Here is the quote from the interview, READ CAREFULLY:
"…Robert: You have to mention something I love. The V key.
Richard: Oh yeah. One of the hassles of most MMOs is text chat. Everyone is talking to each other by typing.
Robert: Everyone is talking to each other. It’s a detriment to group play.
Richard: You have to have a special key hit to go into mouse look mode. I think a first-person view is best to explore a world. You’re constantly looking around with your mouse and moving with the WASD keys. But that means the keyboard is not available for text chat. So we have fully integrated voice chat through the whole game. People don’t have to worry about having to type.
Robert: It makes such a difference to me. Things go on all around you and you can talk to your team. It really changes the play of the game and it is just integrated.
Q: Are many games doing this well?
Richard: It’s a pretty easy thing to integrate now but I don’t see very many doing it. I’m not sure why it’s not more prevalent.
Q: Are you using your own or Skype?
Richard: The codec is something we’ve licensed but we’re using our own. We fully integrated it with the text chat. We took our voice and text chat system and made it an NCSoft tool. So before Tabula Rasa even launches, you’ll be able to text chat and voice chat across any NCSoft products concurrently. So if your friend is playing Guild Wars, you can send an invite to join you in any future NCSoft releases. It’s like long-distance telephone and an MMO.
Q: You can be in the phone business.
Richard: Exactly…"
Here is the link to the article, although it is about Tabula Rasa.
Interview With Richard and Robert Garriott About Tabula Rasa, Massively Multiplayer Online Games, And Taking On World of Warcraft
It would be great if someone from Anet could actually inform us all if this will take place with Chapter 4 or not...I mean come on, you said every 6 months...HAHAHAHA...Ok I'll shut up now.