Originally Posted by Gli
We didn't ignore your suggestion. Reactions ranged from incredulity at the sheer ridiculousness of it, to outright.. no wait, there was just the incredulity.
That slider doesn't just mute the minipet noise, it controls a wide selection of sounds. I've had each and every one of the 5 volume sliders in the exact position I want them to be to enjoy the game's audio. You want people to go into their options every damn time I move into and out of an outpost and call that a solution? Nuts!
I dont see how it's ridiculous or nuts or that hard to go into options to move a slider down. Ohhh yes, that's so hard and ridiculous.
Guess what? I always have to click off local chat in outposts because I can not stand the spam. Then I click it back on in missions or whenever I want to actually talk. Is that any different from what you could have done?
I mean hey, I can respect that you dont like the sounds. Personally I dont care for them. But what gets me is that there were options for you people to take to avoid the sounds, but you chose not to use them and instead went to complain. And when suggestions are given, you choose not to take them and call them ridiculous. Clearly, you didnt want a solution, you just wanted things your way.
I mean don't go making an excuse that pet sounds were drowning out the music when you could have easily turned off the background sounds and have the music unaffected.