Originally Posted by DeXyre
The best tip has already been given (adapt) and for specific area's I'm pretty sure there are more specific tips around...
I gave some hero/hench build tips/setups to a couple of people in the guild for area's they had problems in, and afterwards it went way more smooth...
RoT was pretty annoying at the start, I have to admit, but after some minor changes everything went alright (this didn't mean I cut right through it, but except for the occasional blunder, it wasn't really challenging either any more...)
Giving the tip to -adapt- is about as useful as saying - get better. People dont jsut all of the sudden go "wow, that helped alot, Im BETTER NOW!"
or "wow thanks for saying adapt, i have now adapted to my situation." And yes there are tips and guides for missions and stuff but people still need help and maybe some arent aware of all the guides out there, so people can enlighten them with help and links to where help is rather then cutting people down, and bashing them into the dirt.
To Etta: yeah im gettin a little heated and yes it is just a game thats why it pisses me off so much to see people acting like they are god cause they can do something easily when others cant so they have to make themselves feel even better by bashing the not so good one into the dirt. Its not constructive, doesnt help the thread at all, doesnt help ANYONE at all, and it NOT warranted in anyway. Basically all the people who do it need to grow up. And I know you people know who you are. Go ahead come and make fun of me poke at me how ever you want, you will just make yourselves look like fools, and I KNOW that even if you do bash me, or anyone else in any thread you really do know youre just being imature.