Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
If that's where you're going with this, I'd have to side with Loviatar. There's no reason for them to need a player to be occupied with the content. That only holds true for subscription games.
Encouraging players to keep their characters and not delete them means that sitting around on these same characters for months, they've likely taken them all pretty far through the campaign. Still under the impression that continuing with the same characters is the beneficial thing to do, people would have taken their characters through the existing content quite thoroughly and would be anxiously awaiting more content to buy so they have more to do with those same characters(rather than just being satisfied to do the same old content with constantly re-rolled characters and then have no/need desire to buy the next campaign).
As far as PvP'ers are concerned, what could Anet possible give them anyway? One free unlock every twelve months? A lot of the serious PvP'ers are already UAX anyway.
OK, let's take what you are saying to the full extent.
If all of us "behave"
as you say ANet would prefer us to behave, we would play our characters in a chapter and then stop playing for a period of time until the next chapter was released.
Now, what happens to the poor schmucks that adopt Guild Wars during those 'dead times"?
Ghost towns aren't very appealing to new players, there's no one there to make fun of them or, maybe, even help them. I played
Asheron's Call 2, trust me empty towns/zones
in an otherwise decent game can pretty much ruin things.
Also, a large part of a game's marketing comes from people actually playing the game.
"O, yeah, Guild Wars, I play it for 3 weeks after a campaign comes out but then it gets boring." That isn't exactly a great way to increase market interest or game sales.
PvP, considered by some to be hugely important, relies on an influx of people, many of those people try their teeth out in PvE for a period of time before hopping into PvP.
edit: added AC2 link, neat article <sniff>