btw, is Legendary spearmarshal the max title in the track?
Update - Thursday April 19, 2007
I absolutely love hard mode
just went to farm sunspear points outside bone palace, aleady got the spearmarshal title ^^ got like 10 golds and alot of nice mods too..
btw, is Legendary spearmarshal the max title in the track?
btw, is Legendary spearmarshal the max title in the track?
Mr Jazzy
Quit whining.
I am beginning to think this whole forum is populated with negative people that just LOOK for reasons to whine, bitch, and moan as opposed to finding solutions for themselves.
If you are riled up just because ANet changes THEIR game that THEY own, then just quit. No one cares if you leave.
I am beginning to think this whole forum is populated with negative people that just LOOK for reasons to whine, bitch, and moan as opposed to finding solutions for themselves.
If you are riled up just because ANet changes THEIR game that THEY own, then just quit. No one cares if you leave.
Sir Skullcrasher
Can't we all just get along?
we can turn off capes!!! yay!
I farm. Its what I do. Because, quite frankly, there is nothing else for me to do. I am very happy about hard mode, but why nerf solo farming? This will not even be close enough to make me quit, but I would really like it if this is a glitch.
i think the trade off was
good bye green equipment
hello 3x more gold equips in hard mode
I've seen so much gold drops even in great northern wall, so you could say that farming is still very much alive. Only farmers have to adjust to the new style.
good bye green equipment
hello 3x more gold equips in hard mode
I've seen so much gold drops even in great northern wall, so you could say that farming is still very much alive. Only farmers have to adjust to the new style.
Originally Posted by Mr Jazzy
Quit whining.
I am beginning to think this whole forum is populated with negative people that just LOOK for reasons to whine, bitch, and moan as opposed to finding solutions for themselves. If you are riled up just because ANet changes THEIR game that THEY own, then just quit. No one cares if you leave. |
Vl Vl D
If they dont mind us farming for bling bling why the this change? Gaile said they didnt mind the odd farm and if this was the case why has the cash drop not changed or has it? Why not just do somthing about the cash rate instead of this solution and mass nerf bots.Im just trying to understand and I do realy like the hard mode idea in ascalon.Also dose any think matrials will go up in price?
Gaile talks as if she thinks that the drop rate has been scaled up and not down which would have been great, but it hasn't.
Gaile it has been scaled DOWN.
if this is a glitch please look into it and fix it anet. Scaling up for groups would work so much better and everyone would be happy.
Also the repeated map entry has removed farming code... Well the drops I get now are worse than when I had active farming code so bring back the good drops and farming code if that's how it's going to be o_O I say
Gaile it has been scaled DOWN.
if this is a glitch please look into it and fix it anet. Scaling up for groups would work so much better and everyone would be happy.
Also the repeated map entry has removed farming code... Well the drops I get now are worse than when I had active farming code so bring back the good drops and farming code if that's how it's going to be o_O I say
Flapper McSparkles
First thing I just did coming home from work was check the update page. I was met with a happy surprise:
Update - Friday April 20
Loot Changes
* Adjusted the following items so that they are now exempt from loot scaling:
o Skill Tomes
o Scrolls
o Dye
o Rare materials, such as Ectoplasm
o Gemstones from the Domain of Anguish
o All other rare (gold) items
o All unique (green) items
o Special event items
It seem the only things effected by the loot scaling are the crap merchant-sell items: whites, blues, and purples. Everything else drops the way they are supposed to again. Happy day.
Update - Friday April 20
Loot Changes
* Adjusted the following items so that they are now exempt from loot scaling:
o Skill Tomes
o Scrolls
o Dye
o Rare materials, such as Ectoplasm
o Gemstones from the Domain of Anguish
o All other rare (gold) items
o All unique (green) items
o Special event items
It seem the only things effected by the loot scaling are the crap merchant-sell items: whites, blues, and purples. Everything else drops the way they are supposed to again. Happy day.
did anyone see Gaile's explination?
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Some players have been concerned about the loot scaling aspect of this week's update. They wonder whether the fact that drops are scaled according to party size will substantially affect their gameplay experience and whether it will impact upon their ability to acquire wealth in the game. We asked the design team for some insight into the design of and the intent behind loot scaling, and found out a lot of interesting reasons for its implementation, including how the changes that have been a point of concern are readily addressed within the very system itself.
The bottom line is that ArenaNet's goal is to make it easier for normal players to make money while redirecting the efforts of the expert farmers to a way to continue to reap rich rewards without having a harmful effect on the overall game economy. The loot has not been scaled across the board. Instead, the loot scaling is selective, and it preserves a means for the high-end farmer to make money. But let's hear it from the design team itself, with this latest Dev Update: Why would ArenaNet make changes that impact solo farming? ArenaNet understands that people enjoy playing Guild Wars in many different ways, and our goal is to make each of those ways fun and rewarding. Solo farming sometimes becomes a controversial issue because it can damage the game for other people. In those cases, ArenaNet tries to keep the game fun for everyone while still providing fun and rewarding play for solo farmers. A major theme of our most recent update is that the game should be friendlier and more rewarding for casual players, including casual solo farmers, and that the most advanced farmers should differentiate themselves from the crowd not through the amount of gold and common loot that they farm directly from monsters, but instead through the amount of gold that they can get from selling rare items to other players (directly or through traders). That's a very important distinction. Advanced farmers are always going to earn more money than their more casual counterparts. There's nothing wrong with that. When farmers earn their money by finding valuable items and selling them to other players, they're making the game more enjoyable for everyone. They're facilitating trade, and the gold they acquire from doing so is gold that was already in the game. It's only when solo farming introduces a huge influx of new gold into the economy that it becomes a problem. Because of the way that Guild Wars loot system worked, solo farming traditionally generated at least eight times as much new gold per participant as playing in a party did. And because solo farmers were motivated to farm only certain specific groups of easily exploitable monsters, they could often generate not just eight times as much, but 10, 20, or 30 times as much loot per hour as everyone else. Even more problematic was that the activity that they were performing was easy for professional gold farmers to automate, so if a single solo farmer could generate 20 times as much loot as the average player, then a network of ten computers running bots could generate 200 times as much loot. This huge influx of new gold caused inflation and made it harder for casual players to afford the items they wanted. In order to contain this problem, ArenaNet periodically added code to prevent monsters from being exploited, for example by adding complexity to the monster AI. But these types of changes made the game less fun for other players. With the introduction of Hard Mode, we took a look a fresh look at normal mode to see how we could make the game friendlier for normal players. One thing we really wanted to do was to remove some of the advanced AI from normal mode -- things like monsters scattering from AoE, refusing to gather around individual characters, and fleeing or kiting players -- that we had originally introduced to contain botting. But in removing them, we needed to be sure that we weren't reintroducing exploits that would allow professional farmers to destroy the game's economy. The answer to these problems was to somewhat scale loot according to party size, to bring the direct gold rewards from solo farming more into line with the rewards from other ways of playing the game. But we still wanted solo farmers to have an edge, since solo farming can be a fun way to play and a major reason why people engage in solo farming is to make more money. So we kept the direct gold rewards somewhat better for solo farmer than for people in parties, and then we added new loot which is very valuable to other players and which is exempt from loot scaling, so that solo farmers can farm this loot more effectively than other players and earn money by selling or trading it. Thus, our goal is that solo farmers can still earn as much money as they did before, but they'll have to earn it in different ways. Instead of looking for things to sell to merchants, solo farmers should now be looking for things to sell to traders or other players. How does loot scaling work? Without loot scaling, solo farmers received every loot drop, whereas people who played in a party received only a fraction of loot drops. Thus, solo farmers received up to eight times as much loot for killing the same group of monsters. With loot scaling in place, solo farmers still get more loot than people who play in parties, but the gap is less severe than it was before. It is impossible to quantify precisely how much less because it depends on the type of loot farmed and involves some randomness, but here are some rough guidelines: People who play in normal size parties, including parties of heroes and henchman, will see no difference at all from loot scaling. At the same time, they will notice that normal mode is now much easier to farm, and that the introduction of Hard Mode provides a place they can play where the loot is better than ever before. Thus, people who play the game primarily in parties will simply make more money than they previously did. People who periodically enjoy farming solo (with no heroes or henchmen) but are casual about it are also likely to see an improvement. They'll find that solo farming is much easier than it was before, because monsters don't have the anti-farming AI that they used to have, and because the game no longer prevents players from repeatedly farming the same monsters over and over. Many types of builds that didn't work in the past, or that haven't been effective since the earliest days of Guild Wars, can now be used for solo farming. Thus, casual farmers will find the game much easier to farm than it was before, and that they can earn more money than before even with loot scaling in place. People who were advanced solo farmers and who were earning vastly more money through solo farming than through playing the game normally will see the full effect of loot scaling. They will earn less gold and common loot from solo farming than they did in the past. The loot scaling for gold and common loot is not linear with the number of players in the party, and it includes an element of randomness, so while the difference is not easy to quantify, it is by no means a factor of eight. Advanced solo farmers may now earn about twice as much gold and common loot from farming solo as they would if they farmed in a party. While gold and common loot are thus reduced for these players by loot scaling, certain other types of loot are completely unaffected. For example, Skill Tomes are completely unaffected by loot scaling, so they still drop eight times as frequently for solo farmers than they do for people who play in parties. Thus, advanced solo farmers will find that certain types of farming are still extremely productive for them, but they may have to change what and where they farm if they want to earn as much money as they did before. If ArenaNet makes it harder for players to farm, doesn't that drive players to purchase gold for cash from the professional farmers? ArenaNet's goal is to make it easier for normal players to make money, so that they can buy the things they need without having to purchase gold for cash, and then to redirect the farming activities of the most advanced players so that the way they make money is by selling things to other players rather than by introducing a flood of new gold into the economy. Here's how we've made it easier for normal players to make money: we removed the advanced AI behaviors from normal mode that slowed down the rate at which people could kill monsters there, we removed artificial barriers to casual farming such as certain farming builds not working or the game penalizing repeated farming of the same groups, we provided somewhat more gold and triple the number of uncommons and rares in Hard Mode, and we introduced entirely new types of loot. Here's how we've protected the economy from a flood of new gold: advanced farmers and professionals who choose to farm for new gold (as opposed to things they can sell to other players) will only make perhaps two or three times as much gold per hour as normal players, whereas in the past they made at least eight times as much, and by finding specific exploits they sometimes made 10, 20, or 30 times as much gold per hour as normal players. Here's how we've provided a new way for advanced players to make as much money as they did before: by introducing new items which will have a high demand from other players and thus high trade value, and then by making those items completely unaffected by loot scaling, so that solo farmers still have very effective ways to make a lot of money, but so that they make their money without hurting the game's economy. Will ArenaNet make additional changes to the loot scaling system? We constantly monitor the game to ensure that people are able to make good rewards for playing. Originally the list of items that were exempt from loot scaling was limited to newly introduced Hard Mode items. However, after reviewing player feedback and analyzing play logs from the past 12 hours, we've decided to make a broader range of items exempt. We want players who enjoy solo farming to have a wide variety of things that they can enjoy farming. Thus, with today's build, all of the following types of items will now be exempt from loot scaling: Skill Tomes Scrolls Dye Rare materials All rare (gold colored) items All unique (green) items Special event items We hope this information is helpful and welcome your questions and comments. |
Originally Posted by Flapper McSparkles
First thing I just did coming home from work was check the update page. I was met with a happy surprise:
Update - Friday April 20 Loot Changes * Adjusted the following items so that they are now exempt from loot scaling: o Skill Tomes o Scrolls o Dye o Rare materials, such as Ectoplasm o Gemstones from the Domain of Anguish o All other rare (gold) items o All unique (green) items o Special event items It seem the only things effected by the loot scaling are the crap merchant-sell items: whites, blues, and purples. Everything else drops the way they are supposed to again. Happy day. |
Originally Posted by Series
Why should people in groups be punished by getting less drops than if they went out by themselves? If you solo it, go ahead! You don't need a group, the update made soloing easier, and you wouldn't make any less money than if you were in a group. So go ahead, do it faster and easier. You wont be rewarded for using your little skill exploitation anymore however, but you are still 100% free to do so and you are NO LONGER PUNISHED for choosing to do so (the anti-farming code was removed).
Originally Posted by Mr Jazzy
Quit whining.
I am beginning to think this whole forum is populated with negative people that just LOOK for reasons to whine, bitch, and moan as opposed to finding solutions for themselves. If you are riled up just because ANet changes THEIR game that THEY own, then just quit. No one cares if you leave. |
I get so sick of people telling others to quit whining. we are simple stating our opinions. If you dont like stop reading the forums.
Flapper McSparkles
Originally Posted by Dscrilla
did anyone see Gaile's explination? |
X Omega Gold
Yay! No more flaming farmers, haha, j/k. But seriously, just another example ANet listening to the cries of the community. Maybe they're not so bad after all, lol.
Originally Posted by byte1
you are missing the point... I personally am farming for the gold not a darn title farming for the green.. not a title... farming for the ecto not a title..I could give to crap loads for the title I want the loot.. I like hard mode... they could have left normal mode alone though... bad move Anet.. losing a 2 year vet. and if this is how GW2 will be .. time for me to move on
![]() |
Originally Posted by brian78wa
Ever heard of freedom of Speech?
Well I've cleared out several areas in hard mode - no rare golds one or two purples very little cash. Totally pointless and prophetless.
I've done my solo run which without farming code usually netted me at least one rare gold - 5 runs later not one gold whatsoever, so the claim that gold drops are back to normal is balony
I'm not an advanced farmer, I don't farm greens or ectos, I just occasionally if I need cash (cos let's face it you don't get enough playing the game for simple max armor) do some solo runs of kryta and make a modest amount but enough to keep me going.
Now I'm stuffed. I dont' want to be forced to create builds to farm UW or greens. I want to be able to make a bit of cash occasionally for myself, but no now I can't, even in hard mode.
I'd look at that exempt list again if I were you Anet and check out the rare gold drops cos they stink now. My drops are worse than the worst farming code I ever endured.
I have never bought gold and never will, I worked for every gold I have. but a lot more people will be driven to ebay. All this update has done is promote the bots and send more real life cash to their owners, I bet ebay gold prices go up now... Way to go
I've done my solo run which without farming code usually netted me at least one rare gold - 5 runs later not one gold whatsoever, so the claim that gold drops are back to normal is balony
I'm not an advanced farmer, I don't farm greens or ectos, I just occasionally if I need cash (cos let's face it you don't get enough playing the game for simple max armor) do some solo runs of kryta and make a modest amount but enough to keep me going.
Now I'm stuffed. I dont' want to be forced to create builds to farm UW or greens. I want to be able to make a bit of cash occasionally for myself, but no now I can't, even in hard mode.
I'd look at that exempt list again if I were you Anet and check out the rare gold drops cos they stink now. My drops are worse than the worst farming code I ever endured.
I have never bought gold and never will, I worked for every gold I have. but a lot more people will be driven to ebay. All this update has done is promote the bots and send more real life cash to their owners, I bet ebay gold prices go up now... Way to go

Originally Posted by Miral
ever heard of privately owned forums?
People say that were whining about this. The only reason this happened is because people were whining about solo farmers. So once again the REAL whiners ruin it for others. Just like the SR nerf. The rest of us just want to be able to play the game the way we want to. Not being forced to play it the way they want us to.
El Kazzer
i have a totally different question (dunno if it has been anwered allready)
if you complete a mission (+bonus/master reward) in hard mode, is it also completed in normal mode?
-so, can i work on the prot and guardian title without doing all the missions 2 times?
...about loot scaling... that sucks!
if you complete a mission (+bonus/master reward) in hard mode, is it also completed in normal mode?
-so, can i work on the prot and guardian title without doing all the missions 2 times?
...about loot scaling... that sucks!
Originally Posted by brian78wa
Think I care if theyre privately owned forums? Anet needs to be aware of how people feel. and if what they are doing makes people want to leave they should know that. Im not saying im one of them but I have been thinking about it myself. This game is becoming more and more unenjoyable for alot of people. If I want to go and farm by myself I should be able to without being punished. They say that all this stuff is exempt from the loot scaling but I havent seen it. Ive been doing my smite runs which I ocassionally do. out of 5runs I got 0 ecto 0 golds and only got 300g profit. Ya sure sounds like theyre exempt to me.
People say that were whining about this. The only reason this happened is because people were whining about solo farmers. So once again the REAL whiners ruin it for others. Just like the SR nerf. The rest of us just want to be able to play the game the way we want to. Not being forced to play it the way they want us to. |
well having just gone through from gates of kryta to the first portal in hard mode I can tell you farming code is still in effect in hard mode
the drops decreased markedly with each run to the point where I killed over 25 enemies with no drop whatsoever not even cash. Even for a henchie and hero group that is ridiculous, and when I did get drops they were just mergoyle skulls.
the drops decreased markedly with each run to the point where I killed over 25 enemies with no drop whatsoever not even cash. Even for a henchie and hero group that is ridiculous, and when I did get drops they were just mergoyle skulls.
Originally Posted by Abarra
I can tell you farming code is still in effect in hard mode.
This is just god aweful
farming was realistically the only thing I have to do to pass the time in the game when Im not PvPing or helping friends.
With this new update it gives me no incentive whatsoever to play anymore, especially with GW2 beta coming so soon.
Ill watch the updates but if this is permenant there is absolutely no way I will continue to play the game.
I guess Ill go back to WoW for the meantime and wait for my beta to Tabula Rasa. Guess the UO/TR dev team (when refering to anet in the pc gamer article) is correct, they are a bunch of amatures with no idea how to make a MMORPG successful long-term.
This is as bad or worse than Sony when they updated Starwars Galaxies. They *cannot* change fundamentals of the game without major backlash from their users.

With this new update it gives me no incentive whatsoever to play anymore, especially with GW2 beta coming so soon.
Ill watch the updates but if this is permenant there is absolutely no way I will continue to play the game.
I guess Ill go back to WoW for the meantime and wait for my beta to Tabula Rasa. Guess the UO/TR dev team (when refering to anet in the pc gamer article) is correct, they are a bunch of amatures with no idea how to make a MMORPG successful long-term.
This is as bad or worse than Sony when they updated Starwars Galaxies. They *cannot* change fundamentals of the game without major backlash from their users.
Flapper McSparkles
Yeah, anti-farming code is still active. I was 55ing hard-mode minotaurs in Anvil Rock and the drops got worse and worse each time I entered. After four or five entries all I was getting were minotaur horns. I kept trying to make sure that it wasn't just bad luck, but in the final 6 entries killing the minotaurs I got one blue item and that was it besides horns.
If they want re-entry farming to no longer be penalized, then they need to make it work that way in fact.
If they want re-entry farming to no longer be penalized, then they need to make it work that way in fact.
ya know, I said the same thing when I wrote to anet and anet told me to come here and post my thoughts in the board.. and it was deleted .. it was not even bad, no foul language nothing. somebody just did not like what I said. but, if this is a "Elite" board they should leave all meg's bad or good since it is kinda important that anet see this stuff and how mad people are.
I do know the anti farm code is still in affect in hard mode they only took it out in normal mode which is what they said they were going to do.. have I tried it no.. can I 55 / SS in Uw like the old says yes
did I get ecto you betcha.. but yes I still think this smack to the people that make their game a success is a little harsh.
if you are going to make drops small and infrequent then cap the prices of stuff period so people can get stuff they need or want.
keep changing crap around and pretty soon all that will be left is the bots.
then what ?
I do know the anti farm code is still in affect in hard mode they only took it out in normal mode which is what they said they were going to do.. have I tried it no.. can I 55 / SS in Uw like the old says yes

if you are going to make drops small and infrequent then cap the prices of stuff period so people can get stuff they need or want.
keep changing crap around and pretty soon all that will be left is the bots.
then what ?
Mugsy Siegel
After dozens of changes to several zones over these two years (Too many to name) to make sure opportunists wouldn't be able to farm those zones for long, This is the final nail to the coffin, to make solo farming not worth doing altogether.
When it's not helping people out with quests, or pvping,or working on your titles (a few requiring vast amounts of money, gained though farming), it's farming, eliminating solo-farming will make as of now, all those creative (and simple) builds used to farm be for nothing.
To be honest, i think this is more of a test than a permanent change, it was enough that they were steadily adding extra monsters or skills to existing monsters to counter some builds (or just simply editing the skills farmers used, to make it less effective in all situations.) just to prevent solo-farming in a certain area, but this is a rather big change towards "solving the problem" (if any) of solo-farming. personally i think this is a bad idea.
Just like Sentenial said, if this is permanent, I'm defininatley going to stop playing this game and switch to WoW, because the way I see it, it's not worth playing this game now if they make it eight times more frustrating to make money in a game where you pretty much can't enjoy it without at least having a good amount of money.
When it's not helping people out with quests, or pvping,or working on your titles (a few requiring vast amounts of money, gained though farming), it's farming, eliminating solo-farming will make as of now, all those creative (and simple) builds used to farm be for nothing.
To be honest, i think this is more of a test than a permanent change, it was enough that they were steadily adding extra monsters or skills to existing monsters to counter some builds (or just simply editing the skills farmers used, to make it less effective in all situations.) just to prevent solo-farming in a certain area, but this is a rather big change towards "solving the problem" (if any) of solo-farming. personally i think this is a bad idea.
Just like Sentenial said, if this is permanent, I'm defininatley going to stop playing this game and switch to WoW, because the way I see it, it's not worth playing this game now if they make it eight times more frustrating to make money in a game where you pretty much can't enjoy it without at least having a good amount of money.
Originally Posted by Orbberius
I'm so happy Anet finally made loot scale to party size. Of course, we don't know the exact numbers yet, but this has been a pretty highly requested feature (here's my thread on it), so it's nice to see it.
No more boring soloing! (Except for those who still want to...) |
BUT who cares? in yesterdays patch they reverted the update, and ur now able to solo again wewt.
p.s. soloing hard mode pwns... i got 3 blck dyes and 2 whites yesterday.... and that was from plains of jarin dervish farming... i think i could try farming imps in tyria... fellblades Oo
This is one of my first replies in this site and i just have to say that this update sucks! Normal mode isnt normal, everything changed! If its normal than you keep it like before, and hard mode is indeed a bit easier to get good drops, so its cool to play it. But what Anet must do is to improve the drops in hard and not change the drops in "normal" mode. I am now thinking if i am going to buy gw:en and gw2 cause this game isnt the game that i wanted, this is not guildwars anymore...... My bro and I used to play gw every day and we liked the game but now it seems this is just like crap ...........
Goodbye Anet and thx for this "wonderful" update
Goodbye Anet and thx for this "wonderful" update
Originally Posted by alextam
This is one of my first replies in this site and i just have to say that this update sucks! Normal mode isnt normal, everything changed! If its normal than you keep it like before, and hard mode is indeed a bit easier to get good drops, so its cool to play it. But what Anet must do is to improve the drops in hard and not change the drops in "normal" mode. I am now thinking if i am going to buy gw:en and gw2 cause this game isnt the game that i wanted, this is not guildwars anymore...... My bro and I used to play gw every day and we liked the game but now it seems this is just like crap ...........
Goodbye Anet and thx for this "wonderful" update |
it wasn't reverted, they just exempted things from scaling such as dyes and supposedly rare items though I am completely unconvinced about the rare items.
I could get at least 3 or 4 golds in a few runs even with max farming code, but now I don't get any at all. This says to me that they haven't reverted the gold drops back to what they were. If they're no longer scaled to party size, then they have significantly reduced the gold item drops in normal mode.
People should not be forced into playing in groups, they should not be forced to play hard mode for drops - which incidentally still has farming code.
I enjoyed this game now I dont' enjoy playing it at all.
No gwen for me.
another anet satisfied customer
I could get at least 3 or 4 golds in a few runs even with max farming code, but now I don't get any at all. This says to me that they haven't reverted the gold drops back to what they were. If they're no longer scaled to party size, then they have significantly reduced the gold item drops in normal mode.
People should not be forced into playing in groups, they should not be forced to play hard mode for drops - which incidentally still has farming code.
I enjoyed this game now I dont' enjoy playing it at all.
No gwen for me.
another anet satisfied customer
Even there is a patch for these items the "normal" loots havent changed....
So I would say that the "normal" mode isnt normal cause in uw when you farm before the update you can pick up loots from several smiters and etc which let you gain back your entry fee (1k) today, if you havent good some chance you will loose all your money .... is this the normal mode that we used to play? I guess not... I think we all should strike against them for example nobody plays guild wars at this monday or another day, so they know that we dont like this update and this is "normal" i think ......
So I would say that the "normal" mode isnt normal cause in uw when you farm before the update you can pick up loots from several smiters and etc which let you gain back your entry fee (1k) today, if you havent good some chance you will loose all your money .... is this the normal mode that we used to play? I guess not... I think we all should strike against them for example nobody plays guild wars at this monday or another day, so they know that we dont like this update and this is "normal" i think ......
Enchanted Warrior
Folks, read Anets response as to why the changes were made. If you still insist on things your own way, then so beit. Otherwise, the loot changes had to be made. The game cannot just spit gold and loot as often as it is requested to, there is a balance in place and abuse of the system can cause real problems. It can cause code malfuntions and even lead to a system crash if left unchecked. How would you like to get a sword that requires 75 hammer to use, and has 3-4 damage? It can happen when the system is pushed to far. Computers and software are not error free. Ever read the specs on hardware, it actually shows the estimated error free use and predicts failures etc..
And if nothing else, you're worrying about imaginary loot and gold. Talk about a waste of time. Only TOS violators and alike should be bothered by the changes. Otherwise, who cares, play or go away...
And before someone flames me, if everyone in game does not have the same chance to enjoy the game, it's a failure. We all paid the same, and deserve to enjoy it equally. Those that think otherwise, well I feel sorry for you. If you derive selfworth from the game, stop and turn it off. Try being with family and friends more. This is just a game, and boiled down, it's just 1's and 0's in a pretty pattern.
And if nothing else, you're worrying about imaginary loot and gold. Talk about a waste of time. Only TOS violators and alike should be bothered by the changes. Otherwise, who cares, play or go away...
And before someone flames me, if everyone in game does not have the same chance to enjoy the game, it's a failure. We all paid the same, and deserve to enjoy it equally. Those that think otherwise, well I feel sorry for you. If you derive selfworth from the game, stop and turn it off. Try being with family and friends more. This is just a game, and boiled down, it's just 1's and 0's in a pretty pattern.
Originally Posted by Enchanted Warrior
Folks, read Anets response as to why the changes were made. If you still insist on things your own way, then so beit. Otherwise, the loot changes had to be made. The game cannot just spit gold and loot as often as it is requested to, there is a balance in place and abuse of the system can cause real problems. It can cause code malfuntions and even lead to a system crash if left unchecked. How would you like to get a sword that requires 75 hammer to use, and has 3-4 damage? It can happen when the system is pushed to far. Computers and software are not error free. Ever read the specs on hardware, it actually shows the estimated error free use and predicts failures etc..
And if nothing else, you're worrying about imaginary loot and gold. Talk about a waste of time. Only TOS violators and alike should be bothered by the changes. Otherwise, who cares, play or go away... And before someone flames me, if everyone in game does not have the same chance to enjoy the game, it's a failure. We all paid the same, and deserve to enjoy it equally. Those that think otherwise, well I feel sorry for you. If you derive selfworth from the game, stop and turn it off. Try being with family and friends more. This is just a game, and boiled down, it's just 1's and 0's in a pretty pattern. |
As far as someone elses comment about reverting the loot scaling. thats not true. They only exempted a few things. But where most solo farmers get most of there money is the normal drops and cash. youre lucky if you can find a decent drop. The whole thing needs to be reverted. If they need to make a change then they need to start banning the bot accounts and make the farming code a little better. Maybe only farm an area 10times or something before it goes off.
Enchanted Warrior
brian78wa, yes I'm a programmer. Not going to argue, if you think it could not happen you have no clue. But if you can write a program that could never, EVER crash, apply at microsoft.
Originally Posted by Abarra
well having just gone through from gates of kryta to the first portal in hard mode I can tell you farming code is still in effect in hard mode
the drops decreased markedly with each run to the point where I killed over 25 enemies with no drop whatsoever not even cash. Even for a henchie and hero group that is ridiculous, and when I did get drops they were just mergoyle skulls. |
However, as far as this whole patch is concerned, i don't see why so many people are up in arms about it. I understand that some of you like solo farming, and that is fine. At first, Anet decreased solo farming (but countered it with loot not decreasing in zones, as well as better drops in hard mode). Most solo farming builds that could survive in normal mode (i.e. 55 monk, 130 derv, etc) can also last in hard mode. That alone wasn't even that bad of an offset (in my opinion, i am aware many of you posting in anger disagree). However, since they removed the loot scaling for most useful items, while still keeping the rezoning policies, this actually works out better for solo farmers than before (and there are actually threads with people, as well as screenshots of hardcore solo farming varifying this).
Simply posting that you spent 2 hours farming the UW and came up empty on ectos does not constitute a valid research sample, and I think until you conduct adequate testing, you should at least remain optimistic.
I don't farm ectos, I'm not one of the leet farmers who gets away scott free on the update.
I used to get enough gold drops and ettin runes to make it vaguely worthwile farming casually if I needed to buy something for one of my characters.In the past weekend I have got 1 ettin rune and 1 gold drop on my normal farming which I have done all weekend. this makes it pathetically inadequate for me to try and buy anything now for my characters.
In hard mode with henchies - no more gold drops after the first run and I did about ten - so there is farming code you were just lucky sheep.
So to sum up - leet farmers of ectos are still able to farm them. the casual farmer - forget it. the casual player forget it because the drops in groups is laughable, in hard mode get a good run in then forget it because harsh farming code kicks in.
This update has ruined the game for myself and many others and after the SR nerf there are a lot of discontented anet customers. I really think anet need to address this issue further and target the root of the problem, the bots and not their bread and butter, and potential future customers like myself (who incidentally is now not a future customer)
I used to get enough gold drops and ettin runes to make it vaguely worthwile farming casually if I needed to buy something for one of my characters.In the past weekend I have got 1 ettin rune and 1 gold drop on my normal farming which I have done all weekend. this makes it pathetically inadequate for me to try and buy anything now for my characters.
In hard mode with henchies - no more gold drops after the first run and I did about ten - so there is farming code you were just lucky sheep.
So to sum up - leet farmers of ectos are still able to farm them. the casual farmer - forget it. the casual player forget it because the drops in groups is laughable, in hard mode get a good run in then forget it because harsh farming code kicks in.
This update has ruined the game for myself and many others and after the SR nerf there are a lot of discontented anet customers. I really think anet need to address this issue further and target the root of the problem, the bots and not their bread and butter, and potential future customers like myself (who incidentally is now not a future customer)
Farming seems fine to me, I still get the same amounts of greens as before and seem to be getting more rares than usual.
Abarra, while again I am not trying to go against anybody here (and you are all entitled to your own opinions), I still dont see this as the end of the world.
As for me, I have never been much of a farmer, I played through all 3 campaigns with most of my chars (have 10 pve chars on my account) and have always been able to acquire enough for all primary profession skills for each, as well as armors (including several 15k sets). All I am trying to say is that while I dont think of myself as "rich" in the game, I make enough by just playing through it for all the needs I have. But yes, I can understand how people who aspire for the rarer graphic items (valued much higher by the GW economy) may be upset over this.
Personally, I was intrigued when the first patch went live (and was somewhat disappointed when Anet reversed part of it a few hours later. Many people here have stated that when supply drops for certain items, the price will rise, which is true. However, the flip side to that is also that there will be less money floating in the GW market from most players, and as such they will not pay the same prices for such items, causing the price to go down (which is why economics isnt so easy to figure out without seeing in action).
As far as the SR "nerf" (and yes, I know this isnt the right topic for this so I'll make it short), SR was quite powerful in its earlier state, so much so that it enabled necros to not ever need to use any energy management (even though they were given such skills from their primary profession). I haven't noticed too much trouble with my necro since the update myself. I expect that people who have reacted as if the world has ended over the SR patch were highly overreacting.
I am however saddened to hear that you consider the game ruined for yourself (and others), but I am sure that Anet will address the issue after seeing the result this current patch has over the economy. I expect that in a few weeks (when the results will start to show) we can expect a statement from them about the direction they are planning to head on this. I think what is needed more than anything is a trade system (AH or other) to allow casual players to earn income from items they come across (without having to waste hours in outposts trying to sell, and without subjecting others to such spam). Over the past 2 years I have either muled or merch'd many gold and purple items that I simply didnt need instead of selling them as I could not stand having to spam, which I think to casual players is the biggest loss of possible income.
Edit: also, I can vouch for golds still dropping after a long number of runs (though they dont seem to be anywhere near as common as purples) from my weekend experiences (all in hard mode). I do continue to recieve a few golds every now and again (all in the same map on consecutive LB runs).
As for me, I have never been much of a farmer, I played through all 3 campaigns with most of my chars (have 10 pve chars on my account) and have always been able to acquire enough for all primary profession skills for each, as well as armors (including several 15k sets). All I am trying to say is that while I dont think of myself as "rich" in the game, I make enough by just playing through it for all the needs I have. But yes, I can understand how people who aspire for the rarer graphic items (valued much higher by the GW economy) may be upset over this.
Personally, I was intrigued when the first patch went live (and was somewhat disappointed when Anet reversed part of it a few hours later. Many people here have stated that when supply drops for certain items, the price will rise, which is true. However, the flip side to that is also that there will be less money floating in the GW market from most players, and as such they will not pay the same prices for such items, causing the price to go down (which is why economics isnt so easy to figure out without seeing in action).
As far as the SR "nerf" (and yes, I know this isnt the right topic for this so I'll make it short), SR was quite powerful in its earlier state, so much so that it enabled necros to not ever need to use any energy management (even though they were given such skills from their primary profession). I haven't noticed too much trouble with my necro since the update myself. I expect that people who have reacted as if the world has ended over the SR patch were highly overreacting.
I am however saddened to hear that you consider the game ruined for yourself (and others), but I am sure that Anet will address the issue after seeing the result this current patch has over the economy. I expect that in a few weeks (when the results will start to show) we can expect a statement from them about the direction they are planning to head on this. I think what is needed more than anything is a trade system (AH or other) to allow casual players to earn income from items they come across (without having to waste hours in outposts trying to sell, and without subjecting others to such spam). Over the past 2 years I have either muled or merch'd many gold and purple items that I simply didnt need instead of selling them as I could not stand having to spam, which I think to casual players is the biggest loss of possible income.
Edit: also, I can vouch for golds still dropping after a long number of runs (though they dont seem to be anywhere near as common as purples) from my weekend experiences (all in hard mode). I do continue to recieve a few golds every now and again (all in the same map on consecutive LB runs).