My main character standing on the edge of a cliff in Gate of Torment.
Elite Kurzick armor, purchased about a month after Factions was released. Remember when amber chunks cost 2k? I taught myself how to farm the Underworld so I could afford this, because I loved it from the moment I saw it.
The dye is remover + green + blue + purple. It's very, very, very red: a deep glossy blood/candy/apple color. Ordinary red dye looks pathetic, gray and washed out compared with this. You can't get this color now, since the dye system was changed. (I would be willing to pay a lot for 5-6 vials of dye with this mix if anyone has them.)
I had seen lots of necros before I made mine, and I hated the ugly, angry, witchy faces for both males and females (we just had Prophecies at the time). I wanted a character that looked friendly and attractive despite the traditional negative connotations of the profession.
I have 4 other suits of elite armor for my HoM on this character, but I don't really like any other necro armor. I have Obsidian armor on some characters, and I have enough money to buy several more suits of it, but I think the female necro Obsidian armor looks lame compared with this. Elite Kurzick is sleek and shiny. Most other necro armor looks disorganized to me; irregular shapes and lines, torn/scarred skin, poor quality textures. (I would like the Monument armor more if the textures were sharper and better defined.) The only complains I have for this suit are the fishnet should be higher res; the cut-out section over the abdomen looks strange when used with other leggings; and the colorable areas on the boots tend to make them look like clown shoes. Those are all nitpicks. I love this armor.
Click for original 1920x1200. I use the original for my background picture sometimes.
I win.