If you're going to comment on a concept class, please read it through completely before doing so.
Elite Classes___________________________________________ ______________________
Artificer / Max Armor Level 60 / 20 Default Energy / +4 Energy Regeneration / -20% Condition Duration / Asura OnlyDescription : Asura are small, technically inclined, and adept magic users. Artificers utilize all three of the Asura's unique attributes to create a valuable, multipurpose person.
Weapons : With technical incline, comes technical weaponry. Artificers specialize in complex ranged weapons, varying from compound multi-string bows, crossbows of varying abilities, and even basic bolt-action rifles and muskets. All Artificer weapons are two handed.
Armorment : Asura, and Artificers for that matter, rely on armor that is light weight but through the chemistry of its makeup, still durable and reliable. Artifcers do not possess, or use, a shield.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Proficiency* : For every rank in Proficiency, damage dealt by Firearms and Demolition based skills increase 1%. Most Proficiency skills and spells are designed soley to synergize with one of the Artificer's other attributes.
Firearms : Firearms are unique from all other weapons - their damage is not tied to their accompanying attribute. Instead, greater ranks in Firearm produces higher accuracy with Firearm weaponry. This accuracy is affected by the conditions between the shooter and the target, as well as the speed of the target and their distance from the shooter. With the exception of low-accuracy short-range repeating crossbows, all firearms shoot slowest of all weapons and possess the greatest range of all weapons - plus the range of a Firearm is not affected by height differences, unlike traditional bows. Firearm weaponry has a high failure rate if the attacker does not possesses any points in Firearms (this prevents other classes, and races, from making any effective use with these weapons).
Alchemy : Through the use of magic combined with the Asura's profound technical and chemical knowledge, Alchemy can produce unique effects. Alchemy can be used to modify the material of an object, to create an explosive concoction with a benine substance, or spew forth billowing smoke screens. (Asura have superb hearing and vision, and are significantly less penalized in blindness-like situations than other races are) Most notably, is that Alchemical skills can be used to modify the properties of their weapon, and their armor - giving them that vital defensive boost necessary in tight situations.
Demolition : With the use of glyphs, substances, and mechanical devices, demolition can be used to create powerful explosives that can be more greatly controlled than other, more magic based explosions. Demolition skills are used once to identify a target, then replaced with a "Detonate" skill - which when used, will activated the associated effect on the target.
Paladin / Max Armor Level 80 / 20 Default Energy / +3 Energy Regeneration / Human OnlyDescription : Humans, having destroyed Abaddon and given birth to a new God, earned the favor of the rest of the gods as an entire species. From this, the Gods have endowed Paladins from monastic orders of devout followers with unnatural - divine - powers. With this great blessing, Paladins are able to draw upon the divine nature of their patron deity, giving the Paladins abilities rarely seen before.
Weapons : Paladins specialize in small, one-handed blunt weaponry - maces to be specific. Maces are no faster than a long sword, but weaker than one in damage output. In exchange however, spiked maces do offer some armor penetration. In the off-hand, Paladins utilize massive Tower Shields. Tower Shields provide exceptional armor, and possess a natural 10% chance to block attacks. Paladins can use skills from their Guardianship attribute to protect and guard an adjacent ally with this massive shield.
Armorment : Of all the classes that rely on pure physical armor to survive, none do better than the Paladin. Paladin armor insignias give additional armor for adjacent allies, allowing them greater ability to protect and defend.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Divinity* : Paladins, unique to any other classes, possess the ability to extend their divinity outwards to create mobile wards - auras if you will. These auras, maintained like monk enchantments, one at a time only, can help allies or hamper enemies. The size of their auras increase with the ranks in Divinity.
Mace Mastery : The Paladin utilizes a one handed heavy bludgeoning weapon with the ability to penetrate armor. The mace attacks at the speed of a long sword, but does less damage than one. The Paladin's primary role is protecting adjacent allies, not dealing damage.
Guardianship : The paladin is a defender, a protector, and this is where that is most prevelant. The Paladin is the only class to utilize large tower shields to deflect and protect themself and others. Several Guardianship abilities allow the Paladin to "take" hits that were directed at adjacent allies for example.
Worship : Lending from the aura of their patron deity for power, the Paladin is able to use divine-based spells that are immune to normal counterspell measures. (Note: While Divine spells are immune to counterspell measures, they are not as powerful as normal spells are.)
Theurgist / Max Armor Level 60 / 30 Default Energy / +6 Energy Regeneration / Sylvari OnlyDescription : Theurgy is a mastery of latent energy - both magical and divine - that inhabits the world around us. Theurgists are able to utilize this energy, through magical objects, to create miraculous effects.
Weapons : Theurgists do not use staves, instead they rely soley on the power of a wand and focus. In addition, the Theurgist is the only class that possesses a mastery of wands - allowing them greater damage potential with wands. When a wand attack is used, and the wand is enchanted, this attack will also drain 1 energy from the Theurgist in order to fuel the enchantment placed on the Wand.
Armorment : Like the Sylvari, Theurgist armor design is heavily influenced by nature, and things natural. Theurgist armor Insignias do not provide additional armor - but instead, provide health and energy regeneration that are dependent on the situation. The amount provided is in decimal, requiring that all armor pieces possess appropriate insignias in order to receive a whole regeneration point. These situations can be while in a stance (+1 total), while enchanted (+1 total), while hexed (+2 total), while under a condition (+2 total), or while casting a spell (+3 total).
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Honing* : The Theurgist is attuned to the energies surrounding her, and receives 1 energy whenever a spell is cast within range by an ally or a foe. The range of this effect increases with higher ranks in Honing.
Instrumentation : Instrumentation allows the Theurgist to endow objects with powerful enchantments, even stationary ones. This allows the Theurgist to create powerful wards and areas of effect that are fueled directly by the Theurgist's energy. The closer the Theurgist is to the placed instrument, the greater the effect and greater the drain on her energy. In addition, Instrumentation can be utilized to enhance the effect, energy, or damage of a Focus or Wand temporarily.
Artifact Mastery : Theurgists are able to utilize any wand, and the damage of this wand increases with greater ranks in Artifact Mastery. In addition, Focuses increase in beneficial effects - providing additional energy to the Theurgist with higher and higher ranks in Artifact Mastery. Theurgist only wands and focuses rely on the attributes of Honing, Instrumentation, and Miracles.
Miracles : Theurgists are natural miracle workers, and utilize both magical and divine spells to accomplish these feats. Many miracle spells are based on the beauty of nature and the power of spirits.
Vanguard / Max Armor Level 80 / 25 Default Energy / +2 Energy Regeneration / Norn Only
Description : The Vanguard uses the Norn's robust shapeshifting ability to utilize weaponry normally too difficult to use for smaller creatures. Vanguards are superb fighters, however because of the size and range of their weapons they are cumbersome in tight spaces - or in thick fights.
Weapons : Vanguards use weapons designed primarly for use while shapeshifted into larger, more physically powerful forms. These include two-headed pole hammers, two bladed pole-swords, large halberds and pole axes, ball & chain, cluster flails, glaives, giant axes, and giant spiked maces. If the Norn attempts to use a weapon while not shapeshifted, they attack slower and must weild the weapon with both hands - losing the armor from their bracers. While shapeshifted, they attack faster and gain the armor bonus from their bracers. (Vanguard weaponry is large, and generally very difficult to block)
Armorment : Norn armor utilizes thick, heavy plates held into place by a flexible lattice of straps. This allows for freedom of movement, and accurate placement of armor while shape-shifted or not. The Vanguard goes a step further, and includes strategic sub-shields attached to their arms to allow greater defense without sacrificing one arm for a shield. Vanguard armor Insignias are based on bonuses associated with how many adrenaline strikes they are under, giving more armor with more adrenaline strikes.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Might* : For each rank in Might, the Vanguard's weapon damage while shapeshifted increases by 3%.
Rage : Rage-based attacks that are fueled heavily by adrenaline. One of the main uses of Rage shouts is to increase the power of the Vanguard, enabling her to deal greater and greater amounts of damage proportional to the number of adrenaline strikes she possesses. Using adrenaline based skills that eat adrenaline strikes reduce or even cancel this synergy with certain shouts and stances.
Exotic Mastery : The Vanguard's mastery over unique and specialized weaponry. Exotic weapons may vary considerably, and while the actual points allocated into Exotic Mastery will not affect the weapon damage as significantly as weapon masteries do for other classes, this gap is made up for with Rage shouts and synergization with Might.
Bracer Mastery : The vanguard's unique mastery over bracer based shields that attach directly to the arm, rather than being held in one hand. These shields can only be used while shapeshifted, if worn while not shapeshifted they become cumbersome and slow down the Norn.
Zealot / Max Armor Level 70 / 25 Default Energy / +3 Energy Regeneration / Charr OnlyDescription : Torn by civil war and belief, the Charr Zealot is one of the last true standing embodiments of what made the Charr so feared. Zealots are able to utilize their unique mastery of dual-wielding weapons, as well as powerful fire prayers, to forge themselves into a strong and determined attacker.
Weapons : Zealots are the only class able to adeptly equip and use two individual, independent weapons. While using two weapons instead of one, the Zealot attacks faster and incurs a chance to "miss" with his weapons. When fighting enemies that are smaller than the Zealot, he is able to attack two targets simultaneously. Zealots use a variety of different weapons, each with its own unique benfits. They use the Khopesh (a ? shaped sickle-sword), the Falx (while two handed, the Charr are large enough to wield them with one hand), and the Macana (a paddle shaped sword lined with barbed cutting teeth).
Armorment : Charr Zealot armor is not as strong as a Warrior's armor, this is because Zealot armor is based on flexible structures - such as chain, banded, or splint armor. Zealot armor Insignias give additional armor points based on the number of nearby enemies.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Ambidexterity* : For every rank in Ambidexterity, the accuracy and damage of both equiped weapons increase. Skills in Ambidexterity are stances, shouts, or attacks that utilize both weapons simultaneously.
Fire Prayers : Zealots embody the Charr's fervent worship of fire, and Fire Prayers can be used to endow weapons and armor with the properties of fire - giving them extra damage, armor, or even igniting the Zealot's foes on fire with every attacking blow.
Warcries : Powerful shouts that bestow power and aggression to the Zealot's allies, and can stun and frighten his enemies.
Blade Mastery: Zealots specialize in the use of several, exotic, one handed blade weapons. These weapons each carry a unique effect that can be delivered to the enemy. The Khopesh is able to seldomly inflict deep wounds, the Falx is a master of shield and armor penetration, and the Macana inflicts serious bleeding. While using one weapon, the Zealot receives a damage bonus and an accuracy bonus that allows them to sometimes bypass evasion and blocking. While wielding two weapons, this bonus is lost, accuracy drops to 66%, and attack speed greatly increases. *Note that ranks in Ambidexterity increases the accuracy from a base of 66%.
Standard Classes___________________________________________ _____________________
Acrobat / Max Armor Level 60 / 25 Default Energy / +3 Energy Regeneration / +5% Movement
Show Acrobat Example SkillsDescription : The Acrobat is a master of stances, movement, and hurling objects at targets with great accuracy and speed. They are nimble, flexible, and adept at avoidance and silent movement.
Weapons : Acrobats utilize thrown weapons. These weapons have half the range of a longbow, but can be used with greater speed and used while moving. Throwing weapons are small, and deal less damage than a dagger does but can be used rapidly and even while moving. The Acrobat can only throw at targets she can see, and only at targets to her sides or infront of her - she cannot attack what is behind her while moving. Acrobats may use a shield or focus in their off hand without suffering penalties to their ability to throw.
Armorment : Acrobats use little in the way of armor, preferring to utilize their skills and stances for defense, rather than what they are wearing. Acrobat armor Insignias provide additional armor for being in a stance, or additional armor while moving.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Athletics* : For every rank in Athletics, the Acrobat moves 3% faster. The movement increase from their armor, and from Athletics, raise the maximum cap for movement increases instead of adding to the current movement bonus, thus allowing the Acrobat to achieve great speeds.
Mobility : The feet are very important to an Acrobat, as are the stances she can maintain with them. Mobility stances help provide the Acrobat with vital defenses. These stances however require an expendeture in the movement of the Acrobat, slowing them down slightly. Because of this, Mobility and Athletics synergize very well.
Throwing Mastery : Acrobats are masters of the throwing dart, the throwing star, and many other types of small thrown weapons.
Aeriform : Limitations of the body need not always apply to the nimble Acrobat, by harnessing magical energies the Acrobat can enhance their agility to unnatural levels. In addition, the same magical powers can be used to affect the footing of those in battle - from speeding up his allies, to slowing down his enemies.
Duelist / Max Armor Level 70 / 25 Default Energy / +3 Energy Regeneration
Show Duelist Example SkillsDescription : Duelists are flamboyant, energetic, and excel at one-on-one combat. Many Duelist attacks are capable of point-blank interuptions, and the Duelist's primary attribute Fencing allows him to block and counterattack melee attacks from their targeted foe while using a rapier.
Weapons : Duelists exclusively use Rapiers. These are light weight, nimble one handed swords designed for quick and energetic motions. In addition, the Duelists do not use an off hand weapon, shield, or focus. Using one will paralyze their primary attribute, preventing all parrying and blocking from occuring.
Armorment : Duelists use colorful lightweight armor adorned with protective plates in key locations. Duelist armor Insignias provide bonuses depending on how many adjacent enemies are attacking him. The greater the number, the less, or none, bonus there is. The maximum bonus is applied when the Duelist is facing only one opponent.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Fencing* : Duelists are able to block melee attacks from their target by exchanging their current attack. When this occurs, Fencing skills can be used to issue a spectacular counterattack. The chance to block melee attacks in this way increases 3% with every rank in Fencing. Equiping a shield, or any weapon other than a Rapier, will remove all bonuses from Fencing and prevent parrying. Counterattacks cannot be blocked.
Charisma : The duelist possesses exceptional charisma, and can use this to perform shouts and chants to affect the battle, or maintain a taunt on an enemy to reduce their combat effectiveness. Taunts are not treated as hexes, and thus are very difficult to remove. Taunts end automatically when the tauntee moves far enough away from the taunter. Only one Taunt can be placed on a target at a time.
Artistry : The duelist specializes in fighting flamboyantly, and skills that involve interupting others in close range, or creating illusions with quick movements of their blade and body.
Rapier Mastery : The Duelist's weapon of choice is the nimble Rapier. The rapier is quicker then a sword, slower then a dagger, and deals damage slightly higher than that of a dagger. Rapiers deal both slashing damage and piercing damage.
Psychic / Max Armor Level 70 / 20 Default Energy / +4 Energy Regeneration / +25 Health
Show Psychic Example SkillsDescription : With the rise of a new god, new teachings about life arose. Psychics are devout followers of Kormir, and seek understanding and power through the truth of sight and mind. The Psychic specializes in attacking with their fists, while utilizing their mental powers to predict the future actions of an opponent, as well as confuse and damage the thoughts of his foes.
Weapons : Psychics are Pugilists, that is, they rely on their fists to do their damage. Weapons vary slightly, from gauntlets to knuckles to fistplates, but the general theme is that the hands do the talking.
Armorment : Psychic armor is similar to Monk armor, but different in that pieces of metal are incorperated into the layout - to created a layered and banded look that provides greater protection. Psychic armor Insignias provide two effects. The first one increases armor based on the number of Psyche skills present on the skill bar. The other, increases armor based on the number of Psyche skills NOT present on the skill bar.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Insight* : Through the eye of their minds, blessed by Kormir, the Psychic is capable of perceiving that which has not yet happened, and reacting to it before it has come. Insight also blesses the Psychic with knowledge of the nature of things, and the nature of their mind. For each rank in Insight, non-spell & non-ritual skills activate 4.375% faster.
Pugilism : Through their hands, and the gauntlets they wear to strengthen them, the Psychic masters the art of hand to hand combat. Gauntlets and knuckle weapons use both hands.
Telepathy : With power over the mind, the Psychic is able to redirect the targets of an enemy spell, inflict pain unto their mind and drain their energy, as well as create illusions of the flesh to inflict injury.
Concentration : The Psychic is master of their own mind, and skillful at utilizing abilities to maintain that level of control. With this knowledge of the mind's limitations, they also learn how to alter and confuse the minds of their foes.
Sorcerer / Max Armor Level 60 / 50 Default Energy / +2 Energy RegenerationDescription : Sorcerers excel at mid-range combat, and utilize the reach of their Whip and the nature of their unnatural spells to help keep their distance from close range enemies. It is important to note that Sorcery spells have the highest energy cost of all spells, and are the most unstable of all spells - unlike normal spells, Sorcery spells are not targeted and can damage anyone, friend or foe. Sorcerers utilize their whip by infusing energy into it, then unleashing that energy in a flurry of lashes. All Sorcery based enchantments backlash (deal damage) on the caster when they are removed before they expire naturally. This backlash effect will trigger Attunement.
Weapons : The Sorcerer relies on his primary weapon, a Whip, in one hand and a focus in the off hand. Sorcerer focuses are based on the Attunement, Infusion, and Diffusion attributes. There are no staves and wands of these three attributes.
Armorment : Sorcerer armor is a hedgery of various components of other armor, suited to fit the Sorcerer without hindering their ability to cast spells. Sorcerer armor Insignias provide one of two primary effects, giving additional armor based on the remaining energy the Sorcerer has, or raising the maximum energy of the Sorcerer higher than what a Radiant Insignia alone could do.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Attunement* : Sorcerers are naturally attuned to magical energies, and each time a non-divine spell is cast on them or affects them they gain 33% of the energy cost of that spell plus 1 energy for every 3 ranks in Attunement. Attunement based spells are unique, in that they require no casting time, but generally have long recharge times.
Whip Mastery : Whips by themselves are not very effective weapons, but together with the arcane abilities of Infusion, a Whip can become a powerful weapon. Whips are weakest of all weapons, attack slower than a sword, but has farther reach than any other melee weapon.
Infusion : Spells based on Infusion are able to draw energy inward, either to damage a single target, or to imbue a weapon with magical energy in order to unleash that energy on the next attack. Some Infusion spells drain all remaining energy, and the damage they deal is proportional to the energy drained (damage per energy point expended). Infusion spells can also be used to give an ally a quick burst of energy, either in the form of regeneration or a large energy spike.
Diffusion : Opposite of Infusion spells, Diffusion spells are able to draw energy outward, allowing them to damage many targets simultaneously, or even deflect damage outwards. Damage deflected with Diffusion spells are not negated, and instead are re-directed to the nearest other creature(s). Diffusion spells can also be used to sap energy from an enemy, spreading the energy outwards and dealing minor damage to adjacent creatures - foe or ally.
Virtuoso / Max Armor Level 70 / 20 Default Energy / +2 Energy Regeneration / +25 HealthDescription : The Virtuoso is a master of Signets, and as such a majority of their skills are based on, or are, Signets. The Virtuoso is also able to memorize the skills of others through their signets. "Capturing" a skill in this manner will cause it to replace the Signet for a certain number of uses, after which the original Signet will refresh and the captured skill is forgotten. It is also important to note that while a Virtuoso can affect the skill bar of others, they are not able to actually interupt - or affect - skills that are already being used.
Weapons : The Virtuoso uses a pair of Tonfa, these are designed more for defense and stunning an opponent than dealing damage. Tonfa are the only weapons that include their own armor statistic. Tonfa use both hands, and many Tonfa related skills can cause stunning, or will daze the opponent for a second or two.
Armorment : The Virtuoso utilizes armor that is comprised of layers of cloth and leather, pleated and woven to provide structural support. Virtuoso armor Insignias provide additional armor for each memorized skill, or for each recharging signet.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Lore* : For every rank in Lore, the number of times a memorized skill can be used once captured increases by 2. Lore based skills are able to affect the skill bars of others, either increasing the recharge time of one skill while decreasing the recharge time of another skill. Lore can also be utilized to cause enemies to force-use a skill against their will, enabling the Virtuoso to capture said skill more easily.
Memory : Memory Signets contain the majority of the Virtuoso's skill memorization abilities. This attribute synergizes very well with Lore.
Symbolism : Symbolism Signets and skills enhance, or augment, existing signets. Either allowing them to be un-interuptable, or hastening their recharge or cast time. Other Symbolism signets can be used to force a re-target of an enemy to something else for their next skill. This can be highly disruptive to characters trying to disrupt someone in battle.
Club Mastery : The Tonfa is the Virtuoso's weapon of choice. Tonfas provide both offensive and defensive abilities, and simply having them equiped will give the Virtuoso an armor boost. Club Mastery skills and attacks are able to both deal damage, as well as increase the defensive nature of the Tonfa, and even deliver conditions to the Virtuoso's enemy.
Wizard / Max Armor Level 60 / 30 Default Energy / +4 Energy RegenerationDescription : Wizards are masters of the magical and the arcane, and while their spells may not be as direct as those of a Monk or an Elementalist, they are unique, adaptive, and powerful none the less. Conjuration and Evocation are the Wizard's offensive attributes.
Weapons : Wizards possess both staff and wand/focus combinations. These artifacts can rely on any attribute of the Wizard, as all are pertinent to casting.
Armorment : The Wizard is poor at donning armor, and instead focuses on enchanted clothing to provide their defense. Wizard armor Insignias provide additional armor bonuses while a spell they've cast is in effect. This bonus is per spell in effect, and includes summoning spells that create a minion, or AoE spells. This bonus only applies to spells cast from the Wizard attributes, and will not work with spells from other classes.
Attributes________________________________________ ___________________________
Evocation* : For each rank in Evocation, spells cast by the Wizard deal 1 additional point of damage of that spell's property everytime that spell does damage. This synergizes very well with spells that deal damage over time, or damage per second (degeneration is not considered damage, and does not count).
Transmutation : Transmutation spells are able to convert health into energy, and energy into health. Transmutation spells can also be used to change the physical shape of a creature, either endowing an ally with a powerful form, or cursing an enemy with a diminutive form. For health and energy conversions that would give more points than the character's max would allow, this max is bypassed and points are added "ontop" of the maximum. These "surpluss" points degrade 20 per second for health, and 1 per second for energy. While health or energy has a surplus, regeneration is ignored. Conversions primarily use a ratio of 10 : 1 for health : energy. Transmutation spells can also be used to morph the area of effect of the Wizard's next spell.
Abjuration : Abjuration spells fortify the Wizard against attacks, can shatter the defenses of his foes, and even unsummon minions and spirits.
Conjuration : Conjuration spells can create golems from the elements, or create clouds and storms to rain down destruction on the Wizard's foes.
These are all the classes I feel guild wars 2 would need, including the already existing classes in guild wars 1.
Below is a list of existing classes and the above mentioned classes with abbreviations.
Warrior ( W )
Ranger ( R )
Monk ( Mo )
Elementalist ( E )
Necromancer ( N )
Mesmer ( Me )
Assasin ( A )
Ritualist ( Rt )
Dervish ( D )
Paragon ( P )
Wizard ( Wi )
Duelist ( Du )
Psychic ( Py )
Acrobat ( Ac )
Sorcerer ( S )
Virtuoso ( Vi )
*Vanguard ( Va )
*Paladin ( Pl )
*Artificer ( Ar )
*Zealot ( Z )
*Theurgist ( T )
All in all, this is 21 classes. 10 original, 5 elite, and 6 standard.