lucky Luke, Rico = like Spider Rico from Rocky.
Concubine of Baal: N/R Because "Priestess of Baal" was taken
Keiko shakiko:E/Rt Very very asian this one.
Known as Petiet : W/A I wanted to make a small but very angry axe swinger, but you can't really make a Warrior tiny in GW,unfortunately.
Tinga Summerisle: R/Mo. Tinga= One of the manticore girls from "Dark angel", Lord Summerisle = the bad guy from "The wicker man". Very druidic.
Mister Dumah: P/D Like mister Eko from Lost combined with Dumah from Legacy of Kain.
Rhona the Salubri : Mo/N Based on an obscure WOD vampire bloodline that uses blood to heal people.And everyone wants them dead too.
Fingers Rico:Me/W Fingers = magician from Lucky Luke, Rico = like Spider Rico from Rocky.
Concubine of Baal: N/R Because "Priestess of Baal" was taken
Keiko shakiko:E/Rt Very very asian this one.

Known as Petiet : W/A I wanted to make a small but very angry axe swinger, but you can't really make a Warrior tiny in GW,unfortunately.
Tinga Summerisle: R/Mo. Tinga= One of the manticore girls from "Dark angel", Lord Summerisle = the bad guy from "The wicker man". Very druidic.
Mister Dumah: P/D Like mister Eko from Lost combined with Dumah from Legacy of Kain.
Hand of Apollyon
Erik astfgl (My dervish) Is from a terry pratchett book.
The main character is erik, and the evil demon guy is king astfgl.
It's an awesome book.
Hand of Apollyon is from something i found in a book.
Apollyon is hebrew for Abbadon.
(My necro.)
The main character is erik, and the evil demon guy is king astfgl.
It's an awesome book.
Hand of Apollyon is from something i found in a book.
Apollyon is hebrew for Abbadon.
(My necro.)
used my runescape name and added a title like master before or after it
Both names are from my own manga.
There is an amazing story behind how my names are chosen...
Not really ... they are usually the result of me trying various names for 5 or 10 minutes only to find they have all already been taken.. so i start putting in random nonsense and usually end up with something stupid.
Not really ... they are usually the result of me trying various names for 5 or 10 minutes only to find they have all already been taken.. so i start putting in random nonsense and usually end up with something stupid.
Each campain has it's own last name
I started off with making the first names from the video Game series Grandia. Then I started a ranger and named her after the Greek god of the hunt and her pet after the Egyptian Cat god of protection. I like the idea so I just started using the names of gods.
Prophecies last name: Dragonhart-it sounded cool and my grandmother's maiden name was Hart. Then I discovered a problem the long last name, limited what I wanted for first names.
Diana and her pet Bastet-Greek God of the hunt-Ranger
Selene-she is a warrior monk from Grandia II-Warrior
Gadwin-a warrior from Grandia-Warrior
Lilith-The Jewish demonesse based on the Babylonian queen of the dead Ninlil.-Necro
Factions last name: Nian-Chinese for Beasts, this allowed me more freedom for first names
Fengh Huan-This one was supposed to be Feng Huan, a Chinese Holly Beast, a great pheonix, but I had people waiting and I didn't see that things like puntuation wren't allowed, I didn't realize my mistake until after the "Day of the Tegu" was over and I didn't want to give up her mask.-Ele
Meng Po: The Chinese bureaucratic god that is in charge of giving the spirits that are about to be reborn a potion of forgetfullness.-Rit
Guan Yu: One of the great Chinese Generals and one of the gods of war-Sin
Aslan: I broke with tradition, but the movie just came out.
Nightfall last name: Bumba, the creator god from Congo
Anansi: the trickster god from West Africa.-Mes
Oya: From Nigeria, she id the goddes of the river, and a warrior goddes.-Para
Yemya: Nigerian goddess of the seas, her colors were blue and white so I used her, which meant I had to make a female instead of a male.-Derv
I started off with making the first names from the video Game series Grandia. Then I started a ranger and named her after the Greek god of the hunt and her pet after the Egyptian Cat god of protection. I like the idea so I just started using the names of gods.
Prophecies last name: Dragonhart-it sounded cool and my grandmother's maiden name was Hart. Then I discovered a problem the long last name, limited what I wanted for first names.
Diana and her pet Bastet-Greek God of the hunt-Ranger
Selene-she is a warrior monk from Grandia II-Warrior
Gadwin-a warrior from Grandia-Warrior
Lilith-The Jewish demonesse based on the Babylonian queen of the dead Ninlil.-Necro
Factions last name: Nian-Chinese for Beasts, this allowed me more freedom for first names
Fengh Huan-This one was supposed to be Feng Huan, a Chinese Holly Beast, a great pheonix, but I had people waiting and I didn't see that things like puntuation wren't allowed, I didn't realize my mistake until after the "Day of the Tegu" was over and I didn't want to give up her mask.-Ele
Meng Po: The Chinese bureaucratic god that is in charge of giving the spirits that are about to be reborn a potion of forgetfullness.-Rit
Guan Yu: One of the great Chinese Generals and one of the gods of war-Sin
Aslan: I broke with tradition, but the movie just came out.
Nightfall last name: Bumba, the creator god from Congo
Anansi: the trickster god from West Africa.-Mes
Oya: From Nigeria, she id the goddes of the river, and a warrior goddes.-Para
Yemya: Nigerian goddess of the seas, her colors were blue and white so I used her, which meant I had to make a female instead of a male.-Derv
From TV, movies, history, etc. Huntress Velasca for example - Velasca comes from a char in Xena , fyi her pet is named Lady Heather a char from CSI. Both chars were played by same actress.
Gentle Selene - Selene from Underworld. And a improperly spelled Mary Magdelan, I know it should be Magdalen(e) , but it was taken so I went with that.
Sephora - Moses wife. Domino from movie - is I Domino in game, after trying several variants. April Wine, name of a band. Was taken so went with April Wine I.
Could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Gentle Selene - Selene from Underworld. And a improperly spelled Mary Magdelan, I know it should be Magdalen(e) , but it was taken so I went with that.
Sephora - Moses wife. Domino from movie - is I Domino in game, after trying several variants. April Wine, name of a band. Was taken so went with April Wine I.
Could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Open All Bags - figure it out
Political, religious(or the lack thereof), jokes etc..
Marx For President (Karl Marx)
Odg Si Eadd (anagram for a famous quote)
prefix, Deleet (I don't like Dell, so logically, i wanted to delete them, deleet. I then realized I also had 1337 in my name, just made it better)
Marx For President (Karl Marx)
Odg Si Eadd (anagram for a famous quote)
prefix, Deleet (I don't like Dell, so logically, i wanted to delete them, deleet. I then realized I also had 1337 in my name, just made it better)
The Ankh is an ancient egyptian symbol, wich happens to appear a lot in GW, used on healing skills. It has been my nickname before gw too, but i like how it appears everywhere. Even on my trustworthy heal siggy!
Almost all of my characters have the initials AC.
Musical References for some of my characters (song titles etc), but lots of the older ones were deleted or replaced at some point or another:
Ave Samael (Monk, best character, original song title reference from a track by SynSUN, personally I thought and still think this looks like a great name for any female character.)
Ava Samael (Ranger, simple variation)
Eva Samael (Warrior, simple variation again)
Eve Samael (Elementalist, simple variation once more)
Then I stuck with Samael for most charnames since it saves so much thinking (i spend way too much time trying to think of names):
Kameko Samael (Mesmer, variation, but i felt like using a different first name for this one)
Katara Samael (Necromancer, same case as above)
Naomei Samael (Assassin, same case as above)
Evelia Samael (Another Mesmer, she looks similar to Eve)
Some of my older characters include my first one:
Queen Ayla (First character, Elementalist, Ayla was also a musical reference)
Mr T (Monk, no need to explain that one :P)
Canadian names:
Andrea The Canadian (Old Ranger)
Canadian Influence (Ritualist)
Acolyte of Canada (Dervish, Avatar bosses inspired this one, combined with a canadian flag of a cape, and red/white armor, this worked.)
and one sortof random name
Foobar Two Thousand (Paragon, yes... Foobar2000 :P)
Ave Samael (Monk, best character, original song title reference from a track by SynSUN, personally I thought and still think this looks like a great name for any female character.)
Ava Samael (Ranger, simple variation)
Eva Samael (Warrior, simple variation again)
Eve Samael (Elementalist, simple variation once more)
Then I stuck with Samael for most charnames since it saves so much thinking (i spend way too much time trying to think of names):
Kameko Samael (Mesmer, variation, but i felt like using a different first name for this one)
Katara Samael (Necromancer, same case as above)
Naomei Samael (Assassin, same case as above)
Evelia Samael (Another Mesmer, she looks similar to Eve)
Some of my older characters include my first one:
Queen Ayla (First character, Elementalist, Ayla was also a musical reference)
Mr T (Monk, no need to explain that one :P)
Canadian names:
Andrea The Canadian (Old Ranger)
Canadian Influence (Ritualist)
Acolyte of Canada (Dervish, Avatar bosses inspired this one, combined with a canadian flag of a cape, and red/white armor, this worked.)
and one sortof random name
Foobar Two Thousand (Paragon, yes... Foobar2000 :P)
A latin english dictionary... then I just call my characters what I think suits their profesion/personality.
Or, random rp character names from characters I'd like to bring over into the gw universe.
Or, random rp character names from characters I'd like to bring over into the gw universe.
Achilles Antony
The majority of my characters are named after Greek or Roman heroes, Gods, politicians, generals... I think you get the picture. I have copies of Plutarch and other classical texts handy to give me some inspiration.
leeky baby
leeky baby = nickname
leeky the second = because was the second leeky ^^
leekys yellow shoes = i played mesmer in ha alot and it always had yellow shoes so people started to get to know that name which i made into a pve char which i deleted.
leeky the second = because was the second leeky ^^
leekys yellow shoes = i played mesmer in ha alot and it always had yellow shoes so people started to get to know that name which i made into a pve char which i deleted.
Erik Fox
I Orginally wanted Ouida Ryker "Quick Blade" becasue it was the handle for my main RP character. Somehow it was taken, so I went with ____ Fox. All first names are people I know in real life, whether their first/middle/last.
Erik Fox
Spencer Fox
Thomas Fox
Andrea Fox
Rene Fox
Meagan Fox
Sarlic Fox - This is actually my responce to a guildie - "You should name a char after a boss"
Erik Fox
Spencer Fox
Thomas Fox
Andrea Fox
Rene Fox
Meagan Fox
Sarlic Fox - This is actually my responce to a guildie - "You should name a char after a boss"
i just pick names i like, in order of when they were created -
Celeste Ereth - ranger
Zara Saleem Numa - monk
Ananchel Eloa - mesmer
Penelope Iscariot - dervish
Phaedra Exos - necro
all have some sort of meaning associated with them google the names if you care
Celeste Ereth - ranger
Zara Saleem Numa - monk
Ananchel Eloa - mesmer
Penelope Iscariot - dervish
Phaedra Exos - necro
all have some sort of meaning associated with them google the names if you care
Sandblasted Skin
I am such a fan of music that I just picked my favorite band and named all characters after
either a song, or somebody in the band.
(try and guess the band)
either a song, or somebody in the band.
(try and guess the band)
A more appropriate title for this thread would be "How did you choose your ingame names?"