Originally Posted by Kashrlyyk
Gravity is a fact, no matter your opinion. But whether the article is offending or not, is not a fact, it is subject to the individual point of view.
Sure, apologizing to the "affronted" can help to defuse a situation, but in the case of this article it appears that Gaile's words weren't gracious enough or, perhaps, she did not grovel enough. One would think it was apology enough to say: "any offense was not intended". But people want total capitulation and have ANet state in their apology that "the article was, in fact, offensive and wrong". Being "nice" stops at "selling out", in my opinion.
If you bump into me in a hallway, I may say, "Sorry, excuse me". But, if you start insisting that I apologize further by admitting I should have been more careful, I will be inclined to point out that it was you who walked into me in the first place.
At a certain point, petty things shouldn't be "legitimized" any further because it will only encourage future outbreaks of political blackmail.
A Victorian minded lady could be offended by the phallic nature of a church steeple, but to what degree do you seek to provide her a remedy or apology?