Originally Posted by -.-
Stances can not interrupt. It's like dividing by zero. Not possible.
The claim is, that stances/shouts have a 0.25 activation time in which they can be interrupted. I think this myth came about because guildwiki used to list the cast time of shouts as 0.25 (They don't any longer).
The lack of good information that spouts out of various other forums is one of the reasons I think the average skill level in guildwars is so low right now.
It gets on my nerves to see people spreading misinformation without proof, especially moderators. But sadly I can't just claim they're wrong without giving a reason.
Tell them to give you a screenshot of a stance activating and being interrupted - if it happened, you'd see a skill activation bar of, say, Gladiator's Defense with the bar being partially filled and purple.
That's exactly what I asked for, the response I got, from a MODERATOR, was:
"Seeing as some people will *not* be convinced until it happens to them (incedentally did you know you can get a headshot grenade kill in CS? Bet you'd deny that too *rolls eyes* ) there really is no point to arguing this sub-debate.
Apparently everything is true until proven false, I could go claim that every 1/1000000 use of the skill "Charge!" causes instant death to your entire party, and by the logic going on there it'd be just as valid a claim.