Do your characters have personality?
necro = yells like an ass at other necros with low lvl minions if hes not running MM. loves death and blood, goes to night clubs.
ele = pale, ugly, never sees the outside world, forced to do the bidding of a total ass and carry heavy things all day and night, and for months at a time with no unloading.
mesmer= a very rarely talked about ex-kurzick pirate, he only explores the lands once inwhile but when he does, he causes great chaos and interruption. he also likes to poke people with his will and crush them.
ritualist = master of the forbidden magics and prides himself of being a canthan of all the cultures (luxon/kurzick/dragon empire related) -talkin bout his armor btw.
assassin = insane killer with the best equipment known to the business.
monk = a cute girl loving of silver threads and out there tastes, doesn't explore much, but has completed her mission of killing shiro.
ranger = ex-US border patrol agent, he is infact mexican and rules at it, hes currently on his quest to greatness, the place of tormented armor and suffering is his goal.
warrior = Ultimate POWER in the flesh and turtle shell, kills anything and everything with brute force and tactics. he doesn't like to have any disadvantages so he makes sure to have all his shields/swords/axes/hammers at the ready in any given battle to the death.
dervish = prides himself on being the true one and only, he doesn't approve of foolish and blind followers. he takes great pleasure in killing the fakes.
paragon = the only man who will fight with bare skin showing, wears the best looking and best of uses armor. he likes to be a bit showy with his rainbow crystal aegis and silver plated spear while he mows down enemies with a call of witchcraft. come on fry you maggots, come on burn away !!
edit: i was bored and happened to have a picture of each char's inventory from last week's organizing so i put this together.
ele = pale, ugly, never sees the outside world, forced to do the bidding of a total ass and carry heavy things all day and night, and for months at a time with no unloading.
mesmer= a very rarely talked about ex-kurzick pirate, he only explores the lands once inwhile but when he does, he causes great chaos and interruption. he also likes to poke people with his will and crush them.
ritualist = master of the forbidden magics and prides himself of being a canthan of all the cultures (luxon/kurzick/dragon empire related) -talkin bout his armor btw.
assassin = insane killer with the best equipment known to the business.
monk = a cute girl loving of silver threads and out there tastes, doesn't explore much, but has completed her mission of killing shiro.
ranger = ex-US border patrol agent, he is infact mexican and rules at it, hes currently on his quest to greatness, the place of tormented armor and suffering is his goal.
warrior = Ultimate POWER in the flesh and turtle shell, kills anything and everything with brute force and tactics. he doesn't like to have any disadvantages so he makes sure to have all his shields/swords/axes/hammers at the ready in any given battle to the death.
dervish = prides himself on being the true one and only, he doesn't approve of foolish and blind followers. he takes great pleasure in killing the fakes.
paragon = the only man who will fight with bare skin showing, wears the best looking and best of uses armor. he likes to be a bit showy with his rainbow crystal aegis and silver plated spear while he mows down enemies with a call of witchcraft. come on fry you maggots, come on burn away !!
edit: i was bored and happened to have a picture of each char's inventory from last week's organizing so i put this together.
I've always thought that a name carries a lot of weight in a fictional character. So...
My monk is named after a historical Hindu figure, Adi Sankara. I always viewed Hinduism as a peaceful and tolerant thing, and I definitely tolerate a lot of stupidity when playing him.
My ranger, Kurdaitcha Kundela, is named after an Australian aborigine ritual, called "bone pointing". The Kurdaitcha is the assassin, and the Kundela is the weapon. They believe that death is instantaneous when the Kurdaitcha points his weapon at you, killing with nothing more than a spear of thought.
My warrior, Unknowing Tyrant, got his name from a heavy metal song by Lamb of God. "So let the wicked perish in the presence of God."
My elementalist, Two Obsidian Shards, got his name because I love confusing greedy people. It's really fun to be on a random mission run and hear somebody yell over teamspeak, "OBSIDIAN SHARDS DROP HERE?! Oh g- b- uh- I hate your name!"
My pride and joy, the character that I will never delete, no matter how much I hate him (not that I do):
Corpse Recycler
Guess what he does.
My monk is named after a historical Hindu figure, Adi Sankara. I always viewed Hinduism as a peaceful and tolerant thing, and I definitely tolerate a lot of stupidity when playing him.
My ranger, Kurdaitcha Kundela, is named after an Australian aborigine ritual, called "bone pointing". The Kurdaitcha is the assassin, and the Kundela is the weapon. They believe that death is instantaneous when the Kurdaitcha points his weapon at you, killing with nothing more than a spear of thought.
My warrior, Unknowing Tyrant, got his name from a heavy metal song by Lamb of God. "So let the wicked perish in the presence of God."
My elementalist, Two Obsidian Shards, got his name because I love confusing greedy people. It's really fun to be on a random mission run and hear somebody yell over teamspeak, "OBSIDIAN SHARDS DROP HERE?! Oh g- b- uh- I hate your name!"
My pride and joy, the character that I will never delete, no matter how much I hate him (not that I do):
Corpse Recycler
Guess what he does.
Sophitia Leafblade
Hehe most of my characters have personality's the main ones are:
Sophitia - Moral and Righteous looks after all, trusting and always looks for good even in people who are full of Evil. Has great Authority over all know who her, despite having no official authority. Believes in freedom for all.
Misha- Evil, manipulative and erm. gets around alot. Sworn enemy of Sophitia and uses devious methods to try to take over Tryia. Has a series of debts owed to Her, and has minions who willingly serve her such as Evey the assassin and is training a disciple in Kreia to assist in the defeat of Sophitia.
Blanna- Likes Death, would rather be alone surrounded by corpses than be in a party with anyone. But believes in person sacrifices for the greater good.
Dawn- Powerful but un-aware of it. Crys alot, often due to very little. Is also a little naive.
Kayleigh- Caring, looks after others and suffers from high moral standards
Heidi- Head strong and not particularly bright, enjoys beating up thugs and proving who's boss. Was also once the host body of the Spirit of Misha during her abolishment to the Underworld.
The Whole Guild has gotten into the story of Sophitia and Misha such as Sophitias lover Marana who is eternal debt to Misha to her own misfortune, Evey, Kreia, Dorian and Various others. Although rare both characters have been known to appear at once. One such occasion led to the Battle of Perdition Rock in which Sophitia lured a large mob of Hydra onto Misha and defeated her.
Sophitia - Moral and Righteous looks after all, trusting and always looks for good even in people who are full of Evil. Has great Authority over all know who her, despite having no official authority. Believes in freedom for all.
Misha- Evil, manipulative and erm. gets around alot. Sworn enemy of Sophitia and uses devious methods to try to take over Tryia. Has a series of debts owed to Her, and has minions who willingly serve her such as Evey the assassin and is training a disciple in Kreia to assist in the defeat of Sophitia.
Blanna- Likes Death, would rather be alone surrounded by corpses than be in a party with anyone. But believes in person sacrifices for the greater good.
Dawn- Powerful but un-aware of it. Crys alot, often due to very little. Is also a little naive.
Kayleigh- Caring, looks after others and suffers from high moral standards
Heidi- Head strong and not particularly bright, enjoys beating up thugs and proving who's boss. Was also once the host body of the Spirit of Misha during her abolishment to the Underworld.
The Whole Guild has gotten into the story of Sophitia and Misha such as Sophitias lover Marana who is eternal debt to Misha to her own misfortune, Evey, Kreia, Dorian and Various others. Although rare both characters have been known to appear at once. One such occasion led to the Battle of Perdition Rock in which Sophitia lured a large mob of Hydra onto Misha and defeated her.
None of my PvE characters have a distinct RPG personality. I did have a short term PvP toon who had some personality. A guildmate announced he was getting married and so, as a stupid joke and something to do to kill time before GvG got rolling, we decided to throw him a bachelor party in the guild hall. The plan was to roll up a bunch of female eles and dance around. To be dumb I made a Male ele with a big afro and a moustache named fire in the Disco and danced naked around, and chased after, one guy who was a little...uncomfortable about alternative lifestyles. That was amusing for about 2 minutes.
Should I take this opportunity to post Jan's life story, or should I just give the short answer and say...
Originally Posted by Corinthian
I'm no RP geek.
All those players and guilds out there who think you're roleplaying? You're not. You're doing some bastard child version of the real thing.
Yeah, I do pure role playing so it comes naturally. (By pure, I don't mean paper, as a forum is just as good IMO)
My chacter is loosely based around myself, with a few traits added and subtracted here and there.
My chacter is loosely based around myself, with a few traits added and subtracted here and there.
Moa Bird Cultist
My ele, Rena is one character that is deserving of a mention here. She was orphaned in her teens, (her parents were killed when their boat was shipwrecked during the cataclysm,) and is the oldest of 4 siblings. Her personality is a quietly cynical one and she is especially cynical when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Of note is her on-off "boyfriend", Xsi, (or as she calls him, "The Wife",) who tends to be the butt of all her jokes as well as the fall guy for when things don't go the way she wants them to.
Despite this, she is confident in the abilities of both herself and all her long time allies within the guild. Rena is also often referred to as the most accomplished swordmaster in the guild and has yet to be bested in a duel. But her greatest asset is her personal knowledge of all aspects of combat, which have often given the unit which she commands a significant advantage in battle.
The last thing to note about her is that her dress sense is quite odd, for an elementalist at the very least. She shuns the usual outfits, calling them skimpy or just plain idiotic and dresses very heavily. However, this is truly to hide her one insecurity - she cannot bear to have other people see her many battle scars. Thus concludes the bio of Rena Sapphireblade; Knight of the FFS guild.
I can only say she's nothing like me IRL. Everything about her is a work of my over-active imagination
Despite this, she is confident in the abilities of both herself and all her long time allies within the guild. Rena is also often referred to as the most accomplished swordmaster in the guild and has yet to be bested in a duel. But her greatest asset is her personal knowledge of all aspects of combat, which have often given the unit which she commands a significant advantage in battle.
The last thing to note about her is that her dress sense is quite odd, for an elementalist at the very least. She shuns the usual outfits, calling them skimpy or just plain idiotic and dresses very heavily. However, this is truly to hide her one insecurity - she cannot bear to have other people see her many battle scars. Thus concludes the bio of Rena Sapphireblade; Knight of the FFS guild.
I can only say she's nothing like me IRL. Everything about her is a work of my over-active imagination
The Real Roy Keane
Roleplayers creep me out..
Sure they do, my characters all have personality and back stories. Hm let's see...
My Ranger, Yumiya Sutoraiki, served in the Ascalon Army until the Searing. Had a brief stint with her mentor Aidan, but broke it off after considering him too "distant". Her story took her along the path that lead her to the Maguuma jungle and beyond, eventually defeating the Lich. She now explores every part of the known world, getting into all kinds of trouble on a daily basis.
Akanko Takatouki, my Warrior, also served in the Army, but chose not to pursue the White Mantle to the Ring of Fire. After one too many arguments with Cynn that almost lead to blows, she left Tyria to explore the exotic lands of Cantha and beyond. She used to be friends with Devona before Ascalon was destroyed, but they have not spoken since parting ways.
My Elementalist, Enkou Inabikari, travels the world in search of her long-lost sister Seikou who, unbeknownst to her family, trained to become a Dervish in Elona after running away at a young age. Seikou does not consider herself to be a formal member of the Sunspears and hasn't become involved in their conflict with Varesh Ossa.
My Paragon, Kiwa Shikijou, doesn't have much of a back story. She's just another Sunspear who, after helping defeat Abaddon, moonlights as a waitress in a small Vabbian cafe. She has punched Margrid the Sly at least once over which is better, a bow or a spear.
Hagane Koumitakai, my Assassin, and Kiyome Kageboushi, my Ritualist, have been friends for years. After training at Shing Jea Monastery, they have both traveled to Kryta to help the refugees of Ascalon rebuild their lives.
Mizuki Omoigami, the Mesmer of this unique harem, has spent almost all of her life in the Echovald Forest, warping the minds of captured Luxon soldiers. She has a rather twisted relationship with my Necro girl Ukiyo Ketsuniku, who follows Eve's way of life.
And then there's my little Monk, Hikui Tetsudai, who gets dragged around the world by her friends. While able to do her part in any battle, she still remembers her days as a child growing up in Ashford Village. She is the only one who still wonders what fate became of a certain brown-haired girl who wouldn't wear shoes.
My Ranger, Yumiya Sutoraiki, served in the Ascalon Army until the Searing. Had a brief stint with her mentor Aidan, but broke it off after considering him too "distant". Her story took her along the path that lead her to the Maguuma jungle and beyond, eventually defeating the Lich. She now explores every part of the known world, getting into all kinds of trouble on a daily basis.
Akanko Takatouki, my Warrior, also served in the Army, but chose not to pursue the White Mantle to the Ring of Fire. After one too many arguments with Cynn that almost lead to blows, she left Tyria to explore the exotic lands of Cantha and beyond. She used to be friends with Devona before Ascalon was destroyed, but they have not spoken since parting ways.
My Elementalist, Enkou Inabikari, travels the world in search of her long-lost sister Seikou who, unbeknownst to her family, trained to become a Dervish in Elona after running away at a young age. Seikou does not consider herself to be a formal member of the Sunspears and hasn't become involved in their conflict with Varesh Ossa.
My Paragon, Kiwa Shikijou, doesn't have much of a back story. She's just another Sunspear who, after helping defeat Abaddon, moonlights as a waitress in a small Vabbian cafe. She has punched Margrid the Sly at least once over which is better, a bow or a spear.
Hagane Koumitakai, my Assassin, and Kiyome Kageboushi, my Ritualist, have been friends for years. After training at Shing Jea Monastery, they have both traveled to Kryta to help the refugees of Ascalon rebuild their lives.
Mizuki Omoigami, the Mesmer of this unique harem, has spent almost all of her life in the Echovald Forest, warping the minds of captured Luxon soldiers. She has a rather twisted relationship with my Necro girl Ukiyo Ketsuniku, who follows Eve's way of life.
And then there's my little Monk, Hikui Tetsudai, who gets dragged around the world by her friends. While able to do her part in any battle, she still remembers her days as a child growing up in Ashford Village. She is the only one who still wonders what fate became of a certain brown-haired girl who wouldn't wear shoes.
Originally Posted by The Real Roy Keane
Roleplayers creep me out..
Ares Moonlight
Originally Posted by Narcism
My characters are all oppressed females trapped in male avatars/bodies.
In the sense of true role-playing... no. As a former D&D player anything but a completely open pen & paper rpg is too confining for serious role-playing. But I do try to play each of my characters a little differently then the other, just because I can.
Kuldebar Valiturus
All those players and guilds out there who think you're roleplaying? You're not. You're doing some bastard child version of the real thing. |
I don't do the RP thing, but each of my characters does have a bit of a back story and some personality that has developed over the time I've spent playing them:
Ahndia Beppu, Mesmer Raised in Regent Valley, she has dedicated her life to finding her sister, Chanti, who disappeared during the searing. She enjoys the finer things in life and doesn't like to get her hands dirty (high maintenance), but won't hesitate to help her friends out when it's time to do battle.
Chanti Beppu, Dervish: Was chosen at an early age to study under Mhenlo in the healing arts. As she grew, she became one of Mhenlo's most trusted pupils. She was on an expedition to Kryta when the searing hit. She was horribly injured and her memory was lost, but she survived in the wilderness until she was one day captured by corsairs who took her as a galley slave on their ship. A terrible storm caused the ship to crash into a rocky shore in Elona, where Chanti made her escape. Dwayna, seeing all that she had gone through, gave her the memory of her name and took away the disfigurement of her face (a cruel joke played on her by the evil denizens of "a-net"). She also guided her to Kamadan, where Chanti started her life over as a Dervish in the order of the Sunspears.
Dora Explora, Warrior: Raised in the village of Ashford, Dora spent her tom-boyish childhood exploring the catacombs and pestering Devona. She's a bit of a prankster, too. She got a kick out of letting Farmer Dirk's hogs out when he wasn't looking. Now, she's a no nonsense fighter who appreciates a good weapon and good companions. Her pet peeve is when people assume that her middle name is "The" - "It's Millicent, dammit!" she says.
Cora Explora, Ranger: Suffers a bit from envy of her sister, Dora. Has made a name for herself as an expert trapper and deadly with a bow. She considers herself a respectable young lady and will not dance like those slutty ranger girls.
Torga Dea, Monk: She's still "trying to find herself." Right now, she's jsut travelling around the wider world seeing what there is to see. She doesn't care for all of the things out there trying to kill her, though.
Abigail the Angry, Dervish: She's afraid of plants that move, so she never sets foot outside of Kamadan. She makes herself useful by holding on to things for a few friends she's been able to make, such as Chanti, Dora, and Torga Dea. What she's angry about? She often hears different voices in her head shouting things like "WTS black dye, 8K each" over and over and over.
Ahndia Beppu, Mesmer Raised in Regent Valley, she has dedicated her life to finding her sister, Chanti, who disappeared during the searing. She enjoys the finer things in life and doesn't like to get her hands dirty (high maintenance), but won't hesitate to help her friends out when it's time to do battle.
Chanti Beppu, Dervish: Was chosen at an early age to study under Mhenlo in the healing arts. As she grew, she became one of Mhenlo's most trusted pupils. She was on an expedition to Kryta when the searing hit. She was horribly injured and her memory was lost, but she survived in the wilderness until she was one day captured by corsairs who took her as a galley slave on their ship. A terrible storm caused the ship to crash into a rocky shore in Elona, where Chanti made her escape. Dwayna, seeing all that she had gone through, gave her the memory of her name and took away the disfigurement of her face (a cruel joke played on her by the evil denizens of "a-net"). She also guided her to Kamadan, where Chanti started her life over as a Dervish in the order of the Sunspears.
Dora Explora, Warrior: Raised in the village of Ashford, Dora spent her tom-boyish childhood exploring the catacombs and pestering Devona. She's a bit of a prankster, too. She got a kick out of letting Farmer Dirk's hogs out when he wasn't looking. Now, she's a no nonsense fighter who appreciates a good weapon and good companions. Her pet peeve is when people assume that her middle name is "The" - "It's Millicent, dammit!" she says.
Cora Explora, Ranger: Suffers a bit from envy of her sister, Dora. Has made a name for herself as an expert trapper and deadly with a bow. She considers herself a respectable young lady and will not dance like those slutty ranger girls.
Torga Dea, Monk: She's still "trying to find herself." Right now, she's jsut travelling around the wider world seeing what there is to see. She doesn't care for all of the things out there trying to kill her, though.
Abigail the Angry, Dervish: She's afraid of plants that move, so she never sets foot outside of Kamadan. She makes herself useful by holding on to things for a few friends she's been able to make, such as Chanti, Dora, and Torga Dea. What she's angry about? She often hears different voices in her head shouting things like "WTS black dye, 8K each" over and over and over.
my characters have some personality. I usually same most of that for pnp rpgs, but there are a couple of elements. My tank is based on Fighter from 8-bit theater, ie he likes swords and is annoyed that there aren't any sword-chucks in the game.
My ele is a pyro. She likes fire so much she keeps trying to set fire on fire. Suffice it to say so far all she's managed to do is burn off her eyebrows a few times. Haven't bothered to invest much personality beyond in my characters beyond that though.
My ele is a pyro. She likes fire so much she keeps trying to set fire on fire. Suffice it to say so far all she's managed to do is burn off her eyebrows a few times. Haven't bothered to invest much personality beyond in my characters beyond that though.
Yoom Omer
All my characters have personality, but because I'm playing just my primary char (ele) ill tell just about him.He is nice, trying to help as much as he can. he has a great faith in the gods, so his secondary job is a monk. he is one of the people that always know what is gonna happen but no one listen to him.. like (in arbstone miss):
Yoom Omer: "The roof is gonna fall"
Dummy Warrior: "Nah, not a chance"
*The roof is falling*
Dummy Warrior: "So maybe you was right"...
Yoom Omer: "The roof is gonna fall"
Dummy Warrior: "Nah, not a chance"
*The roof is falling*
Dummy Warrior: "So maybe you was right"...
I try to give all my chars a little personality here and there, and It can take me hours trying to make them look just how i want them to xD
Alexiel Star, the ranger, is adventurous and a curious free spirit. Shes constantly treasure hunting and looking for the next gold artifact that will make millions =D
My monket, Syndelle Myst Is silent and peaceful and tries to see good in everyone, (though sometimes Its quite challenging).
Cassiel Angelfire, my elementalist is fiery tempered and vain. Shes high maintenance, conceited... though shes not exactly selfless, she has a strong sense of right and wrong.
Those are my three main personalities anyway, unfortunately most of my chars have morphed into mindless packmules at the moment xD
Alexiel Star, the ranger, is adventurous and a curious free spirit. Shes constantly treasure hunting and looking for the next gold artifact that will make millions =D
My monket, Syndelle Myst Is silent and peaceful and tries to see good in everyone, (though sometimes Its quite challenging).
Cassiel Angelfire, my elementalist is fiery tempered and vain. Shes high maintenance, conceited... though shes not exactly selfless, she has a strong sense of right and wrong.
Those are my three main personalities anyway, unfortunately most of my chars have morphed into mindless packmules at the moment xD
Gun Pierson
Nice topic...
My monk is like me, his healing prowes represent my kindness but the smiting stands for my destructive nature at times. It's like day and night, dual personality, good and bad in one person. Herbs you know. Where's da shrink?
My monk is like me, his healing prowes represent my kindness but the smiting stands for my destructive nature at times. It's like day and night, dual personality, good and bad in one person. Herbs you know. Where's da shrink?
No, I don't RP in video games. I do have visual themes for some characters, but that's more playing Barbie than actual role-playing.
(Nothing against RP'ing, but in online games I generally communicate with the people behind the pixels, rather than trying to have my collection of pixels talk to their collection of pixels, y'know?)
(Nothing against RP'ing, but in online games I generally communicate with the people behind the pixels, rather than trying to have my collection of pixels talk to their collection of pixels, y'know?)
Kuldebar Valiturus
I think what gets ignored sometimes is the fact that immersion in a fantasy setting doesn't require people to role-play necessarily. Unless you count the fact that our avatars are "role-playing" us.
For me, I like the standard fantasy setting that most online games provide, not because I role-play. In a weird way though, I do want the world to make "sense". Every world, however fantastic has to be founded on its own form of rationality.
Sometimes, Guild Wars linear piped story line "gets in the way" of what I feel I'd want to do if I was actually my character. So, a lot of autonomy is lost in that regard.
The ideal game hasn't been released yet and it may never be, but an ideal game would incorporate many of the things that have been pioneered already in other games.
For me, I like the standard fantasy setting that most online games provide, not because I role-play. In a weird way though, I do want the world to make "sense". Every world, however fantastic has to be founded on its own form of rationality.
Sometimes, Guild Wars linear piped story line "gets in the way" of what I feel I'd want to do if I was actually my character. So, a lot of autonomy is lost in that regard.
The ideal game hasn't been released yet and it may never be, but an ideal game would incorporate many of the things that have been pioneered already in other games.
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Out of curiosity, do you "design" the look of your characters or do you just accept the default parameters when you create a new character?
My character (like his father (me)) would like to purge all Liberal views and ****** people from the world. I clocked out the group of people because I ddint want to offend people.
On the other note all my characters are rich snobs that would like to have nothing to do with the poor.
On the other note all my characters are rich snobs that would like to have nothing to do with the poor.
I play normally all across the board. The build I'm playing affects how I react to things though. Like if I were to play a spike build, I'd have a tendency to snap at people a bit more. Or if I were on healing duty, I probably would try to rush more since I know my own limits. I dunno why, but I'm always nicer when I play my ranger...
Originally Posted by Kuldebar Valiturus
Sometimes, Guild Wars linear piped story line "gets in the way" of what I feel I'd want to do if I was actually my character.
I could never play any of my characters in GW, simply because the game doesn't allow me to do so.
Thus, roleplaying is pretty limited to pen-and-paper (D&D) or games made purely out of text (my personal favorite, IRC, although forums might work too, though I'm not a fan).
All of my characters have some backstory to them because they are named after characters from a place beyond Tyria: Daventry, Rivendell, D'ni, or Oz
I'm not into roleplay, but over a long period of time all my characters have developed distinct personalities.
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by Kakumei
This is precisely why you cannot roleplay in Guild Wars. If you cannot play your character exactly as they should be played, you are not roleplaying.
I could never play any of my characters in GW, simply because the game doesn't allow me to do so. |
Or, just stay in Pre-Sear and have bathing parties with other peeps in Ascalon.

The Doomhammer family tree:
- Morgana Doomhammer: A proud Warrior queen and birthmother of 3 heroes who resemble her in appearance and valour! Everything that gets in her path will be cut down. Skilled with Hammer, Sword and Axe as she is, she makes a fierce adversary for everyone who dares to defy her. She is helpful, loyal to those close to her but uncaring and unforgiving to those that mean harm to herself and others.
- Mordred Doomhammer: A lone Ranger, forged by pain and revenge. Mordred Doomhammer is Morgana's husband and father of 3. Interrupting foes and headshots are his game, which also makes him a bit of a cocky person. He likes to have the upperhand in most things.
- Evil Lyn Doomhammer: Daughter of Morgana & Mordred, this little Necromancer dislikes the company of other players, and prefers to be in a band with henchmen. She only looks at them as meat shields once they make a first kill, so she can muster her army of undead. Evil Lyn looks down on life as it is, mainly because she is master over life as well as death.
- Mira Doomhammer: The newest offspring has just finished her training in Shing Jea Monastery and, altough only at age 12, she has become a most deadly Assassin. Mira is the youngest of the Doomhammer family and still has a lot to learn. Overhasted decisions drive her frequently to a bad result. She is also owner of a feisty temper and is easily annoyed when things dont go her way.
- Emily Doomhammer: The oldest cub in the Doomhammer nest. A friendly, outgoing and loyal Monk. Although she is the smallest of all, her skills are not! Being responsible for the lives in a party of eight, or killing numerous fierce monsters by herself is just routine for this little girl. Often people make fun of her because of her size (she carries a Dead Sword that is almost as big as herself) but when she starts using her magic the laughing often changes to cheering.
- Morgana Doomhammer: A proud Warrior queen and birthmother of 3 heroes who resemble her in appearance and valour! Everything that gets in her path will be cut down. Skilled with Hammer, Sword and Axe as she is, she makes a fierce adversary for everyone who dares to defy her. She is helpful, loyal to those close to her but uncaring and unforgiving to those that mean harm to herself and others.
- Mordred Doomhammer: A lone Ranger, forged by pain and revenge. Mordred Doomhammer is Morgana's husband and father of 3. Interrupting foes and headshots are his game, which also makes him a bit of a cocky person. He likes to have the upperhand in most things.
- Evil Lyn Doomhammer: Daughter of Morgana & Mordred, this little Necromancer dislikes the company of other players, and prefers to be in a band with henchmen. She only looks at them as meat shields once they make a first kill, so she can muster her army of undead. Evil Lyn looks down on life as it is, mainly because she is master over life as well as death.
- Mira Doomhammer: The newest offspring has just finished her training in Shing Jea Monastery and, altough only at age 12, she has become a most deadly Assassin. Mira is the youngest of the Doomhammer family and still has a lot to learn. Overhasted decisions drive her frequently to a bad result. She is also owner of a feisty temper and is easily annoyed when things dont go her way.
- Emily Doomhammer: The oldest cub in the Doomhammer nest. A friendly, outgoing and loyal Monk. Although she is the smallest of all, her skills are not! Being responsible for the lives in a party of eight, or killing numerous fierce monsters by herself is just routine for this little girl. Often people make fun of her because of her size (she carries a Dead Sword that is almost as big as herself) but when she starts using her magic the laughing often changes to cheering.

Originally Posted by Kakumei
This is precisely why you cannot roleplay in Guild Wars.
As a writer, I always jump at opportunities like this. I've spent many minutes in char creation screens mulling over details like personality, backstory, even behavioral nuances...
Anna (me)- haughty and a huge perfectionist, anna has hard time making friends, but once a friend, she is tenacious and loyal.
Pani (a)- young and possessing an ever ready smile, pani is often underestimated and overlooked. She enjoys proving people wrong.
Holly (e)- despite the fact that she's practically falling out of her clothes, having indecent things whispered to her all the time, and usually drunk, holly is quite the intellectual and philospher. so much so, she usually is unaware of what's going on around her...
Yondie (rt)- communing with those no longer among the living can make one a little crazy. yondie is solitary, yet never alone.
Anna (me)- haughty and a huge perfectionist, anna has hard time making friends, but once a friend, she is tenacious and loyal.
Pani (a)- young and possessing an ever ready smile, pani is often underestimated and overlooked. She enjoys proving people wrong.
Holly (e)- despite the fact that she's practically falling out of her clothes, having indecent things whispered to her all the time, and usually drunk, holly is quite the intellectual and philospher. so much so, she usually is unaware of what's going on around her...
Yondie (rt)- communing with those no longer among the living can make one a little crazy. yondie is solitary, yet never alone.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
This is precisely why you cannot roleplay in Guild Wars. If you cannot play your character exactly as they should be played, you are not roleplaying.
I could never play any of my characters in GW, simply because the game doesn't allow me to do so. |
If I can roleplay a realm in a strategy game, I can definitely roleplay a GW character. In a way I'm more turned off by WoW, because it seems like an RPG on the outside, but isn't. In the end it doesn't offer more possibilities than GW. There is some good storytelling and memorable locations, but that's it.
Here I'm restricted to the tasks at hand, but I can determine my responses according to my different avatars.
Originally Posted by Fender
Nope - unless you count "my" personality. I don't act differently no matter what char I'm playing.
Typically everyone in my guild and alliance knows me by my name or my main characters name, Hector. I get called Hector even when playing female characters.
Originally Posted by Braggi
So what? There are always restrictions on what you have to do
... this is seriously a thread? not trying to be flamebait here, but anyway, whats the purpose of it all?
Kuldebar Valiturus
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
... this is seriously a thread? not trying to be flamebait here, but anyway, whats the purpose of it all?
This isn't brain surgery, folks, none of us here are implying that our posts will save the world or cure cancer, at least last time I checked. But, if some of us have implied that, it's open for debate within these forums.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
You're evidently unfamiliar with freeform roleplay--pity, as it's by far the best kind, and the only kind I can stand to play anymore. Prepared storylines are boring.
Narrowly defining something like "role-play" so tightly has the equivalence of making laws on how to play with a Barbie doll. Really, there's a lot of variety that can't be pinned down, nor should it be.
Role-playing isn't a religion, though some treat it as one. And if it were a religion, it doesn't have to have just one or two sects, it could have thousands upon thousands. Perhaps, "role-play Jihadists or Crusaders" will seek to fight it out in order to prove the "one true way", but most people will simply prefer to play as they themselves choose within the provided game world.
The force of gravity is restrictive in the real world, but one can work around it's limiting factor, and manage quite fine.
Ok, not only do my chars have personalities, but stories aswell. Hey, i got bored one day, annd imgained up there motivations.(oh, and they're all related :P)
Ischuros Almsbane:
Elder of two brothers. Was raised to be a scholar, his father (an armourer) wanted him to be part of the upper classes, and sent him to Ashford Abbey. While there, he studied scrolls and at the age of 15 was sent on a tour of other monastries and temples. After seeing he was useless with a sword, the monks taught him some spells and how to use a staff, to protect himself on the journey over to Kryta and Cantha. While studying at those monastries he toured, he also picked up some new spells, he espeically loved Necromancing. He became a scholar, but at the age of 32, with the Charr threat increasing, he signed up with the Ascalon Army, to serve as in the reserve force. Then the searing hapend, and he became a necromancer full time. And was very good at it. Still greiving over the loss of his brother (below), he shuns most except Castor. While maybe not going out of his way to help people, will do so, if he can and the risks aren't too great. More hedonistic than his brother, he is mercentile and wants more than just the basic weapons and armours.
Castor of Sparta: Ischuros's younger brother. Orginally Siegfried, he and his twin worked with their father in the armoury. Becoming strong, they both signed up with the Ascalon Army at the age of 20,as warriors. The two twins, denying even those luxuries that the army offered, were nicnamed after Pollux and Castor of Sparta. At 25, the searing happend, where Polloux (Marcus) was killed. Castor, along wih Ischuros, became great heroes. A horse, who works and works, while not over intelligent, he knows what tod o when it comes to swinging a sword. He misses his twin, and wants revenge.
Healer Khan: Second cousin of the Almsbane brother's, her grand father's sister was their grandmother. She worked on her parents farm, on Shing Jea, until she was spotted by tutors from the monastry. At age 15, she enrolled to become a monk, along with her younger brother, Langkuk, who is studying assassination. To distinguish the Khan siblings, Asuka was nicknamed Healer. at the age of 17, the plague came about, and you know the rest. A down to earth, competent teenager, who is generous, and is ambitious.
Langkuk Khan: Still studying at Shing Jea.
Ischuros Almsbane:
Elder of two brothers. Was raised to be a scholar, his father (an armourer) wanted him to be part of the upper classes, and sent him to Ashford Abbey. While there, he studied scrolls and at the age of 15 was sent on a tour of other monastries and temples. After seeing he was useless with a sword, the monks taught him some spells and how to use a staff, to protect himself on the journey over to Kryta and Cantha. While studying at those monastries he toured, he also picked up some new spells, he espeically loved Necromancing. He became a scholar, but at the age of 32, with the Charr threat increasing, he signed up with the Ascalon Army, to serve as in the reserve force. Then the searing hapend, and he became a necromancer full time. And was very good at it. Still greiving over the loss of his brother (below), he shuns most except Castor. While maybe not going out of his way to help people, will do so, if he can and the risks aren't too great. More hedonistic than his brother, he is mercentile and wants more than just the basic weapons and armours.
Castor of Sparta: Ischuros's younger brother. Orginally Siegfried, he and his twin worked with their father in the armoury. Becoming strong, they both signed up with the Ascalon Army at the age of 20,as warriors. The two twins, denying even those luxuries that the army offered, were nicnamed after Pollux and Castor of Sparta. At 25, the searing happend, where Polloux (Marcus) was killed. Castor, along wih Ischuros, became great heroes. A horse, who works and works, while not over intelligent, he knows what tod o when it comes to swinging a sword. He misses his twin, and wants revenge.
Healer Khan: Second cousin of the Almsbane brother's, her grand father's sister was their grandmother. She worked on her parents farm, on Shing Jea, until she was spotted by tutors from the monastry. At age 15, she enrolled to become a monk, along with her younger brother, Langkuk, who is studying assassination. To distinguish the Khan siblings, Asuka was nicknamed Healer. at the age of 17, the plague came about, and you know the rest. A down to earth, competent teenager, who is generous, and is ambitious.
Langkuk Khan: Still studying at Shing Jea.
My characters all come with their own personalities. Since they are each subsets and extensions of my own personality, I prefer not to delve too deeply into describing them.
I Is Special
My characters dont have complicated personalities. But they are devious and like confusing people, so they stay in LA dis 1 spamming "SELLING Ectos-25g each" just to see peoples responses..

All of my characters are free spirited smokers who formerly used drugs. They still drink beer though.