Another Mending thread.... :sigh:
Here's the massive Mending thread, for anyone else who wants to debate this until their eyes bleed...
As I posted in that thread...
I use Mending quite often on my W/Mo, and do quite well with it (especially when I am soloing without henchmen).
Here are what I see the pros and cons of Mending:
1. Monk healing is a much better use of energy than is Mending. No doubts about that.
2. Mending can be shattered/removed.
3. Mending causes warriors to take attribute points out of either their weapon, tactics or strength attributes.
4. Healing Signet is a much quicker and efficient way to self-heal, especially when not being targeted.
1. Mending is a passive heal. That is, you gain the benefit from it without having to pause your current action.
2. Because Mending is a passive heal, it cannot be interrupted, unlike Healing Signet.
3. Mending also works while you're being targeted, unlike Healing Signet, whose -40 armor penalty may largely offset the healing benefit.
4. If you are running an adrenaline warrior build and rely very little on energy, the energy loss from Mending has very little impact to a warrior.
So, in short, Mending isn't "godly" by any stretch of the imagination. But, as I've said many times, it definitely has a use in PvE (other than running). To summarily dismiss its use as being "garbage" is a bit naive, IMO.