Post your Necromancer :D - Part II



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2007

BC Canada

Guild With No [NAM???]

My necro, Narcissia Necrotica~

Waddly Hobbins

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

My Necro w/ newly aquired Mask of the Mo Zing.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

^ wow that looks better on the necro than I thought it would, I'm trying to get one.

BTW is there any weird clipping with it?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

East Coast =D

Various GvG Guilds...Always Moving


Originally Posted by Cathode_Reborn
I'll never be satisifed with male nec armor.....female necs can get some 1.5k crap dyed black and still look good. Just about all male nec armor looks pretty stupid imo.

New eotn armor...i like the whole shape but the textures are horrible....espcially the asuran pieces - strange red'ish spots start to popup when you zoom out. They also show up horribly in certain areas depending on the lighting. Did you see Jrk's post? That looks sick man.

Raven Nepharim

Raven Nepharim

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


Elysium Eternum [Amor]


Here we go. All of my 15k armours.

Waddly Hobbins

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

There was no wierd clipping with 15k Elite Cultist armor and the Mo Zing does dyed extremely wierd however...the only colors that translate perfectly are black and white....i wanted to match the color of grey that they rest of the armor is...and failed horribly ....i settled for white.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2006


My Necro in Vanguard Armor )



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

The Dead Ninja Dude.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Wow, you really love your necro don't you =) You should try out for the next Tyria's Most Wanted. I bet he'd make it.

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

Originally Posted by Jadeite

My Necro in Vanguard Armor ) awww it looks amazing. is it dyed? or is it grey? i cant wait to get it to "explore" how i can mix it

*is jealous of all the people who have more time to play then me*



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

The Agonized


Originally Posted by jrk247

The Dead Ninja Dude. yeah, you take really good shots.

Touketsu Hasu

Touketsu Hasu

Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2007

At my computer


Well, Touketsu wants Monument armor but doesn't really want to farm 26k Ebon Vanguard points atm so I got him a new look to tide him over for a while.

Edit: /doh, How could I forget to include a picture of Touketsu training his new pet Hearty Raven, Edgar?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005



Freshly new glove :P Now working on Dread Mask to cover those ugly hair...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Originally Posted by jrk247

The Dead Ninja Dude. Lol, I think it's time to get my necro his ninja mask, too.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007


Stygian Disciples of Tenebrasus


My Necro, Xanthier Lizarous, is my main character and I've had him since Prophecies. When I first made him I liked the fact that a Necromancer male was the only character who could have really dark skin that wasn't a shade of brown, and thus I went for the 'Drow' look. He's completed Prophecies, Factions and Eye of the North and has mulled around a bit in Nightfall, and these are the armours and tidbits he has to show for it:

The first armour is the set he currently wears and the most recent, Asuran. Here it's show in it's entirety, though I usually have Chaos Gloves equipped. The Elite Canthan was the only reason I had him complete Factions and I reckon the Ninja Mask goes with it quite well. The Elite Cultist was the set he wore for over a year and a half and it doesn't look quite as good to me now as it did when I got it, but guess all the new armour sets spoiled me.

These are the tidbits I have:

The Chaos Gloves are one of the nicest bits of armour in my opinion, and they're great when running around in dark dungeons, and as such are pretty much always on. Not only that but they go well with a Chaos Axe. The Crown I use when I want to have most of his head covered when in Asuran armour, but I tend to use the Slim Spectacles most as I feel they suit him. The scar pattern dye preview is what I'm considering for use with the Chaos Gloves, as there are less issues with armour being suddenly cut off at the elbow. Thing is, I like the look of the Asuran too much to actually dye the scars, heh. Now I just need to get the Tinted (and rounder) specs and, eventually, the 15k Luxon top to finish off all the armour I like for male Necromancers. Not to mention I really want the Dread mask, so if you have any Golden Rin Relics...

Heh, I just remembered this as well, the Elite Canthan armour goes really, really well with my Guild cape. here:

I found it really funny when I noticed.

Raven Nepharim

Raven Nepharim

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006


Elysium Eternum [Amor]


Those gloves are wicked. I must get them... >.<



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by Xanthier
My Necro, Xanthier Lizarous, is my main character and I've had him since Prophecies. When I first made him I liked the fact that a Necromancer male was the only character who could have really dark skin that wasn't a shade of brown, and thus I went for the 'Drow' look. He's completed Prophecies, Factions and Eye of the North and has mulled around a bit in Nightfall, and these are the armours and tidbits he has to show for it:

The first armour is the set he currently wears and the most recent, Asuran. Here it's show in it's entirety, though I usually have Chaos Gloves equipped. The Elite Canthan was the only reason I had him complete Factions and I reckon the Ninja Mask goes with it quite well. The Elite Cultist was the set he wore for over a year and a half and it doesn't look quite as good to me now as it did when I got it, but guess all the new armour sets spoiled me.

These are the tidbits I have:

The Chaos Gloves are one of the nicest bits of armour in my opinion, and they're great when running around in dark dungeons, and as such are pretty much always on. Not only that but they go well with a Chaos Axe. The Crown I use when I want to have most of his head covered when in Asuran armour, but I tend to use the Slim Spectacles most as I feel they suit him. The scar pattern dye preview is what I'm considering for use with the Chaos Gloves, as they're less issues with armour being suddenly cut off at the elbow. Thing is, I like the look of the Asuran too much to actually dye the scars, heh. Now I just need to get the Tinted (and rounder) specs and, eventually, the 15k Luxon top to finish off all the armour I like for male Necromancers. Holy hell; that looks really, really great with dark-skinned characters... making me want them for my dervish or my paragon since they're my only dark-skinned chars. But the color just looks... awesome. *Groans at the expensiveness of the gloves*



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


my main char, necro



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

I REALLY want to see what the chaos gloves look like dyed black, because a chaos axe dyed black turns see-through, so see-through hands would be so cool to see, I think. It would look interesting.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


Originally Posted by CasterOfShame27
I REALLY want to see what the chaos gloves look like dyed black, because a chaos axe dyed black turns see-through, so see-through hands would be so cool to see, I think. It would look interesting. it will shown a pure white color, however, if u dye it WHITE, it turns out even more light white

Tender Wolf

Tender Wolf


Join Date: Jul 2007

All over Tyria, Cantha, & Elona

The Eternal Night Vanguard [TEN]


Haven't seen many necros with this armor but here is mine! Ardnek Darkclaw:



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2007

Ah thanks UndeadGun!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

Redyed my Asuran armor.

Also bought the Asuran scar, it's like a toned down version of the 15k Luxon scar, I get the black eyes w/out all the tatoos.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


Looks really nice D: im still thorn between buying Norn or Asuran armor... need more pictures to decide!



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]



Finally got my Necro FoW <3

sponsored by Zamochit's Ecto Emporium.



At last! Armour that doesn't cheapen my oldskool Tyrian Bonestaff

placebo overdose

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2007


wilderness i love that great job and nice pics

guevera verreuil

guevera verreuil

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007

Imperial Isle

We Would Like To Play [Wii]


ehehe yeah. looks like screens from an animation or some such. gratz, btw.

Nemesis Xero

Nemesis Xero

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006




Selene Xero, with a new dye mix on her armor: black x red

Trav The Ripper

Trav The Ripper


Join Date: Feb 2007


New armor : ) my first set of 15k : )



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2007



Originally Posted by wilderness
d...*_* droooooooooool ~Dx
omg if u have that high res i totally want it for my desktop

*steals your death staff too*

o m g pizowned

Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2007

Scars Meadows [SMS]


^ So unfair.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by o m g pizowned

yay Impressive.

Sihaya Syme

Sihaya Syme

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007

Belgium, Europe

Grenth's Rejects [GR]


Originally Posted by iriyabran
d...*_* droooooooooool ~Dx
omg if u have that high res i totally want it for my desktop

Soooooo seconded...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006




got him a new caster fellblade =)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

Twenty Gold For Mountain Troll [Tusk]

I finally took the time to get to Vasburg. I like the results.

...and I now have no money.

Tender Wolf

Tender Wolf


Join Date: Jul 2007

All over Tyria, Cantha, & Elona

The Eternal Night Vanguard [TEN]


I'd love to have obsidian armor but I know I could never afford that, what with the 15k each and materials. Meh, not really on this character anyway.

The undead Mesmer

The undead Mesmer

Delphian Scribe

Join Date: May 2005


No guild ;_;


No action shots for my necromancer at the moment

from left to right... 15k sunspear/15k canthan/15k necrotic/ancients and 15k luxon

I am still not sure about the dye combinations on some of them so anny suggestions would be welcome



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2007


Stygian Disciples of Tenebrasus


FINALLY, after over 115 hours of trying to get the little annoying things, which I now hate with a deep fiery loathing, I had enough Rin Relics to get this, the Dread Mask!

I expected there to be clipping issues, and there are. However, there's no clipping on the front of the mask at all, which is absolutely awesome. The 'hair' clips through the back collar, but honestly that doesn't matter in the slightest to me. The fact that this mask can go over armour which already partially covers your face shows that this is truly a mask that suits a Necro!

Man, I'm so relieved I don't have to hunt for and buy Golden Rin relics anymore...