Post your Necromancer :D - Part II
Small Update~
Finally got Devaki to LA last night thanks to my Guildies.
Got Devvy some new amour.
Fanatic Top/Boots and Necrotic Leggings and Gloves with a Shing Jea Scar Pattern :>
The only thing that's dyed, is the scar pattern which is silver.
The rest is just grey.
Finally got Devaki to LA last night thanks to my Guildies.
Got Devvy some new amour.
Fanatic Top/Boots and Necrotic Leggings and Gloves with a Shing Jea Scar Pattern :>
The only thing that's dyed, is the scar pattern which is silver.
The rest is just grey.
I recently got Angel a spikey set of 15k luxon, but while i was at it I figured I'd show off some of her not so expensive armors too

Fanatic because umm, I can; Kamadan quality Sunspear for all that 55-ing; and her very first set of max armor, Krytan, one that I'll never ever get rid of due to it's immense sentimental value
Oh and did I mention her new elite luxon comes with a dread mask?

Because a good commander dosen't alienate herself from her troops
-{apologizes for the low quality pics, comp hasn't been very agreeable lately}-

Fanatic because umm, I can; Kamadan quality Sunspear for all that 55-ing; and her very first set of max armor, Krytan, one that I'll never ever get rid of due to it's immense sentimental value

Oh and did I mention her new elite luxon comes with a dread mask?

Because a good commander dosen't alienate herself from her troops

-{apologizes for the low quality pics, comp hasn't been very agreeable lately}-
Avatar of Me
Here is my latest attempt at creating an interesting and inexpensive armor combo.

Fanatic's chest and gloves
Cabal leggings and boots

Fanatic's chest and gloves
Cabal leggings and boots

Bo Bo The Monkey. Stupid name, but I like him. 1/5 KoABD working on that tier 1 this summer. had FoW armor but it got deleted on acccident, i'm saving up to re-buy it.
Nemesis Xero
Selene has been wearing this for a while now, I absolutely love it, I even think it looks better than her elite cabal armor.
Wtf Its A Monk
My newest character sporting his Asura armor

Re-dyed my Elite Necrotic, I was getting bored of the magenta and to be honest it was clashing with her hair too much. I like this new colour, it makes me think of burnt amber and such.
And so-on. And so-forth.

Now, back to Snowman runs!
Hammer Drawn
Posted her long ago, but figured Id do it again 

Heres looking at you!

Imma stab you now

Heres looking at you!

Imma stab you now


Maria The Princess
i have finally managed to make a necromancer whos looks i adore! i might actually take her through factions and prophecies after GWEN. my old necro is still around sincethe new one doesnt even have an elite yet, but i know shes here to stay 
was exploring riven earth while going to rata sum, and went by this destroyer hideout! i love fire

as soon as shes beating gwen shes getting munument armor to head to other chapters

was exploring riven earth while going to rata sum, and went by this destroyer hideout! i love fire

as soon as shes beating gwen shes getting munument armor to head to other chapters

these suck but I just love my Necro, Vala Of The Fens, so much.
I'll post better quality pics after I get more elite armors. I'm getting a set from each game and have EoTN and Factions armor so far.
Mismatched heights ftl.

This is mine she not to shabby.
Kyarl Deathaxe
bad pics but the most awesome necro ever! in my opinion anyway lol
just bought her a bandana. i don't see them much on necros. i like it, but she's still hot in her shades too.

just bought her a bandana. i don't see them much on necros. i like it, but she's still hot in her shades too.
These are somewhat nicer pics I took outside Vala's fav hangout, the Eye of the North! I recently got an Ornate Spear and a Gloom Shield and wanna show them off with her Monument armor! I'd have better but I just can't get GW to take bmp's. 

Farming in style:
Fake black will forever look good, normal black looks like velvet sprayed onto the armour. I only dyed the Tyrian peices so they'd not clash with the top half
Fake black will forever look good, normal black looks like velvet sprayed onto the armour. I only dyed the Tyrian peices so they'd not clash with the top half

guevera verreuil
current get-up
*coughs* for those interested, any shirt you pair with the vabbi skirt, cuts it into the V you see up front, no matter what the shirt looks like at the bottom. just a FYI
*coughs* for those interested, any shirt you pair with the vabbi skirt, cuts it into the V you see up front, no matter what the shirt looks like at the bottom. just a FYI
*Click on the thumbnail*
Wtf Its A Monk
got myself some new skills and some new armor 


<3 pink cola staff
15k Kurz: purple



and 15kCabal:white with asuran glasses



and 15kCabal:white with asuran glasses

Hells looking fantastic as ever

Wtf Its A Monk
I think I am done with this set 

Here's my brand new Necromancer 
Andrina Guinevere ~

Andrina Guinevere ~

My secondary-less necro.
God i love 15k necrotic

My necros new armor.
New Armour~
She needed it, she kept being killed too easily around Kaineng so yeah.
New Canthan armour, Blue and Grey.
Might change the dye at a later date, I'm not too fond of it.
Devaki Dunham fails at being scary
She needed it, she kept being killed too easily around Kaineng so yeah.
New Canthan armour, Blue and Grey.
Might change the dye at a later date, I'm not too fond of it.
Devaki Dunham fails at being scary
bad luck sez no armor is enough badass for her
It's cold o_o
But Glowy still keeps me warm, a bit.
Scar Pattern dyed blue! I now have a blue bikini to wear.
But Glowy still keeps me warm, a bit.
Scar Pattern dyed blue! I now have a blue bikini to wear.
El Quebranta Huesos
Hi again from Spain. El Quebranta Huesos...
Grenth y yo os mandamos un saludo desde el inframundo. MUAHH MUUUAAAHHHHHH.....
Grenth y yo os mandamos un saludo desde el inframundo. MUAHH MUUUAAAHHHHHH.....
Looks so sad...

Jae Onasi
I got my Vabbian a couple days ago, too. It's dyed blue+purple, except for the ragged scar pattern which is red or purple, depending on whether I'm playing an MM or curse necro at the time.

Brand new necro. I finally broke down and made a second one.

Absolute Destiny
Kristina Asininia, my third character EVER.
Born and raised in Ascalon.
Fanatic's Armor

Shing Jea Armor (best armor to leave undyed in the game, IMO)

Istani Armor
Surrounded by her minions, as always.

Born and raised in Ascalon.
Fanatic's Armor

Shing Jea Armor (best armor to leave undyed in the game, IMO)

Istani Armor
Surrounded by her minions, as always.


another horrid pic...I just can't get GW to take bitmaps...I'll prolly have to take pics and paste them in paint 
My Necro in Elite Cabal Armor + Dread Mask, dyed White

My Necro in Elite Cabal Armor + Dread Mask, dyed White
Finally got Aija the armour I always wanted, yet never could be bothered getting to the Kodash. XD I'll redye it once I play around with some mixes, yet I quite like it white at the moment. :x

Her old armour:

Her old armour:

Soni D
My first charcter and i love herrr
not too great at photoshop but i tried ^^
She has norn too but i don't like it very much

not too great at photoshop but i tried ^^
She has norn too but i don't like it very much