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The new party health bars are too thin for a monk to heal properly, specially the infuser.
We need the option to customize out party window health bars. I'm aware that many people prefer the aesthetic look of the new once but here i'm talking about FUNCTIONALITY.
Originally Posted by Andrew Patrick
We are aware of the issue with the chests, and it is being worked on. No ETA yet, and we apologize for the trouble. On the bright side, it is not using up one of your keys when you try, you simply can't hit the "Yes I want to use a key" button. It's being worked on, and we will let you know if there are any new developments.
As for the health bars, they are not broken as the thread title implies. If you prefer the old ones, by all means let us know, but this was a *very* small UI change, not a bug. Again, feel free to discuss it, we just didn't want anyone thinking it is broken/unintended. Also, this was a change to the "small" interface size, so the other interface sizes are unchanged. Playing in larger interface sizes will obviously increase the bar size, so you may want to try that if they are too small in the "small" size. |
I would like to mention that changing the resolution is NOT an option. The lag and rubber banding are bad enough running window mode. changing the interface size does make the party bars bigger but makes everything else too large also. I know that Anet listens to us and i'm writing this hoping for a fast FIX.
Please allow us to custumize our party window to our needs, it's that simple to keep the monks happy and the people who play other characters happy.
I don't understand why we can change the size of the skills icons yet we CAN"T make the health bars thicker. It's vital for any players playing monk out here.