There are two matters of concern to players, from what I can see this afternoon (Pacific time):
- The European Server had another issue earlier today that caused a few thousand players to experience a disconnect. And I just got a note that a few thousand players may have been affected with a drop within the last hour, too.
The network teams are working on both sides of the Atlantic to resolve this issue. If you have details, like when you were dropped, if you were able to reconnect right away (or how long you had to try before you could reconnect), please post those details here. (Could you please include your general location?) Writing to your region's Support address may also be quite helpful, as they could then ask you for specifics that help them nail down the cause of this issue. Again, I did want to let you know we're tracing the difficulty, and will continue to work to resolve this as soon as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience!
- The Guild List is, at times, showing glitched information. Players who are online may not show on the Guild List, or may show as online after they've left. Players who are in the guild may not appear to be guild members. One guild reported that only about half its members were properly showing on the list at that particular moment. (I'm unsure if that report referred to the general member list or the online list.) I've written to ask for an update on this repair, as well. What I think is happening is that it's a visual problem, that is, the Guild List itself is reporting inaccurately. I don't think people are being booted out of the guild or anything like that. One network programmer mentioned a suggestion that if a guild wants to reset its list, it can ask all members to log out (at the same time) for about 5 minutes, and then log back in, at which time the Guild List will return to proper order. Now, I completely understand that it's like herding cats to try to get guild, especially a larger one, to all log off, count to 5 minutes, and then log back on. I also know that if someone is in Halls or playing GvG, he's going to issue a few expletives at the very suggestion.
Anyway, that's just a suggestion for a way to sort of "force" a reset. And of course the permanent fix to this problem is being worked on!