Originally Posted by nugzta
As if people need Rit Hero, roll 2 SF Eles and MM you own almost anywhere in PvE. People dont NEED Rit hero, people WANT it, then earn it. Razah is pretty much like UW spider to me, just to show off that you have conquered DoA.
people who are signing this even in the wrong forum( belongs in Sardelac Sanitarium) do not have Razah, don't want to put too much effort like gaining other heroes, they will not use em, and didn't consider others who HAVE invested these required gems already to obtain a special hero.
-the variable part was there in the manual maybe because they didn't finalized what to make of this hero
-he's obtainable in the elite area since Nightfall shouldn't have the rit profession and it's like a bonus for those who want to at least have a profession that they do not have access despite they can't make an effective use since you do not Factions
-they did this so there will be an elite hard-to-get hero that will be special to some and a pve goal
-not all heroes are required to complete the story of the campaign like the Acolyte Jin or Sousuke, Olias, Zenmai, Goren,and Norgu as these aren't required for the completion of the nightfall campaign