Sophitia Leafblade
Originally Posted by Zinger314
Obviously, the majority agrees.
Originally Posted by Lyonette
Thanks you pack of whiners... you succesfully got of rid of ALL minipet sounds!
GG Community.... ![]() |
John Cotica
Originally Posted by lmiles
Come on people wake up and seriously get with it....
1)You complain when you can't use mini pets in towns -then Anet add them to towns/outposts 2)you complain because the noise they make in towns annoys you, -then Anet get rid of the sounds they make 3)you complain about a lack of sound lol can Anet do nothing right.... |
Originally Posted by lmiles
Come on people wake up and seriously get with it....
1)You complain when you can't use mini pets in towns -then Anet add them to towns/outposts 2)you complain because the noise they make in towns annoys you, -then Anet get rid of the sounds they make 3)you complain about a lack of sound lol can Anet do nothing right.... I think theyre doing an awesome job guild wars is THE best game i have ever played and its always changing it has a great atmosphere and there is a great community just stop whinging about every change that comes about.... and if you really hate change go and play runescape or something! just enjoy all the events and things Anet put on.... and think yourself lucky that there is a whole production team looking out for our wants and needs! Rant Over--- |
Jongo River
King's Spectre
Originally Posted by lyra_song
and yet /rank still makes noise.
Originally Posted by King's Spectre
I'll miss the *flap flap* but I won't miss the *RAWR!*
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
I would like them to disable sound in towns but allow them in missions / explore zones.
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
you can just mute the sounds when you are in outposts. what will you listen to in outposts anyway? the game got no text to speech yet.
Bryant Again
Originally Posted by Bryant Again
Well at least now I don't have to panic about roller beetle squeeks...
And does anyone else find it rather silly that there can only be 20 per town, or is this somehow acceptable and I'm a tard? |
Originally Posted by Shakti
As for the sound off issue, I think thats been covered k? dead horse is over there -----------> can we bury it? gettin' smelly
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Sir Skullcrasher
Jongo River
Originally Posted by sindex
My thing is if you hated the sounds for the mini-pets. You hated the sounds for the trolls, charr, saltspray dragon, and etc; which also means you hated the sounds for ranger pets, which then continues on from there. In conclusion you hated A-nets sound team decision to implement all sound effects, which means that you want all sounds to be turned off or muted.
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by //RogueNine
it would almost be nice if we had a toggle minipets tab.. or the ability for client side to choose not to render them or track their locations. That way people that want to see and hear them can, and those that dont, arent forced to. Personally I think the whole minipet thing takes away from the look of the game, they are just a little too ridiculous. While there are many others that do enjoy them, I think its best if we atleast get to choose. (Not to mention those with low end PCs might be happier if they dont have to render more models that arent pertinent to thier gameplay experience.)
$.02 |
Originally Posted by Jongo River
Why should I switch off all sound and miss out on the fantastic score - particularly the great atmospheric music that plays in outposts, just because the kids want to play with their noisy toys?