3 chapters + 1 expansion and still.....
mafia cyborg
still nothing to solve trade spam in local chat!
do u realize how many ppl bought Nightfall and then quit on reaching kamadan? (where most nubie quests are!). Lookin at guild statistics 9 out of 10 new players who bought nightfall quit within a week!
i was one of those players who started with Nightfall....on starting the game i quickly find myself in kamadan not able to communicate with anyone or ask a question as i was shutdown by the most unreal amount of trade spam.
it felt like being in a single player game....with no interaction with other players.
luckily someone noticed my question and invited me to join a guild....still to date im not able to meet new ppl or interact with anyone. I'm 100% reliant on guildies.....10 ppl......thats the amount of players i can intercat out of the 1 million gw subscribers. that makes no sense.
some rare times in cities a discussion starts off out of nowhere.....u find ppl discussin a topic of interest they share......but as always one trade spammer arrives and kills it off.
i dont need to spell out how important the social aspect of mmorpgs are in their success.
are the programmers so lazy they cant implement an ingame trade house? is it so difficult to disable cut and paste in local chat?
do u realize how many ppl bought Nightfall and then quit on reaching kamadan? (where most nubie quests are!). Lookin at guild statistics 9 out of 10 new players who bought nightfall quit within a week!
i was one of those players who started with Nightfall....on starting the game i quickly find myself in kamadan not able to communicate with anyone or ask a question as i was shutdown by the most unreal amount of trade spam.
it felt like being in a single player game....with no interaction with other players.
luckily someone noticed my question and invited me to join a guild....still to date im not able to meet new ppl or interact with anyone. I'm 100% reliant on guildies.....10 ppl......thats the amount of players i can intercat out of the 1 million gw subscribers. that makes no sense.
some rare times in cities a discussion starts off out of nowhere.....u find ppl discussin a topic of interest they share......but as always one trade spammer arrives and kills it off.
i dont need to spell out how important the social aspect of mmorpgs are in their success.
are the programmers so lazy they cant implement an ingame trade house? is it so difficult to disable cut and paste in local chat?
They tryed to solve this problem with ''Search'' option but ther are still ppl that don t use them

Kos Luftar
They already said there are many things that they believe have gone wrong with the game, and I believe one of these things is no Auction house or other trading venue, therefore they rather start new game (GW2) where they implement these things are the main features from the beginning. GW1 will never get Auction house I do not think so, unless after GW2 they are able to find a easy cheap way to add it in, since they say they will be keeping up GW1 servers even when GW2 comes out.
Firstly I think that the "9 out of 10 new players who bought nightfall quit within a week" statistic is not representative of the bigger picture. I suppose your guild statistics were just unfortunate.
Secondly, spamming in big cities is normal and expected in the same way that you see big Coca-Cola ads in Times Square and the centre of Tokyo. It might be hard to communicate normally in Kamadan (and Kaineng, Lion's Arch, and Droks) but if I were you, I'd select the last district, which is always emptiest.
A lot of things about Guild Wars, and the people therein, irritate me but spamming and improper use of Local chat has never bothered me because I can simply avoid it.
Secondly, spamming in big cities is normal and expected in the same way that you see big Coca-Cola ads in Times Square and the centre of Tokyo. It might be hard to communicate normally in Kamadan (and Kaineng, Lion's Arch, and Droks) but if I were you, I'd select the last district, which is always emptiest.
A lot of things about Guild Wars, and the people therein, irritate me but spamming and improper use of Local chat has never bothered me because I can simply avoid it.
I have common sense. I've just encountered worse things in life to moan about.
And the Coca-Cola argument means, in simple terms, its normal for people to advertise goods in a place with a large audience.
And the Coca-Cola argument means, in simple terms, its normal for people to advertise goods in a place with a large audience.
savage vapor 33
Yeah it bothers people but like Makosi said, its just going to happen. Get used to it. If you need help, find a good friend who you can keep on your friends list and ask questions every once in a while. Also....guildwiki.org??
/flame bait?
/flame bait?
Wait for Guild Wars 2?
dunno what to tell you bro.
dunno what to tell you bro.
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
trade spam in LOCAL CHAT is an abvious problem .....it may not bother u.....but it obviously bothers an awful lot of ppl. if u fail to see this u have no common sense.
Trading spam is a problem. Yes.
Your guild statistics mean nothing.
Kamadan is a HUB CITY. It will be filled with spam just like LA, KC, Droks. These cities are where sellers congregate. Theres places where people can meet, those places are not it.
Finding and meeting people in this game is difficult. Yes.
Social aspect of Guild Wars is lacking. Yes.
Guild Wars will never get an auction house. Ever.
Well, GW:EN still hasn't come out yet so they might experiment with the trade house AND everyone has also claimed that GW2 will get a TOTAL overhaul which could mean that one of the things they could introduce could be the trade house(trust me, they know about the trade channel spam bc it has been a problem since prophecies).
It's better to go to the higher number districts to meet people.
In LA, Kamadan, KC I usually choose to go to dis 3-5 to chat with people.
I've had lots of fun moments chatting with people and I've learned that dis 1-3, depending on the outposts, are where you'd go to buy/sell.
In LA, Kamadan, KC I usually choose to go to dis 3-5 to chat with people.
I've had lots of fun moments chatting with people and I've learned that dis 1-3, depending on the outposts, are where you'd go to buy/sell.
'Search' function is Bullshieet. They can't do anything against spammers. Flood? Nah.. You can send a message 3 times repeatedly, but once it's disappear, you can flood again. A-net fail against spammers. I just turn off my local/trade chat. That's the best in Kamadan, Lion's Arch, Temple of the Ages and Kaineng.
How do you know there won't be an auction house/other trade improvement in Eye of the North, that the developers refused to release information about?
You know those Asuras? Well, they're very clever little bunnies. Perhaps they'll have something for us. They sort of remind me of goblins, and goblins remind me of that bank in Harry Potter... yeah. Clever bunnies will run an auction house for us. Mkay?
Seriously, I know this is a big problem for some people, but it's something that ANet have clearly been having difficult in thinking of how to deal with. If they won't do anything until GW2, that's fine by me. In the meantime: if you don't know something/want to ask a question, have a guild and some good friends that you can ask, or just check on the internet. Using All chat in overloaded city districts to ask questions or to start a sensible conversation is a really, really bad idea. There are plenty of other methods you can use to get through the game or find out whatever it is you need to know; use them.
You know those Asuras? Well, they're very clever little bunnies. Perhaps they'll have something for us. They sort of remind me of goblins, and goblins remind me of that bank in Harry Potter... yeah. Clever bunnies will run an auction house for us. Mkay?
Seriously, I know this is a big problem for some people, but it's something that ANet have clearly been having difficult in thinking of how to deal with. If they won't do anything until GW2, that's fine by me. In the meantime: if you don't know something/want to ask a question, have a guild and some good friends that you can ask, or just check on the internet. Using All chat in overloaded city districts to ask questions or to start a sensible conversation is a really, really bad idea. There are plenty of other methods you can use to get through the game or find out whatever it is you need to know; use them.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
There are plenty of other methods you can use to get through the game or find out whatever it is you need to know; use them.
Well selling GW2 on the merit "will include the trade improvements that were promised for GW since it first came out and the problem was realized" is extremely shady in my book.
No, they never said we'd get an auction house. But it was said time and time again that there would be "trade improvements". And they also said with the release of party search that the trade in there was NOT the promised "trade improvements".
Yep, fix a major core problem of the game when it's put on its death bed.
No, they never said we'd get an auction house. But it was said time and time again that there would be "trade improvements". And they also said with the release of party search that the trade in there was NOT the promised "trade improvements".
Originally Posted by king symeon
How do you know there won't be an auction house/other trade improvement in Eye of the North
Bryant Again
Yep, fix a major core problem of the game when it's put on its death bed. |
As to the OP's statement: The spam definantly sucks. There's not a whole lot that can be done at this point besides an Auction House, but that is a lot of work that has to go into that, so I don't expect to see anything like that soon.
Redfeather already pointed out that the largest majority of the players go to the first district of any city to trade. You'll see those a lot less in the higher districts.
Onarik Amrak
It's a habit thing. It's a feature they should have thought of from the very start to mitigate spam. However, because of all this time with people just spamming the channels, it's become ingrained as normal practice. Old habits die hard. My hope is that ANet have learned from this mistake and will have a beter solution in future games to prevent the same thing from happening.
No one likes spam.
No one likes spam.
Theres a simpel fix for it. Close down the local chat and ask your question in the trade chat instead. Since it's not being used for trades, then it might as well be used for chat

The Auction House is one of the things that was ased long ago, and whose absence was felt sorely for all the (short) life of GW.
Seriously, why do some people think that people trading in local chat is some horrible thing that is ruining the game? It's annoying, yes, but beyond that I think there are better things the devs could be working on.
Seriously, why do some people think that people trading in local chat is some horrible thing that is ruining the game? It's annoying, yes, but beyond that I think there are better things the devs could be working on.
gene terrodon
How about Anet implements a filter that includes the names, abbreviations and any other variant of each and every item in the game - from weapons to materials to quest items.
Any mention of numbers or gold is filtered, as well as any phrase containing w,s,b,t.
I bet that will make you happy , eh
Any mention of numbers or gold is filtered, as well as any phrase containing w,s,b,t.
I bet that will make you happy , eh
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
after reading this my iq dropped of at least 30 points.
what sort of argument in favour of spamming is that? i wouldnt even mind havin coca cola signs and averts all over lion arch.....but what does that have to do with preventing ppl to meet, communicate and intercact thorugh the only medium available.....LOCAL CHAT. "use whisper" i just whisper at random someone? "change district" if theres ppl theres a trade spammer....if theres no ppl thers not much chance of a chit chat is there. "join a guild" yeh just the first guild that gets spammed and play with a few ppl u just joined to get out of spam land? trade spam in LOCAL CHAT is an abvious problem .....it may not bother u.....but it obviously bothers an awful lot of ppl. if u fail to see this u have no common sense. |
Deal with it like the rest of us, hopefully GW2 will solve this problem. Just turn off local chat, or stay out of the low districts. The lower the district number, the more people likely to be spamming. D1 in all major towns is pretty much going to be 100% spam, trying to communicate in those areas is just not viable.
ok i love pople that moonabout this you act like its only a problem in one city la the biggest one is factions people spam there worse then anywhere if you dont like it turn off your local chat and chat in the selling chat like i do and must others do if they wont listen and start selling in right channel and in the party search then beat them by using the one window thy dont use. my issue is why spam when you can put it in oncein party search and be done with it but its fine ... with me pople spamming is not going to make me quit guildwars at all, its like saying the crowd is shotting to much so now i wont play football ohh come.......... another thing your 9 out 10 thing is bull where did you come up with it and how di dyou go ask every guild there is or just 3 lol
"do u realize how many ppl bought Nightfall and then quit on reaching kamadan? (where most nubie quests are!)."
No please do enlighten me. Though i guess you do have a point about all the spam, But right now we need either a central island that supports the search feature (Find the thread in sadelac... Basically a market where the search engine could come useful) or an auction house or both.
EDIT: @Xiaosu, i believe he was refffering to the brutal murder of the english language when the op decided that proper grammer and sentences weren't worthwhile.
No please do enlighten me. Though i guess you do have a point about all the spam, But right now we need either a central island that supports the search feature (Find the thread in sadelac... Basically a market where the search engine could come useful) or an auction house or both.
EDIT: @Xiaosu, i believe he was refffering to the brutal murder of the english language when the op decided that proper grammer and sentences weren't worthwhile.
Originally Posted by XvArchonvX
Seriously, why do some people think that people trading in local chat is some horrible thing that is ruining the game? It's annoying, yes, but beyond that I think there are better things the devs could be working on. |
Yeah I don't understand why people get so fired up about it.. I'm not a fan by any means but its just inevitable that you'll get people selling stuff in the main cities.
I mean...some people were selling some stuff in kamadan district 3 or something the other day in local chat, and then there was this guy stood there saying 'STFU STOP SPAMMING' which was ironic as he was contributing to it by repeatedly shouting that over and over again.. ¬_¬'
*Sigh* Just see what GWEN brings, but either way I wouldn't expect any changes on this until GW2, and I personally don't really care.
I really don't mind the trade spam either. Its nice to see a lot of other people feel the same way. Sure, its pretty messy and isn't the ideal way to go about trading, but its the best the player has at the moment. The Coca Cola ad in Times Square was an excellent example.
mafia cyborg
Originally Posted by inscribed
I really don't mind the trade spam either. Its nice to see a lot of other people feel the same way. Sure, its pretty messy and isn't the ideal way to go about trading, but its the best the player has at the moment. The Coca Cola ad in Times Square was an excellent example.
and how can that be a pertinent example?
if the coca cola ads were placed on the walls of kamadan city(like they are placed on skycrapersor else) i really wouldnt care....that wouldnt bother me at all.
but in gw this spam "advertisment" is interrupting communication.
if cocacola interrupted our communications while we were speakin to people in a streeet you would be surely complaining!(thats whats happenin in gw)
like your talkin to your friends and someone jumps in and starts shouting BUY COCA COLA....in real life i would punch him in the face!
This happens in every game...if you've ever played any other game, then you should be used to it by now, there isn't much avoiding it.
Even WoW with its Auction House gets trade spam in the local channels.
Even WoW with its Auction House gets trade spam in the local channels.
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
i smell a spammer.
and how can that be a pertinent example? if the coca cola ads were placed on the walls of kamadan city(like they are placed on skycrapersor else) i really wouldnt care....that wouldnt bother me at all. but in gw this spam "advertisment" is interrupting communication. if cocacola interrupted our communications while we were speakin to people in a streeet you would be surely complaining!(thats whats happenin in gw) like your talkin to your friends and someone jumps in and starts shouting BUY COCA COLA....in real life i would punch him in the face! |
When he talks about advertisments in real life being akin to spam in the chat channels he means this...
If you drive down major streets (Times Square, the Strip in Las Vegas, anywhere in Tokyo, etc.) you will see huge, bright, flashy signs that turn night into day and often enough, distract you while driving.
This is SIMILAR (in theme, no literally...) to going into a major outpost/city and seeing nothing but trade spam. It distracts you, it fills up the screen and generally you don't care for it.
Thus, it is a perfect analogy.
"A is to B as C is to D."
A does not need to be similar to C or D, in the same way as B does not need to be similar to C or D, so long as the similar between A and B is the same as C and D.
Does that clear things up?
well local chat really is for local talking, whether that be what you want to sell or buy or ask...
now, trading channel... that SHOULD have been literally, a trade only channel for at least the specific outpost's districts as a whole, but they didn't do that, nor would it probably be readable in the current setup. as well as, even when your filtering out chat lines, you still receive it, and it still takes up room on your chat log regardless of the filtering.
so over all, it should have been handled differently, but its not as bad as you apparently see it. not only is 9 out of 10 gw players quiting on nightfall wrong and misleading, its plain arrogance to the fact of how many ppl ARE on nightfall, and spamming your chat log... lol
now, trading channel... that SHOULD have been literally, a trade only channel for at least the specific outpost's districts as a whole, but they didn't do that, nor would it probably be readable in the current setup. as well as, even when your filtering out chat lines, you still receive it, and it still takes up room on your chat log regardless of the filtering.
so over all, it should have been handled differently, but its not as bad as you apparently see it. not only is 9 out of 10 gw players quiting on nightfall wrong and misleading, its plain arrogance to the fact of how many ppl ARE on nightfall, and spamming your chat log... lol
mafia cyborg
Originally Posted by Does-it-Matter
See here is one of the things I run into so much on this forum. People don't understand what an analogy is, or a comparison.
When he talks about advertisments in real life being akin to spam in the chat channels he means this... If you drive down major streets (Times Square, the Strip in Las Vegas, anywhere in Tokyo, etc.) you will see huge, bright, flashy signs that turn night into day and often enough, distract you while driving. This is SIMILAR (in theme, no literally...) to going into a major outpost/city and seeing nothing but trade spam. It distracts you, it fills up the screen and generally you don't care for it.hon Thus, it is a perfect analogy. "A is to B as C is to D." A does not need to be similar to C or D, in the same way as B does not need to be similar to C or D, so long as the similar between A and B is the same as C and D. Does that clear things up? |
an ad on the wall in time suqare compares to an ad on the wall in kamadan.
kamadan could have a massive yellow arch with a big mac sign for what i care....that woud be a similar scenario...and to be honest i could happily live with that.
here we're talkin about spam cuttin your communication off.....in real life i yet have to experience it !
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
u're comparin apples and oranges .
an ad on the wall in time suqare compares to an ad on the wall in kamadan. kamadan could have a massive yellow arch with a big mac sign for what i care....that woud be a similar scenario...and to be honest i could happily live with that. here we're talkin about spam cuttin your communication off.....in real life i yet have to experience it ! |
No one BUT YOU is talking about in game billboard-styled advertisements. We're talking about in game trade spam (aka all that text you see scrolling) and comparing that to
Please, stop distorting the truth to prove your point.
It is possible to talk about bright, flashy lights in the real world and text in game AT THE SAME TIME and still refer to the same thing.
Please, tell me this is clearer.
Back on topic...
I would hope they implement a method to reduce the all-chat spam, and trade spam in general. But, if they don't, I will survive. I've done it this far, I'll continue to doing so.
The only districts I am somewhat unable to keep up to pace with non-trade comments are D1 of Hub Cities (Lion's Arch, Kamadan, etc.) and to a lesser degree Droknar's Forge and the Henge of Denravi. (I'm kidding about that last one!
I don't spam, and I get my point across. I'm not a speed-reader and I'm able to keep up with the scroll (non-D1 hub cities, that is.)
It's never going to be a perfect situation. Hell, I'm fairly sure that even if GW2 gets an Auction House, a Search feature and everything we could hope for, there will STILL be all-chat trade spam, because we're so ingrained with it by now.
^ Agreed. No matter what future changes they make I honestly doubt trade spam will ever go away, and as much as its complained about I think most people will just learn to deal with it and play the game =/
There will always be trade spam in Local chat. There will always people who want to be up in your face about selling their wares.
If you don't need a quest, use the tried and true method of turning the channel off.
If you don't need a quest, use the tried and true method of turning the channel off.
they arent going to fix trade spam.....
I have never had a problem finding a group even with the spam going....if there is really an offensive spammer there is the ignore function.
and has been mentioned avoid la, kamadan, kaneng dist 1---go to a higher number dist.....or go to a different city. there are tons of places where people hang out (try kodash bazaar people spend hours chatting there all the time....and there are places in the southern shiverpeaks that people gather to chat---grotto....).
Lots of people have found guilds and have had lots of pugs.....there are ways to ignore trade spam. You need to be more persistant.
I have never had a problem finding a group even with the spam going....if there is really an offensive spammer there is the ignore function.
and has been mentioned avoid la, kamadan, kaneng dist 1---go to a higher number dist.....or go to a different city. there are tons of places where people hang out (try kodash bazaar people spend hours chatting there all the time....and there are places in the southern shiverpeaks that people gather to chat---grotto....).
Lots of people have found guilds and have had lots of pugs.....there are ways to ignore trade spam. You need to be more persistant.
Originally Posted by gene terrodon
How about Anet implements a filter that includes the names, abbreviations and any other variant of each and every item in the game - from weapons to materials to quest items.
Any mention of numbers or gold is filtered, as well as any phrase containing w,s,b,t. I bet that will make you happy , eh |
Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
Lookin at guild statistics 9 out of 10 new players who bought nightfall quit within a week!
Edit: to the post above me Sarcasm for the win!
Seriously, people on online forums don't understand sarcasm, logic, analogies, or any other form of rational arguement. Most are just cinvinced they are right and yell at people and call them names to try to change other people's minds.
Steps Ascending
This is the most funny kind of thread:
A person (i'll call him the "madman") desesperatly thinks he's right but is alone in the middle of a great circle of normal people.
Whenever someone talk to him to explain he's mad (which means everyone talking on the tread), he yell at him. In the end he's just lying on the floor, exhausted(sp?) because he had to yell at 100 people.
A person (i'll call him the "madman") desesperatly thinks he's right but is alone in the middle of a great circle of normal people.
Whenever someone talk to him to explain he's mad (which means everyone talking on the tread), he yell at him. In the end he's just lying on the floor, exhausted(sp?) because he had to yell at 100 people.
Shyft the Pyro
Those here who still think ANet's stance is to do nothing about ALL chat spam should try typing "WTB X" into the chat line. If you haven't tried selling something that way for a while, you're in for a nice surprise: your text will automatically appear as if you typed it into Trade! Sure, there's no fix for all the "\/\/TB" and "w_t_b" (yet), but here's actual proof that ANet has done something to address the problem directly.
Where is your statistics now?
Where is your statistics now?

Griff Mon
Isn't the trade chat kind of limited to the 1st couple of districts of major settlements? Most places have very little of that going on. Sure, Lion's Arch, Droknars, Ascalon, and the major cities in Nightfall and Factions is about it.
That's why I go to those places most of the time anyway!
That's why I go to those places most of the time anyway!
Originally Posted by Redfeather1975
It's better to go to the higher number districts to meet people.
In LA, Kamadan, KC I usually choose to go to dis 3-5 to chat with people. I've had lots of fun moments chatting with people and I've learned that dis 1-3, depending on the outposts, are where you'd go to buy/sell. |

Originally Posted by mafia cyborg
after reading this my iq dropped of at least 30 points.

Then again, it seems like that's a requirement for posters these days.