Originally Posted by Tears_Of_Crimson
My bear pet better be able to evolve into that armored beast in the first picture
Guild Wars 2 Concept Art from Kotaku - 10 New Pics!
That Destroyer looks neat... I wonder if it/he'll be just a mob or something more...
Very nice art, as someone mentioned GW has some very talented artists.
Prof Of Black
That.. Looks.. Good...
Jesus Christ you guys! I was excited about GW:EN and GW2, but now..

Originally Posted by dark_prince2023
that is a norn
sry bout that..anyway, I hope that "hard mode" isn't like going through all of the chapters again except with more bosses and bigger,stronger mobs.
Originally Posted by Rainbird
Jesus Christ you guys! I was excited about GW:EN and GW2, but now..
damn it you should have start doing GW right away instead GWEN now we have to wait -.-
And Eroth....the woman is norn yes so is bear....they can transorm into bears you know,so it says in magazine.
Originally Posted by Clerihew
They look awesome - I'm so excited! Winter 2007 is sooooooo far away.....
Good god! Those looks amazing!
I love the sound of some of the gameplay in the quote! This is going to rock!
Concept are looks amazing as I said! The shiverpeaks were some of my favorite parts in Prophecies. This is gonna be awesome!
I love the sound of some of the gameplay in the quote! This is going to rock!
Concept are looks amazing as I said! The shiverpeaks were some of my favorite parts in Prophecies. This is gonna be awesome!
Sub Frost
Some really awesome Concept/Ingame Art here, but no surprise there because that was always something Guild Wars has been known for.

Onarik Amrak
Originally Posted by prism2525
erm... winter 07?? do you mean December 07 perhaps?

Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering why the term "dungeons" continues to be used?
The last I knew, we dont have dungeons in GWs. We have missions, instances, towns, elite-zones and catercombs.
But I've never seen anything be referenced as a dungeon until now.
I know that term got started by the reporters and the magazines, so does that mean its a direct quote from an Anet member of staff or did they just steel a word from WoW or some other MMO because their lazey?
Aside from that, the screen caps and art work look cool.
The last I knew, we dont have dungeons in GWs. We have missions, instances, towns, elite-zones and catercombs.
But I've never seen anything be referenced as a dungeon until now.
I know that term got started by the reporters and the magazines, so does that mean its a direct quote from an Anet member of staff or did they just steel a word from WoW or some other MMO because their lazey?
Aside from that, the screen caps and art work look cool.
Originally Posted by Eroth
actually the woman is the Norn. the bear, methinks, is her sidekick in someways. AND I WANNA SEE THE OTHER TWO PROFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sry bout that..anyway, I hope that "hard mode" isn't like going through all of the chapters again except with more bosses and bigger,stronger mobs. |
You have seen Norn, Charr, and Asura.
You only need to see the Sylvari, and just imagine an Ele with green hair, and you've got it.
Guildmaster Cain
I just wonder about this Hall of Monuments picture, will it be in GW:EN as well? It is for certain in GW2, do we need to get our characters to HoM in GW:EN to transport them to the future (in a way).
Here's one example of this Strain used: You are wandering through the countryside and you see a dragon flying overhead. You and a group try to stave off the dragon. If you are successful the nearby town gives you a treasure. But if you don't drive off the dragon, the bridge will be destroyed. This will lead to a team of carpenters gathering at the bridge to try to fix it and then you will have to protect them from bandits. "The idea is that there will always be something going on in the world," Strain said. He said that there will be hundreds of these types of events that happen in the world, some daily, some hourly, some will be triggered by specific player actions. "That is what persistence allows us to do. That is the type of content and play experience that we can offer in Guild Wars 2 that we couldn't offer in Guild Wars." |
Anyone remember the hype which was around GW1? I can specifically remember Strain saying that one of the advantages of instanced servers was that players could have direct impact on the zones themselves. Such as terrain being altered, weather changes or bridges being desstroyed (which made sense, but unfortunately we saw very little of it)
And now Anet are trying to convince us the same thing is only possible with persistance, and that instances limited them from doing this in GW1? I smell bullshit...
And these inter-world battles in the Mists, which Strain says almost play like a large real-time strategy game, can have a real impact on the worlds. "By achieving victories in these battles there will be benefits to your world," Strain said. "Bonuses, advantages, maybe everyone gets increased energy regeneration or healing rate or enhanced loot drop rate." |
Imagine players getting an advantage in PvP because they did something in PvE. That would obviously not be fair. Please don't let PvP have such drastic gameplay effects on PvE. The whole favor and Factions elite missions spectable is enough proof that Anet should just stop trying to connect pve and pvp.
This hall will be located in a sort of base of operations you can establish in Eye of the North. The instanced base will allow you to store not only the Eye of the North achievements in the form of monuments but the achievements earned in all three campaigns. Every monument earned will unlock something, from heroes and pets to weapons, clothes and miniatures, in Guild Wars 2. When you create your character in Guild Wars 2 you can choose a character from Guild War to inherit these unlocks from. |
Why the heck just not support direct character importing with the reset of character stats?
Arena Net, it seems, is trying to tackle many of the biggest drawbacks most current massively multiplayer online games face. Chief among them is level capping. Why, once you top out, should you stick around in a game? Guild Wars 2 is trying to deal with that issue by using a system with a high level cap once that could be set to 100 or even boundless. "So there is not a level 20 cap," Strain said. "Either it will be a high level like 100 or unbounded, we haven't decided." |
Anyway, all in all, I'm honestly extremely disappointing of what I'm reading about GW2. It sounds like it's throwing away all that what made GW1 unique, and making a more generic imbalanced grindy mmorpg.
At least GW:EN sounds very good, but I'm afraid my GW career with stop at that game.
Awesome concept art.
I could see dungeon one could have something to do with Balthazar since his painting was there. And the last dungeon being Hall of Monument or something of utmost importance since glass paintings of gods could seen.
Neriandal Freit
Sectus, I think if we are able to create a duplicate of that character, we can consider our self fortunate to be able to have that, along with the character traits their "grandfather earned when he was a young man like you."
Overall, the artwork looks fantastic. The Charr appear to be our enemy once more...and surely that isn't the Great Destroyer. Why show his image so clearly so soon...?
Overall, the artwork looks fantastic. The Charr appear to be our enemy once more...and surely that isn't the Great Destroyer. Why show his image so clearly so soon...?
OMFG, Norn AND Charrs look really awesome!
Originally Posted by Sectus
This is so darn silly.
Anyone remember the hype which was around GW1? I can specifically remember Strain saying that one of the advantages of instanced servers was that players could have direct impact on the zones themselves. Such as terrain being altered, weather changes or bridges being desstroyed (which made sense, but unfortunately we saw very little of it) And now Anet are trying to convince us the same thing is only possible with persistance, and that instances limited them from doing this in GW1? I smell bullshit... |
No, Global events are what I believe what Strain is talking about. Global events that happen on a persistant world, that change depending on the players reactions. IF this is done well (ie, we don't see the same Dragon every Friday...), this could be one of the biggest selling points of GW2. Well, that and the introduction of playable races.
Originally Posted by Sectus
Anet, please, I'd really really love to see some balance in the PvE part of the game.
Imagine players getting an advantage in PvP because they did something in PvE. That would obviously not be fair. Please don't let PvP have such drastic gameplay effects on PvE. The whole favor and Factions elite missions spectable is enough proof that Anet should just stop trying to connect pve and pvp. |
Originally Posted by Sectus
So, basically, we'll get to import every part of a character except the character itself to GW2.
Why the heck just not support direct character importing with the reset of character stats? |
Originally Posted by Sectus
I'd like to read an explanation from Strain or someone else in anet about why a high/limitless level cap is a good thing, and how it's gonna affect grind.
Anyway, all in all, I'm honestly extremely disappointing of what I'm reading about GW2. It sounds like it's throwing away all that what made GW1 unique, and making a more generic imbalanced grindy mmorpg. |
On the other hand, as a casual player, I have a deep dread of being left behind as I can only play a few hours a week. At this point, I'm trusting Anet to make the game fun for casual players, because that's where their money is at. (Subscription fees favor hardcore players, because you want to keep people willing to pay $15 a month. Episodic content favors casual play, because causal players are less willing to spend money monthly, but are still likely to buy new content as they want or need it through expansions.)
I'm going to still buy Guild Wars 2, but how fun it is will determine whether I buy any future expansions for it.
Kotetsu Rain
Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering why the term "dungeons" continues to be used?
The last I knew, we dont have dungeons in GWs. We have missions, instances, towns, elite-zones and catercombs. But I've never seen anything be referenced as a dungeon until now. I know that term got started by the reporters and the magazines, so does that mean its a direct quote from an Anet member of staff or did they just steel a word from WoW or some other MMO because their lazey? Aside from that, the screen caps and art work look cool. |
And hellz yeah the screenshots are off the chain.
The Art looks great, but as always beatiful GFX/Art alone dont make a game.
Two words.
Mr. G
hmmm I thought every1 had seen these by now.....any clues to who's in the stained glass? I was trying to see if it was any familiar god....alas no luck
I love the Char!
Whaaaaa? That artwork is bad ***!! Can't wait to pick a copy of PC Gamer to see for myself! Wooo!
Originally Posted by ZenRgy
Two words.
I am defintily impressed 'as always' with GW artistic staff
The sword in the first pic is like the sword of Cloud, finall fantasy anyone? :P
You are wandering through the countryside and you see a dragon flying overhead. You and a group try to stave off the dragon. If you are successful the nearby town gives you a treasure. But if you don't drive off the dragon, the bridge will be destroyed. This will lead to a team of carpenters gathering at the bridge to try to fix it and then you will have to protect them from bandits. |
While I doubt that the in-game experience will play out like this. (Read some interviews about Factions where they hyped Alliance Battles) It's clear that A-net is shifting the focus away from instancing - which should open up a lot of possibilities.
Originally Posted by Domino
While I doubt that the in-game experience will play out like this. (Read some interviews about Factions where they hyped Alliance Battles) It's clear that A-net is shifting the focus away from instancing - which should open up a lot of possibilities. |
You either succeed or you fail.
If you fail, you start over.
It looks like they are making quests that "branch out".
Fail, and the quest changes to something else.
Sounds very plausible to me.
Kos Luftar
Originally Posted by Mr. G
hmmm I thought every1 had seen these by now.....any clues to who's in the stained glass? I was trying to see if it was any familiar god....alas no luck
Go on then Gaile... where do we find this other info out there?
Originally Posted by Mr. G
hmmm I thought every1 had seen these by now.....any clues to who's in the stained glass? I was trying to see if it was any familiar god....alas no luck
Edit: I knew I'd seen it somewhere. It's in pockmark flats and it is the same picture.
Hell yes.. the women warriors finally look like WARRIORS!
therer all good but the charr one is the best
Galie, you think you can tell us what's the system req. of GW2 will be? Personally I'm planning to purchase a new PC. So if you or anyone from Anet can answer or reveal, please please let us (me) know.
Oh man..GW2's gonna be da bomb!! Can't wait until it release...
Oh man..GW2's gonna be da bomb!! Can't wait until it release...
Originally Posted by ksalanpang
Galie, you think you can tell us what's the system req. of GW2 will be? Personally I'm planning to purchase a new PC. So if you or anyone from Anet can answer or reveal, please please let us (me) know.
Oh man..GW2's gonna be da bomb!! Can't wait until it release... Thanks |
Kos Luftar
Gaile has said that GW2 will be DX 10 ready but it will not be required. I doubt they can give system requirements already, its way too early the game may not release till 2010, the world can end by then, who knows, all I know is that they have said they will make it so even low end computers will be able to play the game.
Those new breeds of Charr are amazing... look at that armor.
Far Shiverpeaks looks incredible -- look at those trees. o.o
Far Shiverpeaks looks incredible -- look at those trees. o.o