Originally Posted by cyberjanet
Some interesting ideas here.
I like the concept of re-using existing continents but having new stories on them. I always wonder what happened to Ascalon after Rurik left. Did the Charr take over? I know there are a whole lot of Titans I still have to do something about, but I always feel a little sad when I return and things are otherwise just as I left them at the beginning of the game. Same with Cantha and Elona; exactly what did I achieve by killing Shiro, Varesh and Abaddon? And of course the scenery could change, especially in Ascalon, it could become green again. Perhaps the forests and seas in Cantha become un-petrified.
Heroes: I'm for them. I think a new story could bring along some heroes with it, but not too many, probably just one each for any new profession introduced. In my opinion people who are anti-hero haven't found out how to use them properly. The reason I don't want too many new heroes is that it costs a fortune to get them runed up and properly equipped. Plus there's a huge investment in finding builds that work under AI.
Plus I'm an adult, and I really, really, really don't want to play with kids who think they are being grown-up by hurling insults, shouting n00b and Dc-ing when things don't go their way. I have fun playing with a couple of regular playing companions and their equally well-equipped heroes.
New professions. Always tricky, I don't want a huge stable of characters, but I could go for a bard.
Storyline. I absolutely need a storyline. I drive the 11-year olds mad when I play with them because I want to watch the movies and get the storyline. There has been a certain sameness about the storylines so far; lich lord/abaddon wanting to take over the world. I never fully understood Shiro's case, or even if the emperor really wanted to kill him; I guess he was just nuts. So a breath of freshness in a new storyline would be nice.
Someone suggested profession-specific quests. Great idea! Tailor-make your own game! That would encourage more playing together too, because you would have to play with other professions to play their quests!
I'm not too keen on races myself. One is plenty.
Good points.
Grouping and Heroes:
I play solely with Heroes and Henchies myself. I can't completely explain why, because I was very grouped very much in DAoC, Horizons and WoW as well as with guildees.
PuG's generally considered inferior in every game, just more so in Guild Wars. Also, more younger people are playing than before and that changes the "society" if you will.
Guild Wars appears to be very guild dependent...that's not too shocking given the name. The game doesn't lend itself well to playing with utter strangers...you need to learn how other people play and build teamwork. I would prefer to play with real people on a regular basis but after 600 hours of play that still seems to be an an obstacle.
The times I have grouped in Guild Wars has been a rather disappointing and disjointed experience.
Considering the "greening" of Ascalon, and so forth:
I would be leery of creating the next expansion in too much of a forward chronological manner...I believe it tends to divide up the world even more than it already is... the time line issues have already made some weirdness for cross campaign characters. It's an understandable conceit but one that chops up a world already divided by campaigns, instances and continents.
4TH Campaign:
Time for it to flesh out the world and it can be done with out following the same "Shadow rising in Mordor" formula.
At the end of the day, Guild Wars isn't a persistent world...and that may be what doesn't fit well with our ideas of how it should be.
Originally Posted by Chaos Herald
I like the OPs idea with races, but adding centaurs/charr would mean that you would need to make these races hostile to each other. That just wouldn't work with the current GW engine. Furthermore, due to the fact that players will obviously buy the original game first, and the expansion later...
Any race or new culture that is added to the game would have to have a back story. But, remember that there are always various factions, splinter groups and rebels part of any civilization, and they wouldn't have to be necessarily hostile but there could be tension with the other cultures. Combinations and possibilities are endless.
Originally Posted by Chaos Herald
And I do think GW is dieing, and that there aren't enough possibilities in the current extremely balanced game engine to keep this up. By chapter 6,7 or even 5, there won't be anymore possibilities.
I don't think the game is dying, I do consider it to be a mostly undiscovered gem just waiting for more people to come across it. After 2 years of WoW, I see the strengths of Guild Wars, I would love to have my old WoW Guild in the game with me. Guild Wars is very player dependent. Ultimately, expansions are just stage dressings that allow us to strut our characters about on.
It really is what you bring to the game that keeps it fresh and fun. This is why I harp on the idea of implementing/introducing social improvements into the game. Make it easier for people to cross paths.
Nothing can make people team up (or should make) and play the game, but the game can be become more conducive to the social aspects of online gaming.
I find it strange that I don't often cross paths with the same person twice in the game, it's very weird.
In WoW and DAoC, there was a familiarity...a home town feeling when you went to the cities. New faces, but the "regulars" as well. It really was a social scene and the opportunities to help, be helped, trade, discuss strategies and group up were far more prevalent.
I don't explain it well, but Guild Wars needs more of society in it.